2014-06-26 BMA Staßfurt_MVV_BayWa_engl

26 June 2014
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MVV Energie and BayWa r.e. join forces in biomethane
Construction starts on joint high-efficiency plant owned by both project partners in
Stassfurt/ Sachsen-Anhalt – Heating and electricity for more than 6,000 families
The Mannheim-based energy group MVV Energie and the Munich-based energy company
BayWa r.e. are jointly investing more than Euro 14 million in a high-efficiency biomethane
plant in Stassfurt in the Magdeburger Börde region (Sachsen-Anhalt). Construction work for
the project has now started. From May 2015, this plant should feed bionatural gas resulting
from environmentally-friendly generation into the public grid. MVV Energie already operates
two comparable plants in the region. “We are making targeted investments in forward-looking
renewable energies projects in order to contribute to the successful conversion in the German energy system while also laying foundations for our further sustainable, profitable
growth”, commented Dr. Georg Müller, CEO of MVV Energie. “We are delighted to be implementing the Stassfurt project together with MVV Energie and to draw on synergies along
the way. By generating biomethane, we are making a key contribution towards the future energy supply – using clean, renewable raw materials to produce base load-capable energy”,
stressed Matthias Taft, CEO of BayWa r.e.
With an electrical capacity of around three megawatts, the Stassfurt biomethane plant will
ferment around 62,000 tonnes of substrate a year. Alongside energy plants such as maize
and sugar beet, the plant will also use cuttings and winter crops. This substrate mix helps to
avoid monocultures and thus makes particular sense from an ecological perspective. The resultant biogas will be purified on location into biomethane of natural gas quality. When turned
into electricity in decentralised combined heat and power plants, this will produce enough
green electricity to supply a theoretical total of 6,000 families. It will also enable 1,200
households to cover their heating energy needs.
MVV Energie owns 74.9 percent of the plant and BayWa r.e. holds a 25.1 percent stake.
Technical operations management will be performed by in-house staff at the jointly founded
operating company on location in Stassfurt. To this end, MVV Energie and BayWa r.e. will be
recruiting new employees from the region.
MVV Energie AG
Group Communications
Luisenring 49
68159 Mannheim
Tel: +49 (0)621 290-3413
Fax: +49 (0)621 290-2860
[email protected]
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Biomethane plants generate environmentally-friendly biomethane around the clock regardless of wind conditions or solar radiation levels. Biomethane can be stored and used, irrespective of where or when it is generated, either to produce electricity and heating energy or
to fuel natural gas vehicles. The long-term partner for purchasing and marketing the gas is
the Munich-based company bmp greengas GmbH.
MVV Energie at a glance
With annual sales of around Euro 4 billion, the publicly listed MVV Energie Group is one of Germany’s
leading energy companies. With around 5,400 employees, our group of companies with local and regional
roots covers all major stages of the value chain in offering a reliable supply of electricity, heating energy,
gas and water – from energy generation via energy trading, energy distribution via proprietary grids
through to sales and energy-related services. Furthermore, our group of companies is also one of Germany’s largest operators of energy from waste and biomass plants. Our corporate strategy focuses on
generating profitable medium and long-term growth. In this, we are building on regionalism, efficiency and
BayWa r.e. at a glance
BayWa r.e. renewable energy GmbH is a wholly-owned subsidiary of BayWa AG and pools group renewable energy activities. Founded in 2009 and based in Munich, BayWa r.e. acts as the holding company
for several companies in the fields of solar energy, wind energy, bioenergy and geothermal energy.
Business activities at BayWa r.e. range from project development and implementation via PV trading
through to consulting services. In its service division, BayWa r.e. offers all services required for professional technical plant management, including maintenance, and also offers commercial operations management. Its range of services also includes directly marketing electricity from renewable energies, biomethane trading and selling green electricity and green gas to private and commercial customers. The
company has international operations in its core markets of Europe and the USA.
BayWa AG, Munich, is a listed trading and services group with international operations. Its core business
segments are Agriculture, Building Materials and Energy.
BayWa r.e. renewable energy GmbH
Maria Huber
Public Relations
Tel: +49 89-383932-131
Fax: +49 89-383932-32
E-mail: [email protected]