Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism & Amenorrhea Pr N. Pitteloud Service d’endocrinologie CHUV, Lausanne Clinical case • 37yr old woman referred for infertility. • She presented with 12 months of amenorrhea after discontinuing the birth control pill. Anovulatory infertility: Causes Hypothalamic amenorrhea 36% GnRH Pituitary disease 17% PCOS 33% POF 12% LH InhibIn B FSH + Estradiol Progesteron e Thyroid diseases Reindollar et al 1986 3% Clinical case • 37yr old woman referred for infertility with 12 months of amenorrhea after discontinuing the birth control pill Present history - No headache, no galactorrhea, no visual disturbances - no acne, no hirsutism - Jogging 2x week 3 km, no psychological stress, no eating disorder - Thin, stable weight - No anosmia, no cleft, no hearing loss… History of pubertal development - Primary amenorrhea - Tanner 3-4 breast development - Oral contraceptives started at age 17 - 2 h of gymnastic a day - BMI 19 at 17 yr old Cas clinique Physical examination (age 37) • • • • Normal corpulence, Height 163 cm, weight 54 kg, BMI 21 Breast development Tanner V, pubic hair Tanner V No galactorrhea No acne, Ferriman-Gallway score 7, no frontal alopecia Infertilité anovulatoire: Evaluations Laboratory - hCG negatif - FSH 2.3 IU/L, LH 2.1 IU/l, estradiol 0.15 pmol/l, T 0.5 nmol/l - Other pituitary function normal including normal prolactin Transvaginal US - Endometrium 3 mm Brain MRI - Normal Anovulatory infertility: Evaluations Anovulatory infertility Rule out pregnancy hCG FSH & LH POF LH> FSH, T PCOS LH&FSH N/ E2 HH PRL Hyperprolactinemia TSH abnl 17 OH prog Thyroid disease LOAH Primary amenorrhea N=74 HH (tumor, CHH) FHA CDP Sedlmeyer I L , Palmert M R JCEM 2002 What is the differential diagnosis in this patient? Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism? Functional hypothalamic amenorrhea? Congenital hypogonadotropic hypogoandism Fetus Néonatal Enfancy Puberty GnRH deficiency • Multiple genes involved • Defects in specification & migration CDP of GnRH neurons and/or secretion/action CHH “Classic” Adult ADULT HA IHH IHH “Reversal” Primary amenorrhea Absence of breast development Absence of secondary characteristics Primary amenorrhea Infertility Ostoporosis Function of Genes Involved in human GnRH deficiency Sykiotis et al, 2010 Clinical spectrum of CHH 35 30 Breast development prior to tx in 120 patients with CHH 25 20 Série1 15 10 5 0 S1 severe Absence of pubertal development S2 S3 S4 S5 mild Spontaneous thelarche Primary amenorrhea Hormonal spectrum of CHH female patients A B 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 C1 C2 C3 Controls C4 IHH 1 IHH 2 IHH 3 IHH 4 Patients 0 C1 C2 C3 Controls C4 IHH 1 IHH 2 IHH 3 IHH 4 Patients J Young , D Vincent, A Bachelot, M L Kottler ,I Plotton, P Chanson, S Brailly, , C Dode, M Pugeat, P Touraine, D Dewailly Does this patient has a partial form of congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism? Primary amenorrhea Tanner III‐IV before treatment Isolated HH Persistant amenorrhea with HH Possible Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea • • • Functional GnRH deficiency Stress, energy availability Amenorrhea with Hypoestrogenism Low/nl gonadotropins No neuroanatomic lesion • 1/3 of 20 amenorrhea NORMAL FETUS INFANT CHILD PUBERTY ADULT Etiology of FHA in a Cohort of 93 Women Exercise + wt. Loss (13%) Competitive Sport (6%) Weight loss (40%) Stress (29%) Stress + wt. loss (12%) Falsetti et al, JCEM 2002 Hormonal spectrum in patients with FHA 18 16 18 LH IU/L 16 14 14 12 12 10 10 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 0 0 AHF (n=55) NL (n=60) FSH IU/L Caronia et al, NEJM 2011 Patterns of GnRH Secretion in HA LH (IU/L) Apulsatile Frequency 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 Developmental Arrest LH (IU/L) Amplitude 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Time (hours) 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Time (hours) Santoro, Martin, Hall 1998 Sleep FHA, BMI, and age of menarche 35 25 % of Subjects 20 15 ?? 10 5 HA Controls 30 % of Subjects HA (n=55) Controls (n=60) 25 20 15 10 5 0 0 14 16 18 20 22 24 BMI (kg/m2) 26 28 30 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 Age at Menarche (yrs) Caronia et al, NEJM 2011 Relationship between weight, physical activity in a young ballet dancer Poids (kg) 60 50 40 Menarche Menses Activité physique Fracture 10 11 12 16 yr ans 1 2 3 4 5 6 17 yr 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 18 yr Warren 1987 Does this patient has FHA? Pubertal period Primary amenorrhea Tanner III‐IV prior to treatment 2h of gymnastic a day BMI 19 Adult age Persistent hypothalamic amenorrhea No more risk factor: weight stable, moderate exercice, no psychologic stress Reversibility in 90% of patients after correcting risk factors K. Martin et al JCEM 2005 possible Patterns of LH secretion Does not distinguish CHH from FHA LH (IU/L) Healthy Control 25 20 15 10 5 0 NIGHTTIME NIGHTTIME LH (IU/L) Our patient 25 20 LH 2.3.0 IU/L, FSH 2.6 IU/L E2 0.15 15 10 5 0 8:00 12:00 16:00 Apulsatile 20:00 0:00 Clock Time (hrs) 4:00 8:00 Familial history 01 03 02 04 CDP HH 05 Loss‐of‐function mutations in FGFR1 Partial CHH or FHA? 01 FGFR1 03 FGFR1 WT 02 L342S WT 04 05 WT L342S Delayed Puberty HH Variable susceptibility to inhibition of the HPG axis by stressors among women. Genetic component? Hypothesis Mutations in genes involved in congenital GnRH deficiency confer susceptibility to the functional changes in GnRH secretion that characterize HA 10% of HA carry Mutations in Genes Involved with Congenital GnRH Deficiency * Cole et al JCEM 2008 ** De Roux et al NEJM 1997 Caronia LM et al. N Engl J Med 2011 If HA has a genetic basis partially in common with CHH what are the factors that ultimately generate these divergent clinical phenotypes? Oligogenicity in congenital GnRH deficiency A 10 FGFR1 5.7 KAL1 4.8 TAC3R 4 3.7 GNRHR SPRY4 2.8 PROKR2 2 1.7 IL17RD HS6ST1 1.4 1.4 FGF8 DUSP6 1.1 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.9 0.6 0.3 KISS1R NELF FLRT3 PROK2 FGF17 GNRH1 TAC3 0 386 CHH, 155 Controls monoallelic biallelic oligogenic 2 4 6 8 % of patients carrying a mutation 10 12 B # of alleles with rare protein-altering variants IHH Patients (n=350) Controls (n=155) ≥2: different genes 7% (n=23) *** 0% (n=0) * p < 0.05 (compared to controls) *** p < 0.001 (compared to controls) Miraoui et al. Am J Hum Genet 2013 Human GnRH Deficiency: a model for geneenvironment interaction Environment Epigenetics Mutations loads CHH Mild CHH / Reversals Functional Hypothalamic Amenorrhea Clinical case • • • • • • Patient pregnant (GnRH pump) Restared on OCP Each summer the patient discontinued the pill for 3 M 18 M after the birth of her daughter, the patient consulted for one episode of menses 6 weeks after discontinuing OCP Stop OCP Menstrual cycles resumed (28-32 days) Partial CHH with reversibility vs FHA with reversibility ? Thank you Acknowledgments My lab Yisrael Sidis Andrew Dwyer Cheng Xu Sara Santini Ginny Hughes Daniele Cassatelli REU Lisa Caronia Cecilia Martin William Crowley Collaborations Catherine Dode Marc Jean-Pierre Jacques Young Anna Claudia Latronica Ursula Kaiser Luc Pellerin Urs Albrecht Pierre Bouloux Richard Quinton Moosa Mohammadi Pei Tsai Hannes Bulow Funding NIH, FNS, EU Cost Amenorrhée hypothalamique: Indications à IRM cérébral Aménorrhée primaire hypogonadotropique Elévation persistente de la prolactinémie Maux de tête ou autres symptômes neurologiques Association d’hypogonadisme avec d’autres dysfonctions hypothalamiques ou hypophysaires Traitement de la patiente avec une Pompe à GnRH q 90 ' 200 q 60' q 90 ' q 90' q 4 h q 60' q 90' q 4 h 150 CHH Normals (n=112) 100 50 E2 (pg/mL) LH (IU/L) 400 200 100 0 30 P4 (ng/mL) FSH (IU/L) 0 300 20 10 0 20 10 0 ‐14 ‐7 0 7 14 ‐14 Days (Adjusted to Ovulation) ‐7 0 7 14 The clinical spectrum Aménorrhée secondaire oligomenorrea 4% 1 AP 2 APS 3 O Primary amenorrhea 94% J Young , in preparation 2013. n=104 Etudes comparant RPS et HHC: une littérature pédiatrique Activation de l’axe gonadotrope à la puberté FSH LH Cas 1: Reversibilité de l’hypogonadotropisme hypogonadisme • CO interrompue • Cycles menstruels entre 29-34 jours • Progestérone à 6 ng/l en phase lutéale Demonstration of reversible Kallmann Syndrome (Raivio et. al., N Engl J Med 2007) Case # 3 LH (IU/L) Diagnostic 20 T=2.5 nmol/L LH (IU/L) LH (IU/L) # 14 LH (IU/L) # 12 20 20 LH (IU/L) # 11 20 20 LH (IU/L) #8 T=9.5 nmol/L 10 0 #7 Re-evaluation 20 2 4 6 8 10 12 T=3.6 nmol/L 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 T=13.9 nmol/L 10 T=2.3 nmol/L T=21.3 nmol/L 10 T=1.2 nmol/L T=17.5 nmol/L T=0.8 nmol/L T=20.6 nmol/L T=3.6 nmol/L T=16 nmol/L 10 10 10 Time (hr) Time (hr) GnRH au travers les cycles de vie: Normal et Déficience en GnRH ADULT CDP HA IHH CHH “Classique” Fetus Néontatal CHH “Reversibilité” Enfance Puberté Adulte Cas 1 • Patiente de 37 ans en BSH consulte pour une infertilité avec aménorrhée depuis 12 mois suite à l’arrêt des CO 100 20 50 E2 (pg/mL) 0 00 20 300 200 10 100 0 0 ‐20 Menses ‐10 ‐5 0 5 10 Follicular development Changes in endo Proliferative Secretory P4 (ng/mL) LH (IU/L) 40 FSH (IU/L) 150 L’endomètre reflète l’environnement hormonal stéroidien menstruel -E-P proliferatif +E-P secretoire + E + P Baseline Ultrasound Examination Transvaginal scan of the uterus on day 3 of menses Women with PCOS frequently have irregular menses and may need a withdrawal bleed before treatment Rule out a follicular cyst, dose A serum E2 level. Follicular cyst Cas 1 • Diagnostic d’hypogonadisme hypogonadotrope • Traitement de pompe à GnRH • Ovulation et patiente enceinte Quel type HH? Flash back sur la puberté GnRH/LH Secretion across the Menstrual Cycle Mid-Cycle Surge Early/Mid/Late Follicular Phase LFP MFP Early/Mid/Late Luteal Phase 200 ELP 0 40 40 0 0 40 EFP 40 LH 0 40 FSH 0 MLP E2 LLP 0 P4 40 0 MENSES Review: JE Hall 1998 Primaire Secondaire Hypothalamus 27% 36% GnRH Hypophyse 2% 15% PCOS 7% 30% Ovaire 43% 12% Uterus 19% 7% LH InhibIn B FSH + Estradiol Progesterone Infertilité anovulatoire: Evaluation Ecarter une grossess (hCG) !! Documenter l’anovulation ‐ Midluteal progesterone level < 6 ng/mL ‐ No Temperature rise 27% Bilan de base : hCG, FSH day 3, TSH, prolactine^ US of the ovaries. Semen Analysis Document Tubal patency ‐ HSG The clinical spectrum : breast development 35 30 % 25 20 n=104 Série1 15 10 5 0 S1 J Young , in preparation 2013. S2 S3 S4 S5
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