14 Greater Kashmir Srinagar | August 25, 2014, Monday facebook.com/DailyGreaterKashmir GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR Government of Jammu and Kashmir Government of Jammu & Kashmir Directorate of School Education Kashmir OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER R&B CONSTRUCTION DIVISION N0. 2ND, SRINAGAR Sub:Select list of the candidates for the post of Teacher (Education Department) District Cadre Srinagar (Item No’s. 330, 473 & 457 advertised vide notification No’s. 03 of 2012 dated 28.12.2012, 05 of 2013, dated 02.03.2013 and No. 06 of 2013 dated 10.05.2013. CORRIGENDUM Whereas the Administrative Department vide communication No. Edu-I/125/2014, dated 28.07.2014 forwarded a copy of Communication No. SSB/Sel/Secy/013/5792-94, dated 08.07.2014 and No. SSB/Sel/ Secy/ /5792-94, dated 08.07.2014 with a list of 18 and 11 candidates respectively (whose selection was previously kept withheld by the SSRB) for further appropriate action, as the SSRB now recommended their selection as Teacher. Now therefore these 29 candidates are hereby advised to deposit their undertakings (duly attested) by the Judicial Magistrate (1st Class) on the devised format appended herewith as “Annexure A” to the Directorate of School Education Kashmir within one week from the date of publication of this notification. No such undertakings shall be entertained after expiry of the stipulated time frame. The candidates can have full details regarding the subject matter from the website of Directorate of School Education Kashmir on the following address: www.dsek.nic.in Please read “Kundiyan to Pathroo” against S.No. 4 of Annexure to Tender Notice issued vide reference NIT No. DCAPDK/Adm/ GS25 / Gen/14/239 dated 01-0-2014 instead of “Meelyal to Patra”. SRINAGAR DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY ADDENDUM 001 Sd/ Executive Engineer, SDA, Division, Srinagar OFFICE OF THE ADDITIONAL COMMISSIONER COMMERCIAL TAXES (ADMINISTRATION/ESTATES) KASHMIR DIVISION, SRINAGAR Sub:Notice inviting tenders for fixing annual contract for sanitation of Entire Excise & Commercial Tax Complex, Solina Srinagar: 001 It is for the information of all that the last date of filing of tenders invited by this office regarding the subject cited above and issued vide endorsement No: PA/ACCTK/100, dated: 12-08-2014 is hereby extended upto 30-08-2014, 4.00 p.m. The tenders shall now be opened on 04-09-2014 at 2.00 p.m. in presence of tenderers who may wish to be present at that time. DIPK: 5831 DEPONENT Sd/ Asstt. Regional Tptt. Officer, (Member Secretary R.T.A) Kupwara 1.Khanabal Chowk area. 2.Sarnal Point upto Pehroo 3.Donipawa near bridge OFFICE OF THE EXECUTIVE ENGINEER CONSTRUCTION DIVISION KASHMIR, For and on behalf of Secretary, J&K State Sports council, Srinagar, e.tenders in DOUBLE COVER SYSTEM are invited on item rate basis from eligible contractor registered with PWD contract of the classes shown as under for the below noted work: Sd/ Administrative Officer 1. Development of Sports play field at Magam Tangmarg (District Baramulla) by way of earth work in cutting/filling/ levelling, construction of retaining walls, breast walls, chain link fencing, seating tiers, Iron gates, turfing and construction of pavilion block Position of AAA Demanded Adv cost (Rs. in Lacs 255 lacs Earnest Class Cost of Money of contr. TD (Rs. in lacs) 5.10 lacs Reputed 5500/Firm s/ AAY class Time of comple. 360 days/12 months Position of funds: Demanded 1.The Bidding documents consisting of qualifying information, eligibility Criteria, specification, Drawings, bill of quantities(B.O.Q) Set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be seen/download Net from the departmental Website www.jktenders.gov.in as per schedule of dates given below:1 2 3 4 5 Date of issue of Tender Notice Period of downloading of bidding documents Bid Submission Start Date Bid submission End Date Deadline for receiving the Hard copy of all the scanned documents with original DD and EMD 21/08/2014 22/08/2014 10.00 am to 11/09/2014 4.00 PM 22/08/2014 11:00 PM 11/09/2014 4.00 PM Hard copy will be received either by hand / Courier / Regd. post from 12/09/2014 to 15/09/2014 up to 4 .00 PM in the office of the Secretary J&K state Sports council Bakhshi Stadium Srinagar 6 Date & time of opening of Bids Technical bid will be opened on 18/09/2014 at 11.00 (online) AM in the office of the Secretary J&K State Sports Council Bakhshi Stadium Srinagar. Date of Financial bid opening will be declared online. 2.Bids must be accompanied with cost of Tender documents in shape of demands draft in favour Executive engineer construction division Kashmir J&K State sports council/Tender inviting authority) and of earnest money/Bid security in shape of CDR/FDR pledged to Executive Engineer, J&K State sports Council Tender receiving authority). 3.All other terms and conditions shall remain same as are in vogue in PWD / J&K State Sports Council. 001 Whereas you were appointed as junior Assistant vide Order No 195-SKIMS-MC of 2014 Dated 16-07-2014 on probation for a period of two years; Whereas you have submitted joining report on 5-08-2014. Whereas among others you have been posted/adjusted in the Accounts section in SKIMS Medical College vide Order No. SKIMS-MC 221 of 2014 Dated of 13-08-2014. Whereas the Chief Accountants Officer SKIMS Medical College vide his letter No. SKIMS-MC-Account (2014) 720-23 Dated 20-8-2014 has reported that you have not joined in his Office which attracts Article 128 of J&K Civil Service Regulation. Whereas without reporting at the place of posting you have requested vide your application No. Nil Dated Nil received on 20-08-2014 for change of posting/adjustment which has not been acceded by the competent authority. Whereas your Un-authorized absence from duty has been viewed seriously by the authorities and ordered for disciplinary action under Article 128 of J&K civil Service regulation and rule 21(1) of J&K (Classification control and appeal) Rules 1956 Before initiating any legal action, you are directed to explain as to why your services shall not be terminated as per above rulings. The reply to this effect should reach within 2 days to this Office otherwise legal action shall fallow. S. Name of work No. DIPK: 5759 5500/- 7.60 550 Days 16.09.2014 “AAY” Higher Education 5500/- 5.70 500 Days 16.09.2014 “AAY” Higher Education 5500/- 4.50 450 Days 16.09.2014 “AAY” Higher Education 2.A pre-bid meeting will be held to clarify issued and to answer questions on any matter that may be raised at that stage by the bidders. 3.Bids must be accompanied with cost of Tender document in shape of demand draft in favour of Executive Engineer R&B Construction Division No.2nd, Srinagar (tender inviting authority) and Earnest money / Bid security in shape of CDR /FDR/BG pledged to Chief Engineer / C.A.O PWD (R&B) Kashmir (tender receiving authority). DIPK: 5841 Sd/ Executive Engineer Applications on prescribed format are invited from educated un-employed youth of district Shopian for the year 2014-15 who are desirous of setting up their own income generating units under state Self Employment Scheme. Last date for submission of application forms is 10.09.2014. The eligibility for applying as per the scheme is as under: a. The candidate should have passed 8th class or above. However the no education qualification shall be insisted upon those candidates having qualified training course of one year from any Govt. institution. b. The candidate should be in the age group of 18-42 years in respect of general category with 5 years relaxation for female and for persons belonging to ST/SC/Ex-serviceman/ Physically Handicapped as on 01.01.2014. The application forms should be accompanied with the following documents/certificates in duplicate duly attested by Gazatted Officer 1. Date of Birth Certificate (Two attested copies) 2. Qualification Certificate (Two attested copies) 3.State Subject Certificate (Two attested copies) or First page of Ration Card (Two attested copies). 4.Identification Certificate as prescribed in loan application form duly attested by Gazatted Officer. 5. Un-employment Certificate (Duly attested by Gazatted Officer). 6. Affidavit as prescribed by the Department. Sd/- Assistant Director Employment DE&CC, Shopian DIPK: 5784 GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCIAL TAXES EXCISE AND TAXATION COMPLEX SOLINA, RAMBAGH. SRINAGAR Mr. Pirzada Zahoor Illahi The then I/C CTO (Sopore) Presently under suspension. TENDER NOTICE: 16 OF 2014-15 DATED: 21/08/2014 Sub: Un-authorized absence. NB: 1144 Sd/ Chief Medical Officer Convener DHS Anantnag J&K STATE SPORTS COUNCIL, SRINAGAR 001 BEMINA SRINAGAR, J&K - 1990017 Majid Jehangir S/o Jehangir Hyderi, R/o Mir Muskan Karan Nagar, Near GMC Srinagar Class of Major Contractor Head of Account 8 9 “AAY” Higher Education NOTIFICATION In this regard, Sealed tenders duly affixed with Revenue Stamps worth Rs. 5/-(Rupees; Five only) are invited from the property owners of above mentioned areas. Interested parties can obtain the detailed tender documents, terms and conditions from the Office of the Chief Medical Officer, Convener District Health Society, Anantnag, The tenders completed in all aspects should reach the office of undersigned within fifteen (IS) days from the date of publication and shall be opened on the next day or any other day convenient to the Convener District Health Society, The Convener District Health Society, Anantnag reserves the right to accept or reject any tender without assigning any reasons thereof. SKIMS MEDICAL COLLEGE 6 550 Days Time & Date of Opening of Technical Bid 7 16.09.2014 DISTRICT EMPLOYMENT & COUNSELING CENTRE SHOPIAN Due to poor response of tender notice previously advertised, once again it is informed that District Rural Health Society (DRHS), Anantnag requires Building/House having at least 8 rooms (negotiable) along with parking area for housing below mentioned proposed Urban Primary Health Centres (UPHC’s). GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU AND KASHMIR Time of comple. GOVERNMENT OF JAMMU & KASHMIR National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) RE-TENDER NOTICE 001 DIPK: 5868 Earnest Money (Rs. In Lacs) 5 7.60 1. Date of Issue of Tender Notice 2. Period of downloading of bidding documents From 22.08.2014 10.00 A.M 3. Date, Time and place of pre-bid meeting 02.09.2014 at 11.00 A.M in the Office of the Chief Engineer PWD (R&B) Kashmir. 4. Bid submission Start Date 05.09.2014 From 10.00 A.M 5. Bid Submission End Date 13.09.2014 upto 4.00 P.M 6. Deadline for receiving the Hard Copy includ- 15.09.2014 upto 4.00 P.M in the Office of ing Original DD& EMD. the Chief Engineer PWD (R&B) Kashmir. 7. Date & time of opening of Technical Bids 16.09.2014 at 11.00 A.M in the Office of (Online). the Chief Engineer PWD (R&B) Kashmir. 8. Date & time of opening of Financial Bids To be notified after technical bid evalu(Online). ation VERIFICATION: The contents of this undertaking are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and nothing has been concealed therein. DIPK: 5747 2 Construction of Engineering Technology and Computer Technology at Govt. Degree College for Women, M.A road, Srinagar. Construction of School of 380.00 Social Science at Govt. Degree College, Bemina, Srinagar. Construction of School of 285.00 Humanities & Liberal Arts at Amar Singh College, Srinagar. Construction of School of 225.00 Teacher Education at Govt. College of Education M.A Road, Srinagar. Cost of T/Doc. (In Rs.) 4 5500/- 1.The Bidding documents Consisting of qualifying information, eligibility criteria, specifications, Drawings, bill of quantities (B.O.Q), Set of terms and conditions of contract and other details can be seen/downloaded from the departmental website www.jktenders.gov.in as per schedule of dates given below:- DEPONENT District Health Society Anantnag To sort-out transport and other related matters in Regional Transport Authority meeting which is going to be held shortly. The general public through the medium of this notice are hereby informed to apply for Stage Carriage (Double tyre Mini Buses) and contract carriage Route permits in this office within seven days. No application will be entertained after the given stipulated period from the date of publication of this notice. This is for information of the general public. Est. Cost (Rs. In Lacs) 3 380.00 Position of AAA/TS: Submitted Position of funds : Demanded Sd/ Additional Commissioner Commercial Taxes (Administration) Kashmir PUBLIC NOTICE 1 1. 4. I.That the qualification certificate has been issued by the University/ Institution/Board recognized by the Government of India/State Govt./ UGC/AICTE & Council for Distance Education and not by any unrecognized institution / University/Deemed University or by any recognized off campus Centre of any University and further the course of study are also recognized. II.That the certificate is authentic and not fake/forged/tempered. In case I am permitted to join subject to above verification:1.I shall join the department on my own risk and responsibility. 2.Subsequently, if my qualification is not proved to subscribe to above mentioned standards or is proved fake /forged/tempered or issued by unrecognized institution/University or the course itself is proved as unrecognized. I shall have no claim for the post of teacher and the appointment order issued in my favour may be treated as cancelled abinitio. Besides criminal proceedings may be initiated against me under law. Regional Transport Officer Kupwara Name of Work 3. I.....................................................................S/o.........................................................R/o................. ................ District................................................. Do hereby solemnly declare an oath that:- The educational/technical qualification on the basis of which I have been selected as Teacher by the J&K Services Selection Board is proposed to be verified by the Govt./School Education Department on the following counts: Office of the Assistant S. No 2. (Annexure “A”) UNDERTAKING 001 NB: 1138 For and on behalf of the Governor, J&K State, e-tenders (In Two cover system) are invited on item rate basis from approved and eligible Contractors registered with J&K State Govt., CPWD, Railways and other State/Central Governments for the following works:- Sd/- Director School Education Kashmir DIPK: 5772 The date of receipt of tenders for NIT No: 01 is hereby extended upto 30/08/2014 and the issue of tender documents is hereby extended upto 28/08/2014. All other terms and conditions will remain same as per NIT No.01 of 2014-15. NIT No. 46/CDII/ 9606-625 of 2014-15 DATED: 20-08-2014 NOTIFICATION 001 DIPK: 5854 Sd/ Chief Accounts Officer Consumer Affairs and P.D. Deptt., Srinagar Kashmir NOTICE INVITING TENDERS 001 001 Sub:Tenders for carriage of food grains and other essential commodities to border/ mini border and other hilly areas of district Kupwara/ Bandipora and Baramulla through ponies/head load/semi motorable mode for the year 2014-15. Ref:Assistant Director Kupwara’s letter No. ADCAPD/ Kup/2014/1651 dated 14-08-2014. Sd/ Executive Engineer 001 DIRECTORATE OF CONSUMER AFFAIRS AND PUBLIC DISTRIBUTION KASHMIR twitter.com/GreaterKashmir_ 001 epaper.GreaterKashmir.com Subject: Show cause Notice Whereas, you while posted as I/c Commercial Taxes Officer, Circle Sopore opened false account by forged signatures in the name of Addl. Commissioner Commercial Taxes (Administration), Kashmir in J & K Bank Limited, branch SSI, Lai Chowk, Srinagar and made transactions from the forged account with the intention to defraud the,state exchequer; Whereas, preliminary enquiry was ordered to be conducted by Mr. Showkat Aijaz, the then Dy. Commissioner Commercial Taxes (Headquarter) against you regarding the abuse of official duty and opening of false and forged account by you, vide Govt. Order No. 176-F of 2012 dated: 12-07-2012 read with Govt. Order No. 204-GAD of 2012 dated: 04-09-2012 and corrigendum No. ET/Estt/56/2012 dated: 25-09-2012; Whereas, the enquiry officer submitted preliminary enquiry report vide communication No. PF-Adm/1714/CCT dated: 12-09-2012 to Finance Department. Accordingly, a copy of memorandum alongwith articles of charges and statement of imputations was served upon you vide Finance Department vide No. ET/Estt/56/2012 dated: 08-11-2012 with the direction to submit your statement of defence within a period of 21 days from the receipt of the said memorandum; Whereas, the statement of defence submitted by you was received in the Finance Department on 07-12-2012. Personal hearing as sought by you was also given on 28-12-2012 at 12.00 noon by the Financial Commissioner (Finance Department), J&K Government. Whereas, Finance Department vide order No. 26-F of 2013 dated: 28-01-2013 read with order No. 157-F of 2013 dated: 04-07-2013 and order No. 215-F of 2013 dated: 08-10-2013 ordered a formal enquiry to be conducted by Commissioner Commercial Taxes into the matter of abuse of official position by you and your failure in maintaining absolute integrity; Whereas, you were afforded ample opportunities through communications, phone and via sms on your personal phone to present before the Commissioner Commercial Taxes (Enquiry Officer) but you presented yourself before the enquiry officer only once i.e. on 8th of August, 2013 and thereafter did not present before the enquiry officer; Whereas, the enquiry officer submitted report on 30-09-2013 to Finance Department for further action; Whereas, you have now represented before Principal Secretary to Government, Finance Department that you have not been given opportunity of being heard by the enquiry officer; Whereas, the Finance Department vide letter No. ET/Estt/56/2012 dated: 01-08-2014 conveyed that one more opportunity of being heard be provided to you; Now, therefore, you are hereby afforded one more opportunity of being heard in person before the Commissioner Commercial Taxes in his office chambers at Excise and Taxation Complex, Solina on 10-09-2014 at 11.00 a.m. failing which no further opportunity shall be provided to you. DIPK: 5870 Sd/ (Kifayat Hussain Rizvi, IAS) Commissioner Commercial Taxes J&K Government, Srinagar
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