UNDOKAI - Help wanted! We need help YOUR help with Undokai (Friday, Sep. 25th @ James Lang Field: next Hayward Playground) - both before the day and on that day. This is a wonderful opportunity to get involved. We have a lot of things to do. Please read the job descriptions below: You can sign up online at www.jbbpsf.org/undokai/ **皆 様 の ご 協 力 を お 待 ち し て お り ま す 。 以 下 の 項 目 に チ ェ ッ ク 後 、 裏 の 必 要 事 項 を 記 入 し て 、 担 任 に お 渡 し く だ さ い 。 Questions; [email protected] If you can COME on the day (Friday, Sep. 25th) of Undokai, please check here: ON THE DAY OF UNDOKAI 運動会当日 How many Time Where we meet? Transportation and Moving equipment from school to Hayward playground:(Van, Truck, Wagon..)荷物を学校から運動場まで運ぶ 5 7:15 – 7:50 School auditorium Mark lines and field トラックのラインを引く 4 7:00 am 7:50 -‐9:20 am James Lang Field 8:30 -‐ end School classroom 2 2 2 9:20 am -‐ end James Lang Field 9:20 am -‐ end James Lang Field 9:20 am -‐ end James Lang Field 2 8:50 am -‐ end James Lang Field 2-‐3 Lunch time James Lang Field 2 2 10 12 10 4-‐6 8:50 am – 1pm James Lang Field 8:50 am – 1pm James Lang Field 8:50 am – 1pm James Lang Field 8:50 am – 1pm James Lang Field end James Lang Field End – 2pm James Lang Field I can Help Job Set-‐up Crew 運動場のセットアップ Classroom Helpers トイレに連れて行くなど、クラスの先生のお手伝い First Aid Station Official Photographers Official Videographers Music CD の操作をする係 Bento servers お昼休みにシニアの方や役員、先生たち にお弁当を配る係 Runners 順番を知らせる係 Starters スタートラインで笛を吹く係 Finish Line Monitors ゴールで順番を見る係 Equipment/Prop Managers 用具係 Cleanup Transportation and Moving things back to school ★If you At least 12 need at least 2 per class James Lang Field cannot come on the day of Undokai, please check here: PRIOR TO UNDOKAI ______ Goodie bag assemblers - put together about 80 - 100 goodie bags for visiting preschools. (work @ school 3-4 days before Undokai around 8:15~10:00) 当⽇日参加してくれた Pre-School の⼦子供たちへのおみやげを詰める仕事や、⽣生徒の参加賞のリボンに安全ピンをつける等 Home → Classroom Teacher → Inoue Sensei Mail box UNDOKAI - Wish List If you cannot help out with the event and would like to help out in some way we can use donations of the following. 1. Various school supplies for preschool goodie bags (We need pencils, erasers, super balls or something party goodie 100 more each for pre-school, please no foods) 参加してくれる pre-‐school のお友達へのおみやげです。(参加予定 Pre-‐School、日本町リト ルフレンズ、ちびちゃん) 2. Three Picnic tables (if we can borrow picnic tables please bring Undoki.) 3. Bottle of water for Seiner (we need two case of water.) UNDOKAI - What you need If you plan to come, don’t forget to bring: 1. Sunscreen 2. Hat 3. Water 4. Camera 5. Lunch •Please mark one, two or three things you can help with. •List any donations you can make. •We will send you a confirmation and let you know what you can bring, where or when. Child’s Name: _________________Class room #(________) Parent or Guardian’s Name (Print name)______________________________________ Cell phone#:______________________________________ E-mail @ I can donate: ________________________________ Please return to classroom teacher by Friday, Sept. 11 by 2pm. or You can sign up online at www.jbbpsf.org/undokai/ If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to call at school or email [email protected] THANK YOU!!! Arigato!ありがとう Home → Classroom Teacher → Inoue Sensei Mail box
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