VILLAGE VOICE April 2014 BY-LAWS APPLICABLE TO THE VILLAGE In each occupancy agreement that is signed by Residents, the Village by-laws are contained in clause 1 and are a legally binding part of the contract for occupancy in the Village. From time to time I have cause to contact a resident to remind them of a particular by-law and why it is necessary to comply for the benefit of all residents. In a recent conversation, a resident suggested to me that they had not looked at the bylaws since they signed their contract and an occasional reminder would be useful. I have included 5 sections of the by-laws that are most often referenced as an issue for your information and in brackets I have briefly explained why each by-law is important to maintaining harmony within the Village. 2. UNOCCUPIED UNITS.. The Resident shall advise BVB if he intended to be or is likely to be absent from the demised premises for any period exceeding seven days. The Resident shall not without first advising BVB in writing of his intention to do so allow the Premises to remain unoccupied for any one continuous period in excess of sixty days. (We don’t need to know where you are going or why, just that you will be away so that, in the event that a resident reports that they are concerned about you as you have not been seen, we enter your unit looking to see if you have fallen or are injured) 5. ALTERATION TO PREMISES.. The Resident shall not, without the prior consent in writing of BVB, and then only on the terms and subject to the conditions as in any such written consent may be specified, paint or permit to be painted, or make or permit to be made alterations or additions whether structural or otherwise to the interior or exterior of the Premises or any part thereof. Such alterations or additions shall become and remain the property of BVB without financial compensation to the resident unless BVB in its discretion otherwise determines. (Changes to units can create structural issues for the unit. Additionally repairs and maintenance must be undertaken by contractors who are licenced so their work is covered by insurance and that the quality of their work will not present any danger to yourself or our staff – i.e. electrical works must be undertaken by a qualified electrician who understands the load our units can take and a certificate of electrical safety is provided) 17. VEHICLE USE .. The Resident and his visitors shall ensure that vehicles are parked in the garages, carports or parking bays provided around the Village and not driven or parked on the grassed areas or in any place which would restrict emergency access. Speed limits as indicated by signs within the Village must be observed by residents and visitors. (The village infrastructure is very old in some areas and the weight of a vehicle can damage underground pipes necessitating expensive repairs and also create dips that make mowing more difficult. Cars should always be parked in designated car parks as removalists trucks, buses, garbage trucks and other large vehicles regularly move throughout the Village and have a much larger turning circle than cars – if you have parked in an inappropriate place and your car is damaged then liability may be difficult to establish ) 18. BREACHES BY VISITORS OR GUESTS .. The Resident shall be responsible for the behaviour of any of their visitors or guests and for their breach of any of the By-Laws herein contained. (You are responsible for your guests – this includes where they park their car, and how they behave while in the Village to ensure that other residents are not disturbed or inconvenienced) 26. AMENDMENTS TO BY-LAWS .. The addition of any new By-Law the revocation or alteration of an existing By-Law may be made only in accordance with the provisions of the Retirement Villages Act 1986. (These by-laws form part of your occupancy agreement to reside in the Village and as such can only be changed in accordance with the Retirement Villages Act which is a Victorian State Law – this ensures that the by-laws that formed part of your decision making to enter the Village can’t be changed on a whim, but only after careful consideration and agreement by residents as any change to the bylaws will then change your occupancy agreement conditions.) Til next month Kim Ashcroft, Business Manager DEADLINE for January Village Voice – 19th December 2012 DEADLINE for May Village Voice – 16th April 2014 As Heather will be away this month, May contributions should be given directly to Barb McColl at Administration (5971 1349) by April 16th. EDITORIAL Editor: Mrs Heather Charman April Fool’s Day has existed for a long time… careful what you believe as there have been many successful hoaxes throughout history! During the 1970s This Day Tonight reported that the Sydney Opera House was sinking into the harbour. The report showed scuba divers inspecting the foundations and interviews with concerned “experts”. The same program in 1975 reported that Australia would be converting to metric time. Under the new system there would be 100 seconds to the minute, 100 minutes to the hour and 20 hour days. The Adelaide Town Hall clock was shown with a new 10 hour metric clock face. In late March, 1988, an Australian fruit grower revealed that he had discovered a gold nugget worth $70,000 while planting a tree. Upon admitting that it was a phony a few days later, he stated he just wanted to bring a smile to people on April Fool’s Day. Worthy motivation, I guess……… FOOD FOR THOUGHT “Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter don’t mind.” Dr Seuss ANNOUNCEMENTS Welcome: We welcome the following new Residents and wish them well in their new home Mrs Marion Bassenberg – Manor Mrs Connie Perkins – Unit 346 Adrienne & Arthur Gavin – Unit 316 Transfers: The following Residents have transferred within ILU, to Lodge, Manor or Community. We wish them well in their new home. John Forest - Manor Patricia Gillard – Manor Eileen Minns - Manor Congratulations: The following Residents have attained memorable years of occupancy. We hope they enjoy many more happy years in the Village. 10 Years Bill Evans Anne Van Alphen Sylvia & Kenneth Lee 30 Years Grace & Arend DeVries In Memory: Sadly we advise the following Residents have passed away and we extend our sincere sympathy to their families and friends. Mary ‘Betty’ Powell, George Rawkins, Merle Aldis, Nan Hunting, Elizabeth ‘Beth’ Brewer OPTOMETRIST SUSAN F. KALFF BSc (Optom.) LOSc FVCO Contact Lens Practitioner Low Vision Consultant In consulting rooms THURSDAY 9:00 AM Please contact the Grant Centre to arrange an appointment Recorder Required – Urgently I require a resident to take over the daily recording of rainfall within our Village and producing the monthly summary for the Village Voice. I currently have all relevant figures back to 2001 and a couple of internet addresses for further information, if necessary. Anyone with a weather-station outside their unit would be ideal. Victor W. Walker Unit 173 Phone 5971 4815 ANZAC DAY An ANZAC DAY service will be held in the Village Chapel on Wednesday 23rd April at 2pm. I encourage all residents to attend. Our keynote speaker is the daughter of a former Lt. Commander in the Royal Australian Navy. Further details to be advised… To allay any misconceptions, Anzac Day is not a glorification of war. It is an opportunity to pay our respects to those who have made the supreme sacrifice. It is because of them, and those with whom they served, that we enjoy our way of life which we tend to take for granted. Peter Van’t Hoff SALE! SALE! SALE! On Friday 11th April, Manning Craft will be having an Easter Sale in their craft room at Robinsons Centre. The sale starts at 10am and concludes at 3pm. Easter cards and gifts, as well as general craft items, will be available. We hope you can come along and support this hard-working group. Margaret Button, Craft Facilitator GRANDMOTHER’S CLASSIC Come along on May 7th and “walk the WALK” to support the National Breast Cancer Foundation…….All residents will receive a donation envelope this month with information sheet attached. Further details including the route and scheduled progress of the Pink Wheelbarrow will also be posted in the community buildings. BUILDING BRIDGES ACROSS THE ROAD Thank you to all residents who have, and continue to donate, to the Mt Erin Breakfast Club. On March 17 Mt Erin held their World's Greatest Shave Day to support leukaemia research. They invited residents to attend and the seven who went enjoyed an entertaining afternoon. Eight people had haircuts of various severity levels, while 2 males, (1 student, 1 teacher) submitted to having leg waxing done. The haircuts were performed by Erol, a hairdresser from Hastings who donated his time and energies to help. He is obviously an accomplished stylist (Exodus Hair Design, 27 High St., Hastings, 59797077) and quite the entertainer as well! “Moore Shoes will be here again on Tuesday 22 nd April between 1pm and 2pm in the Clarke centre. They will have their new winter range and have promised a good supply of styles and sizes” If you are interested in learning more about your computer and would like free lessons in word, excel etc. a great website to look at is My Legacy I’m proud to be Australian in a land where I am free, And I cannot forget those who died to make it safe for me. I’m proud of this old flag of ours as I see it flying high, And of those who fought to save it on our land and sea and sky. Yes, I’m proud to be an Aussie, just as proud as I can be; To live in this great land of ours, where our children grow up free. Author Unknown NEPEAN HEARING DENTURES 10 Davey St, Frankston 2 Bartlett St Frankston South 5971 4180 9783 7520 Small friendly private practice University trained audiologists Accredited to provide service to pensioners and veterans Latest digital hearing aids TONY WILMS BSc Dip Aud Visiting Consulting rooms & Clarke Centre Michael Weigert – Dental Prosthetist We come to you every Thursday Just call for a booking We are just a short walk away. Approved by all private & government Health insurance Emergency Denture Repairs / Relines Phone: 0412225202 References from any staff member at the Manor and Lodge. KIOSK Hours CLARKE CENTRE open 9.30am – 11.30am Monday to Friday Now open most public Holidays. Watch for notice on the door. HEATHERHILL ROAD PHARMACY Find out why so many are giving us a try! Picked up from Robinsons, Clarke, Parkside and Grant Centres 2:00 pm Monday to Friday Telephone: 9783 9264 Delivered by 4:00 pm by Margaret Heatherhill Road Pharmacy 48 Heatherhill Road, Frankston Did You Know…? The harmonica is the world’s best-selling musical instrument. Sound travels through water three times faster than through air. If you place a wooden spoon across a pot of boiling water, it won’t boil over. Take your bananas apart when you get home from shopping; if they are left connected they ripen faster. CLARKE Travel chunks of cheese can be stored in foil to keep them fresher for longer and reduce mould. Opened Travel On 26th February a group of residents and friends travelled to Her Majesty’s Theatre to enjoy “Grease – The Musical”. It was bright, breezy, energetic, entertaining and colourful. The performances of Rob Mills, Gretel Scarlett, Bert Newton and many others were faultless. What a way to be transported back in time by 40 years. This was a show thoroughly enjoyed by all. Reminder: Payment of $115pp for Glenn Miller Orchestra is to be paid by April 12th. Tickets still available for “The King and I” on July 2nd at the Princess Theatre; cost $110. Bev Halse, 0434641108 MOB “THE GREEN THING” When at a supermarket checkout the young cashier suggested to the older woman that she should bring her own shopping bags in future because plastic bags weren't good for the environment. The woman apologised and explained, "We didn't have this green thing back in my earlier days." The cashier responded, "That's our problem today. Your generation did not care enough to save our environment for future generations." She was right - our generation didn't have the green thing in its day. Back then, we returned milk bottles, lemonade bottles and beer bottles to the shop. The shop sent them back to the plant to be washed and sterilized and refilled, so it could use the same bottles over and over. So they really were recycled. We refilled writing pens with ink instead of buying a new pen, and we either re-sharpened our cut-throat razors or replaced the razor blades in a razor instead of throwing away the whole razor just because the blade got blunt. But we didn't have the green thing back in ourday. We walked up stairs, because we didn't have an escalator in every shop and office building. We walked to the shop and didn't climb into a 300-horsepower machine every time we had to go two streets away. But she was right. We didn't have the green thing in our day. Back then, we washed the baby's nappies because we didn't have the throw-away kind. We dried clothes on a line, not in an energy gobbling machine burning up 2200watts -- wind and solar power really did dry our clothes back in our early days. Kids got hand-me-down clothes from their brothers or sisters, not always brand-new clothing. But that young lady is right. We didn't have the green thing back in our day. ….to be continued. KEEPING FIT I have to walk early in the morning before my brain realises what I’m doing. Every time I hear the word “exercise”, I wash my mouth out with chocolate. If you are going to try cross-country skiing, start with a small country! I know I’ve had a lot of exercise in the last few years………just getting over the hill. I joined a Health Club last year. Cost about $250. Haven’t lost a single kilo. Apparently you have to go there. Chaplaincy Support Group You are warmly invited to a Facing the Future seminar on the role of Power of Attorney on Wednesday April 30th at 1.30pm in Parkside – put your name on the sign-up sheet on the notice boards. Afternoon tea will be provided. Save the date: On Sunday May 4th you are also invited to come and join with others in singing praise songs old and new and to hear from a guest soloist. This will be at 2.30pm in the Chapel – please bring a plate for afternoon tea. Just a reminder too that The Shed will be closed over Easter. We are still calling for more volunteers to assist at and provide refreshments following Memorial Services. Please call Margaret on 5971 5634 or 5971 6826 if this is something you would like to do! FROM THE CHAPLAINS VBRC MEETING NOTES March 2014 The memorial wall, plaque and flag pole at the site for the Anzac memorial are currently underway. We are all well aware, that as time passes our mental and physical abilities begin to diminish. Sometimes the abilities become disabilities. A proposal has been received for a car wash within the village. The VBRC are currently reviewing. We might find that muscles cramp and tighten up, or, don’t work as well as they used to, and our remembery may become a forgetery. A committee member mentioned that there is wooden edging in a garden bed at Manning which residents can fall over. This has already been raised and one area attended to however will be followed up further. But that doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t try new things, or even step out in faith in areas where we haven’t yet travelled. Just because some things don’t function as well as they used to, or as quickly as they once did, doesn’t mean that we’ve completely lost all our abilities. As our mind and body begin to change, the resources we have to work with also begin to change. If someone finds that their sight becomes poor, other senses become more focused. If a person becomes blind, it seems as though the hearing and sense of touch is heightened, and so the body changes to fit the need. “When Michelangelo was ordered to decorate the walls of the Sistine Chapel, he refused. He had never done any work of that kind, and said he could not do it. But he was told that his refusal would not be accepted. When he discovered that there was no alternative without unpleasant circumstances, he mixed his colours and went to work. And thus came into being the world’s finest painting. There are a few who realize what possibilities are locked up within them until some necessity compels them to attempt something which they have always considered impossible.” (Quote) We all have different gifts; we only need to find out what they are. In hard times, or times of grief or stress, we seem to call on strengths which we never thought we had, but they were always there. In the Bible, in Matthew 17:20, Jesus says: “I tell you the truth, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” If “Nothing is impossible for you!” be content in every situation. Warmest greetings Bernie Thomas A request was made to alter the bus timetable to enable residents to be dropped off and collected from the Grant Centre at lunch time. This is currently under review. Correspondence was received with a suggestion for improved lighting on the corner at maintenance. This is currently under review. GRAEME BAKER PHARMACY 3 The Mall, Frankston 9783 8963 Collect prescriptions or orders for goods daily at 2:30 pm from mail racks marked ‘GRAEME BAKER PHARMACY’ In Clarke, Robinsons, Parkside & Grant Centres Deliveries later 5:30 pm Mon - Fri Prescriptions can be collected after home visits Payment can be made in cash or account at your convenience Safety Net records maintained Webster pak service also available Resident’s Association We welcome the new Resident’s Association, Village Baxter – 2014 / 2015 Executive Committee Members: President: Marlene McKenzie – Unit 370 Vice President: Lorraine Holt – Unit 904 Treasurer: Margaret Hamling – Unit 248 Secretary: Marian Eyers – Unit 935 Committee Members: Shirley Airey – Unit 148 Margaret Allman – Unit 163 Marg Anderson – Unit 297 Maureen Brett – Unit 147 Norm Eyers – Unit 935 Bobby Heath – Unit 252 Dorothy Simpson – Unit 260 No election was required as were 11 nominated and 11 was the minimum required to make up the committee. We wish them well. We thank the outgoing committee very much for their contribution to the village. Facing the Future Seminar RESTAURANT Grant Centre – Now Open Opening Hours 10.00am – 3.00pm 7 Days per Week Coffee, Tea, Hot Chocolates, Smoothies, Milk Shakes, Cakes, Muffins, Scone with Jam & Cream Gourmet pies, Sausage rolls, Fresh Sandwiches & Rolls Hot Soup of the day with fresh roll, Hot Chips, Main Meal of the day Available between 11.45am – 13.30pm For groups of 4 or more please book through Catering 5971 6316 WEDNESDAY APRIL 30TH 1.30PM PARKSIDE CENTRE You are invited to come and learn about the importance of this matter to us all. Promoting our rights, interests and dignity as we age and face important choices. Afternoon Tea provided Family members are welcome to attend Please register on the lists provided on the notice boards at Clarke, Parkside, Robinsons and Grant Centres. Sponsored by Chaplaincy Support Group HILDEBRAND’S PHARMACY Joseph Sztar PH.C., M.P.S., TOWERHILL SHOPPING CENTRE Cnr. Golf Links & Hastings Roads, Frankston 9781 3027 OPEN 8.30 AM – 8:00 PM Mon – Frid 9.00AM – 6.00PM Sat & Sun COLLECTION TIMES FOR PRESCRIPTIONS AND ANY OTHER ORDERS ROBINSONS, CLARKE, PARKSIDE & GRANT CENTRE 1.00pm & 3:00 pm OR PHONE 9781 3833 Free deliveries on weekdays – Monday to Friday At Hildebrand’s Pharmacy we carry a range of independent living items and walking aids Collators: Pat Johnson Dorothy Simpson Beryl Bodey Marjorie Mitchell Beth McNamara Norma Andrews General Manager: Business Manager: Editor: Typist: Stuart Shaw Kim Ashcroft Heather Charman Barb McColl Disclaimer: Every care is taken in the course of preparing this publication, but the views expressed herein are not necessarily of The Village Baxter, nor can any representative or employee accept responsibility for any errors or omissions. DIARY DATES - April 2014 Wed 2 Scooter tyre pumping service Wed 2 Chaplaincy Support Group – General meeting 10.00 – 10.30am Vege. Shed 2.00pm Parkside 5.30pm Green Room, CC 5.00pm Clarke Thanksgiving Offering Thurs 3 Manning Travel: Williamstown Trip Fri 4 Fish and Chip Night Church – Everybody welcome Sat 5 CLEO CLUB “It’s Magic!” Mon 7 VBRC Clinic Tues 8 10.30am Parkside Computer Tutorial 2.00pm Parkside Fri 11 Manning Craft Sale 10.00am-3.00pm Robinsons Sat 12 The Shed (C.S.G.) 9.00am – Noon The Shed Sat 12 Morning Tea – Everybody Welcome 9.30am – Noon Parkside Hosted by Residents’ Association Mon 13 The Entertainers - free 1.30pm Chapel Wed 16 Residents’ Meeting 1.30pm Clarke Fri 18 Good Friday Sat 19 EASTER MORNING TEA 10.00am Clarke Hosted by Residents’ Association Tues 22 Computer Tutorial 2.00pm Tue 22 Moore Shoes Wed 23 Book Club 3.30pm Parkside Wed 23 Anzac Day Service 2.00pm Chapel Fri 25 ANZAC DAY Tues 29 Ozknits 1.30pm Clarke Wed 30 Facing the Future Seminar 1.30pm Parkside 1.00pm – 2.00pm ***Why is it that when I do something good, no-one remembers, but when I do something wrong, no-one forgets?*** ***Don’t be too critical about your husband’s good taste…..he chose you!!*** Parkside Clarke REGULAR ACTIVITIES - Open To All Residents MANNING CENTRE CLARKE CENTRE MONDAY MONDAY Games Afternoon 2.00pm Rummikin, Scrabble etc - All Welcome TUESDAY Rummykin & Cards 1.00 – 4.00pm Craft Group Exercise Group Indoor Bowls Crazy Whist (Green Room) 9.00 – 4.00pm 9.30 – 10.30am 1.30pm 3.30 – 6.00pm TUESDAY WEDNESDAY Scrabble 1.00 – 4.30pm Outdoor Bowls 1.00 – 6.00pm WEDNESDAY SATURDAY Croquet 9.00 – 12noon Chi Kung ROBINSONS CENTRE WEDNESDAY Darts from 2.30pm THURSDAY THURSDAY Darts from 2.30pm FRIDAY Outdoor Bowls Veggie sales Veggie sales 9.00 – 11.00am Gentle Exercise Group Village Singers’ Rehearsal 9.15 am 1.00 – 6.00pm 9.00 – 11.00am 1.15 – 2.15pm 2.30 – 3.30pm SATURDAY FRIDAY Craft Group (Each week) 10.00 – 4.00pm SATURDAY Scrabble 1.00 – 4.00pm ANY DAY Outdoor Bowls Scrabble (Craft Room) 12.00 – 6.00pm 1.15 - 5.00pm ANY DAY Snooker/Billiards Any time PARKSIDE CENTRE Book Club 4th Wed 3.30pm Computer classes 2nd /4th Tue 2.00pm Snooker Table Tennis Darts Please watch noticeboards for topics HYDROTHERAPY every Monday 2.30pm - See your Hostess for more details DAY CENTRE Art Classes Pottery with Judy Armstrong Tuesday Thursday 9.00am – 3.00pm 9.00am $2.00 byo lunch – tea/coffee provided CHURCH SERVICES SUN WED 5th SUN 3rd TUES 4th THURS Village Church (Includes Communion 1st Sunday each month) Devotions Missionary Service Anglican Service - Communion Catholic Mass with Father Dennis 10.00am 9.30am 10.00am 1.15pm 2.30pm Chapel Clarke Centre Chapel Chapel Chapel Bus will pick up from Clarke Centre and Manning Centre at 2pm HEALTH & WELFARE @ CLARKE CENTRE MON Podiatry WED Hearing consultations THUR Doctor’s surgery THUR Physiotherapy [Please check notice board for details] VILLAGE NURSE’S CLINICS MON Robinsons Ctr 10.00-11.00am TUES Robinsons Ctr 10.00-11.00am WED Robinsons Ctr 10.00-11.00am THUR Clarke Centre 10.00-11.00am FRID Clarke Centre 10.00-11.00am CONSULTING SUITES – MEDICAL CENTRE Doctor Warfe Podiatry Australian Hearing Please ring Grant Centre reception (10.00am – 3.00pm) for all appointments
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