FARRRS Newsletter2

Carillion Project Newsletter Issue 02 ‐ August 2014 Progress Update ‐ Structures BKS Bridge BKS bridge abutments and wing walls are complete. 27 pre‐cast beams have been lifted in across the railway line during weekend rail possessions whilst the line was closed to trains. The 2 edge beams weighed 75 Tonnes each and were placed with the largest mobile crane in the country. Work on the deck construction has now progressed to allow the road to be constructed when the embankments on either side are filled up to level. River Torne Bridge The River Torne Bridge at Rossington Link is now substantially complete. The bridge beams were placed across the river and a concrete slab cast on top of the beams to form the bridge deck. This deck was then waterproofed with a spray on coating to seal and protect the concrete. The steel parapets have been fitted to the sides of the bridge to act as vehicle crash restraints for the road traffic which will use the bridge. Mother Drain Bridge at Parrots Corner The excavation to form a platform for the piling rig is complete with the soft ground encountered between the mother drain and river torne having been excavated and replaced with stone. Continuous Flight Auger Piles were then installed which were 600mm diameter concrete piles extending to the bed rock about 12m below ground level. Nearly 100 piles were installed to transmit the loads from the bridge to bed rock. Construction of the bridge bases is now under way inside temporary sheet pile coffer dams. These coffer dams are required to keep out ground water from the construction zone because the work is being carried out below the natural water table. The bridge bases are constructed by fixing reinforcement bars to form steel cages and then concrete is pumped in to form the 1m thick bases. River Torne Bridge at Parrots Corner Continuous Flight Auger Piling is now underway after extensive earthworks to remove peat and soft ground. Works to strengthen the river banks was also required and before this could be done, a silt curtain was set up in the river to stop contamination of the river and ensure the river water remained clear. East Coast Mainline Bridge Pile matt installation on the west side is complete. The test pile has been completed to enable the piling design to be completed along with a test sheet pile drive to determine the extents of the temporary works required. Due to the close proximity to the railway various temporary works has to be installed to ensure there is no movement of the track during our construction works. Monitoring of the rail tracks is carried out daily to ensure our works are not affecting the rail infrastructure. Photos of the BKS beam lift Progress Update ‐ Road Works The glorious British summer has resulted in good progress on the scheme in June and July, with 110,000m3 of fill being placed between the BKS and ECML bridges through this period. The area of peat below the proposed embankment has now been removed and filled with inert material, drainage works have been completed from Bankwood roundabout to the BKS and sub base placement will be commencing in the next couple of weeks with a view to placing tarmac from the M18 to Bankwood and down Rossington Link into the former colliery through September and October. The installation of services for the other developments is commencing next week from Rossington and a 300m section of the link road has been completed to ease the installation and provide a laydown area for their works. Rakes Lane has now been diverted through the permanent subway and the track completed. This route is currently closed to the public due to the volume of construction traffic but subject to the other developers may re‐open early next year. We have taken advantage of the school holidays to progress fill operations, via the road network, to the east side of the ECML, which will hopefully reduce the impact of this essential section of the works and reduce the overall duration of the project. The Greenway has been diverted temporarily away from the ECML along a temporary tarmac footway to the west of the permanent alignment through a new subway which is also nearing completion With the imminent completion of the BKS bridge we are on schedule to open the first section of the scheme for construction traffic to the IPort and housing development early in 2015. Top, earthworks completion over Rakes Lane Subway with the BKS beam lift in the background Bottom, peat replacement at Bankwood roundabout For further information visit www.doncaster.gov.uk/FARRRS | If you have any queries please call 01302 735 122 1 Carillion Project Newsletter Issue 02 ‐ August 2014 Community Liaison Free Planters Our site team have distributed planters to local schools and community groups. The planters became available through a different Carillion scheme but due to the large number available a number were offered to the FARRRS project. Local groups and schools were contacted to see if they could make use of them and the planters were delivered and filled with soil by our site operatives. Planters were given to Rossington Miners Welfare, Rossington Tornedale Infant School, Bright Sparks Day Nursery, Rossington St Michaels C of E Primary School, Rossington Crown Green Bowls Club and Amethyst House Care Home. Some of the planters at Rossington Miner’s Welfare Work Placements A work placement student from Balby Carr Community Academy spent two weeks at our site offices, shadowing various members of our team. He was able to experience many of the different aspects of civil engineering contracting after spending time with our project management, engineering, operational and commercial teams. He also spent a day working in Doncaster Council’s civic office. Two students from other schools also spent a day with the FARRRS site team as part of their work placements with Doncaster Council. Give and Gain Day As part of BiTC’s 2014 Give and Gain Day, the FARRRS team carried out works at Rossington Miner’s Welfare. Give and Gain Day is the UK’s only national day of employee volunteering and Carillion encourage company wide involvement. The FARRRS team reconstructed 30mts of fencing at Rossington Miner’s Welfare which had blown over during the winter, by digging out the existing holes and re‐erecting the fence with stronger concrete. The repaired fencing at Rossington Miner’s Welfare Rossington Party in the Park We were asked if we could provide fencing for the event. Our Supply Chain Partner, Speedy, kindly agreed to supply this free of charge and it was erected by members of our site office staff. School Liaison We recently gave a safety presentation to the pupils of Rossington Tornedale Infant School warning the children of the dangers of playing on construction sites. It also covered road and level crossing safety. A poster competition was launched after this presentation and we have included details of this presentation and the posters we received in our School Liaison Newsletter, which can be found at www.doncaster.gov.uk/FARRRS. Tornedale School also asked if we would give a presentation to the reception class, as they had asked their teacher the question ‘How do builders build roads?’. Our Project Manager prepared a short presentation which he then gave to the class on 17 July. We made the presentation as interactive as possible, and provided samples of materials we use on site for the children. We also took examples of the protective clothing worn by our construction workers, which were kindly modelled by the children’s teacher, Ms Lockwood. We hope to go back to Tornedale to do more work with the children, possibly involving bridge construction. Above right, our Project Manager Michael Widdicks giving the presentation Left, Ms Lockwood modelling the protective clothing 2 For further information visit www.doncaster.gov.uk/FARRRS | If you have any queries please call 01302 735 122