Minutes from May 2014 Board meeting Derbyshire Health United Ltd, Derbyshire Healthcare Ltd; Derbyshire Medical Services (1995) Ltd Combined Board meetings Monday 19th May 2014 19:00 – 22:00 Board Room, DHU, Mallard House, Stanier Way, Wyvern Business Park, Chaddesden, Derby, DE21 6BF Attendees: Dr David Disney Dr Phil Cox Dr Melvyn Heappey Dr John Blissett Jenny Doxey Glyn Rees-Jones David Walsh Lindsey Wallis Dr Aqib Bhatti Stephen Bateman Willie Wardrop Dr Anthony Gould Carly Gray Jenny Tilson Chair Vice-Chair Director of Education Director of Clinical Staffing Deputy Clinical Director Director of Finance & Strategy, and Company Secretary Director of HR and Organisational Design Chief Executive Clinical Director Chief Operating Officer Non-Executive Director Medical Director Executive Assistant to the Board (minutes) Director of Nursing and Quality Apologies: Pauline Hand 111 Programme and Operations Director Did not attend: Dr Ian Anderson Clinical Director (Derbyshire) Minutes 1. Arrival and Dinner 2. Apologies and Director’s Interests Apologies were received from PH, and there were no changes to Directors interests. 3. Minutes of last meeting The minutes were passed and approved as a true and accurate reflection of the previous meeting. Matters arising LW provided an update regarding EMAS contingency status, informing that EMAS had taken aggressive steps to improve performance and therefore avoid entering into contingency. However DHU were still experiencing additional call volumes and the auto-alert e-mail system which EMAS had proposed they set up was not yet working, so DHU were not being informed when EMAS went into CNP3 status and couldn’t react accordingly. LW had been informed that EMAS had fixed the e-mail alert and that DHU should be informed of future instances, and that a dialogue was continuing with EMAS on a monthly meeting basis. Page 1 of 6 Minutes from May 2014 Board meeting 4. Actions from previous Board meetings All actions were either completed or on the agenda, with the following exceptions/updates: Timing as in week day in hours and frequency of DHU Board meetings to be added to future agenda once DHU’s financial position is further clarified. On-going, since January. The Board decided to review in future whilst DHU finances required more frequent scrutiny. CG to add to future agenda. ACTION: CG Budget 2014/2015: confirm whether 1% pay increase would be awarded to consulted staff. LW and GRJ updated that discussions were still in progress and the action would be completed outside of the Board meeting. CLOSED. 5. For Decision 5.1 Risk Register SB circulated the risk register and highlighted the various aspects it covered. SB informed that the actions from the register formed part of the Executive/SMT’s annual objectives and that he had their commitment that this was to be a live document. Development was underway for a register for each contract and issues would be escalated appropriately from these. LW noted that the register improved process controls for the IG and Audit committees. WW presented a risk register using a heatmap format which the Board agreed could be useful to incorporate for future versions of the register. SB reiterated from last meeting that it would be reviewed monthly by the Executive/Senior Management teams and quarterly by the Board. The Board APPROVED the risk register. Risk register to be added to July’s Board meeting agenda and then quarterly moving forwards. ACTION: CG 6. For Discussion 6.1 OOH Service Delivery Review AB presented performance and productivity data. Methods to ensure the data was as accurate as possible were debated, as were systems to address productivity and ensure workloads were spread fairly i.e. allocating lists to single clinicians. AB informed that the productivity data would be released to clinical staff. LW highlighted the importance that all of the GPs on the Board support this process and help with communications to ensure that this is understood as a service improvement action, focusing on patient waiting times and patient safety to gain acceptance from clinical staff. AB to circulate draft letter to the clinicians on the board for review. ACTION: AB AB provided an overview of the performance data and it was noted that whilst day time GPs were able to turn patients away or book appointments for later in the week the OOH contract was a block contract requiring that all patients were seen. Analysis of volumes/performance against contract clearly illustrated increased demand being met with increased staffing. JB queried the statistic that the number Page 2 of 6 Minutes from May 2014 Board meeting of calls resulting in home visits was 27% versus the expected ~19%. Post meeting note: AB worked with data analyst and confirmed the integrity of this statistic. 6.2 UXL Update SB presented the NHS111 UXL performance improvement program information and provided an overview of the actions taken within the programme. SB fed back that overall staff felt more supported as a result of the programme, and that it would continue past the end of May for this reason. However SB also noted that those nurse advisors struggling to cut call lengths were experienced and long-serving staff, and were mainly also challenging the consultation. SB highlighted the improvement in statistics for both call handler and nurse advisors and believed that there were approximately 5% outliers. LW informed that patient quality was a strong focus, particularly ambulance dispatch/inappropriate use of 111. LW mentioned that DHU had a slight underperformance regarding percentage of calls answered within 60 seconds compared to other 111 providers, but that admissions/ED usage was significantly less. SB referenced Injixo, the workforce management tool, and listed the service and performance improvements this micromanagement would bring once in place. SB also informed that UXL was being used to aid recruitment, identifying the personality traits of those achieving success. LW informed that three of the CCG’s provided DHU with small sums of money totalling £63k in recognition that the return to bid case action plan was not going to be completed until end May 2014. LW commented on a Nottingham led review of complaints management. DHU’s standard for time lines of responding to complaints was generally shorter than the NHS. Ways to simplify the complaints management were under consideration. NHS111 complaint ratio of ~0.06% against annualised call volumes of 1m will generate roughly 600 complaints. Complaint handling could be simplified e.g. a standard template for initial responses rather than tailoring each response. SB and JT were also working on a change in process whereby shift managers would deal with complaints on shift. MH and JB suggested that every complainant be asked to complete a formal, written complaint as a way of reducing the work load. The Board however identified that access and simplicity of complaining via calling NHS111 was important so this proposal was not supported. SB also informed the Board that DHU’s NHS111 performance was benchmarked against all other providers, by contract and as a whole, on a monthly basis for the national Minimum data set reporting. Ordinarily DHU did quite well and LW noted that DHU ambulance dispatch stats were better than the national average, identifying the benefit of clinical focus in the service. JD announced that an intelligent data tool was being developed by Pathways, which would also demonstrate local and national benchmarking. The tool was due to be in place by the end of June 2014. This data to be provided in the monthly Board report. ACTION: JD/SB 6.3 NHS111 Consultation Update DW provided an update on the consultation for NHS111 staff: Page 3 of 6 Minutes from May 2014 Board meeting 130 staff had accepted the new terms and conditions; 20 staff had declined to sign the contract. 100 staff had not responded but were working the new shift patterns. The 100 staff undecided were written to asking for a decision given that plenty of time and opportunity had been provided to make a decision, and that if no response was received by the end of the month that this would be taken as acceptance of the terms and conditions. The 20 staff who declined to sign to accept the new terms and conditions would be met with, dismissed and re-engaged on a new contract. DW listed the steps taken to ensure the consultation was fair and risk for litigation was as slight as possible. 6.4 Board to Board meeting 22nd May – Planning DD outlined the plans for the Board to Board meeting with North Derbyshire Clinical Commissioning Group. A broad agenda had been sent by chair Ben Milton, and DD listed those attending from NDCCG. The Board to Board would also review the PriceWaterhouseCooper (PwC) report. The PwC report had not been received from NDCCG despite their promise to circulate to DHU on day of this meeting (19th May 2014). CG to circulate as soon as report is received. DD reminded the Board that a pre-meeting was organised at Ashgate Manor at 12.30pm so possibly the PWC report could be looked at then. AB and MH offered apologies. JT presented a terms of reference document from commissioner Jane Stringfellow who had received word from anonymous sources anecdotally that there were concerns regarding DHU, referencing staffing in particular. JT informed that Judy Derricott, deputy quality manager, would be meeting with relevant staff over next few weeks for fact finding sessions. A joint report would then be produced with input from DHU. SB listed staff whom Judy needed to meet with. DD queried why this method was chosen to investigate rather than via the Contract Management Board but was informed that this was the preferred working practice of the CCG. LW noted that DHU had increased staffing over the past three years to support its commitment to patient safety and tight clinical standards. The same analysis showed that revenues did not meet the increased demand or staffing. It was noted that the CCG’s would not pay for some of this additional staffing e.g. the CRH co-location increased staffing, for which DHU had taken a cost hit during 2013/14. The Board noted this type of DHU willingness to ‘help’ had to cease, especially as the company no longer had ample reserves to draw on. The Board reviewed the issue of out of hour staffing. It was noted that there were some shifts on Rota Master that were for additional staffing to give flex to the cover. The GPs who did clinical lead shifts commented they could not see those additional sessions and they noted that there were pressures on staffing. PH to confirm what view of staffing the CLs had. ACTION: PH. The Board were advised that the service routinely was back filling NP shifts with GPs which was cost unsustainable. LW noted that in reporting to QAG the staffing report provided by Paul Tilson had identified 2.5% of sessional OoH shifts for the month of April were unfilled. AB and DW updated on current GP recruitment that there were 30 GP applications going through the system. It was previously identified that new GPs were recruited to work in the OOH service but sometimes failed to book into a session once recruited; AB to focus on new GPs to ensure that sessions are being booked. Page 4 of 6 Minutes from May 2014 Board meeting 6.5 Offender Health Update that the offender health contracts were nominally over budgets due to agency costs. There was one nurse progressing through ill health retirement which was increasing the necessity for agency nurses. 6.6 Finance April 2014 DD introduced this additional agenda item and GRJ referenced the end of year financial report which was circulated since the last meeting, and asked for any queries. No queries received. GRJ presented April’s financial Board report, apologising that due to deadlines it was not published prior to the meeting. The Board interrogated the profit and loss sheet and discussed the variance between budgets and future predictions. The overdraft facility GRJ had been negotiating with RBS for since February remained outstanding; GRJ reported that in April DHU’s outgoings exceeded funds in account due to cash flow and had written confirmation from the bank that DHU would be charged interest, but not charged for the unauthorised borrowing. Discussions with bank were on-going. To aid cash flow, CCG payments were scheduled for the 1st of each month, and Derbyshire CCG’s were paying an extra £330k to offset professional indemnity fee rises. Additional payment was also received of £115k for CRH streaming nurses. DD and AB questioned the adequacy of the annual budget in view of extra costs incurred during the first month of the financial year. LW mentioned that DHU were on block contracts so that extra OoH demand doesn’t generate extra money. Additionally the GP DES for 2.5% of patients on a care plan will likely drive up the number of RightCare© plans which were nominally capped in the new contract at 6000 and had already reached 8000. LW noted she and GRJ were working to negotiate additional funding from the Derbyshire commissioners for the care of patients on these additional plans. AB suggested that we survey patients to ask why they are accessing primary care through DHU as often anecdotal feedback revealed that patients could not access a suitable appointment with their own GP. SB to feedback trim plan to return to contract costs and budgets to make efficiencies, and liaise with GRJ to present at a future Board meeting. ACTION: SB 7. Any Other Business DHU annual strategy event DD requested feedback from the Board regarding the DHU annual strategy event held on 15th May. GRJ, SB and WW provided observations that the session was positive, objectives were focussed, attendance was appreciated at 100%, attendees expressed pride to work for DHU and that the forum to openly express frank viewpoints was deemed beneficial. LW to circulate notes from the meeting once produced, and a formal DHU strategy paper would be presented at the July Board meeting. Page 5 of 6 Minutes from May 2014 Board meeting Calls being closed in error AG informed the Board that he was receiving weekly data from CQI lead Lynn Charlesworth regarding decreasing the number of times that calls are inadvertently closed and that the matter was in hand. Derbyshire LMC DD informed the Board that he had received a letter expressing thanks to the Board for their contribution towards a retirement gift for Kate Lawrence. Management Structure LW stated that, in agreement with GRJ and SB, going forward SB would lead the Information Management and Technology (IM&T) team as the final structure change to place Performance and IM&T alongside operations. 8. Close The meeting closed at 22:00 9. Board Report 9.1 NHS111 Performance As report 9.2 HR Report As report 9.3 Offender Health Report As report 9.4 Safeguarding Report As report 9.5 Quality Standards Report As report 9.6 Clinical Governance Report As report 10. Date and time of next meeting Monday 16th June 2014, 19:00 – 22:00 Third Floor Meeting Room, Ashgate Manor, Ashgate Road, Chesterfield, S40 4A Page 6 of 6
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