House of Germany House of Pacific Relations, International Cottages, Inc., Balboa Park, San Diego, CA 92101 Newsletter / Nachrichten No. 437 November 2014 Dear Members, Liebe Mitglieder, A big THANK YOU goes out to all volunteers who helped with our October 2014 lawn program. Our vice president Dagmar Purves coordinated and arranged a great program. Our choir performed under the direction of the new choir director Jerry Marcu. This year we also opened the house on Saturday before the program. Thank you to all the volunteers helping with this additional opening time. Unfortunately not many visitors came by, so hopefully the HPR will advertise the extra hours better next year. Because of all the other activities going on in San Diego on the first weekend in October (Oktoberfests, Airshow), we will change the date of the lawn program to August 30th for next year. Please, mark your calendars. Election time is also approaching fast. You will find information from the election committee on page 4. The next membership meeting and elections will be held at the House of Germany on Nov. 2nd at 4:30 pm. Please, come and join us for the meeting! We also have to report that the House of Pacific Relations remains closed at least until the end of the year for structural up-dates and repairs. We hope to see you soon and wish you a wonderful fall! Liane Mende-Mueller Board of Directors 2014 Liane Mende-Mueller President Dagmar Purves Vice-President Brigitte Gilmore Secretary Joachim Wolff Treasurer Gisela Müller Membership Secretary Chris Peter Sergeant at Arms Other Positions Danielle Burner Liane Mende-Mueller Dagmar Purves Arya Zeighamnia Joachim Wolff Gisela Müller Erika McCleave Joachim Wolff Gisela Müller Chris Peter 858-536-7063 619-440-5625 858-487-8402 619-286-4166 619-234-1530 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 619-258-8546 [email protected] Princess Delegate Delegate Alternate Delegate Alternate Delegate Kinder Workshop Liason Choir Contact Food Supply Chair Sunday Hosting Website Coordinator 619-733-5177 858-536-7063 619-440-5625 619-584-7555 619-286-4166 619-234-1530 619-462-0027 619-286-4166 619-234-1530 619-258-8546 Hosting at the Cottage October November December 10-4 Done 11-2 Tilly O‘Haver Christa Zittel 12-7 Closed 10-5 Done 11-9 Elsbeth Erler Brigitte Whorton 12-14 Closed 10-12 Done 11-16 Doris Schilling Claudia Kellersch 12-21 Gisela Muller Open 10-19 Dagmar Purves Ingrid Buttner 11-23 Brigitte Gilmore Helga Pugh 12-28 Open 10-26 Brigitte Gilmore Helga Pugh 11-30 Dagmar Purves Ingrid Buttner Upcoming Events and Dates to Remember: Important Dates Next Membership Meeting and Elections will be Nov. 2nd 2014 at the House of Germany, 4:30 pm Balboa Park. Recurring dates to remember: Ladies Auxiliary meetings: Every 2nd Wednesday at 12:30 pm. During the time of HPR construction the Lady’s Luncheons will be held at the House of Hungary. The House of Lebanon will host in December. Kaffeeklatsch: Meets every month on the 3rd Thursday at 1:30 pm in the House of Germany in Balboa Park (unless a change was previously announced). The next meeting will be a Thanksgiving potluck on Nov. 20th at 12:00 noon. On the 18th of December we will have coffee, cake and cookies for our meeting before Christmas. Please contact Elsbeth Erler at 858-452-9797 for more information. Kinder Workshop (by Anke Byrne): The Kinderwerkstatt is offering a German language program for children ages 4 to 12 in two different locations each Friday afternoon. For more information please contact our coordinator Anke Byrne: [email protected] . The Kinderwerkstatt had a good start into the new School Year of 2014/15. Some older students have left for College, so the Kinderwerkstatt still accepts registrations for new students. For questions on enrollment please contact the Kinderwerkstatt Co-ordinator at [email protected] or call at 619-354-9991 There has also been a request for a Thursday class, location TBD. If interested, please contact us. Currently all classes are looking forward to the annual "Laternen Fest" which will take place on November 14 at 4:30pm at Rancho Penasquitos Hilltop Community Park. Guests are welcome to join. House of Germany Choir: We are happy to announce that Jerry Marcu has agreed to be our new choir director. He already directed our lawn program in October. We are now starting to select the music for our annual Christmas party. If you would like to join us for practice, please contact Erika McCleave (619-462-0027). Sessions are held every Wednesday at 7:30 pm. During construction of the HPR Hall of Nations the choir will meet at the Ascension Lutheran Church, 5106 Zion Ave., San Diego CA 92120. First Lutheran Church: A German Service is offered on the last Sunday of every month at 3:00 pm at the First Lutheran Church, 1420 Third Ave., San Diego. A game time for young and old is planned before services from 1 to 3pm. The next German worship will be on Sun, Oct. 26, 3pm! Questions? Please call Elsbeth Erler at 858- 452-9797 or e-mail our pastor at [email protected] Please, find the latest news on or website: . Election Committee News By Reinhold Mueller The Election Committee is pleased to announce that it has received nominations for all six House of Germany Board of Directors positions. We like to thank the incumbent members for stepping up again! Additional nominations may be submitted to Reinhold Mueller (858-536-7063 or [email protected]) or be brought forward, before the elections, at the next membership meeting on November 2, 2014 at 4:30 pm in the House of Germany. 2014 Lawn Program Thank you very much to all volunteers and to Reinhold Mueller and Susanne Hayase for the nice photographs. Jerry and Angie Marcu Selling Homebaked Cakes Perfectly grilled “Bratwurst” Joe Dyke and the Beergarden Band Happy volunteers “Hmm das schmeckt gut!” House of Germany House of Pacific Relations, International Cottages, Inc., Balboa Park, San Diego, CA 92101
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