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Sustainable agriculture is a way of raising food that is healthy for consumers and animals, does not harm the environment, is humane for workers, respects animals, provides a fair wage to the farmer and supports and enhances rural communities. Sustainability rests on the principle that we must meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. It works with nature using natural systems and patterns as models to create sustainable, selfrenewing, ecological environments that work perfectly for the greatest good of all elements of the system. Natural Environment, Resources SOC IET Local Environment Social Inclusion SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE Sustainable Economy Jobs, Prosperity Wealth Creation ECO MY NO Animals are treated humanely and with respect. Social Equity Sustainable agriculture takes many forms but at its core is a rejection of the industrial approach to food production developed during the 20th century. Why Does It Matter? Y ENV IR T N E M N O The concept of sustainable agriculture embraces a wide range of techniques including organic, free-range, low-input, holistic, and biodynamic. It’s basic goals are environmental health, economic profitability, and social and economic equity, sometimes referred to as the “three legs” of the sustainability stool (see diagram on left). The importance of sustainability can not be understated. If we are to ensure the continued arabiltiy of the land, protect our watershed to prevent future droughts, reduce socio-economic ills in communities and allow our future generations to continue to have access to E L B u l t u c r i e r N I g A T US S A available energy sources, sustainable agriculture is socially, environmentally and economically vital for the long term survival of our species. Protecting the natural ecosystem and conserving non-renewable resources may be the first thing to come to mind. Equally important however, is to remember that sustainable agriculture creates a farming system that is economically viable, which is imperative for survival no matter how ecologically sound it may be. Sustainable farming is socially and economically viable . CREATES Biodiversity Enriches the Soil Prevents depletion and contamination of soil and water common in conventional industrial agriculture. Bacteria and fungi play an integral role in the preservation of soil by providing an anchor for plant roots to take in oxygen, moisture and minerals. Organisms like earthworms help decompose organic material in the soil. They aid soil aeration and help it maintain porosity and absorption. Rodents too, help soil the same way. These beneficial organisms boost soil fertility and help in soil conservation. PRESERVES the Environment The current system of industrialized agriculture, with its reliance on monoculture, mechanization, chemical pesticides and fertilizers, biotechnology and government subsidies has made food abundant and affordable. However, the ecologial and social price has been steep: erosion, depleted and contaminated soil and water recources, loss of biodiversity and deforestation. Modern farming methods, including massive use of chemical and pesticides, has depleted the soil even further. Plants that grow in good, rich soil are likely to be healthy which can resist or repel most pests and diseases. Sustainable agricultre eliminates the problem of disposing of excess animal manure, as it is recycled back into the soil. If we are to maintain the arability of our land and allow future generations to provide for themselve we must safeguard the health of our soil. Uses Less Fossil Fuel After transportation, the food system uses more fossil fuel than any other sector of the economy, about 19%. And while the experts disagree about the exact amount, the way we feed ourselves contributes more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere than anything else we do, as much as 37% more according to one study. Farmers who practice sustainability can reduce fossil fuel consumption on many levels, the most obvious way is by selling their products locally. The less food has to travel, the less fuel is needed to transport it.Eliminating wasteful farming practices like inefficient watering and practicing low till or no till farming both decrease the use of diesel-powered heavy equipment. Reducing repetitive fertilizer application not only saves millions of dollars worth of petroleum based fertilizers and pesticides, but saves our soil for future generations as well.Many farmers are also now using solar and wind power to supplement their energy source. fuels than any other sector of the economy ica g o l o l epen d r e t In c e P ro d u c e s . .. Each and every species has a particular function in Bian ecosystem. It is the interaction between these species such as plants, animals and bacteria which provides integrity to the entire ecosystem. Animals eat the plants, poop, and their waste, along with other organic matter, are recycled and broken down by microbes (bacteria, fungi, protozoa) and some larger organisms (worms, insects) into soil humus and simple nutrients, which are then available for the plants to use. It’s a beautiful, selfsustaining system, with each species doing its “job.” Ecological Balance Sustainable agriculture mitigates 30% of the world’s greenhouse gas emission and saves one sixth of energy consumption. Farms raise different types of plants and animals which are rotated to enrich the soil and help prevent pest outbreaks. After cars,disease the foodand system uses more fossil Crop rotation also contributes to ecological balance. Plants need nutrients in different amounts and take them from different parts of the soil. Moving crops around also helps to stop the buildup of pests and diseases which are found in the soil as well as helps control weeds. Our current system of monoculture, that is planting the same crop in the same field year after year, is not a sustainable practice. Soil is depleted and poisoned and crops have little nutritional value. Factory farms, the raising of one type of animal species, contribute negatively to the environment and are notorious for their inhumane treatment of animals. RESPECTS Animals Fed a Natural Diet Animals are fed a natural diet appropriate for their species and allowed to carry out their natural behaviors like grazing. As you may know, over 10 billion animals raised for food in the U.S. annually endure inhumane treatment. Most are confined such that they can’t behave naturally. Chickens can’t flap their wings. Pigs can’t turn around. Crowding and unnatural housing compromise animals’ immune systems. They must ingest antibiotics regularly to prevent disease and hormones to help them produce more milk, eggs or meat. Animals are mutilated to adapt them to factory farm conditions. This includes cutting off the beaks of chickens and turkeys (de-beaking), and amputating the tails of cows and pigs (docking). In contrast, farmers who practice sustainable methods treat animals humanely and with respect. They are fed a natural diet appropriate for their species and allowed to carry out their natural behaviors like grazing and pecking. They are never given hormones and given antibiotics only if they are sick. (These can not be sold as organic). Farm animals are not confined in small places and are turned out in pastures, with access to shelter during inclement weather. These farmers believe there is a direct connection between respect for natural animal behavior and protection of the environment. When farm animals are treated with respect, nature itself is respected. Farmers call this “good husbandry”. ma nely R ai s ed Chickens are not inhumanely caged and permitted to intermingle with other animals.They are even used as a form of weed control. Farmers’ markets enable farmers to keep 80 to 90 cents of each dollar spent by the consumer. Supports Local Economy Each of us must accept our ethical and moral resposibility to help insure the sustainablilty of human life on earth. We can do this, in part, by supporting local, sustainable farmers who are committed to protecting the natural environment. Communities reap more economic benefits from the presence of small farms than they do from large ones; studies have shown that small farms re-invest more money int local economies by purchasing feed, seed and other materials from local businesses, whereas large farms often order in bulk from distant companies. Large factory livestock farms also degrade local property values because of the intense odors they emit and other environmental problems they cause. Farmers’ markets enable farmers to keep 80 to 90 cents of each dollar spent by the consumer. Localizing food systems strengthens local economies, boosts farm profitability, increases sustainable production practices, and improves individual and public health. Sustainability is a question of environmental integrity and economic viability, but it is also a question of social justice. Social justice includes employment equity for farmers, farm workers, and others employed in the system and demands that all people have adequate food, clothing, and shelter. These conditions regenerate local economies, revitalize local, indigenous knowledge, and create social wealth. Workers are treated fairly and paid competitive wages and benefits. Is Socially Just Hu STRENGTHENS Communities We don’t inherit the earth, we borrow it from our children. -Native American Proverb TrisaLunstrum was born and raised on a small farm in rural Idaho. Her family raised dairy cows as a main source of income but also chickens, pigs and the occasional goat or sheep. In order to feed their stock and supplement their income, they grew rotations of corn, hay, alfalfa and wheat of which they harvested themselves. The entire family took part in planting and maintaining a large vegetable garden, several fruit trees, and an enormous blackberry patch, all of the yield to be either dried, canned, or frozen for the cold Idaho winter. Any food scraps which weren’t fed to the pigs were composted to nourish the summer garden soil. Ab ou t th e Au thor... She currently resides on the north shore of Lake Tahoe where she gardens, raises chickens and is persuing her graphic design career.
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