DLA-20 Training

DLA-20 Training
All MCCMH direct-operated program/Omega staff & contract
agency staff who utilize this assessment tool with adult consumers
(either MI or DD)
This training qualifies for 3.0 SW continuing ed hours for initial training or 1.5 for
refresher training
Identify & state the 20 domains on which
consumers are assessed
Identify & be able to explain the DLA-20
scoring scale
Identify & explain what the M-GAF is
State the meaning of the ‘Golden Thread’ and how it
relates to PCP and treatment planning
for NEW employees & those who have NO prior training :
11/21, 9 am-12 or 1:30-4:30
2/20/2015, 9-12
5/22, 9-12
8-21, 9-12
REFRESHER training for staff who have PRIOR, or incomplete, training:
1/9/2015, 8:30-10 or 10:15-12 or 1:30-3 or 3:15-4:45
2/20, 1:30-3 or 3:15-4:45
5/22, 1:30-3 or 3:15-4:45
8/21, 1:30-3 or 3:15-4:45
MCCMH Training Center
6555 15 Mile Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48312
To Register:
Email [email protected] or call 586-465-8326