GRADE – I Session – 2014-2015 FIRST TERM PLANNER - 2014 DATE 1-4-14 To 12-4-14 14-4-14 To 25-4-14 28-4-14 To 9-5-14 12-5-14 To 17-5-14 ENGLISH Literature : Lesson 1 – I Love My School Lang. : Phonograms Speaking Skill : Tell any two good things about your school. Activity Book : Pgs. 7 to 10 HINDI o.kZekyk] vekf=d 'kCn] Loj vkSj O;atu jpukRed dk;Z& o.kksZ dks tksM+dj 'kCn cukvksA Literature : Lesson 18 Seed to a tree (Poem) Lang.: Vowels (a,e,i,o,u) Writing skill : Text book Pgs. 10 to 15. Reading Skill : Understanding the vowels through pictures. vk& A dh ek=k] ikB&ikik vk, ¼dfork½ jpukRed dk;Z& lekpkj i= ds 'kh’kZdksa esa ls *vk* dh ek=k ds yxHkx nl 'kCn dkVdj fpidk,A Literature : Lesson 4 What do animals eat? Lang.: use of A/An Speaking skill: Role play of different animals. Activity Book: Unit 6. b¼f½ dh ek=k] ikB&fpdfpd fpfM+;k jpukRed dk;Z& feyrs tqyrs uke okyh eNfy;ksa esa ,d tSlk jax HkjksA Lang.: Jumbled words Listening Skill: Riddle time Reading skill: Solving jumbled words in flash cards to make meaningful sentences. bZ h dh ek=k] ikB&*vkbZ nhikoyh*] dfork&ukuh dh dgkuh jpukRed dk;Z& d{kk esa cPps bZ dh ek=k ds 'kCn MATHS Counting (1-100) Back Counting (50-1) Before, after, between Activity: Take a chart. Write nos. from 1-20. Draw/paste objects according to the nos. Book Pg: 15, 17, 41 & 42. Comparing nos. Ordering nos. Activity : (a) Make no. cards from 11 to 20 & the 2 card showing > & <. (b) Cut out numbers smaller than 50 from newspaper, calendar and magazine. Paste them in descending order. Write in words (1-20) Shapes (Circle, square, rectangle, triangle and their properties) Activity : Look around your house. Find objects of different shapes & write their names. [Book Pg-140-145]. Introduction to simple addition Addition (1 digit) Vertical addition Book pages -45-49. E.V.S. Lesson 1: This is Me Lesson 2: My Body Activity : Make a cut out of your body parts using different geometrical shapes and paste them on a chart paper in the form of your body. Lesson 2 : My Body (Sense organs) Activity : Marking the donkey’s tail. COMPUTER Chapter 1: Lesson 3: Health is Wealth. Activity : Collect the wrappers labels of the various toiletries being used at homes and make a collage of it. Chapter 1: Computer – A Machine Lesson 3 : Health is Wealth (Good habits) Speech Ability : Children will be able to speak about healthy habits they follow Practical Session Computer – A Machine Practical Session Notepad : Typing Alphabets (A To L) Capital Form Natural things How do machines work Notepad : Typing Alphabets (A to Z) Capital Form. 1-7-14 To 11-7-14 14-7-14 To 25-7-14 28-7-14 To 8-8-14 11-8-14 To 22-8-14 Literature : Lesson 2 My Little Sister Lang. : Use of is/am/are Writing Skill : Writing five lines about your brother/sister. Activity Book : Unit -9. fp= lfgr cuk,¡xs ikB&ukuh dh dgkuh ¼dfork½ m & q dh ek=k] ikB&cqycqy dh ckjkr vkbZ jpukRed dk;Z& Mk;uklksj dh ihB ij fy[ks leku rqd okys 'kCnksa ds tksM+s cukdj fy[ksaA in their daily routine. Addition on the no. line. Write in words (21-50) Activity : Using objects to add 2 nos. Book Pages – 56-61. Lesson 4 : Family Activity: Make and decorate a photo frame and put your family photograph. Chapter 2: Let’s Get Familiar With Computers! Literature : Lesson 9 Good values Lang.: Use of was/were Speaking skill : Tell any two good habits we should practice. Listening skill : Listening to a story on good habits narrated by your teacher. Activity Book : Unit -10. Literature : Lesson 11 The Sun Lang. : Naming words Writing skill : The Alphabet Game (naming words) Activity Book : Unit –I. ż w ½ dh ek=k] ikB&vuwBk tknwxj] ikB&vkvks xk,¡¼dfork½ jpukRed dk;Z& fp= ns[kdj xyr orZuh okys 'kCn ij ¼½ yxk,¡A Counting (101-150) Introduction to subtraction. Subtraction (1 digit) Vertical subtraction. Activity : Write nos. from (1-9) on 9 slips Ask 2 people to pick 2 slips. Who has larger no.? By how much? Lesson 5 : Fairy Judy. Activity : Make a fruit or a vegetable puppet using an ice-cream stick. Practical Session: v ls Å dh ek=k ds 'kCnksa o ikBks dk vH;kl d{kk esa djk;k tk;sxkA jpukRed dk;Z& cPps v ls Å rd okys 'kCn d{kk esa cksysaxsA Subtraction on the number line. Write in words (51-70) Counting (151-200) Book Pages : 66-70. Lesson 6: Clothes to Wear. Activity : Collect the wrappers/labels of the various toiletries being used at home and make a collage of it Chapter 3: Parts Of Computers Literature : Lesson 16 Save Water Lang. : This/That and these/those. Activity : Design a poster with the title “SAVE WATER”. ,& ¼ s ½ dh ek=k ikB&lkr eseus Hkk’kk Kku& opu cnyks jpukRed dk;Z& fn, x;s 'kCnksa dks feykdj ,d 'kCn cuk, vkSj eNyh dh ihB ij fy[ksA Introduction to the concept of time. Days of the week. Months of the year Calendar. Activity : a) Make a festival chart. b) Divide a sheet in 4 parts (morning, evening, noon) and Lesson 7: My Home Activity: Make a house using ice-cream sticks. Practical Session: Notepad Typing Lines Using CAPS LOCK KEY Notepad –Type Counting From 1 to 50 25-8-14 To 4-9-14 8-9-14 To 13-9-14 15-9-14 To 26-9-14 night draw a picture in each box showing an activity that you generally do in that part of the day & colour the picture Book Pages : 165 and 166. Skip counting of 2. Table of 2 Table of 5. Literature : Lesson -14 My Paper Kite (Poem) Lang.: Has/Have Activity Book : Unit II. , * S * dh ek=k ikB&uSuhrky dh lSj jpukRed dk;Z& ,s ¼ S ½ dh ek=k ds 5 'kCn fp= lfgr dkih es fy[ksA Lang.: Question words. Speaking skill : Ask and Answer. Activity Book : Unit -12. , * S * dh ek=k ikB&vkvks xk¡, ¼dfork½ jpukRed dk;Z& cPps viuh euilan dfork d{kk esa lquk,¡xs Skip counting. Revision of tables. Literature : Lesson 3 Rewant and the Parrot Lang.: Use of “and” and “but” Speaking & Writing skill : Let us know about common birds. Activity : Write two sentences and join them using “and” and “but”. vks dh ek=k ikB&Mjiksd [kjxks'k Hkk’kk Kku&fyax cnyks jpukRed dk;Z& vks dh ek=k dk iz;ksx djrs gq, ik¡p i'kq if{k;ksa ds uke fy[kksA Skip counting Table of 10 Activity : Share a packet of sweets with 10 friends of yours. Give 2 sweets to each friend. Calculate how many sweets you shared in all? Book Pages : 114, 115 & 116. Lesson 7: My Home (Rooms in a house) Speech Ability: Children will be able to speak the purpose of different rooms in a home. Lesson 8 : Let us be safe Group Discussion- A discussion will be held in the class to explain the children that following safety habits will help us to avoid accidents. Chapter 4.Keyboard Lesson 8 : Let us be safe. Activity : Make a first aid box. Practical Session: Keys on Keyboard Practical Session: Notepad – Prepare and format five lines on MY SELF using Alphabet And Number keys Colouring Worksheets In tux Paint II- TERM PLANNER 2014 DATE 29-9-14 To 15-10-14 16-10-14 To 31-10-14 1-11-14 To 15-11-14 17-11-14 To 29-11-14 1-12-14 To ENGLISH Literature : Lesson 7 Greenery (Poem) Lang.: Prepositions. Listening skill : Identify the preposition in the story. Activity : Book unit-13. Literature : L-10 Pollution. Long. : Opposites and Pronouns. Speaking skill : Discussion on Harmful effects of cracker. Writing skill : Make a poster SAY NO TO CRACKERS. Activity Book : Unit -7 Literature : Lesson 15 Helpful Friends Lang.: Can/Cannot Speaking skill : Introduce your best friend in class. Writing skill : Write five sentences about things you can or cannot do. Literature : Lessons 8: Growing a Sapling. Lang.: Describing words speaking and writing skill. Talk and write about your favourite fruit. Activity Book : Unit 5. Literature : Lesson 13: A visit to a zoon HINDI MATHS E.V.S. COMPUTER Hkk’kk Kku% fxurh 1&20 rd] Qyks ds uke jpukRed dk;Z% cPps d{kk esa vius euilan Qy ds ckjs esa dqN iafDr;k¡ cksysxsaA Hkk’kk Kku& uke okys 'kCn ¼laKk½ jpukRed dk;Z& cPps d{kk esa 5 O;fDr] oLrq o LFkku ds uke crk,axsA Write in words (71-100) Dodging table of 2,5 & 10. Activity : Write the ages of all your family members in numerals as well as words. Lesson 9: My negihbourhood Activity : Children will visit the various rooms in their school. Introduction of addition with carry over. Practice of addition with carry over. Revision of tables. Lesson 10: Our Helpere Speech ability : Children will be able to enact or recite a poem in the close on any helper of our neighbourhood. Chapter 4. Computer Lab Manners vkS dh ek=k] ikB& [kq'kh ds ekSds] vkvks xk, ¼dfork½ Hkk’kk Kku& foykse 'kCn jpukRed dk;Z& fp= ns[kdj 'kCn igsyh iwjh djksA Introduction of subtraction with borrowing. Practice of subtraction with borrowing. Lesson 11: Time of Fun. Activity : Children will make greeting cards and exchange among themselves. Practical Session: va & ¼ - ½ dk iz;ksx ikB& vk;k clar jpukRed dk;Z&d{kk esa cPps _rqvksa ds ckjs esa okD; cksyx sa sA Expanded form Short form Practice of addition and subtraction. Chapter 5. Know Your Keyboard v¡& ¼ ¡ ½ panz fcanq dk iz;ksx ikB& rk¡xs okyk Ordinal numbers. Introduction to simple Lesson 12: Travelling Time. Group DiscussionA discussion will be held in the class about how the wheel was invented Lesson 13: Weather Activity : Make a Practical Session: Notepad –Type five uses of Computer Notepad – Prepare and format five lines on MY SCHOOL using Chapter 6. How To Use A Mouse 12-12-14 15-12-14 To 31-12-14 8-1-15 To 23-1-15 Lang.: One and many Listening skill : The Zoo game. Speaking skill : Sounds of animals. Activity Book : Unit -3. Literature : Lesson 17 Playing in the Rain Lang.: Gender Speaking skill : Discussion Having Fun in the Rain. Activity Book: Unit -4. Hkk’kk Kku& lekukFkZd 'kCn jpukRed dk;Z& v¡ dh ek=k ds ik¡p 'kCn fp= lfgr cuk,¡ multiplication. Activity: Writing your father’s mobile no. & picking out nos. the order given by your teacher. paper boat. v% dk iz;ksx Hkk’kk Kku& fyax cnyks jpukRed dk;Z& va dh ek=k ds 'kCn cPps d{kk esa cksyx sa sA Practice of simple multiplication. Write in words (100-150) Introduction to money Book Page-158. Lesson 14: Plants our Friends. Activity : Gather different kinds of leaves and paste them in a file. WINTER BREAK Literature : Lesson 6 – Off to ikB&ck<+ vkbZ] {k] =] K] Money & its use. the Market. Introduction to currency notes & J ¼la;qDr o.kZ½ Lang.: Punctuation. coins. Hkk’kk Kku& eghuksa ds Speaking skill : Speak lines a) Take a coin. Place a sheet of thin uke on – It’s My Family. jpukRed dk;Z& tuojh white paper on it. With the help of Activity Book : Unit -2. pencil, shade the impression of the ds eghus esa vkus okys coin on the paper. Repeat with fdlh ,d R;ksgkj dk fp= cukdj ml ij ik¡p various other coins. b) Mock bazaar – Hold a mock iafDr;k¡ fy[kksA bazaar with paper money where 27-1-15 To 7-2-15 Literature: Lesson 5: 1 Saw Lang.: Doing words Speaking skill: Enactment of different action words. Activity Book : Unit -8. Hkk’kk Kku& vifBr x|ka'k] esjk ifjp; jpukRed dk;Z&cPps d{kk esa vius fe= ds ckjs esa 5 iafDr;k¡ cksyx sa sA 9-2-15 To Literature : Lesson 12 Monkey Mischief Lang.: Match to make Hkk’kk Kku& fp= o.kZu] lfCt;ksa ds uke students buy things (pencil, eraser, toffee, chips etc.) Book Pages : 159-161. Simple money transactions. Shopping. Activity : Students can go to the market with their parents, buy bread, vegetables etc. Introduction to measurement. Measurement of Length. Measurement of weight. Lesson 15: Our Animal World Activity : A visit to a zoon. Practical Session: Colouring session – Colouring Worksheet on computer using a mouse Chapter 7. Drawing With Paint. Introduction to MS Paint. Paint tools Lesson 15: Our Animal World (Food of Animal) Group Discussion – A discussion will be held in class on the ways to care of animals. Lesson 16: Our Wonderful World. Activity – Draw a day Chapter 7. Fun With Tux Paint 21-2-15 23-2-15 To 27-2-15 pairs/pick the odd one. Listening skill : Telling the odd one out. Activity : Making groups of simple similar objects. Revision of the concepts done in class. jpukRed dk;Z& viuh euilan lCth dh vaxqyh ds uki dh dBiqryh cukvksA Hkk’kk Kku& esjk fiz; fe=] vusd 'kCnksa ds fy, ,d 'kCn Measurement of capacity. Activity : use the ribbon piece to measure height of the table, width of chair. Book page : 152 & 153. Revision of addition, subtraction and multiplication. Book Pages – 103-106 and 108-110. and a night scene and list out the differences between them. Practical Session: Drawing In Tux Paint Practical Session: Coluring Worksheet
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