America: AOS 1 Revolutionary Movements, Ideas, Leaders and Events Natalie Shephard Glenvale School, Melton Campus What was the Enlightenment? The Enlightenment was a period of intellectual curiosity and development from the mid-1600s to the late 1700s. New philosophical, political and scientific ideas and theories emerged. Natural law —rules discoverable by reason, govern scientific forces such as gravity and magnetism. Natural rights - rights that belongs to all humans from birth. Revolution in thinking - through the use of reason, people and governments could solve every social, political and economic problem. Led by the philosophes - Member of a group of Enlightenment thinkers who tried to apply the methods of science to the improvement of society. Core values of the Enlightenment Reason – truth could be discovered through reason Nature - The philosophes believed that what was natural was also good and reasonable Happiness – rejected medieval belief that people should concentrate on finding happiness in the hereafter rather than finding contentment & joy in this world Progress – Humankind could improve Liberty – called for liberties achieve from the Glorious Revolution in the English Bill of Rights Religious tolerance The philosophes – John Locke, 1632-1704 Essay concerning Human Understanding, 1689 • Humans are not born with any innate essence but rather are shaped by their environments • Human mind is tabula rasa, a blank slate on which experience is written • Empiricism – all men are created equal Two treatises of Government, 1690. • • • • Major influence Disputes concept of diving right to rule (no surprises this is post-1642!) Natural rights – life, liberty and property which sit above law Natural rights infringed = legitimate revolution John Locke contd. Life: everyone is entitled to live once they are created. Liberty: everyone is entitled to do anything they want to so long as it doesn't conflict with the first right. Property: everyone is entitled to own all they create or gain through gift or trade so long as it doesn't conflict with the first two rights An entire society agrees to be governed by its general will, and all individuals should be forced to abide by the general will since it represents what is best for the entire community. He believed that a government’s power comes from the consent of the people. 2nd Treatise Standing armies are a prelude to tyranny The philosophes – Denis Diderot • Published the Encyclopedia, a 28-volume set of books • Explained ideas on government, philosophy and religion • Denounced slavery, praised freedom of expression and urged education for all • Attacked divine right of kings theory and traditional religions • Censorship used to prevent the spread of ideas. • Enlightened despots, absolute rulers, were those willing to consider some reforms The philosophes - Voltaire Francois-Marie Arouet • Believed the perfect government needed freedom of speech and of religion. • defended the principle of freedom of speech “I do not agree with a word you say, but I will fight to the death for your right to say it.” • exposed the wrongs of his time • targeted corrupt officials and aristocrats • wrote about inequality, injustice, and superstition • hated the slave trade and religious prejudice • offended French gov’t and Catholic Church • was imprisoned and forced into exiled The philosophes – Rousseau • Wrote the “Social Contract.” • Believed that people were born good, but corrupted by the environment, bad government, and laws. • He believed the best government used POPULAR SOVEREIGNTY or a vote by all of the people The philosophes – Montesquieu - AOS 2 • devoted himself to the study of political liberty • Wrote On the Spirit of Laws (1748). • Separation of powers “Power should be a check to power” • 3 branches – became known as checks and balances • Legislative – made laws. • Executive – administered laws. • Judicial – interpreted and applied laws. Government by law The rule of law implies that government authority and power is defined and limited by written law, which were adopted through established procedure. British Constitution = Magna Carta, English Bill of Rights, all Acts of Parliament and unwritten traditions that protect citizens’ rights. Britain was a parliamentary monarchy. • House of Lords – 222 members in 1776. • House of Commons 558 MPs. Controlled finances (ultimate power!) British government not totally democratic. • In 1761, 215 000 adult landowning males were entitled to vote. Oligarchy • Government in which the ruling power belongs to a few people. The situation in 1763 In theory – Britain ruled America In practice – American colonists governed themselves through provincial government, with a colonial governor who reported to the King. This was known as “Salutary neglect” • Britain has been essentially ignoring America • System of mercantilism benefitted Britain • As long as they were making money • American colonists had been used to a degree of selfgovernment. Then it all went a bit sideways. Right to life The right to life is the fundamental right, of which all other rights are corollaries (consequences). The right to life states that you own your own body. It is your property to do with as you please. No one may force you to do anything, no one may injure you in any way, and above all, no one may take your life (without consent.) Boston Massacre, 1770 Lexington-Concord, April 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill, June 1775 Right to liberty A state of individual freedom, especially from government oppression or intervention. So, pretty much anything that the British government did was seen as an infringement on their right to liberty! Suspension of New York Assembly, 1768 Refused to comply with Quartering Act Vice Admiralty Court Act, 1768 Did not have juries – helped customs officials prosecute smugglers Massachusetts Assembly dissolved, 1768 Administration of Justice Act, 1774 Royal officials accused of capital offenses tried outside of Massachusetts Right to property What Locke said about it: Government, -“can never have a Power to take to themselves the whole or any part of the Subjects Property, without their own consent. For this would be in effect to leave them no Property at all.” He makes his point even more explicit: rulers “must not raise Taxes on the Property of the People, without the Consent of the People, given by themselves, or their Deputies.” Sugar Act, 1764 Stamp Act, 1765 Townshend Duties, 1767 Tea Act, 1773 Coercive Acts, 1774 All these attempts to raise revenue violated colonists rights No taxation without representation Writs of assistance Writs of assistance were documents which served as a general search warrant, allowing customs officials to enter any ship or building that they suspected for any reason might hold smuggled goods. This breached colonists natural right to property and liberty (Locke) James Otis – challenged this in court in 1761. He argued that the writs were "against the fundamental principles of law," and claimed that even an act of Parliament "against the Constitution is void." His primary argument in front of the supreme court centred on the growing sentiment in the colonies that even Parliament could not infringe on certain basic rights that stood at the core of the Constitution, often termed 'the rights of Englishmen.' Sugar Act, 1764 Reinstitution of mercantilist policy, lowered duty to make tax collectable Revising Molasses Act 1733, new powers given to customs officers Bypassed colonial assemblies thus seen to violate colonists rights, famous catch cry `no taxation without representation’ Established a merchant class of New England as a pillar of opposition. Set precedent Stamp Act, 1765 Passed to raise £60 000 to supply British troops in America, Parliament believed funding should be sourced from colonies First tax that created widespread opposition as targeted all social classes, taxing everything from playing cards to legal documents Led to emergence of opposition groups: Sons of Liberty Inter-colonial co-operation through Stamp Act Congress Patrick Henry’s `Virginia Resolves’, colonists `entitled to all liberties, privileges and immunities’ of freeborn Englishmen Natural rights (property) – Locke Otis – flaw in British constitution – no taxation without representation Standing armies Standing armies should not exist during times of peace, never had before their establishment in America after 1763 John Locke Second Treatise on Government Standing armies are a prelude to tyranny Generated tension Resulted in Quartering Acts, 1765 and 1774 Social clashes Boston Massacre Military governor of Massachusetts Ties in with how liberty was threated Popular sovereignty A political idea that suggests government authority is derived from the consent and support of the people. Popular sovereignty emerged during the Enlightenment and challenged the traditional idea that kings and governments obtained their power from God. Colonists had been used to self-government. Legislative bodies. Representatives at colonial assemblies. Massachusetts Government Act, 1774 Took away right to elect civil offices (gave this to royal governor) Taxation without representation British parliamentary democracy was based on virtual representation … that is, the parliament acted for all its citizens, supposedly in their best interests. Physically an impracticality for America to have actual representation. The Americans rejected this and preferred actual representation: where each member of parliament or an assembly sat on behalf of a number of his constituents Stamp Act Townshend Duties Ties in with ideas of self-government and property Self-government John Locke – disputed divine right to rule Criticised absolute monarchy People have the natural ability to govern their own affairs People could learn from experience and improve themselves Colonists had been used to self-government. Legislative bodies Representatives at colonial assemblies. Massachusetts Government Act, 1774 Took away right to elect civil offices (gave this to royal governor) Republicanism 18th Century Republicanism = civic virtue A person with “virtue” owned property, possessed an intrinsic sense of morality, and was willing to subordinate his own interests for the good of the community. Stems from Classical era (Roman and Greek) citizenship = military service. These participatory republics built their stability and authority on the virtue of the citizenry as a whole and their resistance to corruption or tyranny. Citizenship = landholding (soldier who retired were given land as pensions It was thought that they had far more invested in society = the public good. Republicanism 2 Republicanism represented more than a particular form of government. It was a way of life, a core ideology, an uncompromising commitment to liberty, and a total rejection of aristocracy Robert A. Divine, T. H. Breen, et al. The American Story (3rd ed. 2007) p 147 Thomas Jefferson’s the Summary View of the Rights of British America explored ideas about the rights of governments to impose laws and what action should be taken when these rights were infringed. Thomas Paine’s Common Sense attacked George III (the constitutional monarchy), shifting the blame onto him, calling for independence and thus a republic (a country without a monarchy). Putting the information in context – Unit 3 VCAA 2010 Question 2 Using three or four points, explain how ideas of liberty contributed to a revolutionary situation in the American colonies between 1763 and 1776. Provide evidence to support your answer. VCAA 2011 Question 1 Using three or four points, explain how demands for self-government among the American colonies accelerated the development of the American Revolution between l763 and l776. Provide evidence to support your answer. VCAA 2012 Question 2 Using three or four points, explain how the ideas eventually contained in the Declaration of Independence contributed to a revolutionary situation between 1763 and 1776. Provide evidence to support your answer. Putting the information in context – Unit 3 VCAA 2013 Question 1 (10 marks) Using three or four points, explain how the ideas of republicanism contributed to the development of the American Revolution from 1763 up to and including 1776. Provide evidence to support your answer. Unit 3 example – VCAA examiner’s report The following is an example of a high-scoring response. The notion of republicanism in the American Revolution centred around a glowing sense of national unity and entitlement to actual representation that would inevitably lead to a revolutionary situation by 1776. The Proclamation Act of 1763 marked an end of the 150 years of salutary neglect in which America had been able to govern itself internally. George Washington referred to this as a ‘temporary expedient to quieten the minds of the Indians’. This fostering belief of anti-British sentiment was exacerbated with the implementation of the Stamp Act of 1765. Here the colony would voice their disgust at British taxation by claiming it is a fundamental breach of Natural Rights inspired by John Locke. This fervent belief motivated Patrick Henry to develop his Virginia Resolves in asserting that Americans were ‘entitled to all liberties, privileges and immunities of free born Englishmen’. This rhetoric resulted in a Stamp Act Congress which marked the birth of a developing sense of ‘Republicanism’. This belief was at the basis of colonial objections to the Townshend Act of 1767 and the subsequent Boston Massacre of 1770. With the aid of Samuel Adams ‘Short story of the horrid Massacre in Boston’, enflaming the colonials belief to their entitlement to representation, cemented in the infamous phrase ‘no taxation without representation’. With the Boston Tea Party 1773 causing the Coercive Acts of 1774, it was the American response to create the 1st and 2nd Continental Congress which affirmed totally the ideal of a ‘Republic’. With the Virginia House of Burgess proclaiming ‘an attack made on a sister colony is an attack made on us all’, which emphasized the Americans belief in national republicanism and led to the Declaration of Independence. Putting the information in context – Unit 4 Whilst only one question has specifically addressed this – the knowledge and understanding of differing historian’s opinions is important VCAA 2011 Question 1 (20 marks) Digitally reproduced by permission of the publishers from The Adams Papers: Diary and Autobiography of John Adams: Volume 2, Diary 1771–1781, edited by LH Butterfield, Leonard C. Faber and Wendell D Garrett, pp. 85–86, Cambridge, Mass., The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, © 1961 by the Massachusetts Historical Society; All rights reserved d. Evaluate the usefulness of the extract in understanding the rise of revolutionary leaders and their ideas from 1763 to 1776. In your response quote parts of the extract and refer to different views of the period 1763 to 1776. 10 marks
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