Overview of CEA Analytical Studies on PWR Nuclear Fuel cladding subjected to RIA Loading Conditions C. Poussard, X. Averty, O. Duguay, O. Rabouille, M. Le Saux, J. Pizzanelli, C. Dumas, M. Genisson, M. Le Breton C. Sainte Catherine and P. Yvon DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 1 Context 1/2 Design safety studies for Reactivity Initiated Accident) Ö Studies underway to raise the average burn-up of fuel assembly (ex : 1998, EDF, 47 to 52GWd/tU and 62 GWd/tU expected in the future) Ö Strong need for investigations of the fuel behavior under design basis reactivity accidents such as control rod ejection (failure of the control rod drive mechanism) Assumption : Accidental ejection of a control rod Fuel swelling Ö Clad deformations (a few %) Ö Potential for crack initiation and growth (failure criterion required) Ö Fuel dispersal in the coolant, boiling crisis, etc … DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Failed cladding Dispersed fuel 1000 900 800 700 cladding ID clad. midwall cladding OD 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 0.01 Desquines et al,, 11 TAG, 2004 Ö Increase of temperature (103 to 104 K.s-1) movie REP NA3 SCANAIR computation Ö Rapid increase of the local power (~ 50ms) Cladding temperature (°C) Ö CABRI REP-Na 1, Papin et al., 2003 0.1 1 time (s) Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France 10 100 C. Poussard et al. 1000 2 Reactivity Initiated Accident Problematic Control rod ejection ⇒ Rapid local power increase Fast fuel temperature rise (104 °C/s) (~50 ms) Accumulated fission gas expansion Fuel thermal expansion Fuel expansion Fuel grain decohesion Pellet-cladding gap closing Fission gas release Nakamura et al., 2002 Loss of cladding ductility due to a dense hydride thickness Papin, 1996 PCMI loading 350<T<600°C, T~103 °C/s, ε~1 s-1 . . Crack initiation on outer diameter First phase pre DNB failure Transient PCMI failure Departure from Nucleate Boiling (DNB) Internal pressure increase Fast cladding temperature increase (T<800°C) Drop of the mechanical strength Post-DNB failure by local ballooning Last phase post DNB failure Fuel fragmentation Fuel dispersal and coolant interaction Mechanical energy production Post failure events REP-Na 8 (Papin et al., 2003) Waeckel., 1997 DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. Nakamura et al., 2002 3 Context 2/2 1992 : IRSN (formerly IPSN) initiated, in partnership with EDF, a research program, the CABRI REP-Na dedicated to : Ö Study the behavior of highly irradiated fuel (UO2 and MOX) under RIAs Ö Verify the adequacy of the present safety criteria with available experimental database (SPERT, PBF, early NSSR experiments) restricted to fresh or lightly irradiated Ö Evolution of the criteria and evaluate safety margins CABRI REP-Na experimental program launched in the sodium loop reactor in France : fast power transient applied to irradiated rods Development of the SCANAIR code : Ö Interpret the test results, perform sensitivity studies Ö Extrapolate to reactor conditions Ö Process closely coupled phenomena such as rod thermics and thermal hydraulics, fuel and clad mechanics, transient behavior of fission gases 1992 : Initiation of a separate effects test program for the study of transient clad mechanical behavior : PROMETRA DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 4 PROMETRA : transient mechanical testing program for high burn-up claddings in support to the interpretation of integral RIA tests New Hot Cells at 2005 CEA Saclay CEA Saclay ring test CEA Saclay axial tensile test High heating Plane rates Stress Plane Strain With gage section Without gage section Axial tensile Hoop tensile CEA Saclay PSU - Plane strain 2000 Cladding mechanical behavior during RIA transients DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI 1996 CEA Grenoble ring test CEA Saclay burst test Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France LHA 1992 C. Poussard et al. 5 A Reliable Material Database For Highly Irradiated Fuel Claddings 1/2 Standard Zircaloy-4 (43) (105) Fresh (33) Axial tensile (8) Hoop tensile Irradiated (2) Burst (36) Axial tensile (8) Burst Hoop tensile (58) CEA Saclay specimen (8) CEA Saclay specimen (39) Ductile High Burnup cladding mechanical (39) behavior: Ductile material → → → → (3) (66) properties Oxide layer thickness<130 μm, Burnup: 54 to 64 GWd/tU, Strain rate: 0.01 to 5 s-1, [H] content Cladding temperature: 20 to 900° C. measurement CEA Grenoble specimen (19) Brittle (2) (6) Ductile Brittle (8) Ductile-Brittle Transition (58) (3) (18) (3) Metallography or fractography ( ): number of valid tests DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 6 A Reliable Material Database For Highly Irradiated Fuel Claddings 2/2 54 -64 64 GWd /tU Plane Strain test Hoop tensile Burst (58) (planned) (3) 1.5% Sn Zircaloy (61) PROMETRA hoop tests on irradiated alloys (13) ZIRLO Plane Strain test Hoop tensile ~75 GWd /tU ( ): DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI TM (11) (planned) (34) M5 (2) Burst (planned) Plane Strain test TM (2) (32) Hoop tensile Burst 60 -75 GWd /tU number of valid tests Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 7 CEA testing technique for high temperature rings : (induction heating, T > 480°C up to 900°C) 5 LOAD Ö Conventional and true stress R=1.5 TEMPERATURE 3±0,0 2±0.05 UTS 0.2YS D TC : welded to specimen JACK DISPLACEMENT Ö Conventional and true strain UE Test Temperature -1 t= 0 20 Load control °C .s Co Load control Ö Displacement control /d T d Room temperature TE 10 to 20s oli ng :c on con du ct ve ion cti on + n at u r al Displacement control TIME DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 8 x2 times faster than real life PROMETRA hoop tensile test at high temperature movie Test specifications : 800°C, 1s-1 Test duration : 20s including induction heating @ 100°C/s DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 9 On going research : towards a better interpretation of the PROMETRA test data Conventional and true stress-strain interpretation of the PROMETRA data is made : Ö To derive validated mechanical transient mechanical properties usable in SCANAIR Ö To develop failure criteria 1000 1000 Zry-4 strd - 5 cycles - 5/s M5 - 5 cycles - 5/s M5 - 6 cycles - 1/s ZIRLO - 75 GWj/tU - 1/s 900 800 800 UTS (MPa) YS (MPa) 700 600 500 700 600 500 400 400 300 300 200 200 100 100 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Test temperature (°C) 800 Zry-4 strd - 5 cycles - 5/s M5 - 5 cycles - 5/s M5 - 6 cycles - 1/s ZIRLO - 75 GWj/tU - 1/s 900 900 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 Test temperature (°C) 800 900 YS and UTS for irradiated Zy4, M5 and Zirlo, Cazalis et al., SMIRT 18, 2005 DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 10 On going research : towards a better interpretation of the PROMETRA test data Conventional and true stress-strain interpretation of the PROMETRA data is made : Ö To derive validated mechanical transient mechanical properties usable in SCANAIR Ö To develop failure criteria 60 TotalElongation(%) 50 40 30 20 M5TM- 5 cycles- 5/s M5TM- 6 cycles- 1/s ZIRLOTM- 75 GWj/tU - 1/s 10 0 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 Test temperature (°C) DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI 700 800 900 TE for irradiated M5 and Zirlo, visual view of M5TM broken leg, tested 816°C Cazalis et al., SMIRT18, 2005 Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 11 On going research : towards a better interpretation of the PROMETRA test data FE modeling is achieved to deeply understand the tests data and insure that experimental artifacts, geometry (strain and stress gradients), boundary conditions (contacts and friction) do not invalidate the data 1500 1450 Force (kN) 1400 1350 mu = 0,0 1300 mu = 0,10 mu = 0,15 1250 mu = 0,20 mu = 0,30 1200 mu = 0,40 Essai 2640, M5 5 cycles étage 6, 5 s-1, 280°C 1150 mu = 0,50 Expérience 1100 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1 Déplacement plastique (mm) movie DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 12 On going research : towards a better interpretation of the PROMETRA test data GPL constitutive law (Goguel Poussard Limon) (Goguel et al., 2005) : Ö For a better use of the PROMETRA data, a validated constitutive equation applicable to the whole temperature, strain rate and loading conditions RIA domain, compatible with structural mechanics computations codes (CAST3M, SCANAIR, …) has been identified with Ε vp = Ε Σ = and 70 tests available, 20 to 800°C Ö 0 ⎡ ⎢ ⎢⎣ V (T ). Ε ( 3 s :M : s = 2 Σ vp + Ε H vp Ε Jean Lemaitre formalism : r )( n T 0 (Σ θ ) 3 Ε 2 = vp ⎤ ⎥ + ϕ (T , φ t ) ⎥⎦ − Σ z )2 + H θ M : m (T (Σ z s Σ C. Poussard et al., FSRM 2006 ) − Σ 80 tests available, 20 to 900°C r )2 + H z (Σ r − Σθ )2 5 tests available, 20 to 350°C Domain of application : Burnup up to 64 GWd/tU), Temperature (200 up to 800°C), Strain rate (3.10-4 up to 5 s-1) Material anisotropy (temperature and neutron flux dependant … the anisotropy decreases when the irradiation increase) DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. Ö The GPL law, available in À and CAST3M can now be used to model structures 13 On going research : towards a better interpretation of the PROMETRA test data International collaboration with ANL and Penn State University (USA), JAEA (Japan) and Studsvik (Sweden) underway since 2001: Ö Experimental and analytical Round Robin to exchange and validate experimental practice and test interpretation with Teflon tape 1 Gage ring tensile specimen 2 gauges and dog bone ring tensile specimen DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France 2 gauges ring tensile specimen C. Poussard et al. 14 On going research : towards a better interpretation of the PROMETRA test data International collaboration with ANL and Penn State University (USA), JAEA (Japan) and Studsvik (Sweden) underway since 2001: Ö Experimental and analytical Round Robin to exchange and validate experimental practice and test interpretation 900 45 YS 700ppm 40 UTS 700ppm YS as received 850 35 UTS as received 800 UE, TE (%) YS, UTS (MPa) 30 750 700 YS 700ppm UTS 700ppm 25 YS as received UTS as received 20 15 650 10 600 5 550 0 IK IK DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI SV D U ST L AN EA C EA JA SV D U ST L AN EA C EA JA Lab Lab Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 15 On going research : measurement of local strains Ö Measurement of local strain at failure from Penn State University specimens with a zero strain biaxiality between the notches Room temperature tests Speckle Painting + Image analysis V direction U direction U Cast3m (mm) U Image analysis (mm) DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 16 On going research : measurement of local strains Ö Example of local strain measurements for a ring specimen @350°C through the window of the furnace available in M04 hot cell : movie DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 17 Towards a representative RIA analytical test... CABRI REP Na tests, IRSN DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France Assumption : isotropic plasticity Actual available experiments do not fully represent the biaxiality expected during an RIA : A. Motta et al., ASTM 2004 C. Poussard et al. 18 Towards a representative RIA analytical test... PhD thesis (Matthieu Le Saux) underway to develop further an EDC test with a controlled biaxility Mechanical properties : - Media : inverse identification - Cladding : GPL law Inverse identification of friction coefficients (media vs. jack and media vs. cladding) Computation vs. experiment Modeling Biaxiality εθθp 0 0.41 Aluminium, T = 300°C, μPM = 0, μTM = 0.2 movie EDC ~ pure circumferential loading : DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI ⇒ It is necessary to control the axial deformation Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 19 Summary and closing points PROMETRA represents an extensive material database with : Ö over 250 validated tests results for fresh and high burnup Zircaloys, M5 and Zirlo subjected to thermomechanical transients Ö various geometries tested with high heating rates systems and dynamic testing machines Ö supported by full 3D modeling , indispensable for a correct interpretation of the data Ö over 15 publications worldwide with our colleagues of EDF and IRSN On-going research within PROMETRA : Ö new measuring techniques developed in hot cells (image analysis, acoustic emission, …) Ö new mechanical tests prototypical of reactor biaxial loading Ö constituve equations for a better representation of the material database Ö development of constituve equation coupled with damage DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 20 x2 times faster than real life PROMETRA axial tensile test at high temperature Thank you for your attention ! movie Any questions ? Test specifications : 800°C, 5s-1 Test duration : 18s including Joule effect heating @ 100°C/s DEN/Saclay/DMN/SEMI Experimental Tools & Modelling for Nuclear Safety Studiesof Irradiation in Materials, 10/2007, Saclay, France C. Poussard et al. 21
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