DMZ LLC. - DMZ Aerial

Your Ag Technology Consultants
Your Ag Technology Experts
As UAV's begin to make their
mark as the next generation
crop scout; agribusiness and
equipment dealers fight to
become data management
companies; and biological
stimulants change the way
we farm; DMZ provides insight into all of these sectors
and helps clear the fog in an
ever-changing and increasingly complex environment.
1501 Parkview Court
Prairie du Sac, WI 53578
Phone 1: 608-370-3279
Phone 2: 608-370-2858
E-mail: [email protected]
UAV Training
Cottage Grove, WI
Precision Ag
UAV Systems
Data Management
AIMQ Scouting UAV’s
Autonomous Capabilities
Multispectral Imagery
AIMQ stands for Aerial Intelligence Modified
AIMQ Scouting UAV’s are a dual threat in terms
Multispectral imagery, such as NDVI imagery, has
Quadcopter and it is the acronym used by DMZ to
of flight capabilities. Users have both autono-
become an increasingly important facet of precision
describe their aerial scouting vehicles used by
mous and semi-autonomous flight options, giving
agriculture in the past couple years. Recently, DMZ
agribusinesses across 15 states and 2 provinces
them the ability to fly strict waypoint paths or opt
released its newest UAV system, the AIMQ 3.0
of Canada. AIMQ UAV systems are designed with
the crop scout in mind. Whether it is the farmer,
for a more custom route flying the copter from a
radio controller. Both options are extremely easy
GeoSnap. The AIMQ 3.0 GeoSnap is a collaborative
endeavor with Field of View LLC., an aerial imagery
the hired hands, or the ag retail employee, any-
to operate and allow users, be them beginners or
company out of Grand Forks, ND. The AIMQ 3.0
one can pick up the control, tablet, or computer
experts, the opportunity to scout fields efficiently.
GeoSnap is a complete UAV-Imaging solution that
and fly with ease.
delivers incredible
Additionally, with a powerful Ground Station soft-
value to customers
ware guiding the unit while in autonomous mode,
through its user-
users can program specific routes with ease.
friendliness and in-
With Photogrammetry, users can draw an area
they would like to fly, enter some basic information about the camera (i.e. focal length), and
dustry-leading imagery design. The idea behind the product was to
mount the world’s leading multispectral imaging sys-
the computer will auto-draw the flight lines with
tem (the GeoSnap Imagery Package from Field of
correct spacing and overlap. Plus, with a fly-trace
View) onto one of the world’s most user-friendly UAV
feature, users can keep an eye on their craft as it
systems. Today, the AIMQ 3.0 GeoSnap provides
With stunning image quality, AIMQ systems pro-
travels its route from point to point using live
valuable information to the grower with landmark
vide incredible imagery for use in any precision
efficiency. With Geotility software (included in the
ag scouting program. The information captured
in just a few minutes of video or imagery can
provide a bird’s-eye-view of the health of a crop
Autonomous flight makes AIMQ UAV’s a very
and help producers and their retail partners make
powerful crop scouting tool as they can precisely
navigate designated areas for image overlay and
the best decisions moving forward. With 20 mi-
further image stitching and post-processing. For
nute flight times and great range, AIMQ systems
more information please visit
3.0 package), gone are the days of holes in the maps
and extended post processing times. Because of the
highly accurate GPS and attitude data captured by
the GeoSnap system, users can assess their map
quality instantly after flight, ensuring their stitched
imagery will be of the highest quality, prior to post
are ideal for finding nutrient deficiencies, insect
processing. For more information please visit
pressure, and crop damage from the air. or
AIMQ systems are Ready to Fly platforms and
come fully assembled for flight right out of the
box. Simply open the case and enjoy bird’s-eyeview scouting in mere minutes. For more information please visit our website at
or email us at [email protected].