
Oxford Analytics Centre for Innovation and Enterprise
University of Oxford
Begbroke Science Park
Woodstock Road, Oxford
Dear Colleague
Sixth Form Quality, Funding & Data Training Courses – additional dates
Due to significant changes to sixth form funding and performance measures in 2014-15,
we have decided to extend our over-subscribed 2014 training programme. The two
final dates and outline programme are attached for your information. These events are
held at a prime time in the year when sixth forms will be preparing for analysis of their
results in August 2014, and for data collection prior to the October Census.
Topics covered include:
Funding & Data
• Why and how do so many sixth forms under-claim funding?
• Adapting to the new post-16 curriculum flexibilities and the Level 2
Conditionality penalties
• Ensuring accurate data for funding purposes and maximising your sixth form
funding per learner
Quality & Data
• The DfE changes to sixth form data and measures and their impact on your
performance reporting from 2014
• How to create your own performance reports right from August results day using
national Level 3 Value Added related data
Complementary Offer
• Comprehensive 2012 and 2013 Level 3 performance reports1 benchmarked
against the full national data sets (maintained) - and the use of your school’s
data in the performance training exercises
• 30 day follow up by phone and email for queries on data, funding and quality
• Sixth form comparative ‘Health Check’ against a range of post-16 performance
data and measures.
Who attends?
The day is suitable for Headteachers, Heads of Sixth, Bursars, Data Managers and
those responsible for managing Key Stage 5. Typically a management and data
representative attend.
I trust you will find the attached information useful.
With best wishes
Sean McMahon
2013 Final Validated Outcome Report cost, if purchased by non-­‐delegates: £275. The report is the first and only national data based report designed to incorporate the DfE’s new post-­‐16 values and measures for performance analysis. 1
1 Sixth Form Quality, Funding & Data - The Training Day
This course will provide you with a firm knowledge of how to adapt to the curriculum
flexibilities of the new funding formula and help you ensure your data is maximising
your sixth form funding. We believe this will help inform your viability decisions about
the volumes of sixth form curriculum areas.
The day will also cover in detail the changes being made to the DfE performance
measures / Value Added reporting and their impact.
Objectives of the sessions
This course will:
Further develop your knowledge and understanding of the new sixth form
funding arrangements – so that schools can maximise their 2014 to 2016
funding allocations – and meet the new evidence requirements.
Be able to respond to the new curriculum flexibilities (and penalties) in the sixth
form funding model - including the new Level 2 Conditionality measures.
Understand the key data drivers of funding as generated from school data (such
as QANs) and how to ensure a highly accurate post-16 data return with a focus
on the ‘double Census challenge’ this Autumn.
Inform your judgments, based on knowledge of sixth form funding, about the
viability of expanding or reducing sixth form curriculum-area volumes.
Explain the proposed new 16-19 Accountability Consultation measures and their
impact on your performance reporting from 2014.
Help you understand the changes in DfE performance measures and their
impact on your post-16 profile.
Explain how to create your own performance reports right from the August
results day using national Level 3 Value Added related data.
Led by
Sean McMahon: Former LSC/ YPLA London Regional Director for post-16 funding,
sixth form funding specialist and adviser to EFA.
Ian Dadswell: Co-Creator of LPUK Data Dashboards and recognised specialist on post16 performance and quality data.
2 Dates, Venues and Prices
New date North: Wednesday 2 July 2014; Pentahotel, Warrington (£189 or
£159 2+ delegates)
New Date South: Friday 4 July 2014; BMA House, central London (£239 or
£199 2+ delegates)
Bradford 5th February, Midland Hotel, Bradford FULL
Bishop’s Stortford, Hertfords: 7th February; Down Hall Country House FULL
Plymouth 12th February 2014: Future Inn Hotel, Plymouth FULL
Brighton 14th February 2014: Grand Hotel Brighton FULL
Oxford 7th March: Said Business School, University of Oxford FULL
London 14th March 2014: Grand Connaught Rooms FULL
London 28th March 2014: Grand Connaught Rooms FULL
* Includes refreshments, lunch and the wider complementary package, book at
[email protected] or call 01844 275585
Some feedback from our 2014 events – so far!
‘Superb session all round. The Level 3 report is brilliant too!’ Bishop’s Stortford
‘An invaluable day, best CPD I have ever been on’ Brighton
‘Very, well organised, great resources, great speakers – extremely thorough. Thank you very
much for inviting me’ Bradford
‘Fantastic, kept me fully engaged even though it had a lot of focus on data.’ London 1
‘Great presenters, very innovative and informative sessions. Sean McMahon’s session will
probably save me thousands in sixth form funding…’ Bradford
‘I would strongly recommend this course to all head teachers – and couldn’t recommend the
Level 3 report highly enough. It is a game changer for post-16 performance analysis!’ Plymouth
‘Really concise and clear breakdown of difficult subjects. Wish I had taken this course last year.
The venue (Said Business School, University of Oxford) magnificent’ Oxford
‘Very, very knowledgeable speakers with lots of research to back up their arguments. The
ability to field wide ranges of questions with ease was very impressive and much appreciated’
London 2
‘I will be contacting you for further ideas/help/advice. A thoroughly useful INSET – fabulous –
thanks’ London 2
‘Thank you for saving me weeks wading thorough all the confusing EFA guidance.’ Plymouth
3 Speaker Biographies
Sean McMahon is a former teacher and former London Regional Director for the
Education Funding Agency’s (EFA’s) predecessors. Day to day, Sean was responsible
for post-16 funding at over 700 London schools and colleges.
Sean is a recognised expert on post-16 funding and allied data
issues. In the past two years, he has worked on this area with over
400 schools and local authorities. He has also acted as an advisor
to the Cabinet Office on Open Data; and to DfE, the Skills Funding
Agency (SFA); the Education Funding Agency (EFA) and the Mayor
of London on education and skills funding.
A specialist in the economics of education, he is currently researching a PhD on the link
between education and economic growth.
Sean McMahon
e: [email protected]
p: 0790-178-1682
Ian Dadswell has worked on post-16 analysis and improvement as part of the Value
Added Project and then as a Principal Professional Associate of Learning Plus UK,
between 2006 and 2012. Prior to this he taught in maintained secondary schools before
becoming an LA Advisor for schools.
Ian has been responsible for developing the Level 3 post-16
reporting profile known as the Datadashboard for achievement,
outcome, uptake, retention and provision. This report was provided
to all local authorities in England for 3 years, approved and funded
jointly by the DfE and YPLA.
Ian is a recognised expert on post-16 data and improvement, among
education practitioners.
Ian Dadswell
e: [email protected]
p: 07740 838 896