Class: Name: Date: Block: Losic Puzzle Practice Computer Geeks Allison [Female), Bill (MaleJ, Jill fFemale), and Willy [MaleJ all love computers. Can you match their first names, last names, [iohnson, Reynolds, Smith, and WhiteJ, favorite websites fBrainBashers, Facebook, Google, and Yahoo], and current web browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer [Explorer], and Safari) using the clues below? Good Iuck! 1. Mr. White is addicted to brain teasers. 2. The girls don't have Facebook accounts. 3. Mr. ]ohnson hates anything to do with Google. 4. Mr. White and Bill are best friends. 5. Jill loves to search on Google. 6. Smith has a Yahoo fan club. 7. Willy's favorite browser is made by the same company as his Mac. Same for fill, except she owns a Microsoft with Windows Vista. ,+ 1 1 L frq et b 1 ? q LAUE CilA sho;, r*iruJoru I E q 3 57 ,L a) 7 9l b J It B*dS. b B 2 (p 4 6 q 7 1 r+ 4 J IL 1 b {") r +q v t35 5baq g 3 I 7 a TB t* -ffi 5 I3 % q 5 4 g 1 I b L .L b 7 4 5 6 .{ I L A Careers -Imith, |ones, o'Donnell, Roader, 5 *"n-- Bob, foe, Riley, Thomas, and xavier, last names il p;;;"'each have different careers--farmer, carpenter, realtor, stock broker, and volleyball' and chemisi, and different favorite sports-- tennis, bowling, soccer' basketball. Can you figure out who has what last name, career, and favorite sport? Clues: 1. Both |oe's last name and career begin *\,with the same letter. 2. Bob does not like bowling or volleyball. 3. Mr. O'Donnell is a chemist. 4. Xavier plays a sport with a net down the middle of the field. ,' 'l 5. Riley Jones is not a carpenter, but Bob is. 6. Mr. Imith's friend Xavier is a farmer. 7. Riley is a stock B. broker. The carpent€r plays tennis 9. Mr. fte built the rackets)' goals' Imith loves tennis, but Riley and Thomas like sports with 2 nets at the 10. The basketball player is a chemist. v The Bennington Kennel Club is putting together a feature article on some of their past dog show winners. Match each dog to its breed and owner, and determine the Srear in which it won lBest in Show". 1. The beagle won 2 years after the maltese' 2. Ginger's canine won in 2A06. 3. Of Ginger's canine and Chester'rs canine, one in 2009' is the ma'ltese and the otfit+\n/on 'i 4. Barbana's canirp wori'Sometim6 after the irish setter 1 Baseball: ', i., : _ t'.,,i_ i t.i r Sid Carter has been therhead qoach of Daleville University's baseballteam for two decades, and several ofhis players have gone on to the majors.;Matcb,eacrl former piayer to his hometown and giaiiuation year, and figure out which maior league team he's now playing for. 7. Francis isn't playing for the Reds' 2. The person who's now with the Mariners graduated 3 years before Bradley. 3. The person who's now with the eubs graduated 2. years after the player who's now with the Pirates. 4. The player who's now with ,f,.1 Reds graduated after the person who's now with the Dodgers. 5. J The five players are Walter, the player who's now with the Cubs, the person who graduated in2007,the player who graduated in 2009 and the player who graduated in 2006. 6. I Nelson is now with the Dodgers' \ \ UFO Sightings: A series of bizarre UFO sightings have taken place in Byron, California this past week. Using only the clues below, match each sighting to its witness, date and location, and determine the reported shape of the unidentified object. 1. The August 9 sighting was from Crescent City. 2. Benny Baron's sighting wasn't received on August 9. -l fib" Alvarez's report was either the August 6 sighting or the sighting from Ames. 4. The I J report ofthe cigar-shaped UFO wasn't from Springfield. 's report and the sigh The sighting of the cone-shaped ,6. was submitted 4 ciays after the /i UFO / sighting from Ames. l'," 7. Iva Ingrap's,r4p€rt.was submitted F 4ayr afte! the sighting of the p,fe"i:shgfud uFo. l_2.- Delgado's report and the Ausustfisighting, one was from Beaconsfield and the other involved the teardrop-shaped UFO. B. Of Dan r.-* J O. ftora Flynn's sighting was either the sighting of the teardrop-shaped Ljlu horseshoe-shaped UFO. l-- f f O. AUe Alvarez's sighting was submitted I ueo. (__ 1-1. UFO or the report of 2 days before the report of the diamond-shaped The report from Beaconsfield was either Dan Delgado's report or the August 5 sighting. 12. Of the sighting from C*f,gseant"Ci1J and Iva Ingram's sighting, one involved the eggshaped UFO and the other was received on August B.
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