RESTRICTED SAF CLD - SAFTI MI HQ 500 Upper Jurong Road SINGAPORE 638364 CD820/17-14 26 Feb 14 Tel : 6799 7827 Fax : 6799 7402 Dear Commanders, Leaders and Colleagues, 1. In the early part of the new year, let us take a moment to reflect on what is fundamental to us - our SAF Core Values. In the wake of the 'Purple Light' saga in Nov 13, when the SAF did the right thing by responding swiftly to halt the singing of the offensive verse, it is timely to contemplate on what LTC Andrew Wan wrote in his blog: "Let's take this opportunity to re-examine how we conduct our business, and ensure that everything we do is in keeping with our values".1 Only when our 'values in use' are aligned with the organisation's 'espoused values', can the SAF truly be an authentic organisation and achieve sustainable performance to achieve mission success. 2. CLD has often been asked how the SAF inculcates our Core Values in our service personnel. In the SAF, values inculcation is implemented in a systematic manner comprising both 'taught' and 'caught' components. Attached is an article addressing the 'How' of the SAF's values inculcation system. PERSONAL REFLECTIONS 3. DNA of the SAF. The MINDEF/SAF Mission and our Core Values form the DNA of our organisation. It is important for SAF Commanders and Leaders to connect all that we do to the Mission and Core Values. It is also our responsibility to communicate and nurture the ability in our followers to make these connections, thereby enhancing their commitment to task accomplishment. At the fundamental level, the MINDEF/SAF Mission is our reason for existence - to enhance Singapore's peace and security during peacetime and secure a swift and decisive victory during war. At the same time, the SAF Core Values guide us in our decision-making, supported by the Code of Conduct that guide us in our day-to-day behaviours. 4. 3-Stage Values Inculcation Process. The 3-stage values inculcation process comprises alignment, adherence and internalisation. Coming from diverse backgrounds, newly enlisted personnel bring with them personal values that may 1 1 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED or may not be aligned to the SAF Core Values. The initial stage is to elicit the individual's top personal value and align it with the eight SAF Core Values. The stronger the alignment, the greater will be the subsequent affinity between the individual and the SAF. 5. Importance of Role Model. While CLD has developed a structure for the “taught” component of values inculcation, the importance of the “caught” component, through role modelling and story-telling, cannot be understated. When faced with an ethical dilemma or difficult decision, leaders should share the considerations and tensions between the core values as part of their values inculcation efforts. To bring our values alive, SAF Leaders must also have in mind, 3 to 5 personal stories related to the SAF Core Values to be shared at a moment's notice. 6. Resources to Support Values Inculcation. To support the SAF Commanders and Leaders, there are resources available either on the CLD intranet page or in hardcopy format. Do check out these resources and enhance your unit’s development as a values-based organisation. Through our interactions with foreign militaries, it is commonly agreed that by reflecting often on values-related issues, there will be greater awareness, resulting in better decisions when one is ultimately faced with ethical dilemmas. 7. The Soft Stuff is the Hard Stuff. It is the intangible aspects of culture, like Core Values inculcation, that is the hard stuff. The process takes time and it require continuous reinforcements between what is 'taught' at the ROA courses and what is 'caught' at the units, as demonstrated by the leaders' behaviours. Given our hectic schedules, we must take ownership and make the conscious effort to continuously invest in the cultivation of values amongst our followers. In the final analysis, it will be our Mission and Core Values that would guide us, enabling the SAF to emerge steadfast in the weltering seas of change. To end off, allow me to quote Mr. Lim Siong Guan, who wrote in his recent book "The Leader, the Teacher & You": 富不过三代 "Wealth does not last beyond three generations, unless there is a codification of values and principles of successful leadership, and a regular re-expression of the values and principles in ways relevant to each generation." 2 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 8. Through your thoughts and behaviours in the months ahead, may you continue to be a good role model for our Soldiers, Sailors and Airmen. It is also timely to reflect on our SAF Core Values and begin building your unit towards a values-based organisation! Yours sincerely, COL FRED TAN Head SAF Centre for Leadership Development SAFTI Military Institute 3 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED DEVELOPING VALUES-BASED LEADERS IN THE SAF INTRODUCTION 1. Entrusted to enhance peace and security in peacetime and to secure a swift and decisive victory in war, the SAF needs effective leaders who are anchored on the SAF Core Values to lead our soldiers, sailors and airmen to accomplish this sacred mission. 2. Key to helping the SAF achieve our mission is our shared values. The SAF Core Values enable us to trust each other because we know that we stand for the same cause and are guided by the same ethical code. Our shared values foster common understanding of what is right and acceptable. It shapes our behaviours to conform to what is demanded of us as defenders of our nation. 3. More than memorised words, the SAF Core Values define who we are and what we strive to be. They need to be understood deeply, internalised, promulgated and lived. They are the moral compass which we take direction from when making decisions in a dynamic operating environment. PRINCIPAL CONSIDERATIONS 4. In inculcating the SAF Core Values and developing values-based leaders, the Principal Considerations are: a. Hold the SAF Core Values firmly at the core of the organisation as our values define who we are and what we strive to be. b. Requirement for SAF leaders to 'walk the talk' by living the SAF Core Values daily and be positive role models to their subordinates. c. Scaffold the values inculcation program, in accordance to the LD stages, across the ROA course in the SAF. AWARENESS OF SAF CORE VALUES AND CODE OF CONDUCT 5. Core Values and Code of Conduct. All recruits enlisted in the SAF are introduced to the 8 SAF Core Values of Loyalty to Country, Leadership, Discipline, Professionalism, Fighting Spirit, Ethics, Care for Soldier and Safety (Fig 1) and the SAF Code of Conduct (Fig 2) during the Basic Military Training (BMT). In essence, the SAF Core Values guide the SAF personnel in decision-making while the Code of Conduct guides our behaviour. 1 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 6. No Hierarchy of Core Values. While Core Values are frequently displayed in the following order, there is no hierarchy of Core Values as its application is dependent on the context with due considerations to the mission, operating environment and desired outcomes. To reinforce application, SAF Leaders and Instructors are reminded to highlight values-related lessons during the postactivity reviews and debriefs after every training exercise. Fig 1: SAF Core Values Fig 2: SAF Code of Conduct 2 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED 3-STAGE VALUES INCULCATION PROCESS Fig 3: 3-Stage Values Inculcation Process 7. To holistically implement values inculcation in the SAF, the Centre for Leadership Development (CLD) has mapped out a 3-stage values inculcation process comprising of Alignment, Adherence and Internalisation (Fig 3): a. Stage 1 (Alignment): This stage involves clarification of the individual's personal values before aligning them with the SAF Core Values. Set in a workshop manner, the following are the steps: (1) Self reflection - What is important to you? What are your priorities in life? - How do you make important choices? - Reflect on your time in the SAF so far, what are your most significant memories? (2) Identify 5 most important personal values - From 5 values, summarize to 3 values - From 3 values, summarize to 1 value 3 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED (3) Values Alignment Map - On a paper draw how your Personal Value is aligned to the SAF Core Values (bold = strong alignment, dotted = weak alignment, nil = no alignment). b. Stage 2 (Adherence): This stage will see the leaders 'doing the right thing' to avoid punishments or for the sake of conformity. To support the development of SAF Leaders, CLD has implemented the following resources: (1) Case Studies. To support their development, Case Studies are selected to allow small group (followed by large) discussions. Participants are encouraged to identify situations when it is difficult to do the right thing (e.g. peer pressure, not wanting to 'spoil the market', form over substance, expediency). Participants are also made aware of the "10 Threats to Ethical Actions". (2) SAF Core Values Software. With the LEARNet platform promoting blended learning, the SAF Core Value Software is able to make values come alive for the participants. These softwares begin with video clips of dilemmas being acted out. Participants are then required to select the most appropriate response, which would lead to other consequential choices. (3) Serious Games. Developed specially for young leaders between the ages of 16 to 24 yrs old, a total of eight game scenarios challenge the player over a five hour gameplay. The game aims to impart critical thinking behaviours in order to enable young leaders to make better decisions at the small unit level. (4) Storytelling. Storytelling is introduced to junior leaders through the Action Learning Process (ALP), where the 2-5-11 and the STOP2 models are suggested as tools for the Before Activity and During Activity Reviews respectively. For Senior Leaders, organisational storytelling workshops are conducted to enhance 1 For 2-5-1 model, two (2) stands for Introduction & Ice Breaker, five (5) verbalizes the key points of the story through emotive forms (e,g. fear, concern, frustration/anger, lessons learnt, effect), and one (1) summarises the takeaway of the story. 2 The STOP model starts with what is seen (S), what the individual is thinking (T), what opinion (O) does he/she hold, and what is the main point (P) being put across to the rest of the team. STOP model is extremely useful in a huddle or time out, and is intended to help the leader highlight key observations for immediate counteraction, which is an important aspect of learning. 4 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED communications and engagement. Success in this area depends on our leaders' ability to understand, use and reinforce common narratives to build the culture and impart organisational values. (5) Character Development Through Sports (CDTS). The U.S. General Douglas MacArthur once said: "On the fields of friendly strife are sown the seeds that on other days, on other fields will bear the fruits of victory". With sports being a close proxy to warfighting, the Character Development Through Sports (CDTS) programme was implemented in SAFTI MI courses to develop the SAF leaders' character as well as a practical opportunity to discuss and demonstrate the SAF Core Values. c. Stage 3 (Internalisation): This stage will see SAF Leaders internalise and apply the SAF Core Values in context by considering the tensions between the various Core Value to arrive at the best course of action. Modules like the "Ethics in Command", "Peace-Keeping Operations Scenario-Based Discussions" and "Storytelling of Personal Experiences" are scaffolded in the SWI courses, Tri-Service Warfighting Course, Goh Keng Swee Command & Staff Course and Senior Commanders' Programme. Through these ethics modules, SAF Leaders will begin to reflect and think about what the SAF Core Values mean to them personally and how they could uphold these values in their daily lives. ROLE MODEL AND REINFORCEMENT 8. Role Model. To really bring alive the SAF Core Values, SAF Leaders are expected to 'walk the talk' and be positive role models in their daily lives. Instructors and Unit Commanders are reminded that one key factor that impedes efforts to inculcate values in any organisation is when there is a widespread perception of hypocrisy in the leadership i.e. when people feel there is a disconnect between the 'espoused values' and 'values in use'. Ultimately, it is important to note that values are not just “taught” but also “caught” through the leaders’ actions. 9. Reinforcement. In day-to-day unit activities, values inculcation efforts must also be supported by consistent reinforcement to reward those who demonstrate the 'right' values and discourage those who fall short of the agreed behaviours. As part of developing our subordinates, SAF Leaders should seize every coachable moment during interactions to reinforce and draw alignment to the SAF Core Values. In addition, the SAF Leaders could also 5 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED share with their followers, the rationale and considerations, based on the SAF Core Values, when making difficult decisions. SAF CORE VALUES RESOURCES 10. Listed below are the resources available (through CLD) to support the inculcation of the SAF Core Values: S/No Title a. SAF Core Values Handbook & Pocket Guide Remarks Baseline information on the SAF Core Values. b. Leadership & Values Workbook Workbook to guide junior leaders through their development journey in command schools. c. Stand Fast Compilation of Stories involving the SAF Core Values. d. Values in Action Case Studies for Instructors and Unit Commanders involving the SAF Core Values. e. Leading Our Soldiers Well Case Studies involving leadership and SAF Core Values in an Army Battalion. f. “Decisive Combat” Serious Games Serious Games to impart values and critical thinking skills to enable young leaders to make better decisions. PC version available; IOS/Andriod version ready by Apr 14. 6 RESTRICTED RESTRICTED CONCLUSION 11. The SAF Core Values foster a common understanding of what is right and acceptable in the SAF. It shapes all SAF personnel's behaviours to conform to what is demanded of them as defenders of our nation. Thus for the SAF, values inculcation should not be left to chance but instead, be holistically implemented to ensure success. With the SAF Core Values rooted in our hearts and minds, we will have the strength of character and commitment to achieve our mission. 12. Submitted for information, please. COL FRED TAN Hd SAF Centre for Leadership Development SAFTI Military Institute 7 RESTRICTED
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