THE IMPLEMENTATION OF VARIABLE SOIL DEPTH INTO CLM4.5 MICHAEL A. BRUNKE, PATRICK BROXTON, PIETER HAZENBERG, JON PELLETIER, XUBIN ZENG, and coauthors Photo courtesy of Axel Kristinsson INTRODUCTION 2 HOW CAN CLM BE MADE MORE REALISTIC? In the past, climate models have used constant soil depth. Lack of knowledge of how deep bedrock is globally. We know that soil depth is variable. Uplands have shallow soil, lowlands have deeper soil. Weathering rates vary from slope to slope (Pelletier and Rasmussen 2009). Inclusion of variable soil depth is important to land modeling. Gochis et al. (2010) showed that surface fluxes were improved when actual soil depth was used in Noah at a couple of locations in a semi-arid region. MODEL ADAPTATION GLOBAL DEPTH TO BEDROCK ESTIMATES ▸Estimate depth to bedrock (DTB) globally (based on global topographic, vegetation/climate, and geologic data). 3 Input Spatial Datasets Topography Topographic Roughness Index (m) 200 100 50 10 0 Vegetation + Climate Maximum Green Vegetation Fraction (%) 100 ▸Differentiate between soil depths in uplands vs. lowlands because: 75 50 25 0 ▹Difference in soil depths. ▹Different data representative of different areas. Geology Sediments Quaternary Neogene Paleogene Undivided Cenezoic MODEL ADAPTATION 4 GLOBAL DTB ESTIMATES Upland DTB Model DTB (m) as depicted in CONUS polygons DTB < 0.5 m 0.5 – 0.75 m 0.75 – 1.0 m 1.0 – 1.25 m 1.25 – 1.5 m DTB > 1.5 m Calibrated with the CONUS soil dataset Calibrated with well data from state well databases and national USGS database 60 Depth to Bedrock (m) Lowland DTB Model Locations of wells in IN, KY, PA, and NY Kentucky Cenozoic 50 40 Indiana Glacial 30 Indiana Non-glacial Pennsylvania 20 New York 10 Kentucky older bedrock 0 0 Combine using fraction of upland/lowland Based on geologic data (including US surficial deposits mapping) and 30 m topographic data Green: Thick unconsolidated sediments (non-glacial) Blue: Thick unconsolidated sediments (glacial) Red: Other alluvial sediments 20 40 Topographic Roughness (Index (m) 60 Red: Grid Cells modeled as having >95% lowland) MODEL ADAPTATION 5 2 – 10 10 – 20 20 – 30 30 + 0.5 0.75 Overall Depth to Bedrock (1 km resolution) 0 - 2 meters 2 - 10 meters 10 – 20 meters 20 – 30 meters 30 + meters 1.0 1.25 1.5 Fraction Lowland (-) 0–2 Upland DTB (m) Lowland DTB (m) PRELIMINARY GLOBAL MAP OF DTB ESTIMATES 0 0.25 0.5 0.75 1 MODEL ADAPTATION USING THE DTB DATA IN THE MODEL 0.9°×1.25° ▸The DTB map is used to determine how many CLM soil layers is needed for each grid cell. ▸A minimum of 5 (0.3 m bottom) and a maximum of 14 layers (28 m bottom). 6 MODEL ADAPTATION WHEN THE WATER TABLE WITHIN THE SOIL COLUMN T T Ev Ev P CONTROL CLM Tech Note Fig. 7.1 qliq,0 Eg Es qmelt qinfl Es qover qliq,0 Eg qmelt qinfl VAR SOIL qover qrecharge qrecharge Saturated soil Aquifer P Saturated soil qdrai qbottom = 0 ///////////////////////// qdrai (as for CLM4.5 saturated soil) 7 MODEL ADAPTATION 8 WHEN THE SOIL COLUMN IS UNSATURATED T T Ev Ev P CONTROL CLM Tech Note Fig. 7.1 qliq,0 Eg Es qmelt qinfl Es qover qmelt qliq,0 P Eg qinfl VAR SOIL qover qperch qdrai = 0 qrecharge Aquifer qdrai qbottom = 0 ///////////////////////// qxs (as for saturation excess in CLM4.5) 9 RESULTS CONTROL θ VAR SOIL θ/θsat CONTROL VAR SOIL Northern Saskatchewan Yakutsk, N.W. Siberia Tucson, Ariz. Tapajos Nat’l Forest, Brazil Hindu Kush Year Year Year Year 10 RESULTS Rainfall (mm/day) Sfc. runoff Topo drainage 0-3.5 -0.2-+1.0 -0.02-+0.08 0-2.8 -0.1-+0.7 -9-+9x10-5 Northern Saskatchewan Yakutsk, N.W. Siberia 0-2.8 Qian CONTROL -0.02-+0.12 -9-+9x10-5 Tucson, Ariz. VAR SOIL 0-15 0-+2.4 -2.0-+8.0 Tapajos Nat’l Forest, Brazil 0-4 0-+0.60 -0.003-+0.018 Hindu Kush Year Year Year 11 RESULTS CHANGES IN THE SIMULATION OF SOIL TEMPERATURE ▸Soil temperature affected: ▹Decreased seasonality at deeper layers except in the Hindu Kush. ▹Increased Hindu Kush seasonality tied to drier and wetter tongues. ▹Possibly due to soil water changes or due to change to soil parameters. CONTROL VAR SOILCONTROL Year Year Northern Saskatchewan Yakutsk, N.W. Siberia Tucson, Ariz. Tapajos Nat’l Forest, Brazil Hindu Kush 12 RESULTS Small changes in latent heat flux except in arid regions and in some parts of mid-latitudes in winter. Sensible heat fluxes generally small in JJA but can be large in mid- and high latitudes in other seasons. CONCLUSIONS ▸Inclusion of variable soil depth changes: ▹Dry tongues to be drier, wet tongues to be wetter. ▹Surface runoff and topographic drainage. ▹The seasonality in deeper soil temperature. ▸Surface quantities differences can be large. ▹Latent heat flux in arid regions and mid-latitudes. ▹Sensible heat flux in mid- and high latitudes. ▸Are these results realistic? More analysis ▸First step towards hybrid 3-D hydrological modeling. ▹Separately represent hillslope and valley bottom hydrology. ▹Hydrological interaction between gridcells. 13
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