PRODUCT REFERENCE GUIDE About Phoenix / UPI Our Mission and Values Phoenix / UPI is dedicated to offering you greater value in the turf pesticides you need every day. We do that by selecting effective, popular fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and other established products whose patents have expired, and then we improve them. FUNGICIDES PRODUCT Also, the post-patent active ingredients used in our improved formulations are long-standing, tried-and-true chemistries, all based on ingredients that are proven and accepted throughout the industry. Our company was founded in response to turf professionals’ needs for value-added fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and other products. Now Phoenix – named for the mythical bird that was reborn to be better – is meeting those needs every day. 02 / PACKAGING OPTIONS: Dovetail provides double-duty control of many diseases, including Brown Patch, Anthracnose, Dollar Spot and Pink Snow Mold. A convenient, flowable formulation, Dovetail delivers a minimum of 14 days of control and helps in resistance management. Thiophanate-methyl: 19.65% + Iprodione: 19.65% 4 x 1 gallon Jetphiter ® According to university research, Jetphiter consistently provides outstanding control of Pythium. Its exclusive formulation provides consistent, effective Pythium control in warm- or cool-season turfgrass, while stimulating grasses’ natural defenses to improve turf health and quality. Jetphiter also controls Phytophthora and suppresses other diseases. It carries the Signal Word “Caution,” the least restrictive advisory category, and is a FRAC Code 33 fungicide, indicating a low probability of resistance. Potassium Phosphite: 45.5% 2 x 2.5 gallon 7.5 gallon BATPak® Kestrel® A unique, systemic broad-spectrum fungicide, Kestrel controls more than 20 troublesome diseases, including Dollar Spot, Summer Patch, Brown Patch and Anthracnose, with a low risk of phytotoxicity, and can even help prevent tree diseases like Oak Wilt and Dogwood Anthracnose. Propiconazole: 14.3% 4 x 1 gallon 7.5 gallon BATPak Company History Technically, Phoenix was created in 2004, but everything else about us goes back much further. Our founding partners and top management are seasoned professionals with decades of experience in serving golf course superintendents and turf managers. ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S): Dovetail ® Phoenix products are much more than just “generics.” Our newer formulations take advantage of the latest technological innovations in manufacturing and better options in raw materials – all to produce top-quality pesticides and plant growth regulators at more cost-efficient prices. When you choose Phoenix products, rest assured you’re buying from the best value provider in the industry. DESCRIPTION Kestrel MEX Kestrel MEX is the first propiconazole-based fungicide with a “Caution” Signal Word (instead of “Warning”), and it has little or no odor. Kestrel MEX is a NexGen formulation that provides 21-28 days of control on Dollar Spot, Anthracnose and more. Pegasus™ 6L Integrated pest management programs have relied on the active ingredient in Pegasus 6L for years. The high-quality Pegasus 6L formulation effectively controls Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Leaf Spot, Anthracnose, Grey Snow Mold, Dichondra Leaf Spot, Fusarium and many others. Propiconazole: 14.3% 4 x 1 gallon 7.5 gallon BATPak Chlorothalonil: 54% 2 x 2.5 gallon Pegasus HPX Our proprietary NexGen formulation of Pegasus HPX is the most advanced liquid fungicide based on chlorothalonil. Pegasus HPX provides superior tenacity, longevity, tank-mix options and performance for better control of diseases like Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Anthracnose and many others. Chlorothalonil: 54% 2 x 2.5 gallon Pegasus DFX Pegasus DFX is a reformulation of the active ingredient chlorothalonil in an extruded granule. This unique improvement provides superior, long-lasting fungicide performance compared to old spray-dried products, resulting in better turf quality. One of our exclusive NexGen products, Pegasus DFX also offers tank-mix options to improve disease control and minimize resistance. Chlorothalonil: 82.5% WDG 4 x 5 pound Peregrine® Peregrine has both systemic and contact action to provide preventive and curative controls of Anthracnose, Rust, Red Thread and other diseases with no resistance issues. Labeled for golf courses, landscapes, sod farms and nursery/ornamental plantings. Chlorothalonil: 50% + Thiophanatemethyl: 16.66% 4 x 5 pound Raven® Raven helps you maximize control of a broad spectrum of common turf diseases, including Dollar Spot, Brown Patch, Grey and Pink Snow Mold, and other destructive fungal problems. Iprodione: 23.3% 2 x 2.5 gallon / 03 FUNGICIDES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION PACKAGING OPTIONS: Siskin fungicide expands your flexibility for effective disease control across your golf course. A Group 3 fungicide, Siskin provides systemic control of common problems – all with minimal phytotoxicity risk, so you can apply it around ornamentals. Siskin’s many tank-mix options also support IPM and resistance management. Myclobutanil: 19.7% 4 x 1 gallon Skylark® Skylark is a systemic, broad-spectrum fungicide that provides both preventive and curative disease control due to its acropetal plant movement. Skylark is effective on a broad spectrum of turf diseases, including Dollar Spot, Anthracnose, Grey Leaf Spot, Snow Molds, Fusarium, Summer Patch and Zoysia Patch. Tebuconazole: 38.7% 4 x 1 gallon T-Bird® 4.5L T-Bird 4.5L is a broad-spectrum, systemic fungicide that effectively controls many turf diseases, including Dollar Spot, Brown Patch and Anthracnose. Provides 14-21 days of both preventive and curative control. Thiophanate-methyl: 46.2% T-Bird WDG An exclusive reformulation of the active ingredient thiophanate-methyl, T-Bird WDG is an 85% WDG product that dependably delivers both preventive and curative control for many common turf diseases, including Dollar Spot, Brown Patch and Anthracnose, for 14-21 days. Thiophanate-methyl: 85% WDG PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S): PACKAGING OPTIONS: For broad-spectrum, pre-emergence control of more than 50 annual grasses and small-seeded weeds, Harrier 4L is an advanced liquid formulation of the active ingredient oryzalin, with 4 lbs active ingredient per gallon. Oryzalin: 40.4% 2 x 2.5 gallon Hammerkop Hydrocap Hammerkop Hydrocap is a water-based formulation of pendimethalin, one of the green industry’s most popular herbicides. Hammerkop Hydrocap controls more than 45 grass and weed species, including many not controlled by other dinitroaniline herbicides, such as Sandbur, PA Smartweed, Fiddleneck and Annual Spurge. The proprietary technology encapsulates the active ingredient, reducing odor and potential staining while improving the mixing, handling and environmental characteristics. Pendimethalin: 38.7% 2 x 2.5 gallon 4 x 5 pound Knighthawk® Knighthawk is a long-lasting, pre-emergent herbicide that controls a wide range of grassy and broadleaf weeds all season, at low economical rates. Knighthawk controls Poa Annua, Goosegrass, Crabgrass, Broadleaf Signalgrass and much more. Prodiamine: 65% WDG 4 x 5 pound 5 x 10 pound Aluminum Tris: 70% DF with green pigment 4 x 6.3 pounds Rook 4L A fast-acting, low-odor formulation of the active ingredient quinclorac, Rook 4L provides effective, extended residual control of Crabgrass and many problem broadleaves. With longer-lasting control and tank-mix options, Rook 4L increases application flexibility. Rook 4L is quickly absorbed into plants and is rainfast in under an hour. Quinclorac: 40% 4 x 1 gallon Vireo MEC Vireo MEC is a great choice for control of oomycete diseases, such as Pythium, Phytophthora and Yellow Tuft. Vireo MEC is available as a low-odor micro-emulsion formulation which easily tankmixes with other Phoenix fungicides. When used in a tank-mix or rotated with other pesticides, Vireo MEC enhances disease control and promotes economical resistance management. Metalaxyl: 23% 4 x 1 gallon 7.5 gallon BATPak Starfighter L Starfighter L pre-emergent herbicide gives you superior control of a variety of common annual broadleaf weeds and grasses. In addition to delivering effective control of early weed flushes, Starfighter L provides long-lasting, residual control – even in areas that may need to be sprigged or where turfgrass roots are already weakened due to pest, mechanical or other damage. Oxadiazon: 34.1% 2 x 2.5 gallon WingMan DF WingMan DF is a broad-spectrum fungicide that can be used on all turf varieties as well as 180 varieties of flowers, plant foliage and ornamentals. Ideal for resistance management, WingMan DF works for 10-14 days and is compatible with other popular turf fungicides. WingMan DF is a Class M-3 “Caution” label fungicide with multi-site activity, reducing the possibility of fungicide resistance. Mancozeb: 75% DF 25 pound BATPak Thrasher Thrasher herbicide selectively controls Poa Annua (annual bluegrass) and common Chickweed, both pre- and post-emergence. Thrasher controls Poa Annua during coolseason germination, plus growth periods, so you can customize a treatment program every season. Use Thrasher on golf courses, sports fields, lawns and sod farms. Ethofumesate: 42% SC 4 x 1 gallon WingMan 4L WingMan 4L is formulated with the proprietary Everfast™ technology, enhancing its quick knockdown and tenacity. Ideal for resistance management, WingMan 4L works for 10-14 days and is compatible with other popular turf fungicides. WingMan 4L is a Class M-3 “Caution” label fungicide with multi-site activity, reducing the possibility of fungicide resistance. Mancozeb: 37% 2 x 2.5 gallon ® ® / ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S): Siskin® Viceroy 70DF provides superior control of Pythium and other soil-borne diseases, including many stress-related disease complexes in turfgrass – such as Summer Stress and Bentgrass Decline – when mixed with fungicides like Pegasus, Raven, T-Bird or Kestrel MEX. Viceroy® 70DF 04 HERBICIDES Harrier® 4L ™ 2 x 2.5 gallon ® ® ® / 05 INSECTICIDES PRODUCT DESCRIPTION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S): PACKAGING OPTIONS: Firebird® Pro Firebird Pro effectively delivers unsurpassed control of many of the most troublesome golf course pests, like cinch bugs, fire ants, white grubs and mole crickets, at low rates and an economical price. Bifenthrin: 7.9% 4 x 1 gallon Hawk-I™ 2L Hawk-I 2L is a highly effective, long-lasting, broad-spectrum insecticide. A flowable formulation with 2 lbs of imidacloprid per gallon, Hawk-I 2L provides foliar and systemic control of white grubs, Hyperodes spp., mole crickets and other turf pests. Imidacloprid: 21.4% 4 x 1 gallon Hawk-I 75 WSP For effective foliar and systemic control of many troublesome turf pests such as white grubs, Hyperodes spp. and mole crickets, Hawk-I 75 WSP is a broad-spectrum, long-lasting insecticide that comes as a 75% imidacloprid in 1.6 oz. water-soluble packets. Imidacloprid: 75% 48 x 1.6 oz. WSP Merlin Merlin contains abamectin, the number one active ingredient for controlling mites and leaf miners. Merlin is also labeled for suppression of aphids, thrips and whiteflies. Ornamental growers can depend on Merlin for rotation in resistance-management programs. Merlin is labeled for use in shadehouses and greenhouses, as well as field-grown ornamentals, landscape, foliage plants and other woody ornamentals. Abamectin: 2% EC 4 x 1 gallon 12 x 1 quart ® Value-Added Products That Perform. PRODUCT PLANT GROWTH REGULATORS PRODUCT Cardinal® Monarch™ GoldWing® 06 / DESCRIPTION Cardinal helps make your job easier by slowing the growth of desirable turfgrass and reducing the time you spend mowing and maintaining your golf course. Cardinal also controls turf growth in hard-to-mow places and even suppresses seed head formation of Poa Annua and white clover, all with a low risk of phytotoxicity. ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S): Ethephon: 21.7% Reduce your mowing frequency by as much as 50% while promoting stronger turf. Monarch effectively slows biosyntheses and inhibits growth in many species of turfgrass. It’s especially aggressive and successful on Poa Annua populations. Fast-acting Monarch starts regulating turf growth within a few days and continues working to reduce mowing for 6-8 weeks. Paclobutrazol: 22.3% SC Improve management of mowing, clippings and trimming with GoldWing, a low-odor formulation of the active ingredient trinexapac-ethyl. GoldWing also promotes root mass, lateral stem development and more on all major cool- and warm-season turfgrasses. GoldWing is available in convenient BATPak, recyclable containers. Trinexapac-ethyl: 11.3% MEC PACKAGING OPTIONS: DESCRIPTION ACTIVE INGREDIENT(S): PACKAGING OPTIONS: Aquathol® K For selective control of Hydrilla, Curlyleaf Pondweed, Coontail, and other invasive and nuisance aquatic plants. No restrictions on swimming,fishing or irrigation. Endothall: 40.3% 4 x 1 gallon Aquathol® Super K A granular formulation for selective control of Hydrilla, Curlyleaf Pondweed, Coontail, and other invasive and nuisance aquatic plants. No restrictions on swimming,fishing or irrigation. Endothall: 63% 10 pound pail Hydrothol® 191 Granular A broad-spectrum herbicide and algaecide. Hydrothol191 provides a companion product or an alternative to copper algaecides when controlling difficult algae species. No restrictions on swimming, fishing or irrigation. Endothall: 11.2% 10 pound pail Current® A broad-spectrum aquatic herbicide. No restrictions on swimming, fishing, irrigation, livestock watering or potable water use. Copper Sulfate Pentahydrate: 8% + Ethylenediamine 4 x 1 gallon Copper Hydroxide + Triethanolamine Complex: 8% 4 x 1 gallon 2 x 2.5 gallon 4 x 1 gallon 4 x 1 gallon 7.5 gallon BATPak Symmetry® NXG A broad-spectrum algaecide. No restrictions on swimming, fishing, irrigation, livestock watering or potable water use. / 07 1002 Slater St., Valdosta, GA 31601 888-240-8856 ©2013 United Phosphorus, Inc. The Phoenix and UPI logos are registered trademarks of United Phosphorus, Inc. Always read and follow label instructions. Firebird Pro is a Restricted Use Pesticide.
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