Board of Directors - Stockport NHS Foundation Trust

Board of Directors
Agenda Item
Date: May 2014
Maintaining Safe Staffing Levels
Title of Report
Purpose of the
report and the key
issues for
consideration /
The report provides an overview, by exception, of actual versus
planned staffing levels, for the month of May 2014. Staffing levels are
split between day and night duty and between registered staff and care
Judith Morris – Director of Nursing and Midwifery
Presented by:
Name & Title
Tyrone Roberts – Deputy Director of Nursing and Midwifery
Prepared by:
Name & Title
Action Required
(please X)
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supported by this
Is this on the
Trust’s risk
Which Standards
apply to this
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related to this
report been
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BAF Objectives 13/14
If Yes,
Staffing – Outcome 13
Finance Revenue & Capital
National Policy / Legislation
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Please insert the date the paper was presented to the relevant Committee:
Quality &
TR Monthly Staffing Report May 2014
Assurance &
Executive Summary
The Francis Inquiry and Patients First and Foremost, the Government’s response to the
Francis inquiry have both identified that delivery of high quality care cannot be achieved
if staff do not have the capability and capacity to do their job properly.
The National Quality Board (NQB) set out 10 expectations to providers and
commissioners in meeting the expectations of people who use their services. This was
supported by the Chief Nursing Officer who clarified requirements from providers.
This paper presents to the Board a staffing report of actual staff in place compared to
staffing that was planned for the month of May 2014. This report will be provided monthly
going forward. The report adds further evidence to ongoing concerns with staffing levels
within the Medicine Business Group which have already been subject to remedial action
including the temporary closure of bed capacity. It also highlights a continued movement
of staff, particularly during night period, from care of the elderly wards to support
deficiencies elsewhere.
The Board is asked to note the contents of this report and to accept the
recommendations included.
 The National Quality Board produced guidance on establishing and maintaining
appropriate nurse and midwifery staffing levels (How to ensure the right people, with
the right skills are in the right place at the right time, 2013). This guidance set out ten
expectations to providers and commissioners in meeting the expectations of people
who use their services.
 On 31st March 2014, the Chief Nursing Officer on behalf of NHS England and
Professor Sir Mike Richards, on behalf of the Care Quality Commission wrote to
providers to provide further guidance on the delivery of the commitments associated
with monitoring and publishing staffing data associated to nursing, midwifery and
care staff
 The letter, (‘Hard Truths Commitments’) confirms the requirement to publish staffing
information by the end of June 2014. This includes a requirement for:
 A Board report describing the staffing capacity and capability, following an
establishment review, using evidence based tools where possible. To be
presented to the Board of Directors every six months.
 Information about the nurses, midwives and care staff deployed for each shift
compared to what has been planned and this is to be displayed at ward level.
 A Board report containing details of planned and actual staffing on a shift
by shift basis at ward level for the previous month. To be presented to the
Board every month.
 The monthly report must also be published on the Trust's website, and Trusts will
be expected to link or upload the report to the relevant hospital webpage for NHS
TR Monthly Staffing Report May 2014
Key Issues
Generation of this report has been a challenge due to the variation in shift patterns and hours
worked on a day by day basis, reflecting changes in acuity and demand. It is anticipated that
an electronic solution will be available in the near future with a manual system deployed in
the interim.
In order to assure consistency and quality assurance, data is entered in ‘real-time’ and
quality checked by the respective Matron with monthly sign-off by the respective Head of
Data for May 2014 (Appendix A) illustrate that a significant number of in-patient areas
achieved good compliance with actual staffing levels. Business Group Exception reports are
provided below;
Reasons for over filling in the wards in the Medicine Business Group was for Specialling (11) which complied with trust policy to maintain patient safety.
 A1 due to vacancies, area safe
 A10 beds closed in interim to ensure safe staffing levels
 A11 additional RNs provided, night fill rate for RNs remained at 50% which
represents a reduction from 3 RNs to 2 RNs
 A12 46% fill rate for Night RNs – this is due to a change in template which places
increased HCAs on night duty and reduced RNs – await establishment template
 CCU vacancies, however staffing levels remained safe
 E1, 2 and 3 under fill represents movement of 3rd Night RN to support shortages
The above areas highlight under fill of Registered Nurses on both day and night shifts. This is
due to ongoing vacancies within the business group which are subject to focused recruitment
(including overseas).
 D1/D2 reports some under-fill however, May is traditionally a quieter time for
admissions for these areas and therefore beds are not at full occupancy. Day duty
staffing levels are below establishment to take account of seasonal fluctuations.
Where short notice sickness occurs on nights the two wards, which are co-located,
work together to cross cover to ensure patient safety. Twilight shifts are also utilised
to take account of reduced occupancy.
 D4 spinal There has been significant short notice sickness and this has left the ward
below established compliment for registered nurses and health care assistants on
some occasions. This was mitigated with support from ward M4.
 M4 Support areas where there were gaps in May to ensure safe cover
 B6 Planned over establishment at Health care assistant level to take account of
specials and more dependent workload on this female surgical ward
TR Monthly Staffing Report May 2014
 C3 The surgical assessment unit has been recently funded for additional
establishment at both RN and HCA level. Recruitment has commenced.
 SSSU In May the unit is closed for the Monday bank holidays and traditionally the
school holidays have less elective patient throughput, therefore the staffing is flexed
down accordingly , which accounts for the deviation in establishment reported .
Women and Child Health;
 The Treehouse children’s unit operates on a summer and winter staffing plan to
address the significant peaks in activity in the winter months. This is a summer plan
and we would expect to be carrying vacancies and recruiting to fill them to start in
September. A larger than expected turnover of staff this year has been observed due
to retirements, in house moves and promotions and staff leaving to take up
community posts- currently in excess of 7 vacancies at Band 5 staff nurse level.
The neonatal unit is currently carrying some registered nurse vacancies and these have
been managed by having fewer staff on duty during the night when there are less clinical
interventions required. Sickness or vacancies have not been backfilled with any
additional bank shifts as the activity on the unit is lower that we would have expected or
planned for.
Work-streams are already in place to further provide a position statement with regard to
overall staffing levels and to provide assurance regarding optimal deployment of current
resource. Moving forward, the following is required which will fall within the People and
Policies work-stream under Building a Sustainable Future;
Establishment of a 6 month ‘task and finish’ group with a specified remit to
 Comprehensive review of in-patient staffing ratios against acuity audit
results and agreed national and local parameters (to include specialist
 Review of National Quality Board recommendations, including
Supervisory ward Sr/CN status
 Review of E-roster deployment, to agree key performance indicators and
establish robust process for monitoring compliance and escalating non
 Review of all non-ward/dept based Registered Nursing/Midwifery staff
Establishment of a ‘minimum staffing escalation policy’ to formalise processes for
deployment of staff and actions to be taken in times of extremis
Establishment of a staffing dashboard, monitoring in-patient areas against
agreed staffing parameters, in conjunction also with key quality performance
Review and incorporation of draft proposed, revised NMC Code of Conduct and
potential impact on escalation of concerns
Liaise with Medicine Business Group regarding winter staffing plan 2014/15
Above actions to be monitored via project plan with agreed timeframes.
TR Monthly Staffing Report May 2014
The monthly report for May 2014, whilst recognising areas of concern, is supported by
narrative to confirm actions undertaken to mitigate deficiencies and maintain patient safety.
Whilst the review of staffing levels currently underway may yield further areas of concern with
regard to funded staffing levels, there remains a significant piece of work to ensure
recruitment into current funded vacancies is optimised and to ensure current processes
maximise efficient deployment of staff.
TR Monthly Staffing Report May 2014
TR Monthly Staffing Report May 2014