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Dr. Tristan McLoughlin
School of Mathematics
Trinity College Dublin
College Green
Dublin 2, Ireland
Tel: +353 1 896 1211
[email protected]
Academic Positions
Assistant Professor
School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin,
2012 to present
Junior Scientist
Albert Einstein Institute, M.P.I. Golm,
2007 to 2012
Post Doctoral Researcher
Pennsylvania State University,
2005 to 2007
Ph.D. in Physics
California Institute of Technology
Thesis title: The near-Penrose limit of AdS/CFT.
B.A. in Theoretical Physics
Trinity College Dublin
Awarded with first class honours.
Teaching Positions
Mathematics for Scientists Trinity College Dublin
Classical Electrodynamics Trinity College Dublin
Classical Field Theory Trinity College Dublin
Autumn 2013
Winter 2013, 2014
Autumn 2012, 2013
IMPRS lecture course Max Planck Institute
Teaching Assistant California Institute of Technology
1999 to 2005
Student Supervision
Philipp H¨
ahnel, Phd thesis
Lorenzo Gerotto, Phd thesis
V´aclav Tlap´
ak, Bachelor’s and Master’s thesis
(Now Ph.D. candidate at DESY, Hamburg)
2014 to present
2014 to present
2009 to 2011
Course director for Theoretical Physics
2012- present
Member of undergraduate and graduate faculty committees 2013- present
External PhD committee member at Uppsala University
Reviewer for Classical and Quantum Gravity, Journal of High Energy Physics,
Journal of Physics A, Nuclear Physics B, Physical Review D,
Physical Review Letters.
IRC, Ulysses Travel Grant
Marie Curie, CIG
DFG, German Science Foundation grant
(Ended early due to current position)
2014 to 2015
2013 to 2017
2010 to 2013
Published & Submitted Articles
1. “Comments on World-Sheet Form Factors in AdS/CFT”
T. Klose and T. McLoughlin.
J. Phys. A: 47 055401 (2014)
2. “Worldsheet Form Factors in AdS/CFT”
T. Klose and T. McLoughlin.
arXiv:1208.2020 [hep-th]
Phys. Rev. D 87, 026004 (2013)
3. “Conformal Anomaly for Amplitudes in N = 6 Superconformal Chern-Simons Theory”
T. Bargheer, N. Beisert, F. Loebbert and T. McLoughlin.
arXiv:1204.4406 [hep-th]
J. Phys. A 45, 475402 (2012)
4. “New Relations for Three-Dimensional Supersymmetric Scattering Amplitudes”
T. Bargheer, S. He and T. McLoughlin.
arXiv:1203.0562 [hep-th]
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 231601 (2012)
5. “A light-cone approach to three-point functions in AdS5 ×S5 ”
T. Klose and T. McLoughlin.
arXiv:1106.0495 [hep-th]
JHEP 1204, 080 (2012)
6. “Review of AdS/CFT Integrability: An Overview”
N. Beisert, C. Ahn, L. F. Alday, Z. Bajnok, J. M. Drummond, L. Freyhult, N. Gromov
and R. A. Janik et al..
arXiv:1012.3982 [hep-th]
Lett. Math. Phys. 99, 3 (2012)
7. “Review of AdS/CFT Integrability, Chapter II.2: Quantum Strings in AdS5 ×S5 ”
T. McLoughlin.
arXiv:1012.3987 [hep-th]
Lett. Math. Phys. 99, 127 (2012)
8. “On All-loop Integrands of Scattering Amplitudes in Planar N=4 SYM”
S. He and T. McLoughlin.
arXiv:1010.6256 [hep-th]
JHEP 1102, 116 (2011)
9. “One-Loop Superconformal and Yangian Symmetries of Scattering Amplitudes in N=4 Super Yang-Mills”
N. Beisert, J. Henn, T. McLoughlin and J. Plefka.
arXiv:1002.1733 [hep-th]
JHEP 1004, 085 (2010)
10. “Exacting N=4 Superconformal Symmetry”
T. Bargheer, N. Beisert, W. Galleas, F. Loebbert and T. McLoughlin.
arXiv:0905.3738 [hep-th]
JHEP 0911, 056 (2009)
11. “Scattering in Mass-Deformed N≥4 Chern-Simons Models”
A. Agarwal, N. Beisert and T. McLoughlin.
arXiv:0812.3367 [hep-th]
JHEP 0906, 045 (2009)
12. “Quantum spinning strings in AdS4 × CP3 : Testing the Bethe Ansatz proposal”
T. McLoughlin, R. Roiban and A. A. Tseytlin.
arXiv:0809.4038 [hep-th]
JHEP 0811, 069 (2008)
13. “Spinning strings at one-loop in AdS4 ×P3 ”
T. McLoughlin and R. Roiban.
arXiv:0807.3965 [hep-th]
JHEP 0812, 101 (2008)
14. “Interacting finite-size magnons”
T. Klose and T. McLoughlin.
arXiv:0803.2324 [hep-th]
J. Phys. A A 41, 285401 (2008)
15. “The Four-loop dressing phase of N=4 SYM”
N. Beisert, T. McLoughlin and R. Roiban.
arXiv:0705.0321 [hep-th]
Phys. Rev. D 76, 046002 (2007)
16. “World-sheet scattering in AdS5 ×S5 at two loops”
T. Klose, T. McLoughlin, J. A. Minahan and K. Zarembo.
arXiv:0704.3891 [hep-th]
JHEP 0708, 051 (2007)
17. “Worldsheet scattering in AdS5 ×S5 ”
T. Klose, T. McLoughlin, R. Roiban and K. Zarembo.
JHEP 0703, 094 (2007)
18. “Integrable twists in AdS/CFT”
T. McLoughlin and I. Swanson.
JHEP 0608, 084 (2006)
19. “Kinky Strings in AdS5 ×S5 ”
T. McLoughlin and X. Wu.
JHEP 0608, 063 (2006)
20. “The near-Penrose limit of AdS/CFT”
T. McLoughlin.
Doctoral thesis, Caltech (2005), UMI-31-97357.
21. “Open string integrability and AdS/CFT”
T. McLoughlin and I. Swanson.
Nucl. Phys. B 723, 132 (2005)
22. “Gauge/gravity duality for interactions of spherical membranes in 11-dimensional
H. K. Lee, T. McLoughlin and X. -k. Wu.
Nucl. Phys. B 728, 1 (2005)
23. “N-impurity superstring spectra near the pp-wave limit”
T. McLoughlin and I. Swanson.
Nucl. Phys. B 702, 86 (2004)
24. “Lattice super Yang-Mills: A Virial approach to operator dimensions”
C. G. Callan, Jr., J. Heckman, T. McLoughlin and I. Swanson.
Nucl. Phys. B 701, 180 (2004)
25. “Higher impurity AdS/CFT correspondence in the Near-BMN limit”
C. G. Callan, Jr., T. McLoughlin and I. Swanson.
Nucl. Phys. B 700, 271 (2004)
26. “Holography beyond the Penrose limit”
C. G. Callan, Jr., T. McLoughlin and I. Swanson.
Nucl. Phys. B 694, 115 (2004)
27. “Quantizing string theory in AdS5 ×S5 : Beyond the pp wave”
C. G. Callan, Jr., H. K. Lee, T. McLoughlin, J. H. Schwarz, I. Swanson and X. Wu.
Nucl. Phys. B 673, 3 (2003)
Contributions to Conferences, Workshops and Invited Talks
Conferences & Workshops
• NBMPS, University of Durham, UK, Nov 2013
Talk title: World-sheet Form Factors in AdS/CFT
• IGST conference, University of Utrecht, Netherlands, August 2013
Talk title: World-sheet Form Factors in AdS/CFT
• ICFT conference, University of Hertfordshire, UK, April 2013
Talk title: World-sheet Form Factors in AdS/CFT
• DESY Theory Workshop, Hamburg, September 2012
Talk title: New relations in three-dimensional scattering amplitudes
• Lebedev Institute, Moscow, (Ginzburg Conference), May 2012
Talk title:New relations in three-dimensional scattering amplitudes
• Oviedo University, (Miniworkshop on String Theory), Mar 2012
Talk title:New relations in three-dimensional scattering amplitudes
• Nordita, Stockholm, (Exact Results in Gauge-String Dualities), Feb 2012
Talk title:New relations in three-dimensional scattering amplitudes
• Corfu Summer Institute, (European Workshop on String Theory), Sep 2011
Talk title:Holographic three-point functions
• IISER Pune, (QFT 2011), Feb 2011
Talk title: Toward All-loop N = 4 SYM Scattering Amplitudes
• Tel Aviv University, (A new year of string theory), Sep 2009
Talk title: Exacting Symmetries and Scattering Amplitudes
• A.E.I. Max Planck Institute, Golm (Integrability in Gauge and String Theory), Jul 2009
Talk title: Exacting N = 4 Superconformal Symmetry
• Lebedev Institute, Moscow (4th International Sakharov Conference), May
Talk title: Scattering Amplitudes in Supersymmetric Chern-Simons Matter Theories
• Kavli Institute, UCSB (Fundamental Aspects of Superstring Theory), Feb
Talk title: AdS4 /CFT3 and integrability
• DIAS (Workshop on Integrable Quantum Systems), Dec 2008
Talk title: Quantum Strings in AdS4 × P 3
• 39th International Symposium Ahrenshoop, Oct 2008
Talk title: Quantum Strings in AdS4 × P 3 : Testing the Bethe Ansatz
• Universiteit Utrecht (Integrability in Gauge theory and String Theory), Aug
Talk title: Semi-classical Strings in the AdS/CFT correspondence
• ISQS 17 (International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum symmetries), Jun 2008
Talk title: Solitons in the the AdS/CFT correspondence
• A.E.I. Max Planck Institute, Golm (String Workshop), Feb 2008
Talk title: Finite Size Interacting Giant Magnons
• I.N.I., Cambridge (Strong Fields, Integrability and Strings Programme), Nov
Talk title: Tests of the AdS/CFT S-matrix
• A.E.I. Max Planck Institute, Golm (Integrability Workshop), Jul 2006.
Talk title: Classical and Quantum Strings in AdS/CFT
• Niels Bohr Summer Institute (Frontiers in Theoretical Particle Physics),
Copenhagen, Jul 2006
Talk title: Classical and Quantum Strings in AdS/CFT
Other Invited Talks
World-sheet form factors in AdS/CFT
• Oxford University, UK, Feb 2014
• Durham University, UK, Feb 2014
• INFN Padova, Italy, May 2013
• Perimeter, Waterloo, Canada, January 2013
New relations in three-dimensional scattering amplitudes
• Humboldt University, Berlin, Jun 2012
• ETH, Zurich, Apr 2012
• Institut Henri Poincar´
e, Paris, Mar 2012
Holographic three-point functions
• Imperial College, London, Dec 2011
• NBI, Copenhagen, Oct 2011
• CQuest, Sogang University, Seoul, Oct 2011
• Kings College, London, Mar 2011
Toward All-loop N = 4 SYM Scattering Amplitudes
• Universitat de Barcelona, Jan 2011
• Imperial College (London Triangle Meeting), Dec 2010
Exact symmetries for N = 4 SYM scattering amplitudes
• IAS, Princeton, Nov 2009
• Perimeter Institute, Waterloo, Nov 2009
Scattering Amplitudes in Supersymmetric Chern-Simons Matter Theories
• DAMPT, Cambridge, Mar 2009
Quantum Strings in AdS4 × P 3
• Imperial College London, Dec 2008
• Uppsala Universitet, Nov 2008
• University of Amsterdam, Oct 2008
• N.B.I. Copenhagen, Sep 2008
Worldsheet scattering and AdS/CFT
• University of North Carolina, May 2007
• University of Pennsylvania, Apr 2007
• Perimeter Institute, Feb 2007
• University of Michigan C.T.P., Jan 2007
Integrability in Yang-Mills theory and the string S-matrix
• Trinity College Dublin, Dec 2006
• A.E.I. Max Planck Institute, Golm, Dec 2006
• Purdue University, Nov 2006
• University of Chicago, Nov 2006
• University of Kentucky, Sep 2006
Aspects of AdS/CFT and Integrability
• University of Kentucky, Oct 2005
• Pennsylvania State University, Sep 2005