On the Terms of Trade Deterioration in a Small Open Developing Economy with External Debt Mark Assibey-Yeboah Mohammed Mohsin Ghana Institute of Management Department of Economics & Public Administration The University of Tennessee P.O. Box AH 50, Achimota Knoxville, TN 37996 GHANA USA October 2009 Abstract We examine the e¤ects of adverse terms of trade in a small open developing economy with external debt and sovereign risk. The risk premium on foreign debt depends on the debt-income ratio. Adverse terms of trade decreases permanent income of the representative agent. This leads to a fall in leisure and an increase in employment. Higher employment increases the marginal productivity of capital, thereby inducing further investment. A higher output helps the economy to accumulate more foreign debt. This is possible due to improved creditworthiness of the economy. The current account position of the economy also deteriorates. This is consistent with the Harberger-Laursen-Metzler e¤ect. JEL Classi…cations: F32, F41 Keywords: Terms of Trade, External Debt, Risk Premium. 1 Introduction A characteristic feature of small open economies is their openness to international trade, which has become increasingly important in the face of globalization. But there are concerns Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 865-974-1690; fax: +1 865-974-4601. E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Mohsin). We sincerely thank Bandi Kamaiah and Debashis Acharaya for constructive comments and encouragements. The usual disclaimer applies. 1 about the unevenness of the process of globalization. One such concern is the fact that most developing countries are vulnerable to adverse terms of trade shocks. Typically, developing countries specialize in exports of a few primary commodities. Persistent terms of trade ‡uctuations arise as a result of exports that are not diversi…ed, as well as low income and price elasticities of demand. These terms of trade ‡uctuations in primary commodities have had signi…cant impacts on business cycles in developing countries. In this paper, we study the e¤ects of adverse terms of trade (ToT) on the macro economy. We are particularly interested in how consumption, employment, investment, and external debt are a¤ected by a terms of trade shock. The relative price of exports in terms of imports is known as the terms of trade. The e¤ects of terms of trade shocks on the current account balance have remained an important issue in open economy macroeconomics. The classic analysis is o¤ered by Harberger (1950) and Laursen and Metzler (1950). Using a static framework, they argue that an adverse terms of trade shock worsens the current account balance due to a negative income e¤ect. A decrease in the relative price of exportable goods, a worsening of the ToT leads to a decline in real income and aggregate savings, resulting in a deterioration of the current account balance. The driving factor behind this result is the permanent income hypothesis. However, these earlier works have been challenged for their lack of microeconomic foundations. In this paper, we develop an optimizing model of a small open economy that supports those earlier claims. Particularly, we focus on developing economies with external debt and sovereign risk. Using an explicit optimizing model, Obstfeld (1982) was the …rst to revisit this issue. With endogenous time preferences (a la Uzawa), he showed that a deterioration in a small country’s terms of trade leads it to save more, consume more in the future and to run a current account surplus. Obstfeld’s use of Uzawa preferences, which assumes that the subjective rate of time preference is a positive function of contemporaneous utility is the reason for his results. This assumption, however, is problematic. In a related study, Svensson and Razin (1983), using a dynamic optimizing model of the current account, …nd that the e¤ect of terms of trade shocks on the trade balance depends crucially on the perceived persistence of the terms of trade. In their model the HLM e¤ect weakens as the terms of trade become more persistent and may even be overturned if the terms of trade are of a permanent nature. They also …nd that if the discount rate is increasing in utility then Obstfeld’s result pertains. This view is known as the Obstfeld-Razin-Svensson (ORS) e¤ect. While being very critical about Uzawa preferences, Persson and Svensson (1985) use an overlapping generation (OLG) framework to show how the results depend on the nature of the shock. For example, the overall results depend very much upon whether the shock is temporary or permanent, and whether it is anticipated or unanticipated. Moreover, the 2 result is speci…c to the overlapping generations (OLG) framework. Sen and Turnovsky (1989) employ an in…nite horizon model with a …xed rate of time preference to analyze the e¤ects of terms of trade shocks. They endogenize employment by having labor-leisure choice. Furthermore, there is a role for capital accumulation in their model. Using adjustment cost function for investment, and relying exclusively on the ‘intertemporal solvency condition’, they show that the short-run dynamics of the economy depend upon the long-run response of the capital stock. Moreover, as the adverse terms of trade shocks generate a negative substitution e¤ect and a positive income e¤ect in their model, the resulting behavior depends upon which e¤ect dominates. Last but not least, Mansoorian (1993) uses an in…nite horizon framework that uses the habit persistence utility function of the address the HLM e¤ect. In his model the rate of time preference is …xed. In addition, utility depends on current real consumption and the habitual standard of living. Mansoorian …nds that the HLM e¤ect holds but not always. For it not to hold, the marginal utility of real consumption should be decreasing in the habitual standard of living. It is important to note that most of the studies assume perfect capital mobility. This is rather unrealistic for open developing economies. In fact, developing economies face what is known as an upward sloping supply curve of foreign debt. This is because poor economies are required to pay an additional risk premium on their external loans (see, Bhandari, et al. (1990), Fisher (1995) and Chatterjee and Turnovsky (2007) for details). In this paper, while introducing imperfect capital mobility, we examine the e¤ects of adverse terms of trade in a small open developing economy.1 Even though this issue has garnered a lot of theoretical interest, there exist some empirical studies on the HLM e¤ect too. Otto (2003) tests the relationship between the terms of trade and the trade balance for …fty-…ve small open economies. Using a structural vector autoregressive model, he …nds that a positive terms of trade shock leads to an initial improvement in the trade balance. The …nding is consistent for developing countries and small OECD countries. In another study, Cashin and Mcdermott (2002) also use a structural VAR model to show that terms of trade shocks have signi…cant impacts on the current account balance in Australia and New Zealand. However, in Canada, the United Kingdom, and the United States, they …nd that terms of trade movements are not important. Furthermore, using panel data for non-oil commodity exporters in sub-Saharan Africa, Agénor and Aizen1 Similar to our approach a few studies incorporate a borrowing risk premium to adress di¤erent issues. For example, Kuralbayeva and Vines (2008) examine the e¤ects of terms of trade and risk premium shocks in a Dutch disease model with international capital mobility. They …nd that an improvement in the terms of trade is associated with a reduction in the risk premium, which leads to the accumulation of more debt in the long run. In a related study, Eicher, Schubert and Turnovsky (2008) use an endogenous growth model to show that debt is procyclical in response to terms of trade shocks. 3 man (2004) …nd that terms of trade increases have a positive e¤ect on private savings. Using a panel VAR model and data from 75 developing countries, Broda (2004) …nds that terms of trade shocks di¤er systematically across exchange rate regimes. He observes that they explain 30% of real GDP ‡uctuations in …xed regimes and about 30% of real exchange rate ‡uctuations in countries with ‡exible regimes. In an earlier panel data study, Spatafora and Warner (1999) …nd that permanent terms of trade shocks have signi…cant positive e¤ects on consumption, investment and output, no e¤ect on saving, and an adverse e¤ect on the trade balance. Last but not least, Mendoza (1995) and Kose (2002) calibrate models to …nd that terms of trade disturbances account for output volatility in developing countries. While Mendoza …nds that terms of trade shocks explain 56% of aggregate output ‡uctuations, Kose …nds that they explain about 88% of aggregate output volatility. As expressed earlier, we intend to contribute to the theoretical side of this debate. We develop an in…nite horizon optimizing model with a …xed rate of time preference to show that adverse terms of trade, in fact, worsen the debt position of small open economies. In other words, with a growing foreign debt, the current account position of the economy deteriorates - consistent with Harberger, and Laursen and Metzler …ndings. In our model households consume both domestic and foreign goods and have labor/leisure choice. The economy faces an upward sloping supply curve of debt due to the existence of a risk premium. In our basic model without investment, output is produced with a Ricardian production function. However, in the complete model, output is produced with a constant returns to scale production function with both labor and capital as inputs. In addition, investment is subject to adjustment costs. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In section 2, we outline the basic model without investment and discuss the steady state e¤ects of adverse terms of trade shocks together with the transitional dynamics. We propose the complete model with investment in section 3, and also work out the steady state e¤ects. Some concluding remarks are made in section 4. 2 The Model Without Investment The model is that of a small open developing economy facing an upward-sloping supply curve of debt. Unlike the standard assumption of perfect capital mobility where a small economy can borrow at a …xed world interest rate, r ;we assume that a developing economy is required to pay an additional risk premium. The country-speci…c risk premium, Z; depends on debtservicing ability. Thus, the e¤ective interest rate for the developing economy, r~; is given 4 as r~ = r + Z b f (l) ; Z 0 > 0; (1) where b denotes the stock of foreign debt and f (l) the output level of the economy. With inelastic capital, labor (l) is the only input in the production process. The possibility of a cuto¤ in debt is captured by the assumption that the function Z(:) is convex (Z 00 > 0). The production function f (l) exhibits positive, but diminishing marginal physical productivity. The representative agent maximizes the present value of lifetime utility as given below: Z1 u !(cht; ; cft ); lt e t (2) dt; 0 where is the …xed rate of time preference and ! is a utility measure of the services provided by the agent’s current purchases of home and foreign goods, cht and cft respectively. We assume that the sub-utility function !(cht ; cft ) is homothetic. For simplicity, we will consider the utility function to be additively separable, i.e. u (! t ; lt ) = U (!(cht ; cft )) + W (lt ). The ‡ow budget constraint is given as: b_ t = Et + r~t bt (3) f (lt ); where Et = cht + pcft is total consumption expenditure and, p is the world price of the imported good, which is taken as given by the small open economy. The representative agent’s problem therefore is to choose a sequence of consumption levels fcht ; cft g to maximize his lifetime utility (2) subject to (3) and the initial condition, b (0) = b0 . The maximization can be done in two stages. At the …rst stage, for a given level of expenditures Et , we choose cht and cft to maximize !(cht ; cft ) subject to Et = cht + pcft . This gives us the indirect utility function Et V (p), which corresponds to !(cht ; cft ) and satis…es the condition V 0 (p) < 0: At the second stage, the agent chooses fEt g in order to maximize (2) subject to (3) and the initial condition b0 . The current-value Hamiltonian for the agent’s problem may be written as: H = U (EV (p)) + W (l) + [Et + r~t bt f (lt )] ; (4) where , is the marginal utility of wealth, which for a borrower is the marginal utility of reducing debt. We obtain the following optimality conditions: U 0V = ; 5 (5) W 0 (l) = f 0 (l) ; (6) _ = r~) ; (7) ( and the standard transversality condition. The …rst two optimal conditions have standard economic interpretations in terms of marginal costs and bene…ts and the last one shows how the marginal utility of wealth evolves. Now from (5) and (6), we h solve fori E and l 0 to get Et = E( ; p) and lt = l( );where E = V 21U 00 < 0; Ep = VV E + V 2 U 00 > 0;and f0 l = > 0. Now substituting these solutions into Eqs. (3) and (7), we get V 00 (l) + f 00 _ = b_ = r + Z r b f (l( )) Z b f (l( )) b + E ( ; p) ; (8) f (l( )) : (9) These two equations jointly determine the dynamics of the economy. To check saddlepoint stability, we linearize equations (8) and (9) around the steady state to obtain: " _ b_ # 2 6 =6 4 Z 0 bf 0 l f2 0 2 0 Zbfl f2 Z 3 Z0 " 7 f 7 bZ 0 5 b r~ + f 0 fl b # : (10) Since the determinant of the matrix of coe¢ cients is negative and we have one predetermined variable, the model has saddlepoint stability. The negative eigenvalue is denoted by : The adjustment of b and along the optimal path is described by the following: bt = b + (b0 t = + b)e t ; Z 0f Z 0 bf 0 l f2 b0 (11) b e t: (12) This completes the basic structure and the equilibrium dynamics of the model. 2.1 The E¤ects of Adverse Terms of Trade Here, we examine the e¤ects of adverse terms of trade (in the form of an increase in p). We look into the steady state e¤ects of an unanticipated permanent shock. In a model without ongoing growth in the long run, the steady state is explained by equations (8) and (9) with _ = b_ = 0: The steady state e¤ects of an increase in p are obtained as follows: 6 db (Ep bf = l )=f = > 0; dp D (13) d Ep = > 0; dp D (14) dl d =l > 0; dp dp (15) dE d =E + Ep > 0; dp dp (16) 0 where D = E + f l (ff r~b) > 0: These are the steady state e¤ects. Adverse terms of trade leads to higher foreign debt, higher employment and hence production, and higher expenditure in the long run. We can clearly show that in the short run both employment and expenditure will increase ( dE(0) > 0 and dl(0) > 0). In fact, expenditure will exhibit dp dp dE(0) dE over-shooting in the short run ( dp > 0). dp The intuition for these results are as follows. A terms of trade deterioration represents a fall in the permanent real wealth of the representative household, who responds by reducing his consumption of leisure. Falling real wealth increases the marginal utility of wealth as well. Moreover, the higher price of the importable good increases total consumption expenditures. The short run increase in employment increases the domestic production level. This is another reason why total expenditure in the short run ‘over-shoots’its long-run level. The higher production level also improves the creditworthiness of the economy, thus lowering the e¤ective interest rate on foreign borrowing. This explains why the net foreign debt position worsens in the long run. During the transitional period, a higher debt service (for the growing foreign debt) automatically lowers consumption expenditures. Clearly, there is no instant impact on foreign debt as b is predetermined. Along the adjustment period b continues to increase until it reaches its steady state level. The adjustment of these variables are monotonic. 3 The Model With Capital In this complete model, we will observe some important changes. First of all, the upwardsloping supply curve of debt is now expressed as bt f (kt ; lt ) r~t = r + Z 7 ; (17) Here, f (kt ; lt ) represents the output level of the economy. 3.1 The Representative Household For clarity in exposition, we will use a decentralized setup and solve the problems of the household and …rm separately. With no externality and public goods, the outcome of the perfectly competitive economy will be identical to that of the central planner (see the second welfare theorem). The representative household has identical preferences as outlined in the basic model. However, the ‡ow budget constraint is now given as b_ t = Et + r~t bt f (kt ; lt ); (18) The representative household’s problem, therefore, is to choose a sequence of consumption levels fcht ; cft g to maximize his lifetime utility (2) subject to (18) and the initial condition, b (0) = b0 . The maximization can be done in two stages as outlined in the previous setup. At the …rst stage, for a given level of expenditures Et , choose cht and cft to maximize !(cht ; cft ) subject to Et = cht +pcft . This gives us the indirect utility function Et V (p), which corresponds to !(cht ; cft ) and satis…es the condition V 0 (p) < 0: At the second stage, the agent chooses fEt g subject to (18) and initial condition b0 to obtain the following optimality conditions: U 0V = ; W 0 (l) = _ = ( (19) fl (k; l) ; (20) r~) ; (21) and the standard transversality condition: limt !1 e rt t bt = 0: The only di¤erence observed is with equation (20), the optimal condition involving marginal disutility of work and the marginal bene…t of labor in terms of output. 3.2 The Representative Firm The representative …rm produces output with a neoclassical constant returns to scale production function exhibiting positive, but diminishing marginal physical productivity in capital and labor; i.e. yt = f (kt ; lt ): fk > 0; fl > 0; fkk < 0; fll < 0 and fkk fll fkl2 = 0: Investment involves adjustment costs given by the function: G(It ) = It + (It ); (22) where G(It ) is the total cost associated with the purchase of It units of new capital, and 8 (It ) are the adjustment costs associated with It : The function (It ) is assumed to be a nonnegative, convex function, with G0 0; G00 > 0: In addition, we may set (0) = 0 and 0 (0) = 0; which means that the cost of zero investment is zero, G(0) = 0; and the marginal cost of initial investment is unity, G0 (0) = 1: The dividend payment net of investment expenditure is Dt = f (kt ; lt ) wt lt (23) G(It ): The …rm’s optimization problem is to maximize the present value of its dividend payments: Z 0 subject to 1 Dt e Rt 0 r~v dv dt = Z 1 [f (kt ; lt ) wt lt G(It )]e 0 k_ t = It ; Rt 0 r~v dv dt; (24) (25) and the initial condition k(0) = k0 . For simplicity we assume that there is no depreciation of capital. The current value Hamiltonian for the …rm’s problem is: H = f (kt ; lt ) wt lt G(It ) + qt It ; (26) where qt , the co-state variable associated with the state variable kt , is the shadow price of capital. The …rst-order optimality conditions for this problem with respect to lt ; It , and kt are, respectively: fl (kt ; lt ) = wt ; (27) G0 (It ) = qt ; (28) q_t = qt r~t fk (kt ; lt ); (29) and the transversality condition: lim e rt qt kt = 0: As an optimal condition we get real wage t!1 equal to the marginal product of labor. In equilibrium there is no investment and hence we get the shadow price of capital to be unity. This is consistent with "Tobin’s q" theory of investment. This implies that in equilibrium the e¤ective interest rate equals the marginal productivity of capital. Equation (29) explains how the shadow price of capital evolves o¤ 9 equilibrium. 3.3 Equilibrium Dynamics By combining all the optimality conditions derived from the household’s and …rm’s problems, together with the ‡ow budget constraint, the economy can be described by the following set of equations: U 0 (EV (p)):V = ; (30) W 0 (l) = _ = (31) fl (k; l) r b f (k; l) Z (32) ; q = 1 + G0 (I); (33) k_ = I; (34) q_ = q~ r (35) fk (k; l); b_ = E + G(I) + r + Z b f (k; l) b f (k; l): (36) Now from (35), (36) and (38) the equilibrium levels of Z, l and I can be obtained as follows: E = E( ; p:k); (37) l = l( ; p; k); (38) I = I(q); (39) i 1 V0 h fl where E = 2 00 < 0; Ep = Z + 2 00 > 0; Ek = 0; l = ; lp = 0; V U V V U W 00 + fll flk 1 lk = > 0; and I = > 0: q 00 W 00 + fll Incorporating the equations above, the dynamic behavior of the economy is determined by the following system of di¤erential equations: 10 _ = r q_ = q r + Z Z b f (k; l( ; k)) b f (k; l( ; k)) (40) ; (41) fk (k; l( ; k)); k_ = I(q); (42) b f (k; l( ; k)) b_ = E( ; p) + G(I(q) + r + Z b (43) f (k; l( ; k)): To understand the dynamics, we linearize the above system of equations around the steady state to obtain: 2 6 6 6 6 4 where a11 = _ q_ k_ b_ 3 7 6 7 6 7=6 7 6 5 4 a11 0 a13 a14 a21 a22 a23 a24 0 a32 0 0 a41 1 a43 a44 32 76 76 q 76 76 k 54 b Z 0b Z 0b f l ; a = (fk + fl lk ) ; a14 = l 13 f2 f2 a22 = r~; a23 = fkk + fkl lk ; a24 = a43 = 2 qZ 0 ; a32 = I 0 (q); a41 = f q k b Z0 ; a21 = f E 3 7 7 7 7 5 (44) qZ 0 b fl l + fkl l f2 b2 Z 0 fl lk f2 fl l ; ; bZ 0 b2 Z 0 + 1 (f + f l ) ; and a = r ~ + : k l k 44 f2 f All the elements of the coe¢ cient matrix in (44) are evaluated at their steady state values. Once again, the system has two predetermined variables (b and k) and two jump variables ( and q). For saddlepoint stability, the coe¢ cient matrix must have two negative and two positive eigenvalues. Because of the complexity of the model, it is not possible to show saddlepoint stability analytically.2 However, we could show that the conditions for saddlepoint stability will be satis…ed with reasonable functional forms and parameter values. 2 This is one of the main reasons why we …rst developed a simpler version of the model, where we could show saddlepoint stability analytically. 11 3.4 The E¤ects of Terms of Trade Shock In this subsection we analyze the long run e¤ects of a terms of trade shock in the complete model. First, we obtain the set of equations that describe the steady state: U 0 EV (p) V = ; (45) W0 l = fl (k; l); (46) =r +Z b f (k; l) (47) ; (48) q = 1; fk (k; l) = r + Z f (k; l) = E + r + Z b f (k; l) b f (k; l) (49) ; b These equations jointly determine the steady state equilibrium values of Z, l, k; b, The steady state e¤ects of an increase in p are as follows: dE = dp and q. dq = 0; dp (51) dk f fkl fl V 0 (V U 00 E + U 0 ) = > 0; dp D (52) dl = dp db = dp (50) fkk f fl V 0 (V U 00 E + U 0 ) > 0; D fk fkl )fl V 0 (V U 00 E + U 0 ) > 0; D (54) rb) + fk fkl (rb f )fl V 0 (V U 00 E + U 0 ) >0 D (55) b(fl fkk fl fkk (f (53) where D = fl2 V 2 U 00 fkk (f r~b) + fl V 2 U 00 fkl fk (rb f ) + f fkk W 00 > 0 It is clear that an increase in the relative price or a terms of trade deterioration leads to 12 a higher level of domestic activity in terms of investment and employment. The intuition for these results is as follows. A terms of trade deterioration represents a fall in the permanent real income of the representative household, who then responds by reducing his consumption of leisure. Moreover, the higher price of the importable good increases total consumption expenditures. Thus, the short run increase in employment increases the domestic production level. This also increases the marginal productivity of capital. Though investment does not respond immediately, we observe a gradual increase in investment. The higher production level also improves the creditworthiness of the economy. This lowers the e¤ective interest rate on foreign borrowing. It is important to note that in the shortrun we observe no change in the level of investment or the accumulation of foreign debt. However, output level increases in the shortrun. This helps lowering the e¤ective interst rate due to improved creditworthiness. This explains why the net foreign debt position worsens in the long run. It is also important to note that in the steady state debt-income ration remains unchanges. In other words, income and foreign debt change proportionately. Interestingly, the variables like investment, debt will exhibit non-monotonic transition –signi…cantly di¤erent from the basic model. 4 Concluding Remarks We develop an intertemporal optimizing model of a small open developing economy facing an imperfect capital market to examine the e¤ects of adverse terms of trade shocks. We show that adverse terms of trade lead to a higher external debt (a worsening current account). This is consistent with Harberger, and Laursen and Metzler. In our model, higher income allows the economy to consume more. Higher income also works as collateral for the developing economy for additional foreign debt due to improved creditworthiness. It is important to note that we assumed a …xed rate of time preference. In a standard in…nite horizon optimizing model of a small open economy with perfect capital mobility, where the economy faces a …xed interest rate (as determined by the rest of the world), the …xed rate of time preferences does not work due to degenerate dynamics. For saddlepoint stability, one needs to assume an equality between a …xed interest rate and the …xed rate of time preference. This, also, restricts the model signi…cantly in terms of transitional dynamics. To overcome this problem, researchers often used the controversial Uzawa preferences. Some others use adjustment costs of investment to restrict the volatile behavior of investment that arises in such an environment. In our model this problem got resolved because of imperfect capital mobility implied by the upward slopping supply curve of foreign debt. In other words, the e¤ective interest rate in this small developing economy is endogenous. Another important aspect warrants further attention. In our complete model, the optimal paths of some of our 13 important variables such as capital stock and current account balance (or debt position) are non-monotonic during the transitional periods. Though it is somewhat di¢ cult to show them analytically, a numerical evaluation (calibration) could show them with relative ease. The non-monotonic adjustment of the current account is very signi…cant in the literature dealing with "J" curve and such. Our model could potentially explain those stylized facts. We leave this for future research. References [1] Agénor, P-R., and Aizenman, J. Savings and the terms of trade under borrowing constraints. Journal of International Economics 63, 321-340. [2] Bhandari, J.S., Haque, N.U., and Turnovsky, S.J., 1990. Growth, external debt and sovereign risk in a small open economy. IMF Sta¤ Papers 37, 388-417. [3] Broda, C., 2004. Terms of trade and exchange rate regimes in developing countries. Journal of International Economics 63, 31-58. 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