ffi SCDT{ GOVERNMENT oF rNDIA sRBBp POSr eftlq 6rqFq, ctrqq etr, +II-{CT ffi r*rlcnrr,; G t!-.tdq qqt crmng qR*dq rndq rurNrsrRy oF ENvrRoNMENr, FoRESrs .LIMATE .HANGE nani^--r -::':*:o":tn#1iffi*i*#' AND'##HiPJtl,lfl?il?fxyf:; p-5,1ffi0x flnavi snanr"uiN"ugur, s \ _.rlcrd (rovo)/Bhopal-46}0l6tM]p.l aAm-*r / Te ef ax-2 42 6 49 6,2 +'62 6 I I5 2 465 I 0Z er5sro /E-rnail : rowz.bpl_rn [email protected] ?rqr.D: 6-MPA-13/2014_BHO/ qfr, Itr' oB notzou. Z 6q * gqo cfto dtrfr, Tr6f{6 qq qufuftero, qqiq{"I, qq \'q q-dqE qRq-dq qTrdq, GTFry. Tft-frq, g,a qdli, gfugr qqiqi'r.Tfi, qtq qm Qc, oTtrq, 1S lqc'cll - 110003 -JAA frEq: Proposal for diversion of 169.281 ha. for Rehabilitation of Village Bhadbhurl from the Bori sanctuary, under the Forest (conservation) Act, r9g0 in satpura Tiger Reserve, District Hoshangabad of Madhya pradesh _ Reg. qra ri+f rrTm"rt, cqfs-{q, q=T a-za/zot+-qm gq q-d4g qffiq $ k{m zz /oe/zoq. ..iTt-d.q, q$ ffit 61 qa e-qio: -rdrqq, sq-i-fr frcrqril{fu riqD-d qMq-{r tg fu{rf, zz/os/zor+ o} rera ftffeTq gs olqliilq em fu-qr rrir I Efir relcT ftfterq Rt'rC sil-€{r6 61rfqr6l tg 3i-}R-d qff qr rS t r q-d.q-f,: sq-sffiEqrq I ( 3TtR qerl=I SI cover ccf 5uq qq Site Inspection Report by the Western Regional Office Bhopal Zone, Bhopal in respect of Rehabilitation of Village Bhadbhud from Bori Sanctuary in Satpura Tiger Reserve of district Hoshangabad of Madhya Pradesh : Introduction: To ensure proper development of the best habitat of the Indian Tiger i.e. the Bori Sanctuary, relocation of the existing BHADBHUD village from the core area is desirable. The rehabilitated villagers will be provided with the decessary financial and social benefits in addition to infrastructural facilities. For evacuation of villages and resettlement of affected persons 169.281 ha of forest land will be diverted for the use at new site. This area includes the agricultural land, @ 2 ha.lfamily, construction of house, other community development programme and nester facilities. 1. Legal status offorest land proposed for diversion: Protected Forest. Compartment No. P- 87 Range Kala akhar (Sukhtawa), Hoshangabad (T) Forest Division. Located on west of NH 69 between Sukhtawa and Bhoura on NH 69. 2. How the land proposed for diversion is to be utilized? The Land is proposed for settlement of Village Bharbhoor, which is to be relocated from the Critical Tiger Habitat/(CTH) core zone of Satpura Tiger Reserve. 3. Whether the proposal involves any construction of buildings (including residential) or not? If yes, details thereof: No pre-existing buildings present at proposed site. Proposals involve construction of residential quarters for villagers, Primary School, Community Hall, Temple and development of agricultural fields, ponds, roads inside the village. 4. Total cost of the project at present rates: Rs. 13.30 Crore. 5. Wildlife: Whether forest area proposed for diversion is important from wildlife point A-t3lt4 of view? The The space vacated from Bharbhoor forest village will be utilized as CTH of STR' Reserve' It is Bharbhoor village is located in critical Tiger Habitat (CTH) of Satpura Tiger located deep inside the CTH. Relocation of this village will restore the habitat and provide an inviolate space of around 250 ha' of land 6. Aerial distance from the nearest bouo'hu.y of any Protected Area: the distance the protected area is less than 10 kms, clearance from the file Standing Committee of the National Board for Wildlife is required before the (In case can be processed for forest clearance) than 10 The distance of the proposed area from nearest protected area boundary is more km. 7. Vegetation: a. Total number of trees to be felled i. 691 Totat number of trees proposed to be felled ll. Number of trees to be felled of girth below 60 cm : I11. Number of trees to be felled of girth above 60 cm : 126 s65 b. Effect of removal of trees on the general ecosystem in the area It is class V quality forest adjoining to National Highway NH-69' Importantspecies: (10 to 15 tree species available in the site proposed for diversion will be given. In case there is any other plant species which is threatened or endangered is found in the area or any species is endemic to the area, should also be mentioned). The tree species include chloxylon swietania, Terminalia tomentosa, Madhuca indica' Acacia leucophlea, Anogeissus latifolia, Butea monospenna, Adina cordifolia, Terminalia bellerica, Gardenia pinnnata, Diospyros melanoxylon, Buchanania lanzana, Soymida febrifuga No endangered species found in this area. A-13114 Background note on the proposal: As per NTCA guidelines and the wildlife protection act 1972, it is mandatory for tiger reserves to have a Critical Tiger Habitat (CTH)/or inviolate Core Zone free from all type of biotic influence. CTH of STR has been notified on 24.12.2007. The proposed village for relocation, Bhardbhoor is located inside CTH of STR. Hence voluntary relocation of village Bhardbhoor is proposed. Relocation will benefit wildlife on one hand and lead to better socio economic life of the villagers. The villagers will govemment development schemes and better facilities have access to all like school, health center, proximity to weekly markets, block and tehsil place. Compensatory afforestation a. : Whether land proposed / selected for compensatory afforestation is suitable from plantation and management point of view? Not required. b. Whether land for compensatory afforestation is free from encroachments and other encumbrances? Not applicable. c. Whether land for compensatory afforestation is important from religious or archaeological point of view? Not applicable. d. Land identified for raising compensatory afforestation is in how many patches? Whether patches are compact or not? Not applicable. e. Map with details. Not applicable. A-t3ll4 f. Compensatory afforestation area should be clearly shown on the map, patch wise and their contiguity to the forest area etc. Not applicable. g. Total financial outlay of ten year GA programme. Not applicable. 10. Whether the proposal involves any violation of Forest (Conservation) Act 1980? If yes, a detailed report on violation including action taken against the concerned officials. No lt. Whether the proposal involves rehabilitation of displaced persons. If yes, whether rehabilitation plan has been approved by the state government? The rehabilitation plan has been approved by the State Government and also by NTCA Details to be furnished specifically if the rehabilitation plan would affect any other forest area by translocating oustees in and around the said forest. Yes other village is relocated nearby The rehabilitation plan has proposed that Relocation from CTH to peripheral degraded forest on NH 69. With this settlement no more honey combing or fragmentation of forest will 12. be involved. Reclamation plan: Details and financial allocation: Not applicable. 13. Details on catchment and command area under the project. Catchment area treatment plan to prevent siltation of reservoir: Not applicable. 14. A-t3/14 Cost benefit ratio: It is a rehabilitation project, hence not applicable. Utility of the Project: Numbers of Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes to be benefited by the project. Total relocation units are 133 all of them belong to Scheduled Tribes. Previously, since the village was located deep inside the forest the villagers were cutoff from basic facilities like school, health center, market place and had to face many hardship in case of emergency like sickness Relocation will etc. ! result in creation of inviolate space in the critical Tiger habitat, free from all types of biotic disturbance and secondly it will give tribals better socio economic conditions for future development. 16. Whether land being diverted has any socio-cultural/ religious value? Whether any sacred grove or very old growth trees/forests exist in the areas proposed for diversion? No 17. Recommendations of the Nodal OfficerlPCCF and the State Government: The PCCF and the State Government have recommended the proposal for approval. 18. Site inspection report The site inspection was done by Shri S. K. Bhandari, Chief Conservator of Forests on 22.09.2014. The inspection report is enclosed containing comments on the alternatives examined and recommendations of the inspecting officer. 19. Any other information related to the project: Pictures taken during site inspection of the atea are enclosed to have an idea of the vegetation and other aspects ofthe forest area. 20. a) Regional Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests shall give detailed comments on whether there are any alternative routes/ alignment for locating the project: A-t3/t4 PF-87 is proposed for resettlement. Density of forest is less then 0.1 (Degraded forest) Further this area is located on NH 69 and hence is devoid of wildlife activity. Relocation of village will protect the land from encroachments. Other forest compartments were shown to the villagers but they were not suitable for resettlement as they were far away from main road, railway station etc. j b) Recommendations of the Regional Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests along with detailed reasons: The present site is best altemative because 1. No honey combing of forest is involved in future. wildlife sighting is almost 2. The NH 69 is passing on the western side, hence -t. No forest is involved in providing road to Relocation site. 4. The site is close to kala-akhar railway station. absent. r l,t bv' Addl. Principal A-13/14 ,o*rr, SITE INSPECTION REPORT OF PROPOSAL FOR DERESERVATION OF 169.281HA OF Lo*o FOR DISTRIBUTION FOR REHABILITATION OF VILLAGE BHADBHUD FROM BORI SANCTUARY IN SATPURA TIGER RESERVE,DISTRICT HOSANGABAD OF MADHYA PRADESH. lntroduction : The site was inspected by me on 22/09/2014 along with the officers and staff of State Forest Department, territorial and wildlife who facilitated the inspection. The villagers residing inside the Bori Wildlife Sanctuary are proposed to be given forest land for village settlement in the forestland of Hosangabad Forest Disvision in Hosangabad district. Description : The proposed area lies in Hosangabad Forest Divis.ions of Madhya pradesh. This location is in Kala ankhar beat in Sukhtawa range of Hosangabad Forest Division. The proposed area in in Reserved Forest, compartment no.PF.87 ( area 169.281 ha). The proposed area is 169.2g1 ha, i.e. the entire area. 1539 trees out of which L62 are below 60 cm girth, are required to be felled. Methedology: The area was crisscrossed and visited at various locations. lnspection: The inspection was carried out on 22/09/2OL4 in presence of officers and staff of State Forest Department,territorial and wildlife who facilitated the inspection. OBSERVATIONS: This is a plain area with degraded forest. Density is around 0.3 to 0.4. Trees are scattered. The compartment area is 1'69.28L ha and the entire area is proposed for rehabilitation. r . The main species is are Butea, Mahua and Tendu. Compartment history is enclosed for details. NHAI within 1 km. from this site. Facility of electricity, school and Hospital are available in nearby areas. .Water will be the ground water through pumps. This block along with 86RF is isotateA patch of Hosangabad Division. RECOMMENDATIONS: 1' The topography is mostly plain there may be no objection in clearing this site for rehabilitation. 2' Rehabilitation should be as per the approved rehabilitation policy of NTCA/state Government. t11 3. Since it is a RF block along with g6(RF) is isolated and surrounded all around by the revenue area , the proposal is recommended for acceptance. Enclo(l) 3 photos. ( 2) Compartment historY. Dated : W -:::l:'5 ,:,ii-,1 ; . l, i-r' : , ':' cCF(c)r lr 4 t4 \ Bhopal '.: :;l t.:i,
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