Trip y Côr 2014 - Cor Meibion Dyffryn Aman

Côr Meibion Dyffryn Aman
Gorffennaf / July 2014
Rhif / No 79
clecs y côr
Cylchlythyr swyddogol i aelodau a chefnogwyr Côr Meibion Dyffryn Aman
The official newsletter for members and supporters of Côr Meibion Dyffryn Aman
Trip y Côr 2014
Trip blynyddol y Côr yn rhoi cyfle i ymlacio ar ôl blwyddyn o ymdrech a llwyddiant
Trefor Jones
Is Gadeirydd y Côr
r ôl ymdrechion glew’r wythnos
flaenorol yn recordio’r cryno
ddisg newydd, cafwyd cyfle i
ymlacio ar daith flynyddol y Côr.
Unwaith eto, Ron Isaac oedd y tywysydd a
tua’r Dwyrain teithiodd y bws y tro hwn.
Gardd Goffa Senghennydd
Yr arosfan gyntaf oedd pentref yr arwr
Ifor Bach, Senghennydd neu “sneggie” fel
gelwir y pentref gan frodorion Cwm Aber.
Yno cafwyd cyfle i ymweld â’r Ardd Goffa
hardd i’r glowyr bu farw yn hanes hir yr “aur
du” yn ein gwlad.
Mae’n debyg, mai pump o farwolaethau
mewn un digwyddiad yw’r diffyniad o
drychineb, ac ‘roedd yn sobor o drist i weld
yr enwau lluosog o weithfeydd, lefelau,
pyllau a drifftiau lle gwelwyd y fath erchylltra,
gan gynnwys nifer o Gwm Aman.
Yng nghanol yr Ardd cafwyd y gofgolofn
i drychineb enwog gwaith glo’r Universal yn
Senghennydd pan laddwyd 439 o lowyr
ac un oedd yn achubwr yn y ddamwain.
Mi ‘roedd yna gysylltiad gyda Cwm
Aman gan mai’r “Upper Jap”, Roy Noble
agorodd yr ardd yn 2013.
Yna, lawr i Gaerdydd, at Barc y
Rhath. Da oedd gweld y rhosynod yn eu
gogoniant a chafwyd cyfle i gerdded o
gwmpas y parc enwog a noddwyd gan y
teulu Mountstuart (Bute) ar ddiwedd y 19 Ganrif.
Mae’r llyn hwylio enfawr yn gyfarwydd i
bob cyn-fyfyriwr o golegau’r brifddinas gyda’i oleudy enwog. Codwyd y goludy i nodi’r ffaith bod Robert Falcon Scott wedi
gadael o Gaerdydd, ac ar ei daith enwog
Trowch i dudalen 2
Clecs y Côr
Gorffennaf / July 2014
Cymdeithas Ganu Dyffryn Aman (Gwaun-cae-gurwen), 1910
Yn sefyll: DM Thomas, W Jenkins, J James, J Jones, Timmy Jones, W Leonard, W Davies, J Thomas E Howells a G Davies
Yn eistedd: WJ Thomas, D James, T Williams, RD Morgan, J Martyn Thomas, J Morgan, DJ Evans, T Harry, T Davies, BT Jones a JT Jones
yma lun o Gôr Glee Dyffryn Aman yn 1910 (o lyfr David A Evans a Huw Walters "Dyffryn Aman 'Slawer Dydd"). Mae’n
amlwg mai nid ni yw'r côr meibion cyntaf yn y Cwm. Yn ddiddorol, mewn sawl côr adeg hynny mi roedd yr adran glee megis
"creme de la creme " y côr ac yn aml roedd rhaid cael prawf llais a sain, tra byddai côr mwy hefyd ar gael(er efallai mai nad hynny
sydd i'w gweld yma). Wrth weld oedran rhai o'r bechgyn yn y parti sawl un wnaeth farw yn "Fflandrys dir", ond rhyw bedair mlynedd
yn ddiwddarach? Efallai bod ambell i gyn datcu o' aelodau'r côr presennol yn y llun, mae'r enwau yno gan gafodd y llyfr ei gyhoeddi
yn 1987?
Trefor Jones
TRIP Y CôR 2014
Parhad o dudalen1
a thrychinebus i’r Antarctig ar y Terra
Nova yn 1910.
Dociau Caerdydd oedd yn cynnwys
glo gorau’r byd ac ‘roedd Scott yn
awyddus i lwytho’r llong cyn gadael.
Digon o Hanes. Penderfynodd Ron
bod yr amser wedi dod i ymweld â’r Bae
gyda’i adeiladau newydd yn codi o
entrychion adfeilion hen ddociau’r teulu
Bute, yn enwedig y Packet o’r un cyfnod
a Wtherspoons o gyfnod ychydig yn
Wedi ymgymryd a’r lluniaeth ysgafn
ac ychydig o ddiod, penderfynodd y côr
bod dyletswydd arnom i ddiddori’n dorf
oedd wedi ymgasglu ar y teras haul.
Yn eu plith oedd parti “stag”, o dîm
rhanbarthol y Gleision gyda sawl
wyneb cyfarwydd a grŵp cerddorol o
Dde’r Affrig oedd yn ymweld â’r
brifddinas fel rhan o sioe “Showboat”.
Codwyd y tô (pe bai tô i gael) a da
oedd gweld wynebau’r Gleision wrth i’r
bechgyn a Bethan ganu “Sospan
Fach” iddynt.
Wedyn dechreuodd pethau mynd
yn ddiddorol gan mai’n debyg roedd
nifer o’r rhai oedd yn bresennol yn
dathlu penblwydd y diwrnod hynny a
chafwyd “fflashmob”, “Penblwydd
Hapus I Ti”, yn ateseinio o gwmpas
Wetherspoons (gyda hyd yn oed y
swyddogion diogelwch yn mwynhau,
er bod canu wedi ei wahardd).
Y Mochyn Du
Hywel Williams a Roy Evans yn gwerthfawrogi cysgod wrth yr haul llethol
Yna, dyrchwyd tuag at y Mochyn
Du yn gerddi Soffia (un o ferched yr
Arglwydd Bute). I fod yn onest,
cymrodd sbel i’r bois adennill hwyl yr
awr fawr a gafwyd yn gynharach.
Ond wrth i wyth o’r gloch agosau a’r
amser i adael, cynnodd y fflam unwaith
eto gyda chanu mawr , gan ohirio’r
amser gadael am ddwy awr arall!!
Diolch i Ron am drefnu diwrnod
llwyddiannus arall.
Taith Gerdded
Carreg Cennen
ynhelir taith gerdded Carreg
Cennen ddydd Sadwrn Medi
13 i ddechrau am 10 o’r gloch o dri
lle: Maes Parcio’r Co-op Rhydaman,
Maes Parcio Glanaman a Maes Parcio Canolfan y Mynydd Du, Brynaman.
Tocynnau £6 yn cynnwys bws, bwyd ac
adloniant yn y Cennen Arms wedyn. Y
bws i adael y dafarn am bump o’r gloch
i fynd a’r cerddwyr ‘nôl i’r mannau
cychwyn. Cysylltwch ag Arwyn Hopkin
am fanylion pellach.
Clecs y Côr
Gorffennaf / July 2014
Côr Meibion Dyffryn Aman
Newyddion y Pwyllgor / Committee News
he Committee met at Bethel
Chapel vestry on Sunday 6th July
for the usual monthly meeting.
Arrangements for the Annual General
The AGM would be held on Sunday 13th
July at Amman United RFC. The Treasurer, Ryan Bartlett distributed copies of
the statement of accounts that would be
considered at the AGM and drew particular attention to the significant payments
that would have to be made during the
next few weeks including payment for
the new suits, new keyboard, lap top
computer and the Sibelius software
(covered by the wind-farm grant) and the
cost of the CD.
Notice of motion
The Committee would present a notice of
motion at the AGM suggesting that the
choir should meet the cost of transport to
two concerts a year in the Amman Valley.
Annual membership
Rowland John reminded members of the
importance of members paying their annual membership fees on time. A number
of choristers had either fallen behind or
had not started paying their fees.
Recording new CD
With less than a week to go before the
recording session, members considered
the final arrangements. Chorister would
be asked to arrive at Bethel Newydd
Chapel by 9.30am so that everyone would
be in their places to start recording by
10.00am. We would hopefully record 17
sings during the day and the session
should be completed by about 5.00pm.
The choir would meet the costs of teas
and coffees during the day whilst choristers would be asked to bring their own
Catrin Soons (Clarinet) would be joining the choir to record two songs - Distaw
Gwnaf Dy Adael and Amen.
At the end of the session, choristers
would be invited to return to the Amman Utd RFC where a barrel of real ale
and a buffet would be provided (the
cost of the buffet would be met in part
by the choir).
Choir Photo
At the suggestion of Sue Hammill, it
was agreed to invite Jeff Connell to
take the choir photo that would be used
for the sleeve of the new CD. The
photo would be taken in the first few
weeks of September.
Title for the new CD
A decision would need to be taken
soon on the title for the new CD. Members of the committee were invited to
submit suggestions.
New Uniforms
Every member of the choir had by now
received their new suits with just a few
minor adjustments to sort out.
24th Annual General Meeting
A second term of office for Alan Thomas, 22 years later
Chair of Resolven Community Council becomes Choir’s new Vice Chair
Thomas who has taken the
Chair for the second time,
22 years after his first term of office. The position of Vice Chair went to
Trefor Jones, currently the Chairman of
Resolven Community Council and of
course a valued member of the Top
Tenor Section.
In taking the Chair, Alan Thomas paid
tribute to the outgoing Chair John Vince
Williams, commenting in particular on the
good humour that he had brought to the
task. Alan went on to speak of the success that the choir had enjoyed during
the previous 12 months and suggested
that it had probably been the best year
ever for Côr Meibion Dyffryn Aman.
There had been a succession of good
concerts, new suits for choristers, a new
keyboard and the recording of the choir’s
second CD. With the choir’s 25th Anniversary just around the corner, he hoped
that the momentum would be maintained
and that rehearsals would continue to be
well supported. He thanked the musical
team of Ian Berian and Bethan for their
Trefor Jones - Is Gadeirydd newydd y Côr
commitment and praised the committee
for their hard work.
Ryan Bartlett was congratulated for
keeping the choir’s finances in good order. Ryan presented the accounts for
2013-14. The choir’s financial position
seemed to be healthy, but he reminded
choristers that the healthy credit in the
current account would be significantly
diminished once the costs associated
with the production of the new CD were
paid for.
Linden spoke of his pride at being a
member of the choir and reiterated
Alan’s sentiments about the achievements of the previous year. In reviewing
the past year, Ian welcomed the new
choristers who had joined since the last
AGM - Calum Higgins, Alan Cadell,
Dorian Thomas, Adam Higgins and
Adrian Rees. He hoped that, as the
choir met with more and more success,
others would be encouraged to join thus
ensuring a secure future for the choir in
years to come. He paid tribute to the
accompanists, Berian and Bethan, for
their tremendous support over the last
year and spoke of the valuable contribution that both had made to the development of the choir.
A full list of committee appointments appears on page 5.
Clecs y Côr
Gorffennaf / July 2014
Recording Session at
Bethel Newydd
fter many years in preparation we
finally recorded our second CD
at Bethel Newydd Chapel on Saturday 12th July. Seventeen songs recorded in under five hours. The choir showed a
great deal of professionalism throughout the day
and the whole process went very smoothly.
Tim Hammill will now spend some time in the
studio over the next few weeks fine tuning each
song to ensure that the choir sounds at its best
ready for the launch in November.
The only suggestion for the title of the CD at
the moment is “Darlun” (“Picture”), with reference to the song Y Darlun by Davey Davies of
Garnant and a former member of Bethel
Newydd Chapel.
Many thanks to everyone who made the day
such a success and in particular to our accompanists Berian Wynne Lewis and Bethan Wynne
Phillips. We were particularly glad to have Catrin Soons accompanying us on two tracks, and
grateful to Bethan for arranging the Clarient
Our thanks also to Sue and Tim Hamill for
their professionalism in organising the recording
on the day.
Finally a big thank you to Rowland John and
the Amman United RFC for hosting a postrecording buffet at the clubhouse. Choristers
enjoyed a two well-deserved pints each courtesy of the club.
Let’s hope it takes us less than 15 years to
record our next CD.
Bethan Wynne Phillips conducting “Distaw gwnaf dy adael” with Catrin Soons accompanying the choir on the Clarinet. The Clarinet part was arranged by Bethan.
Choristers showing
intense concentration
at Bethel Newydd with
Berian on top form.
Clecs y Côr
Gorffennaf / July 2014
Pwyllgor y Côr 2014-15
Choir Committee 2014-15
News in brief...
Llywydd/President - Alan Rees
Cadeirydd/Chairman - Alan Thomas
Is Gadeirydd/Vice Chairman - Trefor Jones
Ysgrifennydd/Secretary - Linden Evans
Is Ysgrifennydd/Assistant Secretary - Alan Thomas
Trysorydd/Treasurer - Ryan Bartlett
Is Drysorydd /Assistant Treasurer - David Isaac
Ysgrifennydd Cofnodion/Minute Secretary - Tbc
Llyfrgellydd/Librarian - Brynmor Thomas
Cofrestrydd/Registrar - Brynmor Thomas
Trefnydd/Marshall - Graham Davies
Dirprwy Drefnydd/Deputy Marshall - Rowland John
Cludiant/Transport - Graham Davies
Trefnydd gwisgoedd/Wardrobe co-ordinator - Rowland John
Trefnydd aelodaeth/Membership organiser - Rowland John & Ryan Bartlett
Marchnata & Cyhoeddusrwydd/ Marketing & Publicity - Roy Evans
Cydlynydd y We/Web co-ordinator - Mike Williams
Cyn Tenor 1 / 1st Tenor Rep - Tbc
Cyn Tenor 2 / 2nd Tenor Rep - Tbc
Cyn Bas 1 / 1st Bass Rep - Tbc
Cyn Bas 2 / 2nd Bass Rep - Tbc
Prif Archwilydd / Senior Auditor - Harold Jones
Is Archwilydd / Junior Auditor - Ron Isaac
Arweinydd / Conductor - Ian Llewelyn
Dirprwy Arweinydd / Deputy Conductor - Berian Lewis
Cyfeilydd / Accompanist - Berian Lewis
Dirprwy Gyfeilydd/ Deputy Accompanist - Bethan Wynne Phillips
Annual Dinner
Get ready for the Autumn Term
s the choir takes a well earned
rest after a busy six months, it’s
worth reminding everyone that
we start back on Wednesday 3rd September at 7.45pm.
There are 17 songs that nobody will
want to sing for a while, but there are
plenty of other songs that have been
left on half and will need some attention
in the next few months. Top of the list
is the First World War Medley.
The choir has accepted an invitation
from the Garnant Branch of the British
Legion to perform in a commemorative
service at All Saints Church, Garnant
on Saturday 11th October and it would
be good to have the medley ready for
the occasion. Other commemorative
events are sure to follow.
Whilst nothing has been confirmed
as yet, the evening of Friday 14th November is being considered as an option for the launch of our new CD. It
might be worth pencilling the date in
your diaries. Wales will be playing Fiji in
the Autumn International series the
following day, Saturday 15th November.
But the most important thing about the
new term is that we build on our recent
A reminder that this year’s annual dinner
is to be held at the Baltic Inn, Ponthenri
on Saturday 20th September. The cost
for a three course meal is £15 per person.
Graham Davies will speak to choristers
about transport arrangements as soon as
we return in September.
For the last few months Brynmor Thomas
has been working hard gathering photos,
anecdotes and other items of memorabilia
to include in a commemorative pamphlet
to celebrate the choir’s 25th Anniversary.
If anyone has an interesting photo that
might be included in the pamphlet, Bryn
would be glad to hear from you.
Alan Liles
Our best wishes to Alan Liles who continues to receive treatment at Singleton
Adrian Richards
A warm welcome to Adrian Richards of
High Street, Glanaman who has joined
the choir recently. More about Adrian in
the next edition of Clecs.
Cwm Environmental
Our thanks once again to Cwm Environmental for generously supporting the
choir with a donation of £250.
Christchurch Garnant, venue of a
commemorative concert on Saturday
11th October.
Christchurch was built in 1842 by Morgan Morgan of Ty Llwyd, Glanaman to a
design by Robert Ebbels, an architect
specialising in church design. Ebbels
was responsible for a number of
churches in his home region around
Wolverhampton as well as Surrey and
the Isle of Wight.
achievements without resting on our
laurels. The choir has proven over the
last 12 months that we can give very
good performances and we need to keep
that momentum going.
Ian Llewelyn
2014 Autumn Internationals
Saturday, 8 November
Wales v Australia
(Millennium Stadium, 14:30 GMT)
Saturday, 15 November
Wales v Fiji
(Millennium Stadium, 14:30 GMT)
Saturday, 22 November
Wales v New Zealand
(Millennium Stadium, 17:30 GMT)
Saturday, 29 November
Wales v South Africa
(Millennium Stadium, 14:30 GMT)
Clecs y Côr
dyddiadur / diary
Côr yn dechrau nôl
ar ôl gwyliau’r Haf
Choir starts back
after Summer
Pwyllgor - Committee
Cyngerdd Coffa’r Rhyfel
Byd Cyntaf
First World War
Commemorative Concert
Annual Turkey Shoot
Clwb yr Aman
Eglwys Garnant
24 - 26
Trip y Côr i Lerpwl
Choir trip to Liverpool
Carolau Nadolig
Christmas Carols
Clwb yr
Ymarfer olaf
cyn y Nadolig
Last practice
before Christmas
Pwyllgor - Committee
Cinio Blynyddol
Annual Dinner
Baltic Inn,
Côr yn dechrau nôl
ar ôl gwyliau’r Nadolig
Choir starts back
after Christmas holidays
Pwyllgor - Committee
Noson Lawnsio
CD y Côr
Gwen - Sul
Fri - Sun
Gorffennaf / July 2014
Manylion cyswllt / contact details
Cadeirydd / Chairman
Alan Thomas - 01269 823590
Is Gadeirydd / Vice Chairman
Trefor Jones—
Ysgrifennydd / Secretary
Linden Evans - 01269 826021
[email protected]
Trysorydd / Treasurer
Ryan Bartlett - 01269 593108
Arweinydd / Conductor
Ian Llewelyn - 01269 822330
[email protected]
Transport Manager
Graham Davies - 01269 822520
Website Co-ordinator
Mike Williams - 01269
Ysg Aelodaeth / Membership Sec
Rowland John - 01269 825721
 Ymwelwch a gwefan y Côr ar:
 Visit our website at
Is Ysgrifennydd / Assistant Secretary
Alan Thomas - 01269 823590
Llyfrgellydd / Librarian
Brynmor Thomas - 01269 825669
Cynrychiolwyr Adran/Section Reps
Tenor 1 - Trefor Jones
Tenor 2 - Steve Jenkins
Bass 1 - Malcolm Davies
Bass 2 - Roy Evans