AWARDS 2014: SPECIAL PROJECTS POTENTIAL TSUNAMI INUNDATION LIMITS AND RUN-UP MODELING SUBMITTED BY: Mike Brady, P.Eng. AECOM Canada Ltd. 200 – 415 George Road East Victoria, BC V8T 2W1 T 250.475.6355 F 250.475.6388 E [email protected] 75 WORD SUMMARY 75 WORD SUMMARY Section 1 AECOM - POTENTIAL TSUNAMI INUNDATION LIMITS AND RUN-UP MODELING SECTION 1 75 WORD SUMMARY The Capital Regional District (CRD) needed to better understand tsunami risk in the Capital Region. AECOM, with Dr. K. F. Cheung, used a state-of-the-art non- hydrostatic model to analyze a magnitude 9.0 megathrust earthquake and the effects from a resulting tsunami. The products - consisting of computer animations, colour- scaled figures and a Tsunami Hazard Line - helped to develop emergency preparation, planning, evacuation, and awareness programs. Tsunami Hazard Line - Victoria Harbour ASSOCIATION OF CANADIAN CONSULTING ENGINEER AWARDS 2014 — SPECIAL PROJECTS 1 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS Section 2 AECOM - POTENTIAL TSUNAMI INUNDATION LIMITS AND RUN-UP MODELING SECTION 2 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS 2.1 INNOVATION This project delivered a more detailed and accurate model and representation of the tsunami impacts than was available for previous mapping of the region. This was made possible by the intensive model compilation and analysis completed by the AECOM team. The CRD includes a coastline several hundred kilometres Ogden Point - with Tsunami Hazard Line long around the southern tip of Vancouver Island, near to the Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ). A CSZ earthquake has a strong potential to occur sometime within this or the next elevations throughout the generation. region, including the Strait of Juan de Fuca, Gulf Islands, US The AECOM team undertook San Juan Islands, and Puget detailed modeling of the effects of a magnitude 9.0 CSZ Sound. The analysis used a state-of-the-art hydro-dynamic megathrust earthquake that computer simulation model, could occur off the west coast NEOWAVE, developed by Dr. of Vancouver Island and the Cheung, to determine shoreline resulting impacts of tsunami impacts and develop a Tsunami inundation limits and run-up Hazard Line (THL). The model has won in competition against seven other tsunami numerical models and has been validated against data obtained from a number of recent tsunami events, including the 2011 Tohoku tsunami in Japan. It is the official model for tsunami inundation mapping in Hawaii, American Samoa, and the US Gulf of Mexico coastal states. ASSOCIATION OF CANADIAN CONSULTING ENGINEER AWARDS 2014 — SPECIAL PROJECTS 1 AECOM - POTENTIAL TSUNAMI INUNDATION LIMITS AND RUN-UP MODELING SECTION 2 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS CONT’D NEOWAVE was used to analyze each of five nested grids, ranging from the North Pacific Ocean to Victoria Harbour, with increasing accuracy required and applied to the smaller grid areas. The model simulates a period of approximately eight hours after the onset of the CSZ earthquake for each of the grid sizes and generates results for the following parameters: • maximum water elevation (based upon a starting water level of Higher High Water Mean Tide (HHWMT) as recommended by the National Tsunami Hazard Mitigation Program (NTHMP) Maximum Water Level - Capitol Region District • maximum water level drawdown • maximum water flow velocities • time to tsunami arrival • time to maximum water level (including water level resonance effects) The results provided CRD with valuable tools to assist in development of emergency preparation, planning, evacuation and awareness programs, and communicate warning signs to the public and stakeholders. They also inform CRD’s public Maximum Flow Speed - Capitol Region District outreach and education programs including tsunami FAQs, information cards, public service announcements, pamphlets with local evacuation planning maps, and powerpoint presentation for community workshops. ASSOCIATION OF CANADIAN CONSULTING ENGINEER AWARDS 2014 — SPECIAL PROJECTS 2 AECOM - POTENTIAL TSUNAMI INUNDATION LIMITS AND RUN-UP MODELING SECTION 2 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS CONT’D fety ake sa u Earthq “felt” from a gion is our re i risk in am un t ts ty: • Mos uake. ke safe rthqua earthq your ea ember • Rem Tsunami nd Capital Regional District Tsunami Hazard Line Hazard Line Regional District Boundar Electoral y Area or Municipa l Boundar First Nation y Reserves Universal What is a tsunam i? occur. 00 0 1.5 3 Projection: H-mee) ict if a tsun ami may Tsunami Capital 1:300,0 (soo-NA Tsunamis (Japanese translation “harbour A tsuna wave”) mi is a natu are wave great dista s with a ral haza long surge nce betw rd cons -like wave een crest are cause s generated isting of a serie of ocean s, and d by any s of water is widesprea sudden rapidly displ when a large movement known for d, volume aced their capa of of wate r. The tsuna large volumes causing city to viole . Tsunamis are devastatin ntly flood mi grow the ocea g property s tall as of life. n shallo coastlines ws, such damage, , harbour. as in a injuries, In ancie and loss nt Japan people often , the Majo r submarine witnessed rise direc the wave or coast significant tly out of al earth displacem the harb coined the quak es wher or and the cause ent of the term tsuna e there of most ocean floor are most is mi. Tsun tsunamis. the bigge prevalent or coast amis They also st tsuna are in the Pacif Ocean, mis, in term cause some but are and the ic known to size of the s of wave of all ocea occur in height at inundation n basins. area is the shore area. The area that inundation will be subje ct to flood Coastal these affec ing. and subm t a much arine eruptions smaller are not length of associated , can occas landslides, and coast and volcanic with trem ionally cause or there are infre ’s roaring bling of tsunamis quent. the like a jet too, but Some lands engine from earth: you shou lides and ld always the ocea There are eruptions evacuate n. two types if the ocea local tsuna of tsuna n reced mis: local mi will be es and dista while a associated nt. A distant with a “felt” tsunami be notif will happ earthquak ied by offici en far away e, als if any and you actions will are nece Tsunami ssary. waves diffe r from ordin the entir e colum ary coast n of surface al wave s is affected. water from the ocean floor in that Tsunami energy; to wave they trave the s conta l further coastal inland comp in considerable waves. A tsuna ared to but will mi may ordin have very not look strong ocea like a wave ary surface. n currents at all, under the A tsuna mi is a serie s of wave may be separated s. The first by up to wave to from the an hour arriv shore until e is often or more local gove not the . Waves rnment largest, may conti officials and each nue for tell you wave many hour There is it is safe s – stay no way to retur away n. to pred er grou to high ean, go s stopped. the oc e near e shaking ha ar u • If yo nd once th or inla Mercator. 1|Pag Kilometres 6 Transverse 9 Zone 10, North. North American DISCLAIMER Datum e 1983. SOUTHE RN GULF ISLAND ELECTO S RAL AREA Important This Capital Regional map is for general warranties District information (CRD) makes suitability regarding purposes navigation.of the map the accuracy or no representatio only. The ns or The CRD for any purpose.completenes injury resulting will s and the from the not be liableThis map is of this map or map may not the use be changedof the map for any damage,for by the CRDor information loss or at any time. on the map | TsunamiHazard April 2013 LineTerrainCRD ANSIB.mxd | [email protected] SALTSPR ING ISLAND ELECTO RAL AREA Cowichan Valley Regi onal District NORTH SAANIC H SIDNEY JUAN DE ELECTO FUCA RAL AREA e Safety Earthquakpital Region in the Ca CENTRA L SAANIC H Regional District HIGHLA NDS LANGFO RD SOOKE CO OO LW METCHO SIN D SAANIC H hquake: y including: an eart your famil Before y plan for emergenc Have an routes evacuation } Possible areas meeting } Designated , then hquake: an eart shaking stops until the DurInG On d you. r and Hold ds aroun } Drop, Coveand look for hazar 60 count to BAY Capital W VIE YAL RO Emergency preparation plans, public awareness and proper training are instrumental in keeping the public safe when disaster strikes. Just as important, is the information that these plans are built upon. Previous maps were built upon simplistic assumptions and did not account for the entire area within the region or the many factors likely to influence the potential impacts of a tsunami. The new tsunami hazard line and supporting maps, simulations and colourscaled figures provide easily understood information to explain the potential effects not only to the CRD, but also to policy-makers and residents. The more that people understand the warning signs and what to do, the better prepared they are to survive and address emergency events. from multiple data sources of varying accuracy, age and reliability. The results provided CRD with valuable tools to assist in development of emergency preparation, planning, evacuation and awareness programs, and communicate warning signs to the public and stakeholders. They also informed CRD’s public outreach and education programs including tsunami FAQs, information cards, public service announcements, pamphlets with local evacuation planning maps, and powerpoint presentation for community workshops. OAK 2.2 SOCIAL AND/ OR ECONOMIC BENEFITS ESQUIM ALT VICTORIA Tsunami Preparedness in the Capital Region away from to the side vehicle! le, pull over Stay in your are in a vehic and buildings. away } If you area. Stay overpasses bridges, into an open e, move are outsid debris may fall. } If you ings as from build ake a for earthqu social medi after an radio, and to local TV, after the } Stay tuned . occur soon information which may aftershocks } Anticipate . (please see a tsunami in first quake result shaking could } Strong reverse). hquakes A presentation by: Program rnment Emergency the CRD Local Gove (LG EPAC) and your Advisory Commission rams prog cy community emergen CRD Public Outreach on eart information aredness, For more emergency prep and general par go to Pre ams gency progr the emer n. to you by al Regio Brought in the Capit Safety in Tsunami Region l the Capita e r earthquak on n a majo ocean whe rs, or if the motior near the occu nd If you are seconds or more to higher grou go ing! lasting 60 to stand, difficult official warn d makes it not wait for an do usually cause inland s that are lides or wave lands large by of red are a series can also be trigge Tsunamis quake, but by an earth explosions. amI: ground of tsun to higher In Case a Do move medi local tuned to Do stay ctions of the instru Do follow 4m 13ft watch authorities water to go near the Do not h for: s to WatC amI sIGn level other tsun fall of ocean n rise or the ocean } A sudde far coming from earthquake roaring noise from an } A loud may result tsunami A Distant t feel. e we won’ of thre away that one e Issu Ies maY authorIt d if the Ions: alert) is issue alert for fICat of notI s level d stay you shoul h (least seriou known and 1. A Watc not is tes danger level ation. alert) indica away st level of more inform nd highe should stay and you sory (seco 2. An advi g currents are likely that that stron indicates shore. from the level of alert) ation may be t serious ing (mos is possible and evacu 3. A Warn ating wave an inund danger the you when suggested. ls will tell rnment officia gove Local d. risk in the has passe tsunami e about To learn mor go to PrepareYo ion, Capital Reg Capital Regional District Tsunami Hazard Line SOUTHERN GULF ISLANDS ELECTORAL AREA Tsunami Hazard Line Capital Regional District Boundary Electoral Area or Municipal Boundary First Nation Reserves 1:300,000 Kilometres 0 1.5 3 6 SALTSPRING ISLAND ELECTORAL AREA 9 Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator. Zone 10, North. North American Datum 1983. DISCLAIMER Important This map is for general information purposes only. The Capital Regional District (CRD) makes no representations or warranties regarding the accuracy or completeness of this map or the suitability of the map for any purpose. This map is not for navigation. The CRD will not be liable for any damage, loss or injury resulting from the use of the map or information on the map and the map may be changed by the CRD at any time. April 2013 | TsunamiHazardLineTerrainCRDANSIB.mxd | [email protected] Cowichan Valley Regional District NORTH SAANICH SIDNEY CENTRAL SAANICH JUAN DE FUCA ELECTORAL AREA Capital Regional District HIGHLANDS SAANICH EW L VI YA RO LANGFORD OO LW CO SOOKE METCHOSIN OAK BAY AECOM undertook intensive preparatory work to develop a seamless topographic and bathymetric Digital Elevation Model (DEM) drawn D ESQUIMALT VICTORIA Tsunami Map ASSOCIATION OF CANADIAN CONSULTING ENGINEER AWARDS 2014 — SPECIAL PROJECTS 3 AECOM - POTENTIAL TSUNAMI INUNDATION LIMITS AND RUN-UP MODELING SECTION 2 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS CONT’D • Nested grid creation for increasing detail and accuracy of analysis varying from the scale of the North Pacific Ocean down to Victoria Harbour. • Model simulation of CSZ earthquake occurrence and analysis of tsunami effects on each of the nested grids over a period of approximately eight hours following the event. The analysis helped the CRD to improve and increase the sustainability of its emergency planning, evacuation, and awareness programs for the safety of its citizens. DEM Creation Emergency preparation and planning is critical to the safety of people and also plays a significant role in sustainable planning and development of the environment and infrastructure. Even regions previously thought to be the most tsunami aware and prepared have been devastated by the unanticipated affects of a tsunami, as evidenced by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake and tsunami in Japan. • DEM resolution and interpretation to provide a continuous coastline throughout the entire CRD using a consistent datum Multiple Data Sources Earthquake Scenario Review Continuous Coastline Creation 5-Level Nested Grid Creation NEOWAVE Model Results 2.3 ENVIRONMENTAL BENEFITS Max Water Level CRD Public Education Min Water Level Max Flow Speed Arrival Time Time to Max Water Level Community Workshops Emergency Planning Tsunami Hazard Line FAQ Info Cards PSA Evacuation Maps Model Development, Analysis, Results The AECOM team’s work as part of an intensive data compilation and model analysis included: • Earthquake Scenario review which determined the most likely 1-in-500 year CSZ event • Seamless topographic and bathymetric digital elevation model creation including data assembly from multiple sources having varying accuracies, ages and reliabilities, using multiple datums and overcoming trans-boundary differences in data and nomenclature Tsunami Arrival Time - Capitol Region District ASSOCIATION OF CANADIAN CONSULTING ENGINEER AWARDS 2014 — SPECIAL PROJECTS 4 AECOM - POTENTIAL TSUNAMI INUNDATION LIMITS AND RUN-UP MODELING SECTION 2 PROJECT HIGHLIGHTS CONT’D 2.4 MEETING CLIENT’S NEEDS AECOM supported the CRD in achieving its objectives to guide emergency preparedness public education outreach programs by: I. delivering results summaries in a series of computer animations and colourscaled figures showing maximum and minimum water levels, maximum flows speeds, tsunami arrival time and time to maximum water level; II. defining the tsunami hazard line, which took into account ground subsidence following the CSZ, maximum water level and a factor for public safety, and application of the THL to CRD publiclyaccessible GIS mapping; III.presenting results and summary report to CRD staff, stakeholders, and elected politicians; Maximum Water Level – Northeastern Pacific Ocean IV.achieving savings in time and money for the wastewater treatment program by adding the needed additional analysis onto the original assignment. ASSOCIATION OF CANADIAN CONSULTING ENGINEER AWARDS 2014 — SPECIAL PROJECTS 5
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