1 BRAMPTON Da-1 ReP°rt Planning, Design and Development Committee brampton.ca FIOWCF City Committee of the Council of The Corporation of the City of Brampton Date: May 15,2014 File: City File: C05W12.003 Subject: INFORMATION REPORT PLANNING, DESIGN &DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE DATE: (JlLNA q; Mj Application to Amend the Official Plan (To add the subject lands to the Mount Pleasant Secondary Plan as a Special Policy Area with criteria to guide the evaluation of a development application). GAGNON & LAW URBAN PLANNERS LIMITED - MCN (HERITAGE) INCORPORATED NW quadrant Mississauga Road and CNR rail line Con 5 WHS PT LOT 12 Ward: 6 Contact: Jill Hogan, Planning Project Manager, NW Brampton 905-874-3450 Overview: • MCN (Heritage) Inc. ("Cortel") is the owner of a property located in the Huttonville North Secondary Plan (Area 52), also known as the Heritage Heights Community, for which the City has initiated secondary planning. • The Cortel property is located west of Mississauga Road, north of Bovarid Drive West and fronts the CNR rail line and comprises an area of approximately 8.1 hectares (20 acres). • Cortel has submitted an application to amend the Official Plan to add its lands to the Mount Pleasant Secondary Plan as a Special Policy Area with criteria to guide the evaluation and processing of any future development application. • A site specific development proposal is not being considered at this time. A subsequent Official Plan amendment will be required before development can proceed. D2-A Recommendations: THAT the report from Jill Hogan, Planning Project Manager, NW Brampton, Planning and Infrastructure Services entitled "INFORMATION REPORT"dated May 15, 2014 to the Planning, Design and Development Committee Meeting of June 9, 2014 re: Application to Amend the Official Plan, Gagnon & Law Urban Planners Limited - MCN (Heritage) Incorporated, Ward: 6, File: C05W12.003 be received; and, THAT staff be directed to report back to Planning Design and Development Committee with the results of the Public Meeting and a staff recommendation, subsequent to the completion of the circulation of the application and a comprehensive evaluation of the proposal. Background: Figure 1 - Location Map Proposal: D2-5 Details of the proposal are as follows: The subject lands, owned by MCN (Heritage) Inc. ("Cortel") are located in North West Brampton, within the Huttonville North Secondary Plan (Area 52). No secondary plan policies are in force. However, the City has initiated Secondary Planning which is proceeding through the development of a land use plan and polices. Cortel has made an application to add the subject lands to the Mount Pleasant Secondary Plan as a Special Policy Area with criteria to guide the evaluation and processing of any future development application (see Appendix 7). A site specific development proposal is not being considered at this time. A subsequent Official Plan amendment, designating a land use will be required before development can proceed. This application is being reviewed in conjunction with File: C05W12.002, submitted by Gagnon & Law Urban Planners Limited on behalf of Heathwood Homes (Brampton) Limited ("Heathwood"). Heathwood owns approximately 19.4 hectares directly south of the Cortel lands and is also proposing that its lands be added to the Mount Pleasant Secondary Plan (Area 51) as a Special Policy Area. Heathwood and Cortel are proposing to develop their properties as part of the area referred to as "Greater Osmington Centre Lands". These lands are bound generally by the Canadian National Railway (CNR/Railway) to the north, Bovaird Drive West to the south and Mississauga Road (See Appendix 6). Osmington Inc. owns approximately 36 hectares located south of the Cortel and Heathwood lands, with frontage on both Mississauga Road and Bovaird Drive West. The Osmington Regional Centre proposal includes a range of retail, restaurant, personal service, office, hotel, open space, residential and community uses. In February 2014, Council approved in principle an application made by Osmington Inc. to add its lands to the Mount Pleasant Secondary Plan as a Special Policy area and City staff has been directed to prepare the amending documents. Heathwood and Cortel are seeking this same approval. The applicant envisions the Heathwood and Cortel proposals to be an extension of the Osmington Regional Centre proposal. More specifically, the road network, land uses and the means by which the lands will be serviced. Property Description and Surrounding Land Use: The subject property has the following characteristics: ♦ is located west of Mississauga Road, north of Bovarid Drive West and fronts the CNR rail line ♦ a site area of approximately 8.1 hectares (20 acres) The surrounding land uses are described as follows: North: Agricultural South: Agricultural (proposed Osmington Inc. Regional Centre) East: Mississauga Road and designated but not developed District Retail and Commercial Centre, beyond which is the Mount Pleasant GO Station West: Agricultural Current Situation: Comments from City staff and public agencies are required in order to complete a comprehensive analysis for this application. All comments received will be considered and addressed in the future planning recommendation report to the Planning, Design, and Development Committee. Further details of the policy aspects of this application can be found in the Information Summary contained in Appendix 5. The future recommendation report will contain an evaluation of the relevant policy statements. A preliminary assessment of this application indicates that the recommendation report needs to address the following policies contained in the Official Plan: • Shale Resource Protection • Corridor Protection Further, the application will be reviewed in light of ongoing secondary planning for the Heritage Heights Community. Corporate Implications: Financial Implications: An assessment of the financial implication associated with this application will be undertaken and discussed in the Planning Recommendation Report. !&2-5 Other Implications: Any other technical implications associated with this application will be undertaken and discussed in the Planning Recommendation Report. Strategic Plan: The application will be reviewed alongside the City's Strategic Plan to ensure it is consistent with the City's Strategic Initiatives. This review will be discussed in the future Planning Recommendation Report. Public Meeting Notification Area: Notice of the Public Meeting was given by prepaid first class mail to all persons assessed within 900 metres of the area to which the proposal applies; as shown on the last revised assessment roll and by public notification in the Brampton Guardian. Respectfully submitted: vJillHbgan, MCIP, project Manager, NWLBrampton PfaWng &Infrastructure Services Department Authored by: Jill Hogan CPISO Datel*H'/l 'U Henrik Zbogar, MCTP, RPP Acting Director, Planning Policy and Growth Management Planning & Infrastructure Services Department APPENDICES: Appendix 1: Official Plan (Schedule "A" General Land Use Designations) Extract Appendix 2: Zoning Extract Appendix 3: Existing Land Uses Appendix 4: Heritage Resources Appendix 5: Information Summary Appendix 6: Location of the "Greater Osmington Regional Centre Lands" Appendix 7: Lands proposed to be deleted from Secondary Plan Area 52 and added to Secondary Plan Area 51 Vdlr* EXTRACT FROM SCHEDULE A (GENERAL LAND USE DESIGNATIONS) OF THE CITY OF BRAMPTON OFFICIAL PLAN SUBJECT LAND RES,DENT,AL OPEN SPACE ^s^^ JE£|jJAMPTON CORRIDOR MAJOR PROTECTION WATERCOURSE *"" DEVELOPMENT AREA • BRAMPTON brompionca Flower City PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES 0 50 E^ APPENDIX 1 OFFICIAL PLAN DESIGNATIONS GAGNON & LAW URBAN PLANNERS LIMITED MCN (Heritage) Incorporated 100 Drawn By: A.R.d. Metres Date: 2014 03 10 CITY FILE: C05W12.003 —— RAiLWAY \)7r^ CZI SUBJECT LAND RESIDENTIAL AGRICULTURAL ZONING BOUNDARY §§ BRAMPTON bromptonco Flower City PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES 0 50 E APPENDIX 2 ZONING DESIGNATIONS GAGNON & LAW URBAN PLANNERS LIMITED MCN (Heritage) Incorporated 100 Drawn By: A.R.d. Metres Date: 2014 05 12 CITY FILE: C05W12.003 RAILWAY D^ AERIAL PHOTO DATE: FALL 2014 LZZl SUBJECT LAND RESIDENTIAL UTILITY AGRICULTURAL M BRAMPTON APPENDIX 3 PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES MCN (Heritage) Inc. brompionca Flower City 0 50 100 3 Metres AERIAL & EXISTING LAND USE GAGNON & LAW URBAN PLANNERS LTD. Drawn By: A.R.d. Date: 2014 03 10 CITY FILE: C05W12.003 RAILWAY P£HO m V? LISTED 10244 MISSISSAUGA RD / f> •' /• / _ AERIAL PHOTO DATE: SPRING 2013 nn • PROPERTIES CONTAINING HERITAGE RESOURCES WITHIN 50m OF SUBJECT LAND SUBJECT LAND BRAMPTON bra™pion.cD Flower City HERITAGE RESOURCES GAGNON & LAW URBAN PLANNERS LIMITED PLANNING AND INFRASTRUCTURE SERVICES 50 APPENDIX 4 MCN (Heritage) Incorporated Please contact a Heritage Coordinator CITY FILE: C05W12.003 for more information: Stavroula Kassaris: 905-874-3825 Antonietta Minichillo : 905-874-3744 100 Drawn By: A.R.d. Metres Date: 2014 05 12 "The Heritage Resource boundaries are generalized and not definitive. P2-U APPENDIX 5 Information Summary Official Plan The subject lands are designated as "North-West Urban Development Area", "Corridor Protection Area", "North West Brampton Policy Area" and "Open Space" in the Official Plan. Secondary Plan The subject lands are located in the Heritage Heights Community; which is now undergoing secondary planning through the development of a land use plan and policies. Currently, there are no Secondary Plan policies in force for the subject lands. It is proposed that the subject lands be added to the Mount Pleasant Secondary Plan (Area 51) as a Special Policy Area. Environmental Issues Complete comments and recommendations from the City's Planning & Infrastructure Services Department and the Credit Valley Conservation Authority will be provided in the Recommendation Report at such time as a land use is being considered for the subject lands. Growth Management Complete comments and recommendations with respect to Growth Management issues will be provided in the Recommendation Report. Documents Submitted in Support of the Application Planning Justification Report Current Policy Framework: The following provides a general overview of the policies related to Corridor Protection and the North West Brampton Policy Area (shale protection) in the City's Official Plan. These policies currently apply to the lands west of Mississauga Road including the subject lands. These policies must be considered when evaluating a development application in this geography. Corridor Protection OP93-245 implemented policies and related mapping to protect an area of North West Brampton for the planning and development of a North-South Transportation Corridor. OP93-245 includes a policy that requires the North South Transportation Corridor (now part of the GTA West Corridor) to be planned, designed and constructed in accordance with the recommendation of 4b Information Report pa-i3L an Environmental Assessment Study prior to the full development of North West Brampton. The proposed provincial GTA West Corridor coincides with the North-South Transportation Corridor. A corridor will have to be identified and protected in North West Brampton in order to facilitate the planning for a provincial highway. In 2005, Council adopted an Official Plan Amendment and Zoning By-lawto implement corridor protection policies and zoning provisions. OP93-255 and Zoning By-law300-2005 were subsequently appealed to the Ontario Municipal Board (OMB) by a number of parties. The final disposition of these appeals has not been determined by the OMB. Therefore, in accordance with Section 38(6.1) of the Planning Act, Interim Control By law 306-2003 remains in effect until the appeals have been dealt with by the OMB. North West Brampton Policy Area OP93-245 implements a Special Policy Area for the protection of shale for lands west of Mississauga Road in North West Brampton. The North West Brampton Policy Area (NWBPA) enables interim shale extraction to occur through the appropriate approval process, while recognizing the ultimate long term need of these lands for urban development. The purpose of the NWBPA is to provide for the protection and potential use of the shale resource for a period of 10 years (2016) following the approval of OP93-245. However, the policies enable all long range planning to proceed during this time on the basis that all lands will become urbanized. Following the expiry of the 10-year period in 2016, the Region of Peel, in consultation with the City, will undertake a review to determine whether it is in the public interest to amend the Region and Brampton Official Plans and establish general urban land use designations for this area. The existing policy framework does provide the opportunity for this review to commence before 2016. During this 10 year period, all necessary background studies can be finalized and endorsed by City Council but no development approvals can be issued. With the initiation of secondary planning for the lands west of Mississauga Road as directed by Council in December 2009, long range planning can begin. 4b Information Report DA-\2 GO STATION PROPOSED GREATER a OSMINGTON REGIONAL CENTRE LANDS MOUNT PLEASANT BLOCK PLAN 51-1 SI BRAMPTON bmitaa FlowerCity ><: APPENDIX 6 LOCATION OF THE GREATER OSMINGTON REGIONAL CENTRE LANDS PLANNING, DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT Drawn By: A.R.d. Date: 2014 05 12 File:P25RE_REQ_EARLY_PLAN_JAN_2014.dgn Da-iM EXTRACT FROM SCHEDULE G (SECONDARY PLAN AREAS) OF THE CITY OF BRAMPTON OFFICIAL PLAN AREA SUBJECT TO PROPOSED AMENDMENT SPA 40 SPA 45 SPA 52 STREETS SPA 51 SPA 53 RAILWAY SPA 44 Si BRAMPTON brcmplonca HOWBT GtV PUNNING, DESIGN& DEVELOPMENT Drawn By: RD\A.R.d. Date: 2014 05 13 APPENDIX 7 PROPOSED LANDS TO BE DELETED FROM SECONDARY PLAN AREA 52 (HUTTONVILLE NORTH) AND ADDED TO SECONDARY PLAN AREA 51 (MOUNT PLEASANT) CITY FILE: C05W12.003
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