State of Florida Department of Children and Families Rick Scott Governor Esther Jacobo Interim Secretary INDEPENDENT LIVING SERVICES ADVISORY COUNCIL PARENTING TEENS IN FOSTER CARE WORKGROUP MEETING Friday, July 25, 2014, 10:30 am – 3:00 pm Florida's Turnpike Building #5315, Ocoee, FL 34761 MINUTES Participants: Barbara White, FSU Center for Prevention Young Parents Project; Juanita Ambrister, FSU; Ruth Patrick, Beta Center; Teri Saunders, Heartland; Diane Schofield, Hands of Mercy Everywhere (HOME); Patty Roark, HOME; Deborah Gerard, HOME; Selena Abshier, HOME; Jennifer Garbutt, HOME; Jenna Steffel, Lifeline Family Center; Kathy Miller, Lifeline Family Center; Patricia Langford, Alpha House of Tampa; Chavonne Robinson, Alpha House; Kortnie Tirico, Alpha House; Barbara McCormick, Alpha House; Courtney Smith, DCF; Kirk Brown, DCF; Becky Pengelley, DCF; Kristi Putnam, DCF Overall recommendations: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Placement assessment/look at best practices Risk assessment for teen and baby Case plan (success plan) must include plan for children Normalcy: permission to parent Ensure mother and baby cases are connected in system and with case manager when possible Cross training and sharing between case managers, providers, DCF Community outreach Pre-service training to include specialized training Family engagement/holistic approach with safety focus Review barriers for outside parties participating in parenting Child care/inclusion One day count Adoption information: what is allowed? Standardized? Legal choices, counseling, all options Create a maternity home association Challenges and Barriers: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Legal responsibility for the baby Out of county placements Heath care/manage care (pre-natal) Scorecard Funding how to best use Title IV-E Medicaid State of Florida Department of Children and Families Rick Scott Governor Esther Jacobo Interim Secretary 7. Data (FSFN) look at DJJ to see how they capture a. Graduation rates b. # of teens who get pregnant c. # of parenting teens d. # pregnant teens with baby status 8. Incident reports a. To report births/changes in family b. Unnecessary requirements Kristi Putnam: a. Currently there are several open rules that pertain to child welfare b. Powerpoint Presentation (see attachment) c. Link to all the rules: Barbara White: Parenting teen work began with DJJ and DCF mom-baby programs a. What does the research tell us, what are the recommended practices, what are we learning in the field? b. Standards for Mother/Infant Residential Programs Serving Court-Involved Youth: i. When they began their work, only 14% of teens had full custody of parents ii. By early of 2014, 65% had full custody iii. Research found that about 2/3 can safely parent, 1/3 are not ready iv. Baby-courts: focus on families with infans and toddlers to ensure they have appropriate support v. Need facilities that are supporting moms and babies to support the courts vi. Suggestions to include in rule: 1. Trauma-informed care a. DJJ statute included trauma informed care: Ch. 2014-162 b. Address trauma to address multi-generational impact c. Staff of maternity homes should be trained in trauma informed care d. 95-99% of court involved parenting teens have sexual trauma in history e. Sexual trafficking is often part of the story f. Without trauma informed care training, providers often characterize behavior differently – sharing information must occur from a trauma informed care perspective 2. Infant mental health: a. Additional training that supports parents and child in a developing relationship to grow parenting capacity State of Florida Department of Children and Families Rick Scott Governor Esther Jacobo Interim Secretary b. Trauma informed lens c. Design environment to promote parents ability to provide daily care of child: schedule in mom-baby time that is un-hurried; supporting play 3. Licensed and accredited child-care a. Large programs: onsite b. It is a protective factor that makes the most difference for an at-risk child 4. Moms need respite a. Maternity homes should plan for this and have clear expectations for the moms for when they want to leave b. System of accountability: i. Occurs after staff develops a positive trusting relationship with teen moms ii. Work together with moms to develop agreements iii. Focus on the positive not “consequences” iv. Ask what is your dream for your child; what is your biggest fear for your child: that’s where the work starts: this is what we can do to keep that from happening v. Repair work (explanations and conversations) is important and often hasn’t happened for the teens in the past 5. Authorization of temporary custody of child 6. Emergency disaster planning 7. Child abuse and neglect 8. Involvement with the court 9. Program transition/ Discharge planning 10. Mother/Child Health and Development 11. Basic Infant Care and Safety 12. Child Care Facility 13. Parent and Child Relationships c. Other recommendations: i. Pay attention to small signs because they may not share in an assessment ii. Not-consensus in the field about how to gather this information iii. Assessment may not capture it; it comes from the narrative gathered over time General Discussion Deborah G: a. Need early CBHA assessment when youth entered in care State of Florida Department of Children and Families Rick Scott Governor Esther Jacobo Interim Secretary b. Notes don’t always follow youth when they come to a maternity home; other providers have observed the youth and have important information c. Ensure that maternity home staff attend court to share information d. Continuance of care in maternity home with staff if teen mother is absent for short periods Kristi: a. b. c. d. e. f. Sharing of information is currently in rule Assessment process to determine if group care is an appropriate placement for each youth Envision a special section for maternity homes in group care rule Medical concerns for parenting teens are unique Will review statue for adoption counseling guidelines to add to rule A “partnership plan” can go beyond what will go in rule: agreement of best practices to support the work of each partner in the process g. Community focus groups for cross systems training to achieve common goals (big picture) h. Care plan for mom and child to include work with families when appropriate i. CBC areas could have a meeting with providers to determine what services might be missing Courtney S: a. b. c. d. Rules can be more specific about what information is shared between providers Many things are already in rule, but don’t always happening: need additional training Pre-service training includes how to work with providers Currently the adoption advisory board is creating a pamphlet to send out to courts to inform about the process of intervention: parents can surrender rights for adoption without DCF involvement Diane S: a. Youth are off medication while pregnant and the delay in returning to medication after delivery can cause additional problems b. If there are foster parents who have parenting teens, maternity homes would like to invite them to some events for peer support c. In Idaho, case plans for teens parents in the state’s custody include provisions for the babies d. DCF Scorecard doesn’t meet needs of parenting teens e. Youth in group homes have two different requirements to see a medical provider f. Two Casey Foundation trainings: Ages and Stages; Foundation g. Title IV-E Waiver: prevention dollars for teens h. Sunshine heath is researching a list of providers that provide specialized services to parenting teens State of Florida Department of Children and Families Rick Scott Governor Esther Jacobo Interim Secretary i. j. What information should we provide youth about adoption? Guidelines and recommended materials from the Department would be helpful Part of the trauma work is the “process of saying goodbye” if it isn’t a good time to parent Ruth: a. If a case plan for a baby not in the custody of the state might scare the mom: call it a success plan b. Motivated to invite case managers, providers, and others to an open house for the “surround sound” experience to understand the care provided c. Fathers/co-parents should participate in some training while teen moms are in care d. Youth have a right to be told their legal options: appropriate timing of abortion Juanita: a. Judge may open a case on the baby in order to provide care for the baby b. DJJ system has an alert that is added when girls are pregnant or parenting Kortnie: a. b. c. d. VPS are not always shared with youth Case managers for baby and moms should be the same Requirement of medical assessment before placement in maternity home Youth arrive with empty resource records Mia: a. Rules in place to help mom parent, because the state has responsibility to care for the teen b. Has a child information form to ensure that information transfers (will send to the group) c. QPI addressed many of these similar concerns for foster parents, is there something to address these practice concerns for group care? (normalcy, permission to parent, etc.) d. In the past, there was a paper book that listed all licensed homes around the state. That would be helpful for placement offices to know. Barbara M: a. Should track teens in the system who have children b. Incident reports don’t fit maternity homes if they are used for doctor visits Terri S: a. Will work on building relationships between homes and case management staff State of Florida Department of Children and Families Rick Scott Governor Esther Jacobo Interim Secretary b. Group care is an important part of the system of care: it can be the most appropriate placement for some youth c. We don’t have a data system that can tell us if a teen gets pregnant in care: we have to start here with modifying FSFN to capture this Barbara W: a. Out of county challenges are unique and should be defined in rule b. In Illinois, case managers are trained to work with teen parents c. In Miami, there is one case manager who is the specialist, the go-to person for teen parents and preventing teen pregnancy d. There shouldn’t be automatic rules in maternity homes that exclude fathers; safety concerns are real: how do we address this concern without pushing the fathers away or push the mothers away by pushing the fathers away: part of our value system to do the work to make the changes needed e. Evidenced based parenting programs for moms and dads are important f. Florida can pay for infant mental health providers through Medicaid; it can be a challenge to find a provider; email for assistance in finding someone in your area g. Helpful data would include: a. How many teens are pregnant b. How many have had children: female and males? c. How many have custody of their children? h. DJJ did a one day count a couple years ago Kirk B: a. Case management challenges perhaps should be addressed in practice, not rule. Can CBCs address these challenges? b. What information sharing is ideal? c. Professional respect is paramount for our system: we are all here to save kids d. Maternity homes should tell us what works for your system
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