Recent research on reducing salt Dr. Stacy Pyett NIZO food research B.V. [email protected] Joint Workshop on strategies to reduce salt or other selected nutrients in processed foods 20 March 2014 Together to the next level Salt Introducing NIZO food research • • • • • Independent, private contract research company for the food industry Founded in 1948, now leading European research company Roots in dairy industry Working with customers to achieve their goals HQ in “Food Valley” in The Netherlands • • • • HQ - Ede, The Netherlands Offices abroad: France - Mr. Damien Lemaire Offices in France, UK, USA, Japan 200 professionals State-of-the-art facilities & foodgrade processing centre ISO 9001:2000 certified Togethertotothe thenext nextlevel level Together Processing centre Application centre UK - Dr. Jean Banks USA / Canada - Dr. Ralf Jäger Japan - Dr. Maykel Verschueren Research centre 2 Some of our clients Together to the next level (and who allow us to tell) 3 Setting the scene Recommendation in EU countries: 6g/day NaCl in foods Taste Aroma Texture Consumer appreciation Together to the next level 4 Our approaches for salt reduction Recommendation in EU countries: 6g/day 1. Stepwise gradual reduction over time (stealth) 2. Salt replacement 3. Texture control & multi-sensory interactions: Enhance taste perception by texture and aroma 4. Natural taste boosters Together to the next level 5 Salt replacement replacement • Replacement of Na+ by • cations such as K+, NH4+, Ca2+ or • anions such as PO43- or glutamates. • Problem: do not have the same clean taste properties…. • Most common replacer: KCl which exhibits bitter, chemical and metallic notes • KCl in mixture with NaCl: up to 50% Na+ replacement possible; depending on the product (meat, bread, soups etc.) Together to the next level 6 Salt replacement replacement • Commercial mixture of NaCl and KCl: E.g. Esco salt, Losalt, Pansalt, Salona, Salt Rite, SaltTrim, Saltwise, Sea salt, Sea Saltrim, Soda – Lo, sub4salt, Symsalt, micro-crystalline salt (for dry applications). • Taste enhancers; E.g. Yeast extracts, HVP, aromas, soy sauce, mushroom extracts. • Almost half of Na+ is removed and replaced with KCl, MgSO4 and L-lysine hydrochloride • Na+ is reduced 43% • Relative saltiness compared to NaCl is 70% • Problem with bitterness of K+, and Mg2+ • KCl off-note masking by addition of MSG, NH4Cl, or amino acids • CaCl2: bitter, salty, sour, metallic, astringent at 100mM and higher… Together to the next level 7 Salt replacement replacement • KCl, MgSO4 , L-lysine hydrochloride, MSG, NH4Cl, amino acids or CaCl2 • E-numbers, “horrible” chemical names • Different consumer connotation than salt or sea-salt Together to the next level 8 Mechanism of salt perception Together to the next level 9 Salt replacement replacement • Clean of friendly label solutions: 1. Increase salt perception of the salt in the product 2. Use authentic food components as salt replacer systems Together to the next level 10 Tastant release optimization texture control “free salt” “bound salt” Na+ availability for taste receptors Together to the next level Availability of salt for being tasted 11 Tastant release optimization texture control “free salt” “bound salt” Tastant concentration P1 P2 P3 in-mouth tastant release Na+ availability for taste receptors Tastant concentration T1 T2 T3 in-mouth tastant release Together to the next level time time 12 Serum release in gels boosts taste intensity texture control 100 0.04% gellan 90 80 0.03% gellan Sweetness 70 60 • Increase of serum release by 5x allows sugar reduction by 30% No gellan • Principle also works for salt. 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 5 10 Fructose concentration (g/ 100 g) Together to the next level 15 (Sala et al. Food Hydrocolloids, 2009) 13 Example: lean pork meat + gellan gum for enhanced serum release in sausages 15 to 40% NaCl reduction in sausages without taste loss* reference more serum Serum release boosts Saltiness and Juiciness Together to the next level * Vd Velde & Adamse, submitted 14 Salt release from sausage • Health-conscious consumers look for lower sodium intake but don’t compromise on taste Up to 40% sodium reduced sausages with same salty taste • Salt and other tastants are perceived better in liquids than in solids • By creating juicy sausages which release salt in the serum (juice) salty perception was increased • Lean pork sausages with gellan gum release more serum due to microphase separation • NIZO offers texture solutions to increase tastant perception Together to the next level van de Velde & Adamse, New Food (2013, issue 2), 25 van de Velde & Adamse, VMT (2013 , issue 8/9), 17 Salt replacement replacement • Clean of friendly label solutions: 1. Increase salt perception of the salt in the product Taste orbitofrontal cortex Smell Vision integrated response to all stimuli Hearing Touch Study objective: To understand the mechanisms of the interactions between texture and taste in order to reduce the content of sodium salts in foods Together to the next level 16 Taste: detection of concentration levels? Level detection: How much in a specific time window ∑receptors Signal goes up if: concentration increases more receptors involved Taste system with level detectors as receptors and subsequent spatial integrator: 1. cannot explain adaptation, 2. cannot explain pulsation-induced taste enhancement. Harold Bult / Pangborn 2011 / The Transient Nature of Taste Together to the next level 17 Taste: detection of concentration change? ∑receptors Change detection: How much change in a specific time window Signal goes up if: concentration increases more receptors involved local concentrations fluctuate more Taste system with change detectors as receptors and spatial integrator: 1. Explains adaptation: reduction of local concentration contrasts over time. 2. Explains pulsation-induced taste enhancement for the mere fluctuating nature of the stimulus. 3. Explains tongue movement effects on adaptation (Theunissen & Kroeze) Not a new idea at all: Meiselman & Halpern (1973) called this “serial phasic receptor responses”: observed in rat chorda tympani responses to taste. Harold Bult / Pangborn 2011 / The Transient Nature of Taste Together to the next level 18 Controlling the proximal taste stimulus suction inlets stimulus in suction stimulus out tongue spacer • Stimulation area ~ 200 mm2 • VolStimulus chamber = 0.7 mL • At 30 mL min-1: refresh in 1.44 s Together to the next level Lashley cups 19 Experimental setup Water Tastant + water Out Water Tastant + water Continuous: Pulsed in phase: Left Left Left Right Right Right Positive taste flank Together to the next level Pulsed out of phase: Total tastant = 50%! 20 Taste thresholds Together to the next level 21 Setup • • • • Sucrose, NaCl and Citric Acid solutions in water N = 10 2-AFC: which of two is the tastant? Three stimulus conditions: • • • Continuous taste (L+R) vs water Pulsed taste in phase (L+R) vs water Pulsed taste out of phase (L+R) vs water • Pulses 2s on, 2s off • All stimuli x 6 Together to the next level 22 Results P correct 1.00 0.80 0.60 • Average number of correct identifications clearly above chance (Pcorrect > 0.5) 0.40 0.20 0.00 sweet sour salty • Continuous stimuli equally detectable for all tastants tastant • Citric acid and NaCl easier detected when pulsed 1.00 0.90 0.80 0.70 0.60 0.50 0.40 0.30 0.20 0.10 0.00 continuous • Sucrose? in phase out phase sweet sour • Phase does not matter salty pulsation Together to the next level 23 Approach: Spatial distribution of tastants texture control • Mixed agar/gelatin gels with four layers varying in tastant concentration 2 mm 10 10 10 10 inhomogeneous 8 mm homogeneous 15 5 15 5 20 mm • • • Overall tastant concentration constant 10% Concentration gradients stable for 30 minutes → gels freshly assembled 2-AFC tests with naïve consumers and trained QDA panelists Together to the next level 24 Inhomogeneity of tastant enhances intensity allowing to reduce tastant by more than 20% texture control 250 200 Reference 150 Together to the next level p<0.0001 0/ 0 12 12 12 12 /4 2/ 1 0 0 0 40 40 /0 2/ 1 2 /0 /0 40 /0 0 20 0 20 12 /1 15 5 /2 /1 15 5 0/ 0 0 20 /0 10 10 10 p <0.05 p=0.8 50 15 /5 10 p=0.49 100 p<0.0001 Sample 5/ 5 Number of answers 300 0 40 0 40 25 Layer position does not affect taste intensity texture control 200 150 Reference 100 Sample 50 150 Reference 100 Sample 50 0 0 0/20/20/0 0 20 20 0 Number of answers Number of answers 200 20/0/0/20 20/0/20/0 20 0 0 20 20 0 20 0 40/0/0/0 40 0 0 0 0/40/0/0 0 40 0 0 (Mosca et al. in preparation) Together to the next level 26 Translation of concept to bread applications* texture control • Vary spatial distribution of salt in breads using different methodologies Homogeneous salt distribution Mixing of dough layers with different salt contents Encapsulated salt to create salty spots *Noort, Stieger, Bult, Hamer, with TIFN/TNO Together to the next level 27 Inhomogeneous salt distribution in bread remains relatively stable over time •Without any additional measures: Concentration gradients fade in time •Development of CLSM method to quantify Na+ migration 1% NaCl 1.2 cm 0.25% NaCl Together to the next level 1.5% NaCl 2% NaCl 3% NaCl 4 cm texture control 28 Saltiness perception: Consumer study with large sensory contrast 4 cm 2 cm • 64 consumers (duplicates, randomized) • Saltiness intensity ratings Overall NaCl Contrast ratio (%fb) between layers 1.00 1:1 1.00 1:9 1.50 1:1 1.50 1:12 1.73 1:1 1.73 1:11 2.00 1:1 Harold Bult / Pangborn 2011 / The Transient Nature of Taste Together to the next level 29 Saltiness of bread decreases upon salt reduction 100 1.0% NaCl 1.5% NaCl 1.73% NaCl 2% NaCl 90 80 70 Saltiness D 60 C 50 BC 40 30 20 A Noort, Bult, Stieger, Hamer, J. Cereal Science 2010 10 0 1:1 1:1 1:1 contrast ratio low:high salt layers Together to the next level 1:1 WO 2009/108058 & WO 2009/108057 30 Saltiness enhancement by inhomogeneous salt distribution 100 1.0% NaCl 1.5% NaCl 1.73% NaCl 2% NaCl 90 80 E DE 70 Saltiness D 60 C 50 BC B 40 30 20 A Noort, Bult, Stieger, Hamer, J. Cereal Science 2010 10 0 1:1 1:9 1:1 1:12 1:1 contrast ratio low:high salt layers Together to the next level 1:11 1:1 WO 2009/108058 & WO 2009/108057 31 Saltiness enhancement by inhomogeneous salt distribution 100 1.0% NaCl 1.5% NaCl 1.73% NaCl 2% NaCl 90 80 E DE 70 Saltiness D 60 C 50 BC B 40 30 20 A Noort, Bult, Stieger, Hamer, J. Cereal Science 2010 10 0 1:1 1:9 1:1 1:12 1:1 contrast ratio low:high salt layers Together to the next level 1:11 1:1 WO 2009/108058 & WO 2009/108057 32 Saltiness enhancement by inhomogeneous salt distribution 100 1.0% NaCl 1.5% NaCl 1.73% NaCl 2% NaCl 90 80 E DE 70 Saltiness D 60 C 50 BC B 40 30 20 A Noort, Bult, Stieger, Hamer, J. Cereal Science 2010 10 0 1:1 1:9 1:1 1:12 1:1 contrast ratio low:high salt layers Together to the next level 1:11 1:1 WO 2009/108058 & WO 2009/108057 33 Saltiness enhancement by inhomogeneous salt distribution 100 1.0% NaCl 1.5% NaCl 1.73% NaCl 2% NaCl 90 80 E DE 70 Saltiness D 60 C 50 BC B 40 30 20 A x2 Noort, Bult, Stieger, Hamer, J. Cereal Science 2010 10 0 1:1 1:9 1:1 1:12 1:1 contrast ratio low:high salt layers Together to the next level 1:11 1:1 WO 2009/108058 & WO 2009/108057 34 Salt reduction in bread without loss of taste 80 70 60 28% reduction Saltiness 50 40 30 20 Noort, Bult, Stieger, Hamer, J. Cereal Science 2010 10 0 0,8 0,9 1,0 1,1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,5 1,6 1,7 1,8 1,9 2,0 NaCl (%fb) homogeneous salt distribution 1:1 Together to the next level heterogeneous salt distribution ~1:10 2,1 2,2 WO 2009/108058 & WO 2009/108057 35 Inhomogeneous salt distribution: taste concentration contrast texture control “The intensity of a taste stimulus changes with the intensity of a second taste stimulus of different concentration if presented in sufficient temporal proximity:” The inner circle appears to be bigger. Together to the next level The layered bread appears to be saltier. 36 1st Summary • Salt replacement • Possible with cation/anion mixtures • Up to 50% replacement depending on the product • Off-notes • Consumer reaction: Additives, E-numbers, artificial and not authentic • Texture control • Exposure • Release • Concentration contrast • Up to 30% replacement depending on the product; • No off-notes Together to the next level 37 Taste-odor interactions in chewing gum menthone mint intensity sucrose • • Perceived mint flavour follows sucrose rather than menthone release Perceptual interaction between taste and aroma compounds (Davidson 1999) Together to the next level 38 Odor-induced saltiness enhancement multi-sensorial • Odors can enhance salt taste • …if matching the taste and texture qualities of a product • Clean-label application requires the identification of salt taste boosting aromatic components in the natural aroma Lawrence et al. 2009 Together to the next level 39 Aroma induced taste enhancement multi-sensorial Definition: modification in perceived taste intensity in the presence of an odour Example: a salty product will taste saltier in the presence of a savory aroma even though the aroma possess no taste properties Together to the next level 40 Screening for aroma-taste enhancement multi-sensorial TRAINED PANEL taste intensity GUSTOMETER GAS CHROMATOGRAPH aroma separation + delivery taste delivery 1. 2. odorless pulse (reference) aroma pulse water rinse taste pulse water rinse taste pulse Screening for aroma-taste interaction. An aroma mixture is separated by gas chromatography into sub-fractions which are one-by-one tested together with a taste solution given by a Gustometer. Trained panelists assess taste intensity without aroma (1., reference) to the taste solution with aroma (2.). Together to the next level 41 Example: meat aroma multi-sensorial 3 out of 31 fractions showed significant saltiness enhancement properties p<0.05 (binomial). Tested by n=10 people in duplicate 17% saltiness enhancement Fractions with salt enhancing activity: Together to the next level P= 0.002 P= 0.05 P= 0.02 42 Taste coupled to aroma intensity Profile; LS Means Current effect: F(2, 177)=8.3325, p=.00035 Effective hypothesis decomposition Vertical bars denote 0.95 confidence intervals aroma profiles 6.0 aroma intensity 5.5 5.0 4.5 sb_int 4.0 3.5 3.0 olfactometer 6.0 A a B b Profile; LS Means Current effect: F(2, 177)=2.5964, p=.07738 Profile Effective hypothesis decomposition Vertical bars denote 0.95 confidence intervals C c Taste intensity 5.8 5.6 5.4 5.2 5.0 sw_int 4.8 4.6 4.4 4.2 4.0 A a Bb Cc Profile Together to the next level 43 Taste enhancement by non-volatile compounds taste boosting Taste enhancement due to interaction at taste receptors: very salty 1% NaCl + booster 1% NaCl not salty at all Hypothesis: “Taste booster evokes larger neural response due to synergistic interactions at taste receptor.” Together to the next level 44 Screening for taste boosters taste boosting taste fractionation • isolation • enrichment • identification dynamic taste delivery Sensorial evaluation • temporal changes • intensity changes • taste-taste interactions A. taste enhancement • sweet, salty B. taste masking • bitterness Together to the next level 45 combined approach Part 1 Screening • Sample selection • evaluation of aroma or taste enhancement/masking effects Part 2 Fractionation • Aroma or taste fractionation of selected product. • Identification of active fractions by expert panel Part 3 Identification • Purification and identification of active components through analytical methods (NMR, MS) Part 4 Application test Part 5 Upscaling Fractionation Fraction 1 Fraction 2 Fraction 3 Fraction 2.1 Fraction 2.2 Fraction 2.3 Fraction 2.3.1 Fraction 4 Fraction 2.3.2 • Activity of active fraction in target food products • Investigate the best method to obtain large amounts of active compounds. natural taste enhancement Combining food-grade separations and micro-sensory testing: Applied to: sweetness, salt and umami anhancement Together to the next level 46 Taste, odour and texture can be independently offered for sensory evaluation Sensoric evaluation NIZO Olfactometer NIZO Gustometer Studying “cross modal interactions” Together to the next level 47 2nd Summary • Aroma induced taste enhancement • Natural solution, no labeling issue if of product origin • Increased consumer preference • Up to 20% NaCl reduction • Easy to identify • Aroma is often product specific • Taste booster • Natural solution, no labeling issue if of product origin • Increased consumer preference • Up to 20% NaCl reduction • Booster difficult to identify (expensive; patents) Together to the next level 48 Overall conclusions Our ways to enhance saltiness perception: • • • • • by using salt replacers by increasing spatial heterogeneity of salt distribution by increasing serum release from food matrix by using saltiness enhancing aromas by using taste boosters Outlook • Product tailored applications • Combination of different strategies to achieve synergy Together to the next level 49 Together to the next level 50
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