Diabetic Ketoacidosis Aim(s) and objective(s) This guideline aims to provide information on how to recognise, diagnose and manage Diabetic Ketoacidosis, a life threatening, medical emergency associated with Type 1 Diabetes. Use of the supporting documentation should improve consistency in approach to the management of this condition in the acute setting, improving record keeping and information governance. Author(s) Dr Susan Arnott, Lead Clinician, Diabetes MCN, NHS Lanarkshire User group Primary Care Scottish Ambulance Staff Accident and Emergency clinicians Acute physicians Diabetes specialist staff This guideline is not intended to serve as a protocol or standard of care. This is best based on all clinical data available for an individual case and may be subject to change as scientific knowledge and technology advances and patterns of care evolve. Adherence to guideline recommendations will not ensure a successful outcome in every case, nor should it be construed as including all proper methods of care or excluding other acceptable methods of care aimed at the same result. Ultimately a judgement must be made by the appropriate healthcare professional(s) responsible for a particular clinical procedure or treatment plan following discussion with the patient, covering the diagnostic and treatment options available. It is advised that any significant departure from the guideline should be documented in the patient’s medical record at the time the decision is taken. This guideline relates to treatment of Diabetic Ketoacidosis in ADULTS. Guideline This is a general guide for adults. Fluid volumes and insulin doses may not be appropriate for every patient e.g. in young or very small Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a medical emergency, usually seen in Type 1 Diabetes, with a significant morbidity and mortality. It should be diagnosed promptly and managed intensively. DKA is characterised by hyperglycaemia, acidosis, and ketonaemia. It may present at diagnosis (20%). • • • Blood glucose over 11 mmol/L or known diabetes mellitus (the degree of hyperglycaemia is not a reliable indicator of diabetic ketoacidosis and the blood glucose may rarely be normal or only slightly elevated in DKA) Metabolic acidosis - Bicarbonate (HCO3) below 18 mmol/L and H+>45mmol/L Significant ketonuria (more than 2+ on standard urine sticks) or ketonaemia (3mmol/L and over) Severe DKA = HCO3 <5mmol/L or H+>80mmol/L Precipitating conditions • • • Infection, e.g. pneumonia, urinary tract infection Inadequate insulin or non-compliance Other illnesses, e.g. pancreatitis, pulmonary embolism, hypothyroidism 1 • • • • Cardiovascular disease, stroke, myocardial infarction Cause unknown (4-33%) Physiological stress – menstruation, pregnancy, trauma or surgery Drugs – corticosteroids, sympathomimetics, α- and β-blockers and diuretics Presentation Taking a history should not delay the time to treatment. Check capillary blood glucose and blood gases promptly. If these suggest diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) then immediately begin resuscitation and management. History • • • • The most common early symptoms of DKA are: o An insidious onset of increased thirst (polydipsia) o Worsening polyuria o Weight loss (especially if first presentation) o Nausea and vomiting o Nonspecific abdominal pain o Lassitude, weakness o Breathlessness due to an increase in respiratory rate, attempting to compensate by blowing off CO2 Global cerebral symptoms (e.g. confusion, disorientation), which may progress to comatose state Enquire about: o Symptoms of the common precipitants, e.g. fever, dyspnoea, chest pain, palpitations, abdominal pain o Recent changes in medication o Recent alcohol intake Recent insulin regimen and dietary patterns Examination • • • • • • • • • • Unwell, dehydrated with a tendency for rapid deterioration. o Dry mucous membranes o Decreased skin turgor/skin wrinkling o Sunken eyes o Slow capillary refill o Tachycardia with weak pulse o Hypotension Check temperature, pulse and blood pressure Smell the breath for the characteristic fruity/musty odour of ketones - the smell is akin to pear drops or nail-polish remover Respiratory compensation of acidosis can lead to tachypnoea or Kussmaul's respiration (very deep, slowly rhythmic breathing) Examine the chest for signs of pneumonic consolidation Check cardiovascular system for signs of cardiac failure, pericardial rub and murmurs Examine the abdomen to identify any intra-abdominal precipitant Assess mental status and orientation Perform a screening neurological examination (assess Glasgow Coma Scale) Check the skin surface for evidence of abscesses, boils or other rashes 2 Differential diagnosis • • • • • • • • Alcoholic ketoacidosis Hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic non-ketotic state Lactic acidosis Other causes of metabolic acidosis e.g. aspirin overdose, methanol/ethylene glycol ingestion Acute pancreatitis Septicaemia without ketoacidosis Acute abdomen Ketoacidosis due to starvation Investigations • • • • • • • Capillary blood glucose (remember to send a plasma glucose also) Urine dipstick testing shows marked glycosuria and ketonuria (also send urine for microscopy and culture) Assay of blood ketones is more sensitive and specific in detecting ketonaemia but is not always available Blood tests: o Plasma glucose is usually elevated, normoglycaemic DKA can occur but is rare o Full blood count (FBC) - raised white cell count (WCC) is often seen but this does not necessarily indicate sepsis as it may occur in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) o Electrolytes – Sodium (Na+) may be high due to dehydration, low due to interference of glucose/ketones with assay, or normal; Potassium (K+) may be high due to the effect of acidosis, normal or occasionally low but overall there is cell depletion of K+ o Urea and creatinine - elevated due to prerenal failure or where renal impairment is the primary cause. Creatinine can also be falsely elevated by ketonaemia o Blood gases (Venous not arterial blood gases should be checked unless suspect hypoxia eg abnormal CXR, low O2 sats or patient extremely unwell) - metabolic acidosis with low pH and low HCO3; pCO2 usually low due to respiratory compensation o Blood cultures 12 lead ECG (Troponin levels - if myocardial ischaemia/infarction suspected) CXR Other investigations as indicated by history, examination and response to treatment e.g. creatine kinase – if rhabdomyolysis is suspected (also increased in myocardial infarction), Amylase - if pancreatitis is suspected MANAGEMENT Assessment of severity Patients should initially be managed in “rescus.” area in A&E and once stabilized in a medical high dependency ward (where available). The presence of one or more of the following may indicate severe DKA. Consider admission to intensive care/referral for review by ITU team. • • • • • • • Bicarbonate level below 5 mmol/L Hypokalaemia on admission (below 3.5 mmol/L) Glasgow coma scale (GCS) less than 12 Oxygen saturation below 92% on air (assuming normal baseline respiratory function) Systolic blood pressure below 90 mm Hg Pulse rate over 100 or below 60 beats per minute Blood ketones above 6 mmol/L – if available 3 Initial management and monitoring • • • • • • • Immediate resuscitation as required Put patient on SaO2 monitor, continuous ECG monitor and blood pressure/heart rate monitor Obtain 2 large-bore peripheral intravenous (IV) access or insert central venous catheter Urinary catheterisation is usually carried out to monitor urine output, will also allow urinalysis Prophylactical dose low molecular weight heparin unless contraindication In unconscious, drowsy or vomiting patients, consider passing a nasogastric tube Contact the Diabetes Specialist Team at an early stage Correct dehydration • • The main aims for fluid replacement are to restore circulatory volume, clearance of ketones and correction of electrolyte imbalance The fluid deficit should be replaced as crystalloid (0.9% sodium chloride solution is the recommended fluid of choice). In patients with kidney failure or heart failure, as well as the elderly and adolescents, the rate and volume of fluid replacement may need to be modified Insulin therapy • Insulin is required for suppression of ketogenesis, reduction of blood glucose and correction of electrolyte imbalance • IV insulin infusion should be commenced. Soluble human insulin should be used (i.e. actrapid or humulin S). For usual adult protocol this would be at a rate of 6 units per hour until blood glucose <15 then reduce to 3 units per hour • Aim to reduce capillary blood glucose by 3 mmol/L/hour (rapid reduction of glucose causes rapid changes in serum osmolality and may precipitate cerebral oedema) • A priming dose (bolus) of insulin should not be used • Long-acting insulin analogues should be continued as normal (fast acting insulins and mixed/biphasic insulins should be discontinued until DKA resolved) • Introduction of 10% glucose is recommended when the blood glucose falls below 14 mmol/L. It is important to continue 0.9% sodium chloride solution to correct circulatory volume. Glucose should not be discontinued until the patient is eating and drinking normally • Convert back to an appropriate subcutaneous regime when biochemically stable i.e. acidosis resolved (including normal bicarbonate) and the patient is ready and able to eat. If patients long acting/biphasic insulin has been discontinued (i.e. patient has no long acting insulin on board) then IV insulin must not be stopped until patient has had subcutaneous long acting insulin with at least 30 minute overlap and done around the time of a meal so subcutaneous short acting insulin will also be given. This is because IV soluble insulin has a half life of approximately 10-15 minutes and DKA can rapidly recur in patients with type 1 diabetes who have no endogenous insulin. Contact diabetes team for advice if unsure Metabolic treatment • The recommended targets are (if these rates are not achieved then the fixed-rate IVII rate should be increased): o Increasing the venous bicarbonate by 3 mmol/L/hour o Potassium being maintained between 4.0 and 5.0 mmol/L: Hypokalaemia and hyperkalaemia are potentially life-threatening conditions during the management of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) Because of the risk of prerenal acute kidney injury associated with severe dehydration, it is recommended that no potassium be prescribed with the initial fluid resuscitation or if the serum potassium level remains above 5.5 mmol/L Potassium will almost always fall as the DKA is treated with insulin, and so 0.9% sodium chloride solution with potassium 20 mmol/L should be used as long as the 4 serum potassium level is below 5.5 mmol/L and the patient is passing urine If the serum potassium level falls below 3.5 mmol/L, the potassium regimen needs review (see protocol re potassium replacement) Bicarbonate administration is not routinely recommended Phosphate should not be supplemented routinely Reduction of the blood ketone concentration by 0.5 mmol/L/hour (if available) • • • Treat any precipitating illness • • • • Measures to actively detect a precipitating cause should be pursued One clue to the possibility of an unrecognised underlying cause is if the pH fails to improve despite the aforementioned measures. In this case, review insulin therapy and consider other further investigations, e.g. serial ECGs in silent cardiac ischaemia If an underlying cause is identified then it should also be treated, as appropriate. If there are reasonable clinical grounds to suspect infection as the precipitant then appropriate antibiotic therapy should be given (usually broad-spectrum blind treatment); routine antibiotics are not advised Monitoring • • • • • • • • • Patients should ideally be managed in an HDU setting, or even ITU if they are severely unwell Electrolytes and venous bicarbonate must be checked at least every 1-2 hours for the first 24 hours, then 2- to 4-hourly thereafter (frequency dependent on individual clinical scenario) Monitor hourly fluid balance Monitor capillary blood glucose every hour with an aim to reduce plasma glucose by 3-5 mmol/hour Plasma glucose should also be checked regularly (at the same time as the U&E), as capillary blood glucose may be inaccurate in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) If capillary/plasma glucose has not fallen by at least 4 mmol/L in the first hour after commencing insulin therapy, then check adequacy of rehydration and patency of infusion lines; if these are not at fault then increase insulin infusion rate will need to be increased. Consider seeking expert advice and review response Venous and not arterial blood should be used to monitor bicarbonate Blood ketone and glucose meters should be used for near patient testing when available Electrolyte measurements can be obtained from most modern blood gas analysers and can be used to monitor sodium, potassium and bicarbonate levels - with intermittent laboratory confirmation COMPLICATIONS • • Cerebral oedema: o This is a life threatening emergency. Request senior review and CT brain immediately if suspected but do not need to wait for confirmation prior to starting treatment if high level of suspicion. Treatment is with IV dexametasone or mannitol o Cerebral oedema causing symptoms is relatively uncommon in adults during diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA), although asymptomatic cerebral oedema may be common o Cerebral oedema usually occurs within a few hours of the initiation of treatment. It presents in the first 24 hours with headache, behavioural changes and urinary incontinence, progressing to abrupt neurological deterioration and coma Pulmonary oedema: o Pulmonary oedema has only been rarely reported in DKA. Pulmonary oedema usually occurs within a few hours of the initiation of treatment 5 Elderly patients and those with impaired cardiac function are at particular risk, and monitoring of central venous pressure should be considered Iatrogenic hypoglycaemia: severe hypoglycaemia is also associated with cardiac arrhythmias, acute brain injury and death Iatrogenic hypokalaemia Cardiac dysrhythmia due to electrolyte disturbance (particularly K+) or metabolic acidosis Myocardial suppression due to metabolic acidosis Venous thromboembolism Myocardial infarction (may be a cause or a complication of DKA) Diabetic retinopathy changes may be seen prior to or after therapy for DKA Hypophosphataemia - rarely has significant clinical effects. Although there is a large loss of total body phosphate in DKA, there is no evidence of benefit of phosphate replacement but phosphate measurement and replacement should be considered in the presence of respiratory and skeletal muscle weakness Adult respiratory distress syndrome o • • • • • • • • • Prognosis • • • • Mortality rate = 0.67% Prognosis worsens with age and the nature and severity of the underlying precipitating pathology (particularly myocardial infarction, sepsis and pneumonia) The presence of coma at presentation, hypothermia or persistent oliguria are poor prognostic indicators The main causes of mortality in the adult population include severe hypokalaemia, adult respiratory distress syndrome, cerebral oedema and comorbid states such as pneumonia, acute myocardial infarction and sepsis FURTHER MANAGEMENT Patient should have review by the diabetes team prior to discharge from hospital. Ideally contact the diabetes team as early into the admission as possible, especially if there are concerning features or not responding to treatment as expected. Prevention • • • Education programmes for diabetic patients, particularly concerning what to do in cases of illness ('sick day rules') Provision of urine ketostix or handheld ketone meters and education on management of ketonuria/ketonaemia Patients with diabetes who are admitted with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) should be counselled about the precipitating cause and early warning symptoms of DKA by a diabetes presentation and early management of DKA, in the medical/allied healthcare professions Summary/Flow Chart Appendix 1- NHS Scotland (2010) Diabetic Ketoacidosis Care Pathway 1 Appendix 2 - NHS Scotland (2010) Diabetes Ketoacidosis Care Pathway 2 Appendix 3 - Diabetic ketoacidosis care pathway 1and 2 NHSL v2 (2013) Diabetes MCN endorsement May 2014 Review Date May 2017 6
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