Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission Land-based Pollution Group Gdansk, Poland, 14-16 May 2014 Document title Code Category Agenda Item Submission date Submitted by Reference LAND 19-2014 Update on the status of revision of BREFs and development of BAT Conclusions 6-2 INF 6 - Compliance with HELCOM requirements on pollution prevention from land-based sources 6.5.2014 Secretariat Minutes of HELCOM LAND 18/2013, para 6.3 Background HELCOM LAND 18/2013 took note of the recently adopted BAT Conclusions under EU Industrial Emissions Directive (industrial emissions for the tanning of hides and skins - adopted on 11.02.2013) and agreed to consider them when revising the HELCOM Recommendations in industrial field. The meeting welcomed the information by Finland that a programme of expected deliveries of BAT Conclusions can be submitted to the Secretariat. Since the last meeting of HELCOM LAND, the BREFs and BATCs for the following industries were adopted: Production of Cement, Lime and Magnesium Oxide (BREF, BATC) Production of Chlor-Alkali (BATC, BREF, Final Draft). Number of BREF/REF/BATC negotiations have entered final stage and are expected to be adopted soon Pulp and Paper (Final Draft) Refining of Mineral Oil and Gas (Final Draft) REF on Monitoring of Emissions from IED installations (Final Draft). This document contains the Update on the status of revision of BREFs and development of BAT Conclusions relevant for the purpose of potential revision of HELCOM Recommendation in industrial field. Action required The Meeting is invited to take note of the information. Page 1 of 5 LAND 19-2014, 6-2 Update on the status of revision of BREFs and development of BAT Conclusions The table below presents, in alphabetical order, the list of reference documents that have been drawn (or are planned to be drawn) as part of the exchange of information carried out in the framework of Article 13(1) of the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED, 2010/75/EU). The table contains the Best Available Techniques (BAT) reference documents, the so-called BREFs (as well as a few other reference documents) that have been adopted under both the IPPC Directive (2008/1/EC) and the IED. For BREFs adopted under the IED, the table shows in the column "Adopted document" also the BAT conclusions adopted according to IED Article 13(5). The "BAT conclusions" is a document containing the parts of a BAT reference document laying down the conclusions on best available techniques. According to Article 14(3) of the IED, BAT conclusions shall be the reference for setting the permit conditions to installations covered by the Directive. For each BREF in the table below, the following information can be found: • the latest reference document itself. In short, each document generally gives information on a specific industrial/agricultural sector in the EU, on the techniques and processes used in this sector, current emission and consumption levels, techniques to consider in the determination of the best available techniques (BAT) and emerging techniques • the list of references (background material) quoted in the reference document • links to webpages containing translations of the BREFs into languages other than English • links to webpages containing relevant legislation/standards • additional technical information. Translations of complete reference documents and/or Executive Summaries are available here. BREF or REF, indicates that a document has been published by the European Commission under the IED (post 2010). Under Adopted Document, both the BREF and the related BAT conclusions can be found. FD, indicates that the document has been sent to the IED Article 13 Forum for its opinion. D1/D2/D3, indicates the latest formal draft which is available. Indicates that work has started but a draft is not yet available. Indicates work is planned to commence in the year shown but has not yet started. BREF or REF, indicates that a document has been formally adopted by the European Commission under the IPPC Directive (2008/1/EC). Indicates that work has not yet started. BREF or ‘BAT reference document’ means a document, resulting from the exchange of information organised pursuant to Article 13 of Directive 2010/75/EU, drawn up for defined activities and describing, in particular, applied techniques, present emissions and consumption levels, techniques considered for the determination of best available techniques as well as BAT conclusions and any emerging techniques, giving special consideration to the criteria listed in Annex III to Directive 2010/75/EU. A similar definition was applicable under the IPPC Directive (2008/1/EC). REF or ‘reference document’ or ‘reference report" means a document, which is not a BREF, used as the main reference for a specific horizontal task or topic in the Sevilla process. Page 2 of 5 LAND 19-2014, 6-2 BATC or ‘BAT conclusions'' means a document containing the parts of a BAT reference document laying down the conclusions on best available techniques, their description, information to assess their applicability, the emission levels associated with the best available techniques, associated monitoring, associated consumption levels and, where appropriate, relevant site remediation measures. Under the Commission Decision of 12 December 2011 on the Re-use of Commission Documents (2011/833/EU), the BREF documents are subject to free re-use, except for parts covered by any third-party rights which may be present in the documents (such as images, tables, data, written material, or similar, the rights to which need to be acquired separately from their respective rights-holders for further use). The European Commission is not liable for any consequence stemming from the re-use of these documents. Any re-use is subject to the acknowledgement of the source and non-distortion of the original meaning or message. Best Available Techniques Reference Document (BREFs) Code Adopted Ceramic Manufacturing Industry CER Common Waste Water and Waste Gas Treatment/ Management Systems in the Chemical Sector CWW BREF(02.2003) Emissions from Storage EFS BREF(07.2006) Energy Efficiency ENE BREF(02.2009) Ferrous Metals Processing Industry FMP BREF(12.2001) Formal draft Meeting (*) report BREF(08.2007) Food, Drink and Milk Industries FDM BREF(08.2006) Industrial Cooling Systems ICS BREF(12.2001) Intensive Rearing of Poultry and Pigs IRPP BREF(07.2003) Iron and Steel Production IS BATC(03.2012) BREF(03.2012) Large Combustion Plants LCP BREF(07.2006) D2(07.2011) MR(06.2008) Review on hold Review started D2(08.2013) MR(06.2009) D1(06.2013) MR(10.2011) Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals – LVICBREF(08.2007) Ammonia, Acids and Fertilisers AAF Large Volume Inorganic Chemicals – LVIC-S BREF(08.2007) Solids and Others Industry Large Volume Organic Chemical Industry Estimated review start LVOC BREF(02.2003) Page 3 of 5 D1(04.2014) MR(12.2010) LAND 19-2014, 6-2 Management of Tailings and WasteMTWR BREF(01.2009) rock in Mining Activities Manufacture of Glass GLS BATC(03.2012) BREF(03.2012) Manufacture of Organic Fine Chemicals OFC BREF(08.2006) Non-ferrous Metals Industries NFM BREF(12.2001) Production of Cement, Lime and Magnesium Oxide CLM BATC(04.2013) BREF(04.2013) Production of Chlor-alkali CAK BATC(12.2013) FD(04.2013) MR(09.2009) BREF(12.2001**) Production of Polymers POL BREF(08.2007) Pulp and Paper Industry PP BREF(12.2001) Production of Speciality Inorganic Chemicals SIC BREF(08.2007) Refining of Mineral Oil and Gas REF BREF(02.2003) Slaughterhouses and Animals Byproducts Industries SA BREF(05.2005) Smitheries and Foundries Industry SF BREF(05.2005) Surface Treatment of Metals and Plastics STM BREF(08.2006) Surface Treatment Using Organic Solvents STS BREF(08.2007) Tanning of Hides and Skins TAN BATC(02.2013) BREF(02.2013) Textiles Industry TXT BREF(07.2003) Waste Incineration WI BREF(08.2006) Waste Treatment WT BREF(08.2006) Page 4 of 5 D3(02.2013) MR(09.2007) FD(07.2013) MR(11.2006) FD(07.2013) MR(09.2008) 2014 2014 MR(11.2013) Review started LAND 19-2014, 6-2 Wood-based Panels Production WBP - Wood and Wood Products Preservation with Chemicals WPC - Reference Document (REFs) Code Adopted Economics and Cross-media Effects ECM D1(07.2013) MR(11.2011) 2014 Formal draft Meeting (*) report Estimated review start REF (07.2006) Monitoring of emissions from IEDROM REF (07.2003) installations FD(10.2013) (*) Formal draft of (B)REFs have no legal value. They only reflect work in progress and are available for information only to those interested in the exchange of information under Article 13(1) of the IED. (**) The fully revised BREF including the adopted BAT conclusions published on the Official Journal in December 2013 is being prepared and will be made available on this webpage as soon as possible. Page 5 of 5
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