Tender Notice No. DSL/ALD/Tender-03/SLI

(Open Tender)
Tender Notice No. DSL/ALD/Tender-03/SLI-CNB/AMC/2014 dated 01.09.2014
Date : 12.09.2014
Divl. Railway
Manager’s office
On behalf of President of India, Sr. DME(O&F)/NCR/ALD invites SEALED OPEN TENDER
on the prescribed form for execution of the following works within the prescribed time limit up to 15:00
Hrs. on 30.10.2014 . The scope of work and other information are given below.
Tender Case No.
Scope of Work
Period for
Cost of
Estimated Cost
of work
Including spares Documents
DSL/ALD/TenderContract (AMC) for Safe Load
03 Years
Rs. 2000.00
03/SLIIndicator System of 140 Ton BD
Crane (make Gottwald) homed at
dated 01.09.2014
Diesel Loco Shed Kanpur
through open tender basis for
the period of three years.
1. Place of availability of tender document Office of the Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer (O&F),
Divisional Railway Manager Office, North Central
Railway, Nawab Yusuf Road ALLAHABAD (UP)
PhoneNo.0532-2407784 Fax No. 0532-2407784
2. Date/Time of availability of
Tender document
3. Date/Time & Place of submissionof Tender
From 15.09.2014 To 30.10.2014 (10:00 Hrs. to 15:00 Hrs.
30.10.2014 up to 15:00 Hrs. in Mech.
Branch, DRM office, Nawab Yusuf Road , Allahabad
4. Date/Time of opening of Tender
On 30.10.2014 at 16:00 Hrs.
5. Cost of Tender document
Rs. 2000/- to be paid in divisional cash
Office, Allahabad (Station Building) in favour of
Sr. DFM/NCR/ALD. (Not refundable).
6. E.M.D @ 2% of total estimated value
7. Validity of Offer of tender
Rs. 17388.00 to be paid in divisional cash
Office Allahabad (station building) or in the
form of DD in favour of Sr.DFM/NCR/ALD.
90 days from the date of opening of tender.
8. Applicability of JVs/Consortium/MOU’s
Signature & Seal of Tenderer
JV’s/Consortium/MOUs shall not be considered.
Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer (O&F)
North Central Railway, Allahabad
9. Tender document will be available during working hours at above against production of cash receipt
of Rs. 2000/- issued by station earning cashier Allahabad. In case, the tender receiving day or the
tender opening day is declared a holiday due to any reason, the tender box shall be closed at the same
time on the next working day and shall be opened at the same time on the subsequent working day.
10 The cost of tender document can be deposited in the form of money receipt issued by the divisional
Cashier (station building) Allahabad under allocation Z-650 in favour of Sr. DFM/NCR/ALD for
purchase of tender document from DRM office mechanical branch Allahabad.
11. In case the tender opening date happens to be holiday the tender will be received and opened on the
next working day at the same time and place.
12. Earnest money should be submitted along with the tender in the form of deposit receipts, pay order,
demand draft in favour of Sr.DFM/NCR/ALD or in cash to be submitted in Divisional cash
(station building) North Central Railway Allahabad and cash receipts thereof should be submitted
along with the tender.
13 Tender form is not transferable.
14. The Tenderer should quote annual service charges for machine as per the terms and conditions given
in the respective tender document.
15. Tenderer must furnish the details of spares to be replaced free of cost during service contract.
16. Railway reserves the right to reject tender without assigning any reason thereof.
Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer (O&F)
North Central Railway, Allahabad
For & on behalf of President of India
Copy to:1. The General Manager/Mech/NCR/Allahabad for kind information please.
2. DRM/NCR/ALD for kind information please.
3. Dy. CVO/NCR/ALD for kind information please.
4. Sr. DSC/RPF/NCR/Allahabad for information and necessary action please
5. Sr. DFM/NCR/ALD with request to kindly ensure to depute a Finance representative
on date and time as mentioned above, for opening of tender at Allahabad.
6. SSE/LOCO/CNB for information and necessary action.
Tender Notice No. DSL/ALD/Tender-03/SLI-CNB/AMC/2014 dated 01.09.2014
The Senior Divisional Mechanical Engineer (O&F) North Central Railway Allahabad
for and on behalf of the President of India, invites SEALED TENDER for the following
Tender No.
Tender Notice No. DSL/ALD/Tender-03/SLI-
CNB/AMC/2014 dated 01.09.2014
Name of Work
AMC of Safe Load Indicator System of 140 Ton BD Crane
Based at CNB for 03 years.
Estimated Cost
Rs. 869394.00 for three years Including cost of spares
Cost of Tender
Rs. 2000.00 not refundable
Address for Tender
Sr. Divisional Mechanical Engineer (O&F) NCR Allahabad
Earnest Money
Rs. 17388.00 (Seventeen Thousand Three Hundred Eighty
Eight Only).
Completion Period
Three Years
Date/Time of
availability of Tender
15.09.2014 to 30.10.2014 (10:00 Hrs. to 15:00 Hrs.)
Date & Time for
submission of Tender
15.09.2014 to 30.10.2014 upto 15:00 Hrs.
Date & Time for
opening of Tender
30.10.2014 at 16:00 Hrs.
www.ncr.indian railways.gov.in
If date of opening of Tender happens to be a holiday it will be opened on next working day on
same time and place Earnest money shown against the work may be deposited in the form of
DDR/FDR on any nationalized Bank in favour of Senior Divisional Finance Manager
NCR/Allahabad. Tenders received without earnest money, conditionally or received through
ordinary post (dak) will not be considered.
Cost of the tender document should be deposited in the form of Demand Draft in favour of Sr.
Divl. Finance Manager, North Central Railway, Allahabad should be attached with downloaded
tender document.
Sr. Divl. Mech. Engineer (O&F)
North Central Railway
Copy to : 1. CPRO/ALD to please publish the notice in various news papers under advise to
office. The advertisement charges in this connection are debited to Allocation no.
2. Sr. EDPM/ALD for loading on NCR website please.