Capital Project Status Report Project Updated: 10/13/2014 Bid Opening Engineerʹs Estimate Low Bid Contractor Award Date Notice to Proceed Estimated Completion Corp Yard Parking Pavement Maint 07/22/2014 $120,000 $101,317 Northwest Paving 08/19/2014 09/11/2014 11/07/2014 SR2S Sequoia/Cypress (State) 05/29/2014 $265,900 $292,279 The Builders, Inc. 06/17/2014 07/09/2014 08/25/2014 SR2S Shasta Meadows (State) 05/29/2014 $110,000 The Builders, Inc. 06/17/2014 CCWWTP Solids Handling Facility 07/31/2014 $5,500,000 Cushman Contracting 08/19/2014 09/11/2014 12/31/2015 Eddie Axner Construction 08/19/2014 09/03/2014 10/08/2014 Bobby Martin 09/16/2014 Project Status: Construction Palisades Trail $5,376,280 09/12/2014 $340,000 CCWWTP Sludge Removal 2014 07/29/2014 $50,000 $46,904 Westside Rd 16ʺ WM @ Canyon Crk 08/07/2014 $164,650 $137,684 Lift Station Grinders 05/15/2014 $850,000 $886,000 RTA Construction, Inc. 06/03/2014 06/23/2014 01/30/2015 Trinity Area Sewer Improvements 04/17/2014 $1,700,000 $957,987 Eddie Axner Construction 05/06/2014 05/07/2014 11/01/2014 Twin View Bridge Replacement 05/29/2012 $3,548,619 $3,605,050 Shasta Constructors 06/19/2012 07/12/2012 07/01/2014 Softball Park Restroom 01/23/2014 $85,000 $85,690 All‐American Const 05/06/2014 06/03/2014 12/15/2014 ADA Curb Ramps/Sidewalk Repair 2013‐ 05/15/2014 $220,000 $22,963 Roy Allen King Construction 06/17/2014 08/04/2014 10/29/2014 Police Facility 04/02/2014 $5,790,000 $5,724,686 Randy Hill Construction 04/21/2014 05/06/2014 06/01/2015 Overlay 2014 05/29/2014 $1,450,000 $1,402,322 Tullis Inc. 06/17/2014 07/08/2014 10/24/2014 Cape Seal 2014 06/04/2014 $1,000,000 $835,846 Telfer Highway Technologie 06/17/2014 07/21/2014 09/12/2014 Muni Airport Terminal Expansion 08/25/2011 $6,500,000 $6,838,914 Danco 09/20/2011 12/12/2011 09/30/2014 Hilltop & Lake Water Main 09/18/2014 $440,000 $429,155 Stimple Wieblehaus 10/07/2014 Reservoir Cleaning & Inspections 09/18/2014 $190,700 $175,464 Inland Potable Serv. 10/07/2014 Benton Wash Rack 07/24/2014 $300,000 $254,942 RTA Construction, Inc. 09/02/2014 South St Sewer 10/20/2014 $680,000 Old City Hall R‐roof 09/23/2014 $40,000 RABA Facility Improvements 09/25/2014 $425,000 Promenade Bathroom Remodel 02/02/2015 $59,000 Oasis Widening/Twin View Realign 04/01/2015 $5,300,000 Project Status: Contract Process Project Status: Advertised 11/04/2014 10/20/2014 Project Status: Design $192,600 03/02/2015 05/01/2015 12/01/2014 Project Bid Opening Engineerʹs Estimate Hill 900 18ʺ WM 11/13/2014 $500,000 12/02/2014 FWTP Improvements 04/24/2015 $1,725,000 05/20/2015 San Francisco Sewer 03/15/2015 $1,800,000 04/15/2015 Convention Center Glazing 09/20/2014 $270,000 01/20/2015 Quartz Hill Rd Realignment 03/01/2015 $2,500,000 04/01/2015 Sacramento Dr Bridge over Olney Creek 04/01/2016 $2,000,000 05/01/2016 ADA Curb Ramps 2014 11/13/2014 $60,000 12/02/2014 SWWTP Re‐roof Low Bid Contractor Award Date $4,000,000 Magnolia Area WM Improvement 03/01/2015 $1,600,000 04/01/2015 S Bonnyview Bridge WM Repair 11/25/2014 $360,000 12/16/2014 Placer St Improv. Airpark‐Boston 03/01/2016 $4,813,520 03/17/2016 04/01/2015 $2,050,000 05/01/2015 S Redding Bike & Ped Imprv. Benton CHP Hangar Doors $270,000 Olney Creek Levee Study RABA Matox Bldg Demo $25,000 Lake Redding Interceptor 05/01/2016 $3,500,000 Old Oregon Trail HSIP 03/01/2016 $1,000,000 Victor Ave Improvements HSIP 08/15/2015 RABA Bus Solar Canopy 02/16/2015 Well & Pump Station Upgrades 06/01/2016 09/02/2015 $600,000 03/01/2015 $420,000 Twin View Water Main 05/01/2015 $615,000 06/01/2015 Bunker/Willis SD 04/01/2015 $250,000 05/01/2015 Bonnyview SRTS (Fed) 04/01/2015 $380,000 05/15/2015 Well 25 ‐ Property Acquisition $80,000 Buenaventura Widening (HSIP) 03/01/2015 $1,100,000 04/01/2015 Old Alturas Bridge over Churn Creek 04/01/2016 $3,000,000 05/15/2016 Transfer Station Bale Storage 06/01/2015 $2,300,000 07/01/2015 Locust Lift Station ‐ ROW $160,000 E Cypress Median (HSIP) 02/15/2015 Churn Creek Rd Widening (HSIP) 04/01/2015 EW 13 Wellhead Treatment Estimated Completion $60,000 Westside Interceptor Phase 3 Old Alturas Widening Notice to Proceed $250,000 03/15/2015 $591,900 05/01/2015 $140,000 04/01/2015 Project Foothill WTP Reservoir Rehab Bid Opening Engineerʹs Estimate 11/13/2014 $350,000 Low Bid Contractor Award Date 12/02/2014 Project Status: Scoping T/S Victor at Old Alturas $1,000,000 City Hall Break Room Overhang $75,000 RPD Building Re‐roof $170,000 Downtown Mall Alley Shasta View Ext. Collyer‐Manzanoaks Lake Blvd/Keswick Dam Rd TS $300,000 Eastside Rd Bridge over Olney Creek Westside Rd 16ʺ WM @ Clear Crk City Hall Pool Car Parking Expansion $750,000 08/01/2011 $100,000 Canyon Rd Bridge over ACID Cypress Booster Pump Station Boulder Creek Interceptor Phs 3 $486,000 $2,700,000 TS Victor/Galaxy Westside Rd Bridge over Canyon Hollow Sharon Ave Bridge over ACID Stillwater Business Park 2A Girvan Rd Bridge over Olney Creek Eastside Rd Bridge over Canyon Hollow Victor Avenue Realignment $4,100,000 08/16/2011 Notice to Proceed Estimated Completion
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