Poster - womENcourage

Design of an Information Brokerage System for
Wireless Sensor Networks
Cristina Muñoz, Pierre Leone
Department of Computer Science, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Nowadays, sensor networks are used for a variety of
purposes. Actual sensor networks include from simple
Research field
Key research findings
Distributed event-based systems
Wireless Sensor Networks
Network protocols
Permutations on the top of well-connected networks are
applications as data collection to smart sensing that
used to simulate intersections for the Information
Brokerage System.
allows to react to certain events using actuators.
Distributed sensing and control in unstructured networks
Figure 7. Permutations
arises a common issue due to the easy deployment of the
sensing nodes. Most of these networks use information
brokerage to match the producers of certain events with
their consumers.
Figure 3. Wireless Sensor Devices
To design an Information Brokerage System for
Design of Directional Random Walks
unstructured and free geo-coordinates wireless
Directional Random
Information Brokerage System
↓ time to intersection
compared to Pure RW
Balances the load
Synchronicity →
↓time to intersection
Our design is as good as a
traditional Rumor Routing algorithm
with an infinite memory
The use of N2(v) is not
The nº of nodes in the path until
intersection is smaller for DRWs
than for Pure RWs.
↑ densities of nodes →
shorter paths
sensor networks.
1 branch is as efficient as
2 branches
Information Brokerage System
A greedy approach of a geographic
algorithm uses less nodes in the
path but does not balance the load
Figure 8. Key research findings.
Future work
• To design a content-based system wich uses DRWs.
Figure 4. Directional Random Walks
Figure 1. Information Brokerage System
The cardinality of intersections is taken into account in
An Information Brokerage System matches producers
and consumers taking into account that they are
completely decoupled.
Our strategy assumes the principle that two lines in a
plane are likely to intersect.
• To deploy a real sensing testbed.
order to add nodes to a branch:
C(v) = α | N(v) ∩ N(DRW) | + β | N(v) ∩ N2(DRW) |
• To define the filters to be implemented at broker nodes.
• v is a candidate node to be added to the DRW.
• DRW denote all the nodes already added to the DRW.
• α and β are considered as weights.
• N(v) is the set of neighbor nodes of v.
• N2(v) is the set of neighbor nodes of N(v) .
• LEONE, P., AND MUÑOZ, C. 2013. Content based
routing with directional random walk for failure tolerance
and detection in cooperative large scale wireless
networks. In Proc. 2nd Intl. Workshop ASCoMS’13,
• LIN, C.-H., KUO, J.-J., LIU, B.-H., AND TSAI, M.-J.
2012. Gps-free, boundary-recognition-free, and reliable
double-ruling based information brokerage scheme in
wireless sensor networks. IEEE Transactions on
Computers 61, 6, 885–898.
• MUÑOZ, C., AND LEONE, P. 2014. Design of an
unstructured and free geo-coordinates information
brokerage system for sensor networks using directional
random walks. In SENSORNETS14.
Figure 5. Adding nodes to a branch.
Figure 2. Strategy proposed: a) Two lines cross; b) Two
lines cross using Directional Random Walks.
Contact Information
Cristina Muñoz, Pierre Leone
Directional Random Walk
Theoretical Computer Science & Sensor Lab
A DRW is a probabilistic method that uses a forwarding
loop-free technique to reach distant areas in the network.
Computer Science Dept.
University of Geneva
Carouge, Switzerland
The path constructed uses collaborative nodes of a mesh network
which form a list of relaying nodes for data propagation.
Figure 6. DRWs of one branch intersecting
Poster template by
This work has been developed as part of the POPWiN
project that is financially supported by the Swiss Hasler
Foundation in its SmartWorld program.
[email protected]
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