15 sept 2014 Uurrooster afstudeerrichting REVAKI bij inwendige aandoeningen academiejaar 2014-2015 (Enkel de 5 gemeenschappelijke vakken van 2e Master zijn weergegeven) Eerste semester = week 39-51 Week & locatie Datum Lokaal Uren Onderwerp Lesgever (instelling) Di 23-09 C300 – 00.77 (Aud E) L08F6A 9u-9u30 Verwelkoming studenten in aanwezigheid van de coördinatoren van de verschillende instellingen C300 – 00.77 (Aud E) L08F6A 9u30-11u L. Vanhees (KUL), P. Calders (UGent), J. Nijs (VUB) D. Vissers (UA) T. Troosters C300 – 00.81 (Aud D) L08F6A 11u30-13u C300 – 00.81 (Aud D) L08F6A 14u-15u30 C300 – 00.81 (Aud D) L08F6A 16u-17u30 O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) L08F5A 10u30-11u O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) L08F5A 11u0013u00 L08F5A 14u0016u00 Advanced methods in rehabilitation of patients with respiratory disorders Muscle dysfunction in respiratory disease: rationale and assessment Advanced methods in rehabilitation T. Troosters of patients with respiratory disorders Clinical exercise testing: theory and importance in pulmonary rehabilitation Advanced methods in rehabilitation T. Troosters of patients with respiratory disorders Clinical exercise testing: Practical course Advanced methods in rehabilitation T. Troosters of patients with respiratory disorders Pulmonary rehab progr Design Algemene introductie Advanced L. Vanhees Methods in Rehabilitation of Patients with Cardiovascular Disorders Advanced Methods in Rehabilitation J. Van Cleemput of Patients with Cardiovascular Disorders Advanced Methods in Rehabilitation J. Van Cleemput of Patients with Cardiovascular Disorders O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) O&N1 – L08F9A 9u00-11u00 Rehabilitation in critically ill patients R. Gosselink L08F5A 11u0013u00 Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders J. Van Cleemput L08F5A 14u00- Advanced methods in rehabilitation J. Van Cleemput 39 Leuven Leuven 40 Leuven Leuven Wo 2409 Do 25-09 Vr 26-09 Ma 2909 Di 30-09 Wo 0110 1 15 sept 2014 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) 41 Gent 42 Leuven Jette Gent 43 Leuven Do 02-10 Vr 03-10 Ma 0610 Di 07-10 Wo 0810 16u00 of cardiovascular disorders 11u-13u Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders Infosessie over Masterproef Deel 2 en extra info over doctoreren (enkel voor studenten UGent 2e Ma Inwendige/Ouderen) Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders J.De Sutter (UGent) P Calders (UGent) Farmacie sem.zaal 4 Farmacie sem.zaal 4 L08F5A Farmacie sem.zaal 4 L08F5A 14u-16u O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) L08F5A 8u30u10u30 Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders L. Vanhees L08F5A 10u3012u30 Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders J. van Cleemput (KU Leuven) L08F5A 13u3015u30 Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders P. Beckers (UA) L08F9A 16u0018u00 Rehabilitation in critically ill patients R. Gosselink JAuditorium 5 TI K L08F9A 9u-13u Rehabilitation in critically ill patients S. H.-Idrissi (VUB/UZGent) J-Auditorium 5 TI K Farmacie sem.zaal 4 L08F7B 14u-18u Vascular physiotherapy L08F5A 10u12u Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders N. Adriaenssens (VUB) J.De Sutter (UGent) Farmacie sem.zaal 4 L08F5A 13u-15u Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders J.De Sutter (Ugent) C300 – 00.81 (Aud D) L08F6A 8u-10.30u W.Debacker C300 – 00.81 (Aud D) L08F8A 10.30u12.30u C300 – 00.81 L08F6A 14u30-16u Advanced methods in rehabilitation of patients with respiratory disorders Radiology of the Thorax AND sleep Cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic aspects of rehabilitation in children (samen met 2° MA REKI PEDIA – K.U.Leuven) Advanced methods in rehabilitation 13u-13u30 J.De Sutter (UGent) Vr 10-10 Ma 1310 Di 14-10 Wo 1510 Do 16-10 Vr 17-10 Ma 2010 Di 21-10 T. Troosters / B Vrijsen L. Dupont 2 15 sept 2014 (Aud D) of patients with respiratory disorders Cystic fibrosis Cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic aspects of rehabilitation in children (samen met 2° MA REKI PEDIA – K.U.Leuven) Oncology: Chronic and late side effects of cancer treatment Oncology: Psychosocial aspects of cancer Oncology: Physical activity and exercise in cancer survivorship Gent Wo 2210 UZ, auditorium D L08F8A 14u-16u Gent Do 23-10 UZ, leslokaal 227 (2K5) UZ, leslokaal 227 (2K5) UZ, leslokaal 227 (2K5) L08F7B 11u30-13u L08F7B 14u-15u30 L08F7B 15u30-17u J-Auditorium R L08F5A 10u-12u Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders J-B 010/011 L08F8A 12u-13u J-B 010/011 L08F8B 14u-16u Cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic aspects of rehabilitation in children (samen met 2° MA REKI PEDIA – K.U.Leuven) Enkel vragen Cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic aspects of rehabilitation in children (samen met 2° MA REKI PEDIA – K.U.Leuven) C300 – 00.09 (Aud C) L08F8A 10u-13u C300.00.03 (aud A) C300 – 00.77 (Aud E) C300 – 00.77 (Aud E) L08F5A 11u-13u L08F5A 14u-16u L08F5A 16u-18u O&N2 – 04.208 (Aud BMW5) L08F8A 8u30u10u30 O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) L08F9A 11u-13u Jette 44 Leuven Leuven 45 Leuven Vr 24-10 Ma 2710 Di 28-10 Wo 2910 Do 30-10 Vr 31-10 Ma 0311 Di 04-11 Cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic aspects of rehabilitation in children (samen met 2° MA REKI PEDIA – K.U.Leuven) Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders Wettelijke feestdag Academisch verlof Cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic aspects of rehabilitation in children (samen met 2° MA REKI PEDIA – K.U.Leuven) Rehabilitation in critically ill patients D. De Wolf E. Decoene (UZ gent) I. Jacobs (UZ gent) B. Van Ruymbeke (UZ gent) T. Torbeyns (VUB) & R. Meeusen (VUB) A. Malfroot (VUB) F. Van Ginderdeuren (VUB) R. Buys L.Vanhees L.Vanhees D.Hansen (UHasselt) T. Troosters /M Vreys G.Hermans 3 15 sept 2014 Leuven Jette Wo 0511 Do 06-11 C300 – 04.43 (Sem Lok C) C300 – 04.43 (Sem Lok C) C300 – 04.43 (Sem Lok C) J-B 010/011 L08F9A L08F5A 10u3012u30 13u3015u30 16u-18u L08F7B 9u-12u J-B 010/011 L08F7B 13u-16u J-Auditorium 4 L08F7B 16u-17u J Auditorium 4 L08F7B 9u-13u J-Auditorium 4 L08F7B 14u-18u Farmacie sem.zaal 4 Farmacie sem.zaal 4 L08F7B 9u-11u L08F7B 12u-15u Farmacie sem.zaal 4 L08F6A 15u30 – 17u00 C300 – 00.03 (Aud A) L08F6A 9u-10u30 C300 – 00.03 (Aud A) L08F5A 10u3012u30 De Sterre, Auditorium A0 -S9 L08F8A 9u-12u30 UZ Aud K12F L08F8A L08F5A Rehabilitation in Critically Ill patients R. Gosselink Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders Lymphatic therapy in oncology: theory Lymphatic therapy in oncology: practical including case studies and skills training Exercise immunology: applications in internal disorders (online lesson; only time for questions about the lesson) L.Vanhees L.Vanhees N. Adriaenssens (VUB) N. Adriaenssens (VUB) J. Nijs (VUB) Vr 07-11 46 Ma 1011 Di 11-11 Leuven Wo 1211 Do 13-11 Jette Gent Vr 14-11 47 Ma 1711 Di 18-11 Leuven Wo 1911 Do 20-11 Gent Vr 21-11 14u-18u Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia: pathophysiology, psychopathology and rehabilitation guidelines Chronic Fatigue Syndrome & Fibromyalgia: case studies / practical Theory physiotherapy in obesity and diabetes: specific groups Practical course physiotherapy in obesity and diabetes: specific groups Advanced methods in rehabilitation of patients with respiratory disorders Blood gasses Advanced methods in rehabilitation of patients with respiratory disorders Hyperventilation Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders Academisch verlof VUB Verhaegenherdenking Cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic aspects of rehabilitation in children Metabole - pediatrie Cardiovascular, respiratory and metabolic aspects of rehabilitation in children J. Nijs (VUB) / M. Meeus (UA/UGent) M. De Kooning (VUB) P. Calders (UGent) P. Calders (UGent), D. Vissers (Artesis) E. Derom (UGent) L. Stans R. Buys P. Calders (UGent) P. Calders (UGent) 4 15 sept 2014 Metabole - pediatrie 48 Leuven Leuven Jette Gent 49 Leuven Leuven Ma 2411 Di 25-11 Wo 2611 Do 27-11 Vr 28-11 Ma 0112 Di 02-12 Wo 0312 C300 – 04.43 (Sem Lok C) L08F9A 9u-10u30 Rehabilitation in critically ill patients G. Hermans C300 – 04.43 (Sem Lok C) L08F9A 11u-13u Rehabilitation in critically ill patients G. Hermans C300 – 04.43 (Sem Lok C) L08F6A 14u-16u T.Troosters C300 – 04.43 (Sem Lok C) L08F6A 16u30-18u O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) J-Auditorium TI K L08F5A 11u-13u Advanced methods in rehabilitation of patients with respiratory disorders Case Reports Advanced methods in rehabilitation of patients with respiratory disorders Pulmonary Rehabilitation in COPD; specific interventions Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders L08F5A 14u-16u Advanced methods in rehabilitation of cardiovascular disorders L.Vanhees L08F9A 16u-18u Rehabilitation in critically ill patients R. Gosselink L08F7B 10u-12u Exercise training in patients with obesity: ‘state of the art’ J-Auditorium 4 L08F7B 13u-14u Exercise training in type II diabetes J-Auditorium 4 L08F7B 14u-16u Exercise intensity determination in obese and type II diabetes patients. UZ, leslokaal 227 (2K5) UZ, leslokaal 227 (2K5) L08F7B 9u3012u30 13u3017u30 Organ transplantation D. Hansen (UHasselt/VUB) & R. Meeusen (VUB) D. Hansen (Uhasselt/VUB) & R. Meeusen (VUB) D. Hansen (Uhasselt/VUB) & R. Meeusen (VUB) S. Pardaens (Ugent) P. Calders (UGent) C300 – 04.43 (Sem Lok C) C300 – 04.43 (Sem Lok C) C300 – 00.08 (Aud B) C300 – 00.77 (Aud E) L08F9A O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud L08F6A L08F7B L08F9A L08F9A L08F6A Theory and Practical course physiotherapy in obesity and diabetes: specific groups T.Troosters L.Vanhees 08u3010u30 11u-13u Rehabilitation in critically ill patients D. Testelmans Rehabilitation in critically ill patients D. Testelmans 13u3015u30 16u-18u Rehabilitation in critically ill patients R.Gosselink Advanced methods in rehabilitation of patients with respiratory disorders Auscultation Advanced methods in rehabilitation of patients with respiratory disorders W. Janssens 08u3010u00 T.Troosters 5 15 sept 2014 Pentalfa) Gent Do 04-12 Physiotherapy in the prevention of postoperative pulmonary complications after thoracic surgery Advanced methods in rehabilitation of patients with respiratory disorders Thoracic Surgery O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa) L08F6A 10u30-12u O&N2 – 04.201 (Aud BMW6) O&N2 – 04.201 (Aud BMW6) UZ, leslokaal 227 (2K5) L08F9A 13u-14u30 Rehabilitation in critically ill patients R.Gosselink L08F6A 14u3016u00 T.Troosters L08F6A 14u30-16u L08F6A 16u1517u45 Advanced methods in rehabilitation of patients with respiratory disorders Closing the courses Advanced methods in rehabilitation of patients with respiratory disorders Aerosol therapy Advanced methods in rehabilitation of patients with respiratory disorders Oxygen therapy UZ, leslokaal 227 (2K5) P. De Leyn E. Derom (UGent) E. Derom (Ugent) Vr 05-12 50 51 Ma 0812 Di 09-12 Wo 1012 Do 11-12 Vr 12-12 Ma 1512 Di 16-12 Wo 1712 Do 18-12 Vr 19-12 Locaties te Leuven: C300 00.77 Aud E / 00.81 Aud D / 00.09 Aud C / 00.03 Aud A / 04.43 Seminarielokaal C: Instituut voor Mechanica, Celestijnenlaan 300, 3001 HEVERLEE GHB O&N1 – 04.543 (Aud Pentalfa): 4de verdiep, UZ Gasthuisberg Onderwijs en Navorsing 1, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven GHB O&N2 – 04.208 (BMW 5): lokaal 04.208 – Biomedische wetenschappen 5, 4de verdiep, UZ Gasthuisberg Onderwijs en Navorsing 2, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven GHB O&N2 – 04.201 (BMW 6): lokaal 04.201 – Biomedische wetenschappen 5, 4de verdiep, UZ Gasthuisberg Onderwijs en Navorsing 2, Herestraat 49, 3000 Leuven Locaties te Brussel: Vrije Universiteit Brussel, (medische) campus Jette, Laarbeeklaan 103, 1090 Brussel (wegbeschrijving beschikbaar via http://www.vub.ac.be/infoover/campussen/#campus2) Locaties te Gent: Campus Universitair Ziekenhuis Gent / Universiteit Gent, 9000 Gent: Routebeschrijving: http://www.ugent.be/ge/nl/contact/bereikbaarheid - Leslokaal 227 : gebouw K5, 2e verdieping - auditorium D - auditorium K12F 6 15 sept 2014 Campus Farmacie: Routebeschrijving: http://www.ugent.be/fw/nl/onderzoek/geneesmiddelenleer/labfbt/contact/routebeschrijving.html - seminariezaal 4: overkant UZ Campus (routebeschrijving: Campus De Sterre: Routebeschrijving: http://www.ugent.be/we/nl/diensten/ipvw-ices/contact/locaties/sterre - auditorium A0 – S9: 7
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