Report about: By: - BI

Report about:
Professional visit at the Library of Leipzig
(Universitätsbibliothek Leipzig)
(From 2nd until 27thJune, 2014)
Khaled Mohamed Ali
Ashraf Fouda Abd El-Hamid
Reference Librarians
German University in Cairo
June 2014
Report about Professional visit – the library of Leipzig University - June, 2014
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First of all, we would like to thank BI-International (Bibliothek & information international) for
supporting us financially in this professional visit as a sponsor and we want to express our sincere
gratitude to Prof. Dr. Ulrich Johannes Schneider, the general director of Leipzig University
Library as he invited us to visit the library.
Secondly, we would like to thank everyone who contributed to organize and prepare this
professional visit successfully, especially Dr. Sophia Manns-Süßbrich - Subject Librarian for
English, American and Slavic studies, Training Unit at Leipzig university library, Prof. Dr.
Ashraf Mansour – GUC chairman & prime founder, Prof. Dr. Mahmoud Hashim – GUC
president, Eng. Essam Hamouda - the general secretary of GUC, Dr. Salah Hegazi – the general
director of GUC library, Mr. Essam Shabaan – the senior librarian at GUC library, Mr. Haytham
Darwish - the senior librarian at GUC library.
As well we would particularly like to thank all our colleagues in GUC and all librarians at the
Library of Leipzig University for their cooperation with us and their nice welcoming and we wish
to express our gratitude to Mrs. Christiane Hofmann, Dr. Istvan-tibor Nebel, Dr. Christoph
Mackert, Mrs. Beate Wiesmüller, Mrs. Ute Feller, Mrs. Anna Wypych, Mrs. Nadine Quenouille,
Mrs. Sylvia Kabelitz, Mrs. Katharina Malkawi, Mrs. Ulrika Heinze, Mrs. Lucia Hacker, Mrs.
Lisa Perchermeier, Mrs. Viola Eberlein, Mrs. Zander, Mr. Jürgen Posselt, Dr. Henriette Rösch,
Mr. Jens Lazarus, Mr. Bjorn Muschall, Mrs. Gabriella Jenoffy, Mrs. Evelyn Weiser, Mrs. Birgit
Neumann, Mrs. Cornelia Ranft, Mrs. Katrin Brüggemann, Mrs. Ute Stephan.
Report about Professional visit – the library of Leipzig University - June, 2014
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Leipzig University library, historical tour:
Leipzig University was founded in 1409 that‟s making it one of the oldest universities in Germany, in
addition to cover most of fields and disciplines through its14 faculty such as:
Faculty of Law.
Faculty of History, Arts and Oriental Studies.
Faculty of Philology.
Faculty of Education.
Faculty of Social Sciences and Philosophy.
Faculty of Economics and Management Science.
Faculty of Sport Science.
Faculty of Medicine.
Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science.
Faculty of Biosciences, Pharmacy and
Faculty of Physics and Earth Sciences.
Faculty of Chemistry and Mineralogy.
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine.
The library of Leipzig University was founded in the year 1543by rector Casper Borner starting with
1000 books and around 1500 manuscripts from the stocks of secularized monasteries.
In 1616 a permanent librarian was appointed, and from 1833 the University Library was open every
day. It became necessary to move to a bigger building due to the great increase in the book shelves,
including taking over Goethe collection from the publisher Salomon Hirzel, but in particular through
the rise in printing in the 19th century. In 1891 the library moved to a new building in
Beethovenstraße, which has been based on neo Renaissance style designs by Arwed Rossbach. The
new library was named “Bibliotheca Albertina” after the monarch King Albert of Saxony. The
building was destroyed to a great extent in the Second World War and was barely usable until 2002,
when the library building was re-opened after eight years of extension and renovation.
Now there are around five million volumes, 5.2 million media units and around 7.200 periodicals,
200.000 volumes are available in the open shelves, with 780 reading places available. In addition the
library has a number of special collections including around 8.700 manuscripts and now the library is
one of the oldest university libraries that serves and cover most of disciplines and faculties through
which its branches such as Bibliotheca Albertina, library of bioscience, campus library, library of
chemistry, library of educational science…etc.
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The branches of Leipzig University Library:
There are many branches such as:
Bibliotheca Albertina (the main library).
Library of Biosciences.
Textbook Collection.
Computer Sciences.
Communication and Media Studies.
Library of Chemistry.
German Literary Institute (DLL).
Library of Educational Sciences.
Library of Geography.
Library of Earth Sciences.
Library of Archaeology, Prehistory and Ancient
Library of Arts.
Library of Health Sciences and medicine.
Library of Musicology.
Oriental Library.
Library of Psychology.
Library of Law.
Library of Sports Sciences.
Library of Veterinary Medicine.
 All branches: (2011 / 19 – 2012 / 18 – 2013 / 17).
The professional visit program:
Actually, this visit was very important and useful for us because we visited all libraries and
departments which are shown in the hereunder plan and these tours helped us to get more experiences
in all daily work procedures:
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From 2-4 pm
From10-12 am
Library of
Medicine – ELearning.
Albertina Introduction to
your stay.
From 10-12 am
From 1:30 pm
then central
to fetch the
Albertina –
specialist: tasks
2:00 pm
Meeting with
prof. Dr.
Schneider, head
of the library.
Whitsun feast.
From 10-12
am / 2-4 pm
From 10-12 am /
2-4 pm
From 9-11am
Albertina –
From 10-12 am / From 10-12 am /
2-4 pm
2-4 pm
Albertina –
Albertina User Services in
the library.
Albertina Web Based User
Services: Chat,
Blog, facebook.
From10-12 am
From 10-12
am / 2-4 pm
Library of
Biology Branches.
From 10-12 am / From 10-12 am /
2-4 pm
2-4 pm
From 9-11 am
Albertina IT department,
new catalog, ITrelated projects.
DepartmentDatabases, EBooks.
Library of
Biology –
Branches –
guide tour and
workshops for
From 10-12
am / 2-4 pm
From 10-12
am / 2-4 pm
From 10-12 am /
2-4 pm
Albertina –
Campus library,
and media
Report about Professional visit – the library of Leipzig University - June, 2014
Day off
Day off
Day off
Day off
Day off
Day off
From 9-11am
Library of
Library of
Medicine Guided Tour
and introducing
the teaching
From 2-4 pm
Departure day
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Around Leipzig university libraries:
1. The library users:
The library of Leipzig University serves the teaching, research and scholarly activities of the
University faculties, staff and students and also serves and opens for the public users.
With regard to the students of Leipzig University, they are automatically members of Leipzig
University Library, Their University card is their library card and they must activate this card
at the service desk of the library after that they can use the University card as library card,
allowing using all library services including circulation.
With regard to the administrators and academic Staff of Leipzig University, they can get
their library card at the service desk of the library but to get the card you must have an
employee identification card then you can use the library service including circulation.
With regard to the public users, they need a library card to can use the library and
library services, so at the first they must be member in the library so they should bring
their identification card and a registered residence in Germany but its valid a minimum
age of 16 years until the age of 18, the library will ask for the parent‟s permission and
they will pay a non-refundable fee to get the library card.
 Active users: (2011 / 28.992 – 2012 / 29.246 – 2013 / 29.173).
 Students of University: (2011 / 28.125 – 2012 / 28.214).
 All library staff: (2011 / 220 – 2012 / 227 – 2013 / 223).
2. The library system(Libero System):
All Leipzig university libraries are connected with the same system which is available in each other
and this system is available on the library website (
and everyone can use it for searching for any subject or title in simple search or can use the advanced
search then he/she will find the bibliographic data are available and the case of material if it's
available at the library or not, after that when he/she click on the title which he/she need will transfer
to another page to see all details about the book and from this page he/she can take citation or send as
e-mail or he/she can use QR code or print this record.
Also in the online catalog any user can doing research based on types of resource like article, Earticle, audio, book, E-book, Braille, musical score and so on or by branch library like Bibliotheca
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Albertina, archaeologies, oriental library or area like freehand,
Textbook Collection, Magazine and so on and also the users can make a reservation for any materials
available for borrowing out the library after that if this book in borrowing the library system will not
renew the borrowing period for the user who already borrowed it now, and in another side this system
sending automatically reminder for all users to remind them about due date.
 Searches in catalogue: (2011 / 10.342.975 – 2012 / 12.319.394).
 Searches in electronic journals: (2011 / 2.523.090 – 2012 / 2.716.745).
3. The library services:
The libraries offer a lot of services such as:
Circulation: to borrow books you will need a student card or library card to borrow books
and other materials, there is a limit of 30 items you can check out at the same time and the
loan period is 30 days for students and 90 days for teaching staff, after that the students can
renew the borrowing period for 30 days but it's depend on the pressure on this book and in
other side the library system sending reminder mail for all borrower before three days about
date due.
 Any special collection, reference books are not for borrowing out the library.
 Any user late to return the book he will pay fine.
Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC): the library catalog is available on the website for all
users to doing research about any title or author or publisher …etc, and in this OPAC
helping the users to narrow or board the search like simple search or advanced search.
 Searches on website: (2012 / 4.137.672).
Copying and scanning: this service helping the users to get any copy from any materials
which they want to get scan from this material and there aren't any restrictions on this
services and this service is not for free, at the first the users must pay the money by their
card and start to scan or copying the pages.
Computers for users: there are around 80 computers inside bibliotheca Albertina and other
computers are available for using inside all library branches and also the users can use their
laptops inside the library.
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Online databases: the library has a lot of databases which are available for all users but in
this point I want to refer to some databases are not available outside the library and other
available outside the library, these databases cover most of fields like Medicine – African
studies – classical studies – English and American studies – chemistry – geography – art
history – agriculture – musicology – physics – philosophy – political science… and so on.
 The library cooperated with other libraries in Saxony consortium to share the same
databases between each other.
Lockers for students: in the library we can find lockers for student to leave their luggage's
every day but at the end of day these locker must be empty and there are another kind of
lockers are available for student to use it for 30 days with a key.
Offices for post graduate: in the library you can find study rooms for post graduate for their
work in the bachelor and they can use it for 6 month with the office and locker in this room.
Citavi software program: Reference management software Citavi Free License for Students
and Scientists at University of Leipzig in co-operation with the University's computer center
(UCC) and the Research Academy Leipzig, they are offering a campus license for the desktop
reference management software Citavi, this program is available free of charge for students
and Employees of Leipzig University.
Courses in English: the library announce on the website about courses, these courses helps
the users to become acquainted with the library„s services and these courses for all students,
scientific staff and interested public and every user want to get this course at the first he/she
must register and fill the form on the library website and he/she will find all information
about this course.
Here is list from courses are available:
Introduction into library services and catalog.
Scientific databases in Arts and Humanities.
Introduction to databases in the Life Sciences (PubMed and Web of Science).
Citavi - Reference Management System.
Workshop for PhD Students: Citavi and Databases.
Interlibrary loan (ILL): Books, journal articles and other media available neither in Leipzig
University Library nor in any other public library in Leipzig can be requested via interlibrary
loan from external libraries.
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Interlibrary loan works according to the Guidelines for Interlibrary Loan in the Federal
Republic of Germany and also Requests may be submitted online via the online request form,
using one form for each item (book, article, chapter…etc.) but for submitting a request you
will need a transaction number (TAN) and one transaction number is 1, 50 Euro, you will get
them at the circulation desk of the Leipzig University Library.
The cost: there is a small non-refundable administration fee for each request made around 1,
50 Euro are charged for one request. For article requests including more than 20 pages an
additional fee is charged, depending on how many pages have been requested. This
additional fee is issued by the supplier library.
Delivery timeframe: delivery time depends on the supplier library. Books and articles are
usually supplied within 2-4 weeks. Urgent requests can be made via fee-based document
delivery services.
Loan period / Returning / Renewals: loan period and renewals depend on the regulations of
the supplier library. Generally, the loan period is four weeks plus time for delivering and
returning the items.
 Interlibrary loan to others :( 2011 / 35.224 – 2012 / 35.246 – 2013 /
 Interlibrary loan from others: (2011 / 17.018 – 2012 / 15.697 – 2013 /
Chatting with librarian: the library has many ways to contact with the users like telephone
numbers, e-mail, facebook account and twitter or chatting with the users but in all of them the
main purpose is how to send the information to the users by easy way? So anybody want to
get more information about the library or any another information will find most of ways to
get this information.
4. The library collections:
There are many types of the collections such as Books, E-books, Journals, E- journals, Articles, Earticles, Thesis, Musical score, Microforms, Audio, Video, Maps, Manuscripts, Braille.
Some statistics:
Books available around: (5.500.000).
The old papyrus around: (8.700).
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Autographs around: (240).
Printed materials before (1501.3.700).
Medieval manuscripts: (2.200).
Coins across the world: (82.000).
Plates: (15.000).
Thesis around: (671514).
Musical Score around: (94061).
Microform around: (20044).
Audio around: (5641).
Video around: (3852).
Website around: (141).
Electronic Resource (Remote Access) around: (136).
Budget in 2013 (€): (4.038.208).
The library has a lot of collections like the above types, also the library has printed materials such as
books, periodicals, manuscripts, old books which cover all subjects like Medicine – African studies –
classical studies – English and American studies – chemistry – geography – art history – agriculture –
musicology – physics – philosophy – political science and also the library has a lot of special
collections which cover the oldest era and these collections have special rank and special areas.
The acquisition and cataloging department is divided into four parts like (monographs, periodicals,
media, cataloging and special collections) and this department is responsible for purchasing new
collections and also cataloging all library collections.
 Every user can help the library to collect the new titles through their
suggestion but the library can accept or reject this suggestion based on the
library budget.
 Every subject librarian from other branches have right to suggest the new
 All special collections aren‟t for borrowing out the library.
5. The current technologies:
The library of Leipzig University has a lot of modern technologies which help the users and all staff
to be in the top all the time such as:
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Self-borrowing machine: there are many self-borrowings machines are available in all
library branches to help the users to serve themselves after this process the user will get
Self-return machine: there are many self-returning machines for the borrowing materials
which help the libraries users to return the books by themselves after this process the users
will get receipt.
Self- borrowing machines
Self- return machines
Library Information machine: in the main library there is machine inside the library beside
the security desk this machine showing everything that you want to know about the
university history and the library halls and its division and when pressing on any category
the machine will entry to this page to give you information about this category and if you
Want to go back to the previous page it's available.
Library information machine
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RFID: this is securing system using for keeping books and another printed materials from
theft by putting the slice in the back of materials and read it by the system which connected
with library system to activate or deactivate this slice.
Copying machines: there are a lot of copies machines are available in the library to facilitate
to students if they want to get a photocopy from the information resource.
Scanning machines: also scanners are available for users but in the binding department there
are another deferent types using for scanning from manuscripts and any damaged materials
and also there are machines connected with digital camera and connected with computer to
take a photocopy for these materials.
Recharge balance machine: This machine is used to recharge the ID card balance to use it to
take copying, scanning copy from any books and other materials. Where the two services
that offer by fee.
Scanning machine
recharge machine
6. Projects at Leipzig university library:
These projects already available in the library but some of these now are completed projects and other
under processing and the next table contain some of these projects:
Project starting
Managing Library Electronic Resources using Linked Data (English version
will be available shortly)
Literature worldwide online
Sixteenth-century printed books
Autograph collection
Greek manuscripts
Search engine based discovery interface "finc"
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Project starting
Alfred Hoffmann Sinica Library
Journals of the Enlightenment
Jaina Manuscripts
Becker Music Library
Small collections of medieval manuscripts
Handbook of Saxon Monasteries
Watermarks Information system
Portrait index
Correspondence between Wolff and Manteuffel
Karl Bücher estate
Incunabulae and blockbooks
Implementation of RFID-Technology
Collection of Ostraka
Refaiya family library from Damascus
Conversion of conventional catalogues
German manuscripts of the Dresden State Library
Virtual library “medienbühne film”
Correspondence of Gottsched
Media and communication studies
Illegal acquisitions from the NS-period
Journal "Annals of Natural Philosophy"
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Bibliotheca Albertina (main library):
Bibliotheca Albertina is one of the oldest libraries that we saw in our life, at the first day in this library
we have met with Dr. Sophia Manns-Süßbrich who was very cooperative with us and helped us to get
a lot of precious information after that we have met with Prof. Dr. Ulrich Johannes Schneider, the
general director of Leipzig University Library.
At the first we want to talk about this library in the next points:
 The library opening hours:
 From Monday to Saturday from 8 am - 24 pm.
 Research reading room from Monday to Friday from 9 am -18 pm.
 On Saturday from 10 am -15 pm.
 The library special collections:
Leipzig University Library currently holds around 10,100 manuscripts, around 25,000 prints from the
16th century, 173,000 autographs, and 230 estates of writers, professors, and artists, 15,000 engraved
portraits and 85,000 coins and medals.
Leipzig University Library has had a huge collection of papyrus since the beginning of the 20th
century. Unique among its holdings is Papyrus Ebers (1600 AD), a medical manuscript that came into
the library thanks to Egyptologist Georg Ebers in 1872. The complete manuscript measures 19 meters
in length.
Leipzig University Library has a collection of more than 2,000 western medieval manuscripts and is
the largest manuscript collection in the East of Germany besides Berlin. Most manuscripts entered the
library at its foundation in 1543.
There are more than 3,000 manuscripts in Arabic, Persian, or Turkish. These came into the library in
both the early 17th century and later periods so Leipzig University Library runs several projects in
cooperation with the Institute of Oriental Studies at Leipzig University with the aim of cataloguing
and digitizing most of its Oriental Manuscripts.
Leipzig University Library possesses many rare and unique manuscripts and prints, these include the
Mahzor Lipsiae, a richly illuminated Hebrew prayer book in two volumes from the early 14th century,
the Mongol Qur'an from a workshop in Baghdad, where it was produced in an extra-large format and
with golden letters in 1306, and the Codex Sinaiticus, 43 leaves of the earliest Greek Bible manuscript
to contain the entire New Testament.
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The Leipzig leaves are the first to have been found by Constantine Tischendof in 1844, Leipzig
University Library also has the first edition of Nicolas Copernicus' seminal work De Revolutionibus
(1543) the copy was owned by Johannes Kepler. Discovered in 2006, the Heliand fragment
documents the first use of German as a literary language. It was written in the 9th century as a
paraphrased version of the Bible.
 The library reading halls and division: There are many reading halls which you can see
it in the hereunder map:
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Library of Medicine:
In this library we have met Dr. Istvan-tibol Neber who is responsible for E-learning so in this session
he gave us most of important information and in the second visit we have met with Mrs. Christiane
Hofmann so we want to refer to the next points:
1. The library opening hours:
 From Monday to Saturday from 8 am -19 pm.
 On Friday 8 am- 18 pm.
 On Saturday 10 am – 16 pm.
2. The medicine library is divided into three branches to cover all medicine field but all
branches at the same street and all of these branches follow the hospital in the management so
the hospital is responsible for the library budget and also the main library is responsible for
another part from the library budget as cooperation between the hospital and the main library
There are around 40.000 books and other materials are available in this library and its
branches without the online databases and also there are 12 PCs for using inside the library
and the current amount of the librarian who working there 15 person and in the future there is
a plan to collect a lot of libraries in one building but this plan under processing until now.
3. At the beginning of the academic year Dr. Nebel arranging presentation session for all
students to talk about the library databases especially for new comers and tell them more
information about how can they use the library and E-books and databases and tell them about
the library policy based on the virtual tour to help the users to get all information about the
library and its services.
4. Newsletter: every month the library sends the newsletter for academic staff to follow all
events and news also send the license to use the e-book or e-periodicals …and so on.
5. About databases: the library has a lot of databases through which can help all users to find
any subject which they want to get it and these databases divided into two parts, the first part
has green color (databases which can use it outside the campus) and the second part has
yellow color (databases which can't use it outside the campus).
The databases are available for the users on the library website and listed by subject for all
fields and discipline and the medicine is part from all databases and the number in front of the
databases name is mean the total databases we will find when we click on the database name
and now the hereunder list is contain some databases for example:
Afrikanistik (33)
Allgemeine und vergleichende Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft (233)
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Biologie (277)
Chemie (130)
Geowissenschaften (104)
Geschichte (985)
Kunstgeschichte (287)
Medien- und Kommunikationswissenschaften, Publizistik, Film- und
Theaterwissenschaft (178)
Medizin (288)
Musikwissenschaft (148)
Naturwissenschaftallgemein (82)
Pädagogik (111)
Pharmazie (66)
6. About Citavi program: this program is available for all users from the library to help them to
collect the data or information to help them to continue their research and any user want to
download or know more about this program can join to web site:
Citavi is ideal for the library's instructional sessions. When you teach Citavi, you‟re also
teaching how to search for sources, use the library, join ideas, and cite correctly. In Citavi,
OPACs, link resolvers, and research databases are only a click away, also with Citavi you can
search resources from around the world, create tasks, analyze texts, save quotations and ideas,
create outlines for drafts and write reports, articles, or books - faster and more efficiently than
you ever thought possible. Citavi is the only tool of its type this comprehensive and the only
program that supports the entire research process.
7. About QR code: there is a deference between barcode and QR code as the barcode can save
numbers or simple data but QR code is one of the modern services which helping the users to
read the full text in any language by mobile through downloading the QR code mobile
software application and take a photo or read by this application after installation then they
can read it on the mobile because the QR code related with the books or articles or any
material they want to read.
QR code
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Library of oriental studies:
The library opening hours:
 Anthropology, Indology, Japanese Studies, Oriental Studies, Religious Studies, Chinese
Studies, Central Asian Studies.
Opening times during semester time (from 1 march to the end of the same month,
 From Monday to Friday from 9 am -18 pm.
Opening times during the semesters.
 On Monday9 am- 20 pm.
 Ancient near eastern studies.
 Monday to Friday 9:00 am - 17:00 pm.
The library of oriental studies is one of the greatest libraries as it's contain a lot of precious materials
in a lot of language like Arabic, English Germany, Chinese, Japanese and Indian language and also
cover most of subjects like Anthropology, Indology, Japanese Studies, Oriental Studies, Religious
Studies, Chinese Studies, Central Asian studies and its materials around 120.000 books and other
materials all of them available in open stacks.
This library has around 6000 books in Arabic language in all fields and there is another location for
Egyptology this location devoted just for the books which cover Egyptian history and all things about
Library of Biology:
The library of biology is one of the important libraries as it's contain a lot of books and other materials
in all topics in biology science and also in English language and German language and all materials in
this library cover most of related topics like computer science, dictionaries, and there are a lot of
materials not for borrowing outside the library and another materials available to use outside the
library also the library website offer a lot of databases which cover the same topics.
In this visit Mrs. Eberlein arranged a trip with us to visit:
Geology branch which has around 15.000 maps and around 2.000 books from the oldest era
and also 2.000 books and other materials which cover geological and bio-geological science.
Veterinary Medicine branch which has about 40,000 volumes from the fields of veterinary
medicine, human medicine, biology, chemistry, physics and agriculture and these include
books, journals, dissertations, and conference proceedings.
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Chemistry and physics branch which cover chemistry and physics science and also cover
coordination chemistry, organometallic, structural chemistry, chemistry of natural products,
heterocyclic chemistry, thermal separation of substances, mathematical physics, quantum
field theory, statistical physics, theory of elementary particles, molecular physics, solid state
Campus library, Historical tour:
After the Second World War Bibliotheca Albertina was badly destroyed so offered only limited
access to the collection and around 1950/1960s a huge amount of people starting studies in Leipzig
University so the library needed to open new rooms to cater the user‟s needs.
In the heart of the city of Leipzig the University erected a campus including a library with large
reading rooms but most books in closed stacks only accessible for staff, staff offices without windows
so during the 1990s the campus at Augustus Square needed to reconstruction and renovation and the
expectations of users started to change.
The annual anniversary of the University provided the money to realize new ideas:
More open access areas.
Still more reading places.
Group study rooms.
Recreation areas.
Unite smaller branch libraries (formerly distributed all over Leipzig) to get a bigger
Automated charging and returning of books.
Campus-Bibliotheca was opened in September 2009 after the complete reshape of the interior of the
1970‟s library building. Campus-Bibliotheca was and is integrated in the university complex at
Augustus Square. It is not a separate building but part of the lecture hall building.
Opening hours:
The library opening 24 hours.
From Monday to Friday from 8 am to 7 pm.
On Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm.
During the night there are 2 persons from an external firm guarantee the security of the users.
Around 3000 – 4.500 users per day.
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Around 10 % from users are coming to the library between
10pm and 7 am.
2 subject librarians.
3 diploma librarians.
9 library assistants.
1 person responsible for IT.
20 student assistants (5 hours per week for everyone) helping reshelf the returned books and
for Wi-Fi consultation.
Around 250.000 volumes (with room for 500.000 volumes) on five floors.
Ground floor: Central textbook collection for the social sciences and the humanities around
(40.000 volumes) and several copies of standard textbooks, school books, language courses,
The majority of the books are placed in the open access areas (over 80 %).
550 reading desks on the different floors.
10 group study rooms for up to 12 persons.
4 carrels intended for students writing their PhD thesis.
Couches and armchairs for comfortable reading.
1 training class room with 24 computers used for introductory courses to databases and
literature management systems.
German national library
Opening hours
Reading rooms, Registration and check-out desk:
 Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 22:00 pm.
 Saturday 10:00 am – 18:00 pm.
 Monday – Friday 9:00 am – 19:00 pm.
 Saturday 10:00 am – 18:00 pm.
Music Reading Room:
 Monday – Saturday 10:00 am – 18:00 pm.
Museum Reading Room:
 Monday – Saturday 10:00 am – 18:00 pm.
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Permanent exhibition of the German Museum of Books and Writing
(Deutsches Buch- und Schrift museum):
 Tuesday – Sunday 10:00 am – 18:00 pm.
 Thursday 10:00 am – 20:00 pm.
The German National Library in brief:
The German National Library is entrusted with the task of collecting, permanently archiving,
classifying and making available to the general public all German and German-language publications
from 1913, foreign publications about Germany, translations of German works, and the works of
German-speaking immigrants published abroad between 1933 and 1945. The German National
Library maintains co-operative relations on the national and international level. It is, for instance, the
leading partner in developing and maintaining rules and standards in Germany and plays a significant
role in the development of international standards.
It is a federal institution with legal capacity under public law. The annual funds provided from the
budget of the Minister of State for Culture and the Media currently amount to roughly EUR 46
The German National Library was preceded by several institutions, these included the Deutsche
Bücherei, founded in Leipzig in 1912, and the Deutsche Bibliothek Frankfurt is Main, established in
1946. The German Music Archive (Deutsches Musikarchiv) was founded in Berlin and has been part
of the German National Library since 1970; it has been based in Leipzig since December 2010. The
archive is responsible for the processing and bibliographic indexing of sheet music and sound
recordings. The reunification of Germany saw these facilities amalgamated into a single institution. In
2006 the legal brief of the library was expanded and it was given a new name: Deutsche National
bibliothek (German National Library).
Archiving and media use take place at both locations, the work of literature processing is shared
between them. This system allows each location to offer a complete collection and provide a full
range of services.
In addition, each location is allocated certain principal tasks. The historic Leipzig library houses the
German Museum of Books and Writing (DeutschesBuch- und Schrift museum), the German Music
Archive, the Sammlung Exil-Literatur 1933 - 1945 and the Anne-Frank-Shoah-Bibliotheca.
The Frankfurt site of the German National Library is responsible for the development of information
and communication technology, including development and management of the central database. It
handles the production, marketing and distribution of national bibliographic services. Frankfurt is also
home to the German Exile Archive 1933 - 1945 (Deutsches Exilarchiv).
At the end of 2012 the German National Library held a total of roughly 27.8 million media units.
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German Museum of Books and Writing in brief.
The book has shaped the culture and civilization like no other medium. For centuries the knowledge
about the world and its peoples has been stored, handed down and updated in books. The task of the
German Museum of Books and Writing (DeutschesBuch- und Schrift museum) is to collect, exhibit
and process evidence of book and media history. Founded in 1884 as the Deutsches Buchgewerbe
museum (German Book Trade Museum), it was integrated in the Deutsche Bücherei in 1950
following the loss of its building and some of its stock in the Second World War. It is the oldest book
culture museum in the world, and also one of the most important with regard to the scope and quality
of its collection.
The main focus of the museum's work today is on the book and its myriad aspects: as an ingenious
invention and as the product of economic and technical processes, as a social icon and the most
important vehicle of culture, as a work of art and as a censored and burned repository of ideas. Even
after the transition to the era of digital networks, the museum has two main functions. It is a museum
which acts as an academic documentation Centre for book and media history. But it is also an inviting
and vibrant place of cultural education, aimed at bringing culture to a wider audience and attracting
visitors with its exhibitions and educational programs.
The opening of the 4th annex building of the German National Library in Leipzig sees the German
Museum of Books and Writing enter a new era. Air-conditioned store rooms, expanded work areas
and generously proportioned public areas provide optimum conditions for the long-term storage and
use of the collection. A modern reading room houses the specialist library and more than one million
museum objects for research, study and practical use. The new display vault features a small selection
of special collection items, ranging from medieval manuscripts and early Bible prints through to
unique artists' books. The museum gallery is aimed at younger users aged between 6 and 16 in
particular, and provides them with an opportunity to learn all about writing, books and paper in a
more informal environment, serving as a show case for the German National Library, the museum's
new permanent exhibition provides an insight into 5000 years of media history. Entitled "Characters Books - Networks: From Cuneiform to Binary Code", it spans everything from the rise of early
writing systems via book printing with movable type through to the digital online world, and also
offers a light-hearted overview of the future of the information society. As a supplement to the
permanent exhibition, the virtual exhibition features trenchant histories, pictures, films and sound
recordings related to 5000 years of human and media history.
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Conclusion and suggestions:
In fact, there is no doubt that the professional visit was very important for us to improve our
experiences to be useful for raising the efficiency of daily work so we would like to talk about:
1. This training helped us to get a new vision to deal with a huge amount of users, the various
services, the information resources and the current technologies, the different types of the
users, the different types of the information materials.
2. We visited various libraries which contributed us to see the daily work procedures in all
departments, so now we can say we have got a lot of experiences in the daily work of
3. Visiting a lot of libraries and departments helped us to know How can we work under
pressure, How can we solve a lot of daily work problems, How can we make orientation to
give more information about the library for users, and How can we make a future plan to help
our current library to take another step forward?.
4. The future plan is very important to support the services and benefits for the users, so in all
libraries where we visited there are short plan for the short term and long plan for the long
term so in my opinion we need to do this idea in our organization and we already know how
can we do future plan for short term and long term?.
5. In Leipzig university libraries a lot of databases are available for users and the libraries
cooperated with another libraries in Saxony consortium to share all databases between each
other to reduce the purchasing cost and cover all disciplines, also in my opinion we need to
cooperate in our country with other libraries in consortium to share the databases between
many libraries and also to reduce the purchasing cost and get another benefits.
Finally, we are very happy, as we got most of benefits and experiences through which we
can help ourselves and our library to get another step forward by new solutions and
procedures for daily work.
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Photo gallery
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