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Using UAVs as a survey tool
by Craig Vorster, Global Vision
When searching for a cost-effective, accurate aerial survey solution that needs to be available on demand, an
unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is the ideal platform. This article explains how unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) work
as a survey platform providing details on the photogrammetry process, volume accuracies, time savings, and how
they can contribute to mine safety.
lobal Vision, a provider of
innovative survey solutions
is increasingly being asked
to provide accurate aerial and
hydro surveys for clients working
in the mining, environmental, and
government sectors. The company
manufactures pre-programmable
stand out features of modern day
photogrammetry is the capability of
dense point cloud classification, this
allows us to classify point cloud data
into the following classes: ground
points, low vegetation, medium
vegetation, high vegetation, buildings,
roads, water and many more. This is a
powerful feature when generating DTMs
(digital terrain models) or DSMs (digital
surface models)
How does the software do it?
There are two options of dense
point cloud classification: automatic
division of all the points into two
tri-rotor copters, which are equipped
with DJI auto-pilot systems and a
24-megapixel camera (see Fig. 1). An
on-board GNSS provides estimates
of the image position, which are
transmitted in real time, through a
900 MHz data link, to a ground laptop
set up at a base in a safe zone of the
survey site. After the flight, the images
are processed by photogrammetry
software packages.
What is photogrammetry?
Photogrammetry is the science
of making measurements from
photographs, especially for recovering
the exact positions of surface points.
Fig. 1: Tri-rotor copter with six propellers developed in-house.
With photogrammetry software such
as Agisoft PhotoScan Professional and/
or Pix4D, thousands of aerial images
captured by lightweight UAV or aircraft
can be converted into geo-referenced
2D mosaics, 3D surface models and
point clouds.
Survey-grade accuracy
With photogrammetry up to centimetregrade, lidar-like 3D precision is
achieved from lightweight compact
cameras and photogrammetry software
packages. Photogrammetry software
packages allow advanced support
of ground control points for optimal
Dense cloud classification
Improvements in photogrammetry
technology is happening at a
rapid pace, one of the latest,
Fig. 2: Orthophoto.
PositionIT – August 2014
classes – ground points and the rest,
and manual selection of a group of
points to be placed in a certain class
from the standard list known for lidar
data. Dense cloud point’s classification
opens ways to customise the Build
Mesh step: you can choose what type
of objects within the scene you would
like to be reconstructed and indicate
the corresponding point class as source
data for mesh generation. For example,
mesh reconstruction based on ground
points only, allows the exporting of the
DTM as opposed to the DSM, based on
the complete dense point cloud.
The photogrammetry software
uses the following parameters to
control automatic ground point’s
classification procedure:
Max angle (deg): Determines one of
the conditions to be checked while
testing a point as a ground one, i.e.
it sets the limitation for an angle
between the terrain model and the
line to connect the point in question
with a point from a ground class. In
fact, this parameter determines the
assumption for the maximum slope
of the ground within the scene.
Max distance (m): Determines one
of the conditions to be checked
while testing a point as a ground
one, i.e. it sets the limitation for
a distance between the point in
question and the terrain model.
In fact, this parameter determines
the assumption for the maximum
variation of the ground elevation at
a time.
Fig. 3: Point cloud of the digital terrain model.
Fig. 4: Dense cloud classification.
Cell size (m): Determines the size
of the cells for the point cloud to
be divided into as a preparatory
step in ground point’s classification
procedure. Cell size should be
indicated with respect to the size
of the largest area within the scene
that does not contain any ground
points, e.g. building or close forest.
In case the result of the automatic
dense cloud classification is not
acceptable the procedure can be re-run
using adjusted parameters (for example,
if some on-ground objects like stones
and small bushes were classified as
ground points it is reasonable to reduce
maximum angle and maximum distance
parameter values).
Dense cloud points may be classified
manually, but the same workflow
also allows users to reset the
classification results for the selected
dense cloud points.
PositionIT – August 2014
Fig. 5: Point cloud.
Using UAVs for mining
Frequently asked questions relating to
accuracy assessment, time savings and
safety regarding the UAVs for mining
purposes include the following:
How long does the throughput from
flight to final products of a UAV
survey take?
What is the accuracy of the volume
calculated from the digital surface
How can UAVs contribute to the
safety of surveyors?
Answers to these questions are
provided below by detailing Global
Vision’s experiences when working on
various mines around South Africa.
From flight to final products
Global Vision began using Pix4D
software in January 2013 and its
abilities were examined by capturing
the 66 ha of the Nooitgedacht mine,
Fig. 6: UAV survey system.
which is located 10 km outside the
small town of Northam in Limpopo,
South Africa. This narrow open-cast
mine is currently being exploited by
Andru Mining. During the aerial survey,
721 images were taken with a ground
sample distance (GSD) of 2,24 cm,
an along track overlap of 80% and an
across track overlap of 40%. It took
160 minutes on a standard desktop PC
to extract over 6,3-million key points,
to calculate the values of their features
and their sub pixel location and to
assign to every key point its conjugates
in the overlaps. The step resulted in
2,4-million 3D points suitable for the
bundle block adjustment (BBA). The
root mean square error (RMSE) after
BBA was 0,16 pixel or 0,4 cm. To
create a high density DSM 18-million
key points were extracted which took
about 250 minutes. These points were
automatically filtered and interpolated
to generate a DSM consisting of
Fig. 7: UAV survey team.
6-million points with a GSD of
2,24 cm. The generation of the
were measured by GNSS along the
and 2,5 cm in planimetry. That is less
borders of the Nooitgedacht site. Five
than two times GSD, demonstrating
GCPs were used in the BBA procedure
the robustness of the BBA on consumer
and two for verification purposes.
grade cameras. For assessing UAV
After BBA the residuals of the 5 GCPs
DSM accuracy, a ground truth dataset
mining information were generated.
appeared to be less than 1 cm, with a
of 3500 grid points with spacing 10 m
RMSE of 0,83 cm. Comparison of the
were collected by RTK GNSS across
Accuracy assessment
coordinates of the two verification GCPs
the Nooitgedacht mine. Comparison
For accurate geo-referencing purposes
seven ground control points (GCPs)
with those computed from the images
of the heights of individual points of
revealed a RMSE of 4,8 cm in height
the GNSS DSM with the heights at the
orthomosaic by combining the original
images with the DSM took about
240 minutes. From these outputs
reports on volume, mine planning,
mine rehabilitation and other valuable
PositionIT – August 2014
same location in the UAV DSM revealed
a RMSE of 4,9 cm, which is a similar
value to the 4,8 cm obtained from the
verification GCPs mentioned earlier
and validates the accuracy of the DSM
generation. Using Bentley InRoads the
volumes of the UAV DSM and the GNSS
DSM were computed and the difference
was within 5%. Without doubt, the
accuracy of individual GNSS points is
higher than the accuracy of UAV points.
However, the number of height points
in the UAV DSM is nearly 2000 times
larger than the number in the GNSS
DSM. A spacing of a few centimetres
instead of 10 m will handle surface
fluctuations especially when shapes
are complex resulting in a higher
accuracy of volume computation even
when the accuracy of the individual
Fig. 8: Orthomosaic of Nooitgedacht mine.
heights is less.
Time savings
Ruighoek is a South African chrome
mine. To assess time and thus cost
savings the UAV survey of their open
pit mine was examined. The 3,2 km2
site has been surveyed many times by
conventional means. A team consisting
of two to four surveyors needs seven to
ten days of field work for collecting 3D
coordinates of terrain points on a 10 m
grid using GNSS rovers. The in-office
post-processing of the points collected
takes one to three days. With a UAV
the same area could be captured in one
day by one operator carrying one UAV
and one GNSS rover for collecting 10 to
20 GCPs along the border of the site.
Processing of the 3216 images which
is done automatically for 90% and the
generation of end products requires
PositionIT – August 2014
Fig. 9: 3D view of the digital surface model of Nooitgedacht mine.
the Riegl VUX-1. This lightweight,
rugged and compact laser scanner,
meets the challenges of emerging
survey solutions by UAS/UAV/RPAS,
gyrocopter, and ultra-light aircraft, both
in measurement performance as well as
in system integration.
With regard to the specific restrictions
and flight characteristics of UAS, the
Riegl VUX-1 is designed to be mounted
in any orientation and even under
limited weight and space conditions.
Modest in power consumption, the
instrument requires only a single
power supply. The entire data set of an
acquisition campaign is stored onto an
internal 240 GB SSD and/or provided
as real-time line scan data via the
integrated LAN-TCP/IP interface. It
captures 10 mm survey-grade accuracy
with a scan speed of up to 200 scans/
second and a measurement rate of
up to 500 000 meas./sec (@ 550 kHz
PRR & 330° FOV). The operating flight
altitude of the Riegl VUX-1 is up to
over 1000 ft. and has a field of view
up to 330° allowing for practically
unrestricted data acquisition, regular
point pattern and perfectly parallel
scan lines. The cutting edge technology
provides echo signal digitisation,
online waveform processing, multipletime-around processing and multiple
target capability.
Hydro survey systems
Unmanned survey systems are not
Fig. 10: Ruighoek mine.
just available for aerial surveying,
systems have also been developed
for hydrographic surveying. Global
Vision’s Hydro Survey System is a start
to end shallow water hydrographic
survey solution. It consists of a remote
control survey boat, semi-autopilot
system, ground station software
and laptop, Trimble GPS system and
SonarMite echo sounder system. The
vessel is constructed from ultra-light,
yet strong materials such as carbon
fibre and aluminium, and the twin hull
multi-powered vessel can withstand
harsh hazardous toxic environments.
Accurate shallow water hydrographic
surveys can be achieved using
this system.
The vessel is remotely controlled
to follow pre-determined grid and
is equipped with a semi-autopilot
system. The semi autopilot system is
a combination of a variety of sensors
and wireless data links. The data
captured by the sensors is fed back
to the ground station software and
laptop, wirelessly and live. The vessel
is equipped with a GPS and an echo
sounder system that collects 3D surface
points of the dam floor, whilst driving
along the pre-programmed grid. With
the 3D surface points, 3D model
profiles of dams, contour plans, water
volume reports and many more can be
generated. Mining companies can use
the solution for their tailings dam and
shallow water survey requirements.
The company is continuing with their
research and development programme
into providing remotely controlled
surveying technologies for both aerial
and hydrographic surveying.
Contact Craig Vorster, Global Vision,
Tel 012 345-5330,
[email protected] 
PositionIT – August 2014