Home Search Collections Journals About Contact us My IOPscience Electrical conductivity of strongly degenerate plasma with the account of electron-electron scattering This content has been downloaded from IOPscience. Please scroll down to see the full text. 2014 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 529 012017 (http://iopscience.iop.org/1742-6596/529/1/012017) View the table of contents for this issue, or go to the journal homepage for more Download details: IP Address: This content was downloaded on 04/02/2015 at 21:22 Please note that terms and conditions apply. 17th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories (MBT17) IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 529 (2014) 012017 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/529/1/012017 Electrical conductivity of strongly degenerate plasma with the account of electron-electron scattering V S Karakhtanov1 1 Institute of Problems of Chemical Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 142432 Chernogolovka, Russia E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. The influence of electron-electron scattering on the strongly degenerate plasma conductivity is investigated with a linear response theory. In the present work the temperature dependence of the electron-electron scattering term of the electrical conductivity and further modification of the Ziman formula are discussed. 1. Introduction It is known that electron-electron scattering makes a significant contribution to the conductivity of low-density non-degenerate plasma [1] and is completely absent at zero temperature. A temperature influence on the conductivity is usually taken into account by means of a wellknown finite-temperature modification of the Ziman formula [2, 3] for electron-ion scattering. At the same time electron-electron scattering can contribute an income comparable with that due to the distribution function deviation from the Fermi step. The temperature behaviour of the electron-electron scattering influence on transport properties is interesting both for the description of experiments on laser heating of plasma [4] and the construction of interpolation formulas for the conductivity [5, 6, 7]. 2. Basic approximations A neutral two-component plasma consisting of free singly charged particles with charges ei and ee (ei = −ee = e) at temperature T and density n = ne = ni , interacting via Coulombic forces is considered. Indices i and e denote ions and electrons, respectively. The value of the mass ratio γ = me /mi tends to zero (the adiabatic limit). The dimensionless degeneracy parameter Θ = (2me kB T /¯h2 )(3π 2 ne )−2/3 and the electron-ion coupling constant Γ = (e2 /4π0 kB T )(4πne /3)1/3 are introduced. For the strong degenerate plasma Θ 1. Within the linear response theory in the formulation of Zubarev [8], the transport properties are expressed via force-force correlation functions. The procedure of their derivation is well-known (see [9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14]). As a result, the static electrical conductivity is related to the Onsager transport coefficients Lik = Lki according to σ = e2 L11 where Lik (−h)i+k−2 =− Ωdet(d ) k−1 βh N1 0 i−1 βh N1 (1) − N0 d − N0 , (2) Content from this work may be used under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 licence. Any further distribution of this work must maintain attribution to the author(s) and the title of the work, journal citation and DOI. Published under licence by IOP Publishing Ltd 1 17th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories (MBT17) IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 529 (2014) 012017 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/529/1/012017 Nn = Nn0 Nn1 Nn = .. . Nn0 Nn1 . . . Nnl , d00 d01 . . . d0l d11 . . . d1l .. . .. . .. . dl0 dl1 . . . dll d10 ,d = . .. Nnl (3) . (4) In (2)-(4) Ω denotes the system volume, Nmn , dmn are correlation functions for the thermodynamic equilibrium, h is enthalpy per one electron, Ne - the number of electrons and β = (kB T )−1 . The dimension of the matrix d coincides with the number of moments in the corresponding relevant statistical operator (see [8]). In the adiabatic limit we can omit the ion flux [14] and obtain for the matrix elements in Eq.(4) ee dmn = dei mn + dmn , Nmn = Ne with Iν (y) = 1 Γ(ν+1) R∞ 0 xν dx ex−y +1 Γ(m + n + 5/2) Im+n+1/2 (βµid e ) , id Γ(5/2) I1/2 (βµe ) (5) (6) - the Fermi integrals, µid e - the ideal part of the electronic chemical potential. The correlation functions dmn are evaluated using thermodynamic Green’s functions. The first Born approximation for the screened Coulomb interaction V (q) = e2 (q 2 Ω0 )−1 [15, 13] with omitting the exchange term in electron-electron scattering leads to the Lenard-Balescu-type [16, 17, 18] collision integrals, obtained in [9]: dei mn = πβ¯h ∞ X Z ~k~ pq~−∞ V (q) 2 e f (1 − f e )f i (1 − f i~k−~p ) × |~k+~q| p | | (q, ω) k dω (7) i ~ q )Km (~k, ~q), δ(ω − E e~k+~q + Eke )δ(ω − Epi + E|~ p−~ q | )Kn (k, ~ | | dee mn = πβ¯h X 2 ~ Z∞ k~ pq~−∞ V (q) 2 e f (1 − f e )f e (1 − f e~k−~p ) × dω |~k+~q| p | | (q, ω) k (8) e ~ q ) + Kn (~ δ(ω − E e~k+~q + Eke )δ(ω − Epe + E|~ p, −~q))(Km (~k, ~q) + Kn (~ p, −~q)), p−~ q | )(Kn (k, ~ | | where Ekc = h ¯ 2 k 2 /(2mc ), Kn (~k, ~q) = kz (βEke )n − (kz + qz )(βE e~k+~q )n , (q, ω) - the dielectric | | −1 - the Fermi distribution function. function, fkc = (exp((Ekc − µid )β) + 1) c In the adiabatic limit dei mn 4m2 = 2 2e 3 3π β ¯h Z∞ dxxn+m+2 fke (1 − fke )Qei (x) (9) 0 β 2 Ω2 Qei (x) = 16πx2 Z2k V (q) 2 3 (q, 0) Sii (q)q dq (10) e 0 e (q, 0) = 1 + ΩV (q)(1 − Ge (q))χ(0) e (q, 0) β¯ h2 k2 2me , (11) with x = Qei (x) - the transport cross-section for electron-ion scattering in the first Born approximation, e (q, 0) - the effective static electronic dielectric function, Sii (q) - the ion-ion (0) structure factor, χe (q, ω) the free-electron polarizability [19, 20], Ge (q) - the static electronic local field correction. For dei 00 this result was presented in [9, 21, 22]. 2 17th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories (MBT17) IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 529 (2014) 012017 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/529/1/012017 3. The limit of the strong degeneration Expressions (9)-(10) for the electron-ion correlation functions are valid in any degeneration degree. Electron-electron correlation functions can be reduced to the two-dimension integrals in the Boltzmann limit [23]. For the strong degeneracy conductivity calculations electron-electron terms are usually omitted due to the restrictions of the Fermi statistics, and as a result the values of dc conductivity are equal to each other at any values of l in (3), (4), if the temperature in the Fermi distribution functions is taken equal to zero. With increasing temperature, the frequently used method for the calculation of the conductivity consists in substituting the nonzero temperature into distribution functions. In this case, at first, the simple proportionality between electron-ion correlation functions disappears, that leads to the dependence of the result on the dimension of determinants, even in the absence of electron-electron scattering. And, at second, the electron-electron correlation functions begin to grow. To trace the influence of both factors, consider the simplest approximation that includes them. We restrict ourselves to l = 1 in (3), (4). For the preliminary estimation of integrals we take for the Fermi distribution function f (z) = 1 for z < 0 and f (z) = exp(−z ) for z > 0, where z = (Ekc − µid hq(β/me )1/2 , ν = (βme )1/2 ω/q c )β. Introducing the dimensionless variables Q = ¯ ee we obtain that d11 is proportional to the sum of the following integrals: 2Q Z F d11kl = 0 Z∞ + dQ Q3 dQ Q3 QF − Q 2 Z 0 Q −QF 2 2QF Z 0 I1k I1l e−Qν dν + |(Q, ν)|2 e−Qν dν I3k I3l |(Q, ν)|2 QF + Q 2 Z QF − Q 2 QF + Q 2 Z + Q −QF 2 I2k I2l e−Qν dν + |(Q, ν)|2 I2k I2l |(Q, ν)|2 I3k I3l e−Qν dν |(Q, ν)|2 QF + Q 2 (12) Z∞ e−Qν dν Z∞ e−Qν dν + QF + Q 2 I3k I3l |(Q, ν)|2 (13) where I1l = Q2 F 2 −S+ Z Q2 exp(x + S+ − F )xl dx + 2 0 Q2 F 2 −S− Z Z∞ l x dx + Q2 F 2 Q2 F 2 −S+ exp(−x − S− + Q2F l )x dx 2 −S− (14) I2l = Q2 F 2 Z−S− Z∞ l exp(−x − S− + x dx + 0 Q2 F 2 Z∞ I3l = Q2F l )x dx 2 (15) −S− exp(−x − S− + Q2F l )x dx 2 (16) 0 1/2 2 In Eqs. (12)-(16) QF = h ¯ kF (β/me )1/2 = Θ2 1, S± = 12 ν ± Q2 . The main contribution to d11kl at Θ 1 comes from the first integral in (12): 2Q Z F d11kl = 0 dQ Q3 QF − Q 2 Z 0 3 I1k I1l e−Qν dν |(Q, ν)|2 (17) 17th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories (MBT17) IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 529 (2014) 012017 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/529/1/012017 Due to the multiplier e−Qν and the frequency dependence of the dielectric function in the form f ( QνF ), we can neglect the frequency dependence of (q, ω) in the overwhelming part of the domain of integration. ~ 2 due to its symmetry Bearing in mind that the non-vanishing part of (K1 (~k, ~q) + K1 (~ p, −q)) properties with respect to the permutation of the variables of integration x and y is proportional 2 2 2 2 to Q (y − x) + 4Q ν , and restoring dimensional multipliers, we have: dee 11 7/2 = 37.3Θ 2k ZF kF d 0 1/2 4 dq , q 2 2e (q, 0) (18) 2 3/2 e N β where d = 83 meΩ(4π 2 0) For a more accurate determination of the numerical multiplier when integrating with the real Fermi distribution function, it is convenient to present the latest in the form of an expansion in Chebyshev polynomials [24]. Limited to three polynomials in the decomposition, we obtain: dee 11 7/2 = 17.3Θ 2k ZF kF d 0 dq q 2 2e (q, 0) , (19) , cm -1 8 10 7 10 26 10 27 10 28 -3 n , cm 10 e Figure 1. Electrical conductivity of degenerate plasma dependent on electron density in the twomoment representation. T = 107 K. Solid line - with e-e scattering, dashed line - without e-e scattering, dots - data of [27] in the Ziman approximation. 4. Results and discussion In the Fig. 1 the results of calculations of the electrical conductivity of the fully ionized plasma in the described approximation with and without electron-electron scattering are presented. For the local field correction Ge (q) the simplest approximation of the VS type [25] is chosen. As it turned out, the results for the electrical conductivity do not depend on the choice of Ge (q). For Sii (q) in Eq. (10) the HNC approximation is used with the numerical scheme described in [26]. The study of the dependence of the results from the model for the structure factor (see, e.g., [9, 27]) is not the subject of this work. The HNC method is quite popular and there are numerous data obtained in the Ziman approximation. The present calculations are made for temperatures and densities corresponding to final states of systems obtained from the laser compression [27]. The boundary Θ = 1 corresponds to ne = 1026 cm−3 , for ne = 1027 cm−3 Θ is near 0.2. Note that the simple Ziman approximation [2, 3] (l = 0 in the Eqs.(3), (4)) is more close to the result 4 17th International Conference on Recent Progress in Many-Body Theories (MBT17) IOP Publishing Journal of Physics: Conference Series 529 (2014) 012017 doi:10.1088/1742-6596/529/1/012017 for l = 1 with the electron-electron scattering than without it (within a few percent). The results are similar for T = 106 K and T = 108 K. Thus, at least for the considered case of plasma with singly charged ions, the Ziman approximation for finite temperatures amazingly well describes the electrical conductivity of the degenerate plasma in a wide range of degeneration parameter values. However, with the expansion of the basis of the relevant variables in the theory, we must simultaneously take into account electron-electron scattering which also has a separate application in the study of other plasma properties (e.g., thermal conductivity, see [4]). Acknowledgments R. Redmer focused the author’s attention to the problem. Useful discussions were held with G. R¨opke and H. Reinholz during the MBT-17 conference. All of them the author expresses his gratitude. This work was supported by the Program No.2 ”Matter Under High Energy Density” of Russian Academy of Sciences. 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