SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, 1 JANUARY, 1949 To be Members of the Fifth Class .'-7- ' Lieutenant. (E) Reginald Walter BLATCHFORD, •Royal Navy. • • • • ' ' Acting Flight Lieutenant Alan John LEE Lieutenant (Acting Captain) Basil Ian Spencer (197598), Royal Air Force. GOURLAY, M:C., Royal Marines. Lieutenant (S) Robert THOMPSON, Royal Navy Wardrnasiter Lieutenant Victor Henry- HUTLEY, -(retired). '"...'*•'" Royal Navy. • . • .'. Flight Lieutenant Ernest Brian TRUBSHAW Second Officer Florence Mary INGLEDEW, (150725), Royal Air Force. ^Women's Royal Naval Service. Temporary Acting Lieutenant-Commander <SpO" Frederick William INNS, R.N.V.R. CENTRAL CHANCERY OF THE ORDERS Lieutenant John Mawer LARDER, D.S.Q. Royal Navy. . "•"'.. O F KNIGHTHOOD, Acting Lieutenant-Commander (A) Desmond St. James's.Palace,.S.W.I, "\ . Bernard, LAW, EL'S.G, Royal Navy. . .. ....•••• 1st January, 1949. Mr. "William Howard LEAMAN, Commissioned Boatswain, Royal Navy. The KING has been graciously pleased to give orders for the following, promotion in, Acting Lieutenant-Commander . (A) (A.E.). •Charles George MOORE, Royal Navy. and appointments to, the, Most Excellent Mr. Jaines William. Daniel SHELL, Acting Order of the British Empire: — . , Commissioned Stores Officer, Royal Navy. To be Ordinary Knights Commanders of the Lieutenant-Commander (Sp.) Frederick. William Military Division of the said Most Excellent TIMSON, R.N.V.R. , Order:— . . Engineer Rear-Admiral Sydney Qswell FREW, CENTRAL CHANCERY OF.THE ORDERS ; . , OF KNIGHTHOOD. Vice-Admiral Harold Richard .George KlNAHAN, C.B., C.B.E. '". St: James's Palace, S.W.I. ' "' ' ' " ' . 1st January, 1949. To We Ordinary Commanders of the Military Division of the said Most'Excellent Order: — The KING has been graciously pleased to The Right. Reverend /Monsignor .Edward give orders for the following .promotions in, and^ appointments to, -the Most Excellent DEJVEY, V.G., -Chaplain, Royal Navy. Surgeon Captain Robert Walsh MUSSEN, M.D., Order of the British Empire: — B.Ch., M.R.C.P. (Lond.) Royal Navy. To. be Ordinary Knights Commanders of the Captain (S) Herbert Guy PERTWEE, D.S.O., Military Division of the said Most -Royal Navy. : . Excellent Order: — Captain (E) Owen William PHILLIPS, Royal Lieutenant-General Gerald. Walter Robert Navy (Retired)!. TEMPLER, C.B., C.M.G., D.S.O., O.B.E. Rear-Admiral (E) Henry-Stewart ROOME. (15307), late Infantry. Instructor Captain John Cecil .Neave TAYLOR, Lieutenant - General Frederick George M.Eng., Royal .Navy. WRISBERG, C.B., C.B.E.' (10125), late Royal Regiment o f Artillery. . . . . . To be Ordinary Officers of the Military: Division of the said Most Excellent Order:—' To be Ordinary Commanders of -the Military Division, of • the said Most Excellent Commander (E) Arthur Douglas BONNY, RoyalNavy. Order?— Honorary Lieutenant-Commander Henry Colonel (temporary) Thomas . Geoffrey Herbert BURROWS, R.N.V.(W)R. -"BRENNAN, O.B.E; (50228), Royal Regiment Acting Commander Anthony 'Tosswill "of Artillery. - COURTNEY, Royal Navy. Brigadier (temporary) Frederick Graham' Acting. Shipwright . Lieutenant-Commander .COLEMAN (11048), Royal Army Ordnance, Alfred Charles DE GRUCHY, Royal Navy. 'Corps.. . . •''.'." Instructor. Commander. Alan Robertson Controller (temporary) Mary . Francis . ^EDWARDS, ,M.A., Royal Navy. COULSHED (196327), ''Auxiliary "Territorial Commander John .William FORREST, Royal • Service. •" . v • , *•• - ', Navy (Retired). Colonel (temporary)" Philip Basil CUDDON, r Acting Commander (S) Richard Murray M.C: X5/47), -The Loyal Regiment (North GARSIDE, Royal Navy.- * . - --• Lancashire). Lieutenant-Commander (A) Stafford HQOK, The Reverend Alan Munro 'DAVIDSON, M.C.," : ' Royal Navy. ... M.A., D.D., K.H.C.,(31i08), Chaplain' to Lieutenant-Colonel Cecil Ferridale: PHILLIPS, the Forces, First Class, Royal Army ChapD.S.O... Royal Marines. '..,. , . ., -lains' Department. . , Commander (L) James Bennett REED, Royal Colonel (temporary). Robert Kenah EXHAM, .Navy, (Retired). ' O.B.E., M.C. (36543), The Duke of WellingThe Reverend-James Churchill WATERS,. MIA., ton's Regiment (West Riding). • , Chaplain, Royal Navyv Brigadier (temporary) John Bunfield HICKMAN, Engineer Commander .Frank Edwara YEATES, M.C., M.A. (13046), late Royals Corps of Signals. • . _ . . .. . • ' - . . Royal Navy, (Retired). Colonel (temporary) Harold Leslie LENDRUM, To be Ordinary Members of '• the Military . A.M.I.E.E: (17229) Corps of Royal Division of the said Most Excellent Order:— Engineers. . . . Acting Lieutenant Francis .Gerald - BARNARD, Colonel Charles Morgan PATON, C.V.Q. Royal Navy. • (9333), late.Infantry. Mr. William David BARRINGTON, Gunner (T), Brigadier (temporary) James Dewar RUSSELL, Royal Navy. • ' D.S.O., M.C. (12804),' late Infantry! : •.C.B. • . '. -:••'•';
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