Entanglement Entropy in Non Unitary CFT Francesco Ravanini Collaboration with D. Bianchini, O. Castro-Alvaredo, B. Doyon, E. Levi arXiv:1405.2804, D.B. M.Sc. thesis & work in progress Surrey Univ., 21 aug 2014 F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Outline Introduction: Von Neumann and Renyi entropies as a “measure” of Entanglement Entanglement entropy in 1D spin chains and in 2D CFT Non unitary CFT models and EE Corner Transfer Matrix (CTM) method Entanglement entropy in spin chains related to ABF and FB models Numerical results F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Introduction Entanglement: fundamental quantum property Different reasons for interest: 1 Quantum Information, Quantum computers 2 Telecommunication and Teleportation 3 Black holes, Information paradox & Quantum Gravity 4 Condensed matter physics −→ non-local correlations 5 Universality in Quantum Fluctuations and Phase Transitions 6 NON LOCALITY intrinsic in Quantum Mechanics? EPR paradox (1935): uncompleteness of QM or non-locality? Bell inequalities (1962)−→ local hidden variables exist only if a certain correlation P < 2 Clauser Friedmann (1966) & Aspect (1980) experiments −→ P > 2 =⇒ possible non-locality of QM F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Entanglement and density matrix Consider a system divided in two complementary subsystems A and B Define reduced density matrix for subsystem A ρA = TrB |0ih0| Quantum entropy (Von Neumann) of Entanglement (E-Entropy) SA = −TrA (ρA log ρA ) = SB [Bennett, Bernstein, Popescu, Schumacher (1996)] For a separable state SA = 0, for a maximally entangled state it is maximal =⇒ SA is a measure of Entanglement Area law [Srednicki (1993)] SA ∝ Area(∂A) Rényi Entropy Sn = 1 log TrA ρnA 1−n F. Ravanini =⇒ SA = S1 = lim Sn EE in non-unitary CFT n→1 Entanglement in a Spin Chain Hamiltonian of a chain of length L H= L X Hk,k+1 k=1 Block of spins in the space interval [1, `] is subsystem A The rest is subsystem B =⇒ Entanglement of a block of spins in the space interval [1, `] with the rest of the ground state as a function of ` F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Entanglement entropy in CFT If the chain is critical, use CFT [Holzhey, Larsen, Wilczek 1994 Calabrese, Cardy 2004] Partiton function of a theory with Lagrangean L on a Riemann surface R= n sheets sewn by the segment [a, b]. It has zero curvature but for points a, b with conical singularities ˆ ˆ Z [L, R] = Dφ exp − dxdy L[φ](x, y ) R n copies of the theory ˆ ´ Z [L, R] = Dφ1 ...Dφn e − C dxdy {L[φ1 ]+...+L[φn ]} = Z [L(n) , C] ≡ Zn F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Twist fields (I) Path integral with b.c. φi (x, 0+ ) = φi+1 (x, 0− ) , x ∈ [a, b] Twist fields φi (y )T (x) = Θ(x1 − y1 )T (x)φi+1 (y ) + Θ(y1 − x1 )T (x)φi (y ) φi (y )T˜ (x) = Θ(x1 − y1 )T˜ (x)φi−1 (y ) + Θ(y1 − x1 )T˜ (x)φi (y ) Orbifold construction [Knizhnik (1987)] Zn ∝ hO(x)iL,R = hT (a, 0)T˜ (b, 0)iL(n) ,C hO(x)T (a, 0)T˜ (b, 0)iL(n) ,C F. Ravanini hT (a, 0)T˜ (b, 0)iL(n) ,C EE in non-unitary CFT Twist fields (II) Conformal transformation w ∈ R 7→ z ∈ C : z= w −a w −b n1 Stress-energy tensor T (n) of replica theory T (n) (z) = n X Tj (z) transforms as T (w ) = j=1 dz dw 2 T (z)+ c {z, w } 12 1-pt function hT (w )iL,R hT (x)T (a, 0)T˜ (b, 0)iL(n) ,C 1 (a − b)2 c 1− 2 = 24 n (w − a)2 (w − b)2 hT (a, 0)T˜ (b, 0)iL(n) ,C Comparing, get the conformal dimensions of the twist fields c 1 ˜ n− ∆ n = ∆n = 12 n General definition off-criticality [Cardy, Castro-Alvaredo, Doyon (2008)] F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Density matrix Density matrix of the vacuum (ground state |Ωi, not to be confused with conformal vacumm |0i) ρ = |ΩihΩ| Reduced density matrix ρA = TrB ρ Traces TrA ρnA ∝ Zn normalized TrA ρˆnA = Zn Z1n Renyi (Sn ) & Von Neumann (S1 ) entropies Sn = 1 Zn 1 log TrA ρˆnA = log n 1−n 1−n Z1 F. Ravanini , EE in non-unitary CFT S1 = lim Sn n→1 EE in CFT - Results Thermodynamic limit L → ∞ S(`) ∼ `→∞ c log ` + O(1) 3 c = central charge of CFT, O(1) = non-universal Obtain results for L finite through conformal map plane → strip L `π c S(`, L) = log sin + O(1) 3 π L O(1) does not depend on `/L. Off-criticality S is finite for `, L → ∞ and computable exactly in integrable spin chains through CTM approach. S(ξ) ∼ ξ→∞ F. Ravanini c log ξ + O(1) 3 EE in non-unitary CFT Non-unitary models Free energy (β = 1/kT ) [Affleck; Blote, Cardy, Nightingale (1986)] F (β) = f Lβ + f˜ β − bulk boundary πc + ... 6β Casimir For non-unitary models [Itzykson, Saleur, Zuber (1986)] c 7→ ceff = c − 24∆min Is it true also for EE? F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT EE in non-unitary CFT TrA (ρnA ) in the vacuum in a critical chain with boundary. Zn =orbifold on the half-plane b−state A time A time B time l A B B a−state Exchange role of time and space, then transform to the cylinder z 7→ w = i log ` Zn = ha|e − log ε ·Horb |bi F. Ravanini , `−z `+z ` Z1n = ha|e − log ε ·Hrep |bi EE in non-unitary CFT Stress-energy tensor T (z) = n X Lk X = T (j) (z) z k+2 T (j) (x + 2π) T (x + 2π) = T n X (j) (x) (j) Lk , (j) Lk ∈ Virnc c 12 orbifold (cyclic) = T (j+1) (x) replica: n commuting Virc : Lrep k = ¯0 − H = L0 + L j=1 k∈Z (j) =⇒ replica (periodic) k ∈Z ¯rep Hrep = Lrep 0 + L0 − =⇒ j=1 orbifold: Torb (x) = Tb x c (x mod 2π) 2π X Lk Torb (x) = with z k+2 nc 12 x ∈ [0, 2πn[ Lk ∈ Virc k ∈Z k∈Z T (x) = n X Torb (x + 2πj) has modes j=1 F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Lnk , k ∈ Z Orbifold / (Replica)n Define: [Doyon, Hoogeveen, Bernard (2013)] Lorb k = Lnk + ∆T δ0,k ∈ Virnc n =⇒ ¯orb nc Horb = Lorb 0 + L0 − 12 Insert a complete set of states X ` nc ` Zn = ha|e − log ε ·Horb |sihs|bi ∝ e −2 log ε (∆:T φ: − 12 ) s Z1n = ha|e − log ` ε ·Hrep X nc |sihs|bi ∝ e −2 log ε (∆min − 12 ) ` s ε Zn n = Tr ρ = A A Z1n ` c eff 12 (n− n1 )+... S= =⇒ Sn = ceff ` log + ... 6 ε F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT ceff (n + 1) ` log +... 12n ε New twist field We have introduced a new field that acts as a twist [Castro-Alvaredo, Doyon, Levi (2012)] 1 : T φ : (x) = lim ε2(1− n )∆min T (x + ε)φ(x) ε→0 allowing to express the trace of powers of ρ in a natural way in non-unitary models where the vacuum is not the conformally invariant state |0i, but |φi = φ(0)|0i where φ(z) is the field with lower (negative) conformal dimesion ∆min h:T φ:(`)i on the half-plane hφ(`)in n TrA ρA ∝ h:T φ:(`):T φ:(0)i on the plane hφ(`)φ(0)in The same approach could be used also for negativity F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Corner Transfer Matrix CTM is a very useful tool [Baxter (1972)] A¯s ,¯s 0 = XY wi • and analogously B, C , D with 90° rotations. F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Partition function and CTM Now we can build up the whole lattice by using the 4 CTM’s Partition function X Z= Aσ¯ σ¯ 0 Bσ¯ 0 σ¯ 00 Cσ¯ 00 σ¯ 000 Dσ¯ 000 σ¯ = Tr(ABCD) σ ¯ ,¯ σ 0 ,¯ σ 00 ,¯ σ 000 F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Reduced density matrix and CTM Now suppose to divide the spins in two subsystems A: σ ¯A = (σ1 , ..., σp ) and B: σ ¯B = (σp+1 , ..., σL ), i.e. σ ¯ = (¯ σA , σ ¯B ) Reduced density matrix of subsystem A X ρA (¯ σA , σ ¯A0 ) = h¯ σA , σ ¯B |0ih0|¯ σA0 , σ ¯B i = TrB h¯ σA |0ih0|¯ σA0 i σ ¯B ρA = (ABCD)σ¯ ,¯σ0 =⇒ F. Ravanini Sn = 1 log TrA ρnA 1−n EE in non-unitary CFT EE in FB models Continuum limit of ABF models on square lattice (RSOSm ). CTM diagonalization is given and the calculation of ρA has been done [Franchini, De Luca (2012)] Can be generalized to FB non-unitary RSOSm,m0 models c a = 1, ..., m0 − 1 , d = 1, ..., m − 1 and t = T −T Tc 0 m −1 X Zn = a=1 4π 2 E (x a , y )n F (a, d ; x 2n ) , y = e log t , x =y m 0 −m m0 , 0 mod 2 b dm m c X k(k−1) E (x, y ) = (−1)k y 2 x k a= F (a, d ; q) = q (a−d )(a−d −1) 4 n∈Z Renyi entropy Sn = 1 1 n log TrA ρnA = log Zn − log Z1 1−n 1−n 1−n expanding for t → 0 with ξ ∼ t −ν , with ν = Sn = m0 4(m0 −m) (n + 1)ceff log ξ + ... 12n F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT c q 24 −∆da χda (q) Numerical results Spin chain [von Gehlen (1994)] L H(λ, h) = 1X z x (σi + λσix σi+1 + ihσix ) 2 i=1 2 has a critical line in the (λ, h)-plane with c = − 22 5 (ceff = 5 ): Lee-Yang universality class. S= ceff 3 log L π sin `π L +α Numerically ceff = 0.4056 and α = 0.3952 F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Quantum critical hamiltonian “The answer is yes, but... what was the question?” [W. Allen]: We know the 2D classical lattice model, we can compute formally Sn , but what is the quantum Hamiltonian we are dealing with? At criticality Uq (sl (2)) invariant XXZ model [Alcaraz, Barber, Batchelor (1988) - Pasquier, Saleur (1990)] # "N−1 X q − q −1 z q + q −1 z z z x x y y σn σn+1 ) + (σ1 − σN ) H = −J (σn σn+1 + σn σn+1 + 2 2 n=1 Can be rewritten in terms of Temperley-Lieb operators H = −J N−1 X en n=1 en2 = −(q+q −1 )en , en en±1 en = en F. Ravanini , en em = em en if |n−m| > 1 EE in non-unitary CFT Quantum critical hamiltonian “The answer is yes, but... what was the question?” [W. Allen]: We know the 2D classical lattice model, we can compute formally Sn , but what is the quantum Hamiltonian we are dealing with? At criticality Uq (sl (2)) invariant XXZ model [Alcaraz, Barber, Batchelor (1988) - Pasquier, Saleur (1990)] # "N−1 X q − q −1 z q + q −1 z z z x x y y σn σn+1 ) + (σ1 − σN ) H = −J (σn σn+1 + σn σn+1 + 2 2 n=1 Can be rewritten in terms of Temperley-Lieb operators H = −J N−1 X en n=1 en2 = −(q+q −1 )en , en en±1 en = en F. Ravanini , en em = em en if |n−m| > 1 EE in non-unitary CFT Quantum off-critical hamiltonian What happens off-criticality? Introduce the tile operators (a = (a1 , a2 , ..., aN )) Y a0 δai ,ai0 1|a = i a0 ej |a a0 gj |a = = Y s(aj0 λ) δa ,a0 δaj −1 ,aj +1 , s(u) = ϑ1 (u, t) i i s(aj+1 λ) i6=j " ! # Y 0 s 0 (a +1 λ) s 0 (λ) s 0 (0) s(a λ) δai ,ai0 δaj −1 ,aj +1 (aj0 −aj +1 ) s(ajj+1 + s(λ) − s(λ) s(a j λ) λ) j +1 i Hamiltonian H=− N−1 X s 0 (0) d s 0 (λ) log T(u)|u=0 = −J ej − 1 + gj du s(λ) s(λ) j=1 Limit t → 0: gj → 0 while ej →TL-algebra In general, algbera with two parameters (=⇒ elliptic algebras?) F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Summary Von Neumann and Rényi E-Entropies are crucial tools to study entanglement in quantum systems. In integrable models, they can be calculated using integrable techniques. Corner Transfer Matrix technique allows the exact calculation of bipartite E-Entropy in spin chains. Having the exact formula at hand, one can test some of the open issues about entanglement in these models. In the case of non-unitary theories, the coefficient of the logarithmic divergence near criticality gives ceff instead of c. Although this result is not surprising, it sheds more light on the general way to compute finite interval density matrices in generic CFT’s. An integrable way to compute finite size E-Entropy is to be developed. It would complement the present knowledge by new precious information. F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Conclusions Entanglement entropy is a new way to approach interesting problems in theoretical physics and it should be better understood in (integrable) QFT, as it seems crucial in the solution of challenging paradoxes, like the information loss in black holes. It also stimulates progresses in mathematics, in the best tradition of the integrability approach. Thank you!!! F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT Conclusions Entanglement entropy is a new way to approach interesting problems in theoretical physics and it should be better understood in (integrable) QFT, as it seems crucial in the solution of challenging paradoxes, like the information loss in black holes. It also stimulates progresses in mathematics, in the best tradition of the integrability approach. Thank you!!! F. Ravanini EE in non-unitary CFT
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