ARREAU als voorbeeld van een Action Group in het EIP-Water Henry van Veldhuizen Workshop Impact Europees Beleid Nieuwegein, 3 september 2014 European Innovation Partnership on Water New EC instrument to boost innovation • Launched in May 2012 to • Facilitate, support and speed up development and application/deployment of innovative solutions to water challenges • Create market opportunities for innovations • High level governance and visibility • Strategic Implementation Plan EIP-Water H2020 to finance the EIP-Water SOCIETAL CHALLENGES 31.0 billion € Health, demographic change and wellbeing Food security, sustainable agriculture, marine and maritime research and the bioeconomy Secure, clean and efficient energy Smart, green and integrated transport Climate action, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials Inclusive, innovative and secure societies INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP 17.0 billion € Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies (ICT, nano, materials, bio, manufacturing, space) Access to risk finance Innovation in SMEs EXCELLENT SCIENCE 24.3 billion € European Research Council Future and Emerging Technologies Marie Sklodowska Curie actions on skills, training and career development Research infrastructures EIP Water activities • Task Force – work on barriers and policy recommendations • EIP Water Tools – Web based Market Place, Annual Conference etc. • Action Groups Organisation Action Groups – Expectations Development of innovative solutions involving the entire innovation value chain Identification of barriers to innovation through experiences, translated into policy recommendations for their removal Support of implementation of water policy Approved Action Groups 1 • CITY BLUEPRINTS - Improving Implementation Capacities of Cities and Regions (AG041) • ARREAU - Accelerating Resource Recovery from Water Cycle (AG108 • COWAMA - Mitigation of Water Stress in Coastal Zones by Sustainable Water Management (AG111) • CTRL+SWAN - Cloud Technologies & ReaL time monitoring + Smart WAter Network (AG126) • EWW - Energy and Water Works - energizing sustainable deltas (AG115) • FinnoWater (AG013) • InduRe - Industrial Water Re-use and Recycling (AG045) MEET-ME4WATER - Meeting Microbial Electrochemistry for water (AG110) PVAIZEC - Large PV Pumping Systems for zero energy irrigation (AG103) Renewable Energy Desalination (025) RESEWAM-O - Remote sensing for water management optimization (AG132) RTWQM - Real Time Water Quality Monitoring (AG100) Approved Action Groups 2 • • • • • • • AugMent - Water Monitoring for Decision Support (AG124) DISSME - Demand-Driven Innovation Support for SMEs via NNWPs (AG131) EBCF - European Benchmark Cooperation Foundation (AG125) ESE - Ecosystem Services for Europe (AG052) MAR Solutions - Managed Aquifer Recharge Strategies and Actions (AG128) Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactor for Recovery of Energy and Resources (AG036) • Verdygo - modular & sustainable wastewater treatment (AG…) • • • • • W4EF - Framework for evaluation and reporting of the energy impacts on water (AG029) Water Justice (AG117) WaterCoRe - Regional governance of water scarcity and drought issues (AG042) WaterReg - Water services regulation and governance in Europe (AG102) WIRE - Water & Irrigated agriculture Resilient Europe (AG112) SPADIS - Smart Prices and Drought Insurance Schemes in Mediterranean Countries (AG014) Action Group ARREAU Accelerating Resource Recovery from the water cycle Application submitted: January 2014 Proposal approved: April 2014 Objectives • Review and exchange current European best practices • Success factors for viable and profitable value chains • Recommendations to remove policy, financial and legal barriers • Jointly develop value chains and markets Arreau EIP-Water Cross-cutting issues Steering group Working Groups Drinking water resources Phosphorus from wastewater Cellulose from wastewater New resources from water Action Group ARREAU Accelerating Resource Recovery from the water cycle Current actions • Compendium best practices • Review bottlenecks • Prepare visibility at EIP-W annual conference (November 2014) • Open for new members with added value Members ARREAU • • • • • • 4 Water and waste water utilities 4 Knowledge providers 2 Legal supporters 1 Innovation supporter 15 Technology providers/processors 3 End users Mainly from North-West Europe Routekaart afvalwaterketen 2030 source: Doel Energie- en Grondstoffenfabriek “Winnen, verwerken en afzetten van energie en grondstoffen uit afvalwater, waarmee we een bijdrage leveren aan de circulaire economie, ...” Energie en Grondstoffenfabriek Kernteam Cellulose Communicatie Markt en ketens Juridisch Financiering / Subsidies Onderzoek / STOWA UvW Fosfaat Bioplastics Alginaat Energie CO2 STOWA Juridisch Verkenner s Bioplastics SSW Financien M&K N-platform TUDelft P Alginaat ISPT RHDHV EFGF UvW Communicati e Energie Waterschaps energie Water CO2 RU Mineralen DBC valorisatie Arreau Cellulose Vezels GGNL Platform BWA KWR Bedrijf Werkgroe p Wsstp KWB Berlin EIP Informele relatie Formele relatie EC KCPK Vragen?
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