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Chandler C. Friedman
170 Boulevard SE Unit H511 * Atlanta, GA 30312 * 602-920-9752
[email protected] //
Media professional with 14 years’ experience and a solid foundation in product
and user-experience design seeking product manager role.
 Requirements writing – recent projects required documents for improving business
processes in editorial based on business needs and problems
 Wireframe – created wireframes to visually convey and get a level set for requirements
voiced by various departmental stakeholders
 Leadership – led meeting to garner executive support for proposed projects
 5 years of editorial planning, assignment management, and management of staff
 Strong organizational, communication and proactive customer service skills
Recent Projects:
Conceived and negotiated arrangement with third party vendor to provide live cameras from around
the world for affiliate distribution in exchange for on-screen credit.
Conceived and designed software to simplify the sharing of third party material across CNN platforms,
writing product specifications and facilitating project through large organization.
UX-CoE site (UX Center of Excellence website)
Performed user research, stakeholder interviews, IA and design, continuously updating wireframes as
plans evolved, managing the project through site deployment and maintenance.
OmniGraffle, Agile methodology, Responsive design, Web Redesign 2.0, Fireworks, UX Fundamentals,
Photoshop; extensive UX seminars, texts, and publications.
Professional experience:
2011 – Present CNN
Freelance Product Manager / Digital Editor
Atlanta, GA
Worked across departments to develop various improvements to newsgathering systems
Advocate for users during development of newsroom software
Front line newsgathering for all CNN’s networks
Find and filter social media to provide editorial teams updates and ideas
Write wires and find official sources to report live on air
Covered Newtown, Boston bombing, Hurricane Sandy, Ferguson
(Professional experience continues on next page)
Chandler C. Friedman
Professional experience (cont’d):
2009 – 2011
Atlanta, GA
Assignment Editor
Phoenix, AZ
Assignment Editor
Lake Mary, FL
Covered Hurricane Charley in unprecedented busy hurricane season
Conceived and developed an internal newsroom web page
Wrote newsgathering manual; trained staff
Helped struggling newsroom through two newsroom moves in three years
Learned HTML and basic web development skills to build a simple start page for the newsroom,
providing our reporters with easy access to story and reporting resources
Assignment / Webcom Editor
Broke news for market leading newscasts (6 direct competitors)
Developed relationships with very diverse sources throughout the region
Maintained our leadership position in the market at 10pm
Created desk manual, an essential list of contacts and procedures
Built an automated form to request protected information from government agencies that
expedited work by over 50% and regularly provided exclusive follow-up stories
2001 – 2004
Fort Myers, FL
Broke news across CNN networks, earning a Peabody in the process
Found and confirmed info and sources; wrote stories for CNN’s various platforms
Covered the I-35W bridge collapse and ‘08 election
Launched Webcom Desk; wrote manual and trained new hires
Worked with diverse groups to communicate and distribute institutional knowledge
2005 – 2007
Assignment Manager
Managed desk and web editors, putting 56 hours/week of market-leading news on air
Assigned crews, chose stories, and handled transmission logistics
Made editorial calls, established sources, organized far-flung information
Designed and implemented new workflows and raised team’s credibility
2007 – 2009
Emory University
Atlanta, GA
BA in Psychology / AA Oxford of Emory
Virgil and Suzanne Eady Scholarship (merit based)
Computer lab technician
Other activities:
Toastmasters – VP Public relations, holder of CC and CL designations
Atlanta ARES – The Amateur Radio Emergency Service requires FEMA certification and an FCC amateur
radio license to provide communications support for hospitals and law enforcement in times of disaster.
Amateur radio licensee - KM4DBH – Amateur Extra license (the highest level offered, requiring 3 technical
exams, and authorizes access to all available frequencies)