November - The Orchid Society of New South Wales

Orchid News - November 2014
Orchid News
November 2014 Vol 40 No 11
Founded 7th August 1934 | An official publication of the Orchid Society of New South Wales
Email: [email protected] | Web:
All Correspondence to: The Secretary, PO Box 5396, Chullora NSW 2190
Meeting Venue: Ermington Community Hall, River Road, Ermington NSW 2115
Next meeting: Monday 24th
Christmas Party
7.00 pm for 7.30 pm start
Species of the Night
Cym. canaliculatum 'Darley'
owned by Phil & Sandra Radford
Hybrid of the Night
Paph. Fumi's Delight 'Apricot Cream'
owned by Veronica Clowes
Orchid News - November 2014
What's on at the meetings
24th Nov
Management 2014-15
Christmas Party and Point Score
Winners Prize presentation.
Please note that there is NO meeting of
OSNSW on 29th December, 2014
Next meeting will be 26th January 2015
Judges' Roster
January 2015
Panel 1
G Scott-Harden
W Dhu
K Koutsoukis
Panel 2
I Bodell
P Gibson
J Fulcher
Panel 3
G Fulcher
C Polis
J Robinson
W Chapman
H Choo
K Siew
President Chris Dalrymple
[email protected]
Immediate Past President
Irene Bodell
[email protected]
Secretary Veronica Clowes
[email protected]
M: 0424 070 757
Treasurer Ralph Payne
[email protected]
M: 0409 154 041
Registrar Ian Chalmers
[email protected]
M: 0400 220 192
Editor & Web Toni Benton
[email protected]
4754 5480
Ken Siew
Garrie Bromley
Jean Fulcher Geoff Fulcher
Peter D'Olier Jane D'Olier
Orchids Out West
15-17 May
Mingara Orchid Fair & Show
27-28 June
National Orchid Extravaganza
7-9 August
St. Ives Orchid Fair
14-16 August
Southern Orchid Spectacular
2-4 October
N.B. Associate judges for panels
will be chosen on the night
Membership fees due annually
on 1st July
 Single Metropolitan Member: $25.00
 Joint Metropolitan Member: $32.00
(i.e. $27 membership & $5 for
 Single Country and Interstate
Member: $22.00
 Joint Country and Interstate Member:
$29.00 (i.e. $24 membership & $5
for insurance)
 Associate Member: $20.00
 Overseas Member: $32.00
 Affiliated Society: $62.00
Available on OSNSW website
Powerpoint presentation of "How to use Orchid Wiz"
Excel spreadsheet of all NSW Awards from 1944-present
Slideshow of selected plants from the Orchid Society of NSW monthly meetings
Orchid News - November 2014
Orchid Society of NSW Monthly General Meeting held on
Monday 27th October 2014 at the Ermington Community Centre, River Rd, Ermington
Tonight’s meeting was declared open at 8.10pm by past President Irene Bodell, who welcomed all
those present. Tonight we have the pleasure of listening to Kevin Hipkins talking about the latest
advances in Cymbidium culture
Fred Musial and Linda Chang from Blacktown O/S
Chris Dalrymple, David Brooks, Phyl Murn, Jan Robinson, Sam and Joyce Atwal, Graham Larkham,
John McAuley, Ralph Payne and Warleiti Jap
Confirmation of Minutes
The minutes of the meeting held on 29th September 2014 were confirmed as a true account of that
meeting. Moved for acceptance by Veronica Clowes and seconded by Bernadette Williams – accepted
Matters Arising
Annual fees are now overdue – please pay now before your monthly Orchid News stops coming for
your enjoyment.
General Business
 Christmas party – next month is our Christmas party. I hope you are notifying Veronica of your
wish to attend? The committee will be arriving at the hall at 4pm on that Monday, and anyone who
would like to assist with the set up is more than welcome. Monster raffle – We have our vendor
vouchers again this year....thanks go to Rosella, Royale, Orchid Tray Co and Orchid Species Plus,
and our 3 major raffle prizes. Please join in with your gift for the table. Plants are most welcome,
along with other goodies to the value of $10-$15.
 Continuing Vice Regal patronage, as you may be aware, our Patron Dame Marie Bashir has retired
and we are in the process of seeking continued patronage by the new Governor – General David
Show Committee Reports
 Orchids Out West – 15th to 17th May 2015. No news at this time
 Southern Orchid Spectacular – 2nd to 4th October 2015 $4,153.24 total surplus from 2014 event.
 Future Shows for OSNSW: We are still looking for a replacement venue for our winter show.
Suggestions which have been made are Mt Druitt shopping centre and the RBG. If you have a
venue suggestion then please speak to one of the committee.
Ira Butler competition. Entries are now accepted until December 31st, so please continue to submit
your orchid pictures
Treasurer's Report
Working bank balance of $5825.51
Investment amount $68,000 + $100,321.65 both reinvested at 3.3%
Ralph asked that overdue fees be paid immediately.
Registrar's Report
 The October class for the Metro Area has been cancelled as the room seems to be unavailable.
 The Judges meeting on November 2nd will be held in the Community Arts Centre of the Forestville
Shopping Centre Darley Rd Forestville from 9.30am to 3.30pm
 Hunter and Mid North Coast Classes are progressing.
 Three students from the Far North Coast judging class have completed their exams and are
recommended for appointment as probationary associates. We congratulate: Heather Greenfield,
Warren Elliott and Barry Hawkes
 Southern Panel: A new class will begin in early 2015.
Southern Orchid Spectacular
Den. striolatum’ Ruffles’ FCC Neville Roper
Den. AM Neville Roper
Orchid News - November 2014
V. Yeo Geek Bee ‘Lovely Lady’ AM L&G Bromley
Sarco. Bonnie ‘Buttercup’ AM Neville Roper
Sarco. ‘Magic Wizard’ AM Neville Roper
Cym. eburneum ‘Pristine Royality’ HCC Royale Orchids
Paph. vietnamense AM Seong Tay
NSW OSNSW September meeting
Br. Rex ‘Sakara’
Paph. liemianum
Paph. delenatii ‘TOM’ AM Seong Tay
Species NSW Meeting
Paph. Berenice AM J&G Fulcher
Mid North Coast
Den. Bandon Grove ‘Peter’ AM Wayne Perrin
Den. Dingadee ‘Bob’ HCC Wayne Perrin
Paph. Wanganderry ‘Beau’ AM Mal Myers
Bankstown Spring Show
Den. spectabile ‘Dave’ FCC S Lee
Paph. Prince Edward of York ‘Dave’ AM S Lee
Blue Mountains Spring Show
Den. Eclipse ‘Lauren’ AM N&J Taylor
Den. Touch of Class ‘Oskar’ HCC N Minter
North Shore Meeting Oct & Spring Show
C. Elusive Dream ‘Izzy’ HCC G&A Cushway
C. Rosella Charm ‘Debbie’ AM Bruce Wood
Rlc. Zoe’s Delight ‘Zoe’ AM Bruce Wood
Rth. Hsinying Catherine ‘Hakucho’ AM G&A Cushway
Australian Orchid Council News (AOC)
FOAC awards – Ken announced that the AOC had bestowed Fellowship to Ian Chalmers and Alan
Stephenson for their enormous contributions in the field of Orchids.
Ken told members that these awards are rarely given by the AOC, and offered congratulation to
each of the recipients. Unanimous applause by those present.
AOC Orchid of the Year
Best Species Den. chrysopterum ‘Marion’ AM/AOC grown by G and M Gamble (NSW)
Best Hybrid Paph. Michael Koopowitz ‘ Choc-Mint’ FCC/AOC grown by Robertson Orchids (NSW)
AD Cym. Hot Chocolate Royale ‘Fudge’ HCC-AD/AOC grown by Royale Orchids (NSW)
Culture Cym. Miss Muffet ‘Emily’ ACE/AOC grown by F and J Spiteri (Vic)
Ken Siew (the NSW representative on the Board of Management committee of the AOC) spoke about
the financial pressures currently experienced by the AOC. He talked about the recent annual
meetings held by Skype group conferencing and how this initiative had saved a considerable amount
of money. Ken spoke about the AOC publication ‘Orchids Australia’ and told members that the
coming issues will be produced in A5 size (slightly smaller but unchanged in format and content) He
encouraged OSNSW members to join the AOC and read their magazine, which is the only publication
which publishes the NSW awards.
Affiliated Societies Competition 2014/15
A reminder that the 2014/2015 competition is now open….get those entries to Veronica from your
shows now. Please note! The photographs MUST BE ATTACHED to your email entry. (NOT
embedded into the email. This will cause your entry to be rejected!)
Supper break
Guest Speaker
Kevin Hipkins spoke in detail about the latest Cymbidium breeding at Royale, and of his vision for
future Cymbidium hybrid production. Wonderful pictures and a fascinated and very interested
audience made this a memorable talk. Thanks Kevin.
Tonight’s Benching Prizes
Best species – Cym. canaliculatum ‘Darley’ owned by Phil & Sandra Radford
Best Hybrid – Paph. Fumi’s Delight ‘Apricot Dream’ owned by Veronica Clowes and awarded an AM
Orchid News - November 2014
Lucky exhibitor: P. Yeung & J Keenan
Following the monthly raffle prizes won by Dora Law, Philomena Yeung, Wendy Dhu, Alison Viatos,
Marie Bradd and Elizabeth O’Hara, Irene thanked everybody for attending, those who helped prepare
the supper, and wished everybody a safe trip home.
Nov 24th
Jan 26th
Feb 23rd
OSNSW Christmas celebration
Presentation of WOC and Sth African trip
Award pictures presentation by Garrie Bromley
The next formal meeting is on 26th January 2015
The meeting was declared closed at 9.40 pm
Angraecum sesquipedale
(Courtesy: Bill & Lorraine Dobson culture.html)
Angraecum is a genus of about 200 species that are from the tropical regions of Africa, Madagascar and
surrounding tropical islands, and Sri Lanka. Angraecum sesquipedale is primarily from Madagascar and grows in
the warmer, tropical, lowland forests of this mini continent.
Special Interest
In 1850, in Madagascar, Charles Darwin discovered an orchid with white and waxy petals, Angraecum
sesquipedale, with a 16-inch spur. At the base of this tube is a sweet liquid. Darwin surmised that this nectar
was clearly destined for the orchid's pollinator and maintained that there must be an insect in the Madagascan
forest with a 16-inch proboscis, and in addition, it must be nocturnal because the Angraecum is fragrant only at
night. Fifty years later after Darwin suffered much ridicule, such an insect was discovered--Xanthopan morgani
predicta (hawk moth). It has a strange coil on the front of its head. Attracted by the smell, the moth is drawn to
the orchid and the strange coil is unfurled to a length of precisely 16 inches, an exact match to the spur of the
Angraecum sesquipedale.
Angraecum sesquipedale is a monopodial epiphyte. Lacking pseudobulbs, its leaves are positioned in a fan
shape. It is a medium sized plant, reaching 12 - 15 inches when mature. The nightly fragrant flowers are
characteristic of the genus in that they have the long spur, a tube which encircles the base of the column. At
the base of the spur rests the moth-attracting nectar. The blossoms are white or greenish white and are often
up to 4 inches across. The species blooms December through February.
Light Requirements
This is an easy plant to grow on a windowsill or under lights. It needs some shade and should not be subjected
to any direct sun. An east or west window with a
sheer curtain is ideal. Provide adequate ventilation.
They should be grown in intermediate conditions
with day temperatures in the 70-80 F range and
nights between 60-68F. They will appreciate a short
cool period after flowering, but no definite rest
Moisture / Humidity
Provide 60% humidity and keep the medium evenly
Water freely in the summer and less often in cooler
periods, especially after flowering.
Feed with weak 1/4 strength balanced fertiliser
weekly during the summer. Decrease feeding
frequency after growth matures.
Potting Medium
These plants do well grown in baskets or pots of
bark or sphagnum moss. Use plastic pots with
adequate drainage holes. Repot in the spring.
Angraecum sesquipedale
(J Gafa)
Orchid News - November 2014
Point Score Results for 2014
Bromley, L&G
Clowes, V
Harris, L
Gafa, J
Williams, BV
Price, T&E
Cushway, G&A
Choo, H
Toombs, R
Yeung, P & Keenan, J
Scott-Harden, G&C
Gill, N
Atwal, J&S
Nidagal, C
Indsto, J
McAuley, J&C
Bradley, C&W
Nelson, I
Polis, C
Larkham, G
Allen, J
Kurtyka, M
Gibson, P
Koutsoukis, N&K
Britton, B&M
Anderson, P
Robinson J
Dhu, W
Moss, J&M
Radford, P&S
Tay, S
Payne, J&R
D'Olier, P&J
Dalrymple, C
Fulcher, G&J
Munro, D
Jap, W
Law, D
Tanner, I
Tan, L
Viatos, A
Martin, C
Mayer, L
Bradd, M&F
Barrita Orchids
Peterson, T
Dobson, B&L
OSNSW Christmas Party Members please be aware that plastic
cutlery and cups will be provided at
the party. However, if you wish to
bring you own cutlery, plates and
wine glasses & wine, you are most
welcome to do so. Also, donations of
small gifts to the Christmas Raffle
would be gladly received.
Please note: There will be NO
plant benching on that night… but
we would welcome specimen size
plants for a display on the stage,
which will be judged by popular vote.
Have a happy and enjoyable Christmas 6
Orchid News - November 2014
Benching Results - October 2014
Best Hybrid
V Clowes
Best Species
P&S Radford
Class 20 – Australian Native Hybrids
1. Barrita Orchids Sarco. Kulnura Dragonfly 'Josh'
2. J Gafa
Sarco. Royale Ruby 'Neon Glow' x
Nabiac 'Royale'
3. Barrita Orchids Sarco. Kulnura Kaleidoscope
Class 21 - Pleurothallidinae
1. Yeung&Keenan Masd. Pichincha 'Cape View'
2. Yeung&Keenan Masd. Cuzco Gold
3. Yeung&Keenan Masd. Cuzco Gold
Paph. Fumi's Delight 'Apricot Cream'
Cym. canaliculatum 'Darley'
Open Classes - Hybrids
Class 2– Cymbidium (up to 90mm)
1. D Law
Cym. Freeling 'Green Ice'
Class 3 – Cattleya Classical Exhibition
1. G&A Cushway
C. Lynn Spencer 'Cha'
2. G&A Cushway
C. Lynn Spencer 'Pearl'
3. G&A Cushway
C. Lynn Spencer 'Pearl'
Class 4 – Laeliinae Cluster (min 5 flowers)
1. J Gafa
Iana. Apple Blossom
2. L&G Bromley
Hknsa. Rest in Peace 'Anzac'
3. L&G Bromley
Eplc. Pixie Charm
Class 5 - Laeliinae (71mm - 119mm)
1. G&A Cushway
Blc. Dal's Ambition
2. G&A Cushway
Sc. Royal Beau 'Pat' x Sc. Royal
Beau 'Prince'
3. Yeung&Keenan Lc. Puppy Love 'True Beauty'
Class 6 - Laeliinae Miniature (up to 70mm)
1. L&G Bromley
Sc. Chester 'Arai'
2. L&G Bromley
Blc. Malworth D'Or x L. Tangerine
3. L&G Bromley
Sc. Beaufort 'Brampton'
Class 7 - Paphiopedilum Classical Shape
1. V Clowes
Paph. Fumi's Delight 'Apricot
2. C Martin
Paph. Primvaal
3. C Nidagal
Paph. Hsinying Rubyweb x
Class 8 - Cypripedioideae Other
1. Scott-Harden
Cyp. Phillip
2. G&A Cushway
Phrag. Sedenii
Class 9 - Specimen Orchid
1. D Munro
Dda. zebrina
Class 10 - Terrestrial Species/Hybrid Any Genera
1. L&G Bromley
Phaius pulcher
Class 11 - Seedling Any Genera
1. C&B Bradley
Sarco. Roberta x Fizzy Dove
2. C&B Bradley
Sarco. hartmanii 'Aussie' x George
Class 12 - Phalaenopsis Standard (75mm & over)
1. P&S Radford
Dtps. Leopard Prince x Brother Veil
2. G&A Cushway
Phal. Sogo 'Moonhalo'
3. J Gafa
Phal. unknown
Class 13 - Phalaenopsis (51-75mm)
1. P&S Radford
Phal. Sogo 'Shite'
2. L&G Bromley
Phal. Brother Dendi 'Picasso'
3. Yeung&Keenan Phal. I-Hsin Sesame
Class 14 - Phalaenopsis (up to 50mm)
1. L&G Bromley
Phal. Little Mary 'Cherry Blossum'
2. Yeung&Keenan Phal. Taisuco Mickey
3. L&G Bromley
Phal. Luis Twilight 'Rainbow'
Class 15 - Vandaceous (up to 50mm)
1. L&G Bromley
Sartylis Blue Knob
2. L&G Bromley
Vasco. Brisbane Rivers 'Brighton'
3. F&M Bradd
Ascda. unknown
Class 16 - Vandaceous (50mm & over)
1. L&G Bromley
Ascda. Ashley Lowe 'Tangerine'
Class 17 - Dendrobium
1. Yeung&Keenan Den. Gowan's Tangello
2. F&M Bradd
Den. unknown
3. D Law
Den. Felicity Fortescue 'Pink Lady'
Class 18 - Oncidiinae (> 61mm)
1. L&G Bromley
Pyp. Mariposa
2. L&G Bromley
Wils. Salgrin
3. G&A Cushway
Odm. Anna Claire
Class 19 - Oncidiinae (up to 60mm)
1. G&A Cushway
Rst. Red Nugget 'Alba'
2. G&A Cushway
Wils. Jean Dupont 'Firey'
3. G&A Cushway
Onc. Sydney
Open Classes - Species
Class 23 - Laeliinae
1. L&G Bromley
Epi. stamfordianum 'Lilly's Pink'
2. V Clowes
C. intermedia orlata 'Crown Fox'
3. F&M Bradd
Catt. walkeriana 'Alysha'
Class 24 - Cypripedioideae
1. S Tay
Paph. liemianum
2. C Nidagal
Paph. wenshanense
3. V Clowes
Paph. sukhakulii
Class 25 - Vandaceous
1. J Gafa
Angcm. sesquipedale
2. J Gafa
Ren. imschootiana
3. P&S Radford
Sed. japonica
Class 26 - Oncidiinae
1. C Polis
Ada. keiliana
Class 27 - Dendrobiinae
1. C Nidagal
Den. densiflorum
2. Yeung&Keenan Den. primulinum
3. C Polis
Den. regium
Class 28 - Australian Native Dendrobium
1. C Polis
Den. smillieae
2. C Polis
Den. trilamellatum
3. C Polis
Den. canaliculatum
Class 29 - Australian Native Other
1. P&S Radford
Cym. canaliculatum 'Darley'
2. P&S Radford
Sarco. falcatus
3. C Polis
Bulb. schillerianum
Class 30 – Miniature flowers less than 12mm and
the distance between the first and last flower is
less than 200mm
1. W Dhu
Ddc. simile
2. BV Williams
Stelis unknown
3. P&J D'Olier
Asctm. ampullaceum 'Orange'
Class 31 - American Species Other
1. Yeung&Keenan Chy. bractescens
2. W Dhu
Ddc. latifolium
3. P&J D'Olier
Gga. truncata
Class 32 - Pleurothallidinae
1. V Clowes
Dda. zebrina
2. Yeung&Keenan Masd. coccinea alba
3. Yeung&Keenan Masd. veitchiana 'Sol'
Class 33 - Species not elsewhere specified
1. Scott-Harden
Bulb. graveolens
2. C Polis
Coel. fragrans
Novice Classes
Class 44 – All Other Species
1. L Tan
Den. fimbriatum v. occulatum
Orchid News - November 2014
Selection of benched plants - October 2014
Sarco. Kulnura Kaleidoscope 'Valencia'
(Barrita Orchids)
Bulb. graveoleus
(C&G Scott-Harden)
Eplc. Pixie Charm
(G&L Bromley)
Paph. wenshanense x sib
Proshecea vespa
(C. Polis)
Phaius pulcher
(G&L Bromley)