EQC is sponsoring innovative ground improvement

On good ground
EQC is sponsoring innovative ground improvement techniques that will
not only strengthen land in Christchurch to allow resilient rebuilding but
may offer a solution for vulnerable land in other parts of the country.
improvement methods that could be used to
strengthen the upper few metres of land to
reduce the liquefaction vulnerability,’ says Dr
Hugh Cowan, General Manager Reinsurance,
Research and Education at EQC. The work,
which was completed in 2013, was led by
Dr Sjoerd Van Ballegooy of the geotechnical engineering firm Tonkin & Taylor and
supported by a number of research partners,
sponsors and contractors from New Zealand
and the United States.
‘The second stage, which is currently
under way, is a land repair pilot programme,
which involves installing those methods in
real-life situations where people are repairing
or rebuilding their homes.’
Four strategies identified
Stone columns before blast trial.
Simply reinstating the original ground
level using fill had been ruled out in earlier
Strengthening liquefaction-prone land
research, so EQC focused on trialling tech-
Canterbur y e ar thqu ake s i s the land
In response, EQC launched a programme to
niques that could stiffen and densify the
damage. The major events, particularly the
investigate several unconventional ground
upper soil and restore its strength and perfor-
22 February quake, caused tectonic subsid-
remediation techniques in an effort to find
mance, despite the lower overall ground level.
ence and severe liquefaction in many parts
practical, cost-effective and consentable
‘Most of the techniques were adapted from
of eastern and central Christchurch. The
methods to strengthen residential land that
methods used on large-scale civil construc-
subsidence meant that the non-liquefying
is vulnerable to liquefaction
tion projects and scaled down for residential
soil layers had become much thinner,
‘The first stage of the Land Improvement
properties in Christchurch,’ says Dr Cowan.
increasing the vulnerability to liquefaction
Programme involved testing in the residen-
The first method, rapid impact compac-
damage in future earthquakes.
tial red zone to evaluate different ground
tion, uses a falling weight to repeatedly
Build 143 — August/September 2014 — 53
compact the ground surface. This improves
‘The levels of shaking in the soil directly
ground density down to several metres and
beneath the T-Rex machine were strong
pilot − 18 in Christchurch and 10 in Kaiapoi.
is particularly suited for sandy soils in areas
enough to liquefy the unimproved ground,
‘We are about to start installing a ground
where there is adequate distance from
whereas for most of the methods, greater
improvement method on a number of prop-
neighbouring buildings.
This stage is coming to a close,’ he says.
levels of shaking were required to trigger
erties with repairable houses. This work
Low-mobility grout involves injecting
liquefaction. For some ground improvement
uses horizontal soil mixing, which can be
concrete bulbs into the ground to squeeze the
methods, the T-Rex machine was unable to
used to improve land under existing houses
surrounding soil and increase the soil density.
trigger liquefaction, even at the strongest
without the need to jack the building up or
levels of shaking,’ he says.
temporarily remove it,’ he says.
Short stone columns work on a similar
principle by pushing gravel into the ground
‘Explosives were also used to induce large-
‘There will be several properties in this
instead of concrete to improve ground
scale liquefaction to test the performance
part of the pilot, and the work will go on
density and also stiffen the soil. The tech-
of the ground improvements overlying a
over the next few months.’
nique offers advantages on sandy sites, but
thick layer of liquefied soil. The stiffened
it also requires a clear site.
and strengthened upper soil layers for most
Will inform guidance document
Fo r s i t e s w i t h v i b r a t i o n o r s p a c e
of the ground improvement methods miti-
Once the pilot is complete, the lessons
constraints, soil cement mixing can be used.
gated the occurrence of liquefaction ejecta
learned from applying these methods
Where the structure is still in place, hori-
over the improved areas and also reduced
will become publicly available. EQC is
zontal soil mixing can be used. This creates
the differential ground surface settlement
working with MBIE to refine the ground
horizontal cemented columns in the target
compared to the natural unimproved soil.’
improvement method specification and
layer that confines the soil and suppresses
However, the trials showed low-mobility
incorporate it into Guidance: Repairing and
soil deformation during earthquake shaking.
compaction grouting did not perform as
rebuilding houses affected by the Canterbury
expected and was unlikely to be successful
Quakes recreated to test methods
as a shallow-ground improvement method in
‘This means homeowners in Canterbury
‘Test sites were selected from a careful analysis
a scaled-down residential application. This
can apply these methods and have confi-
of geotechnical information to ensure that
technique was not used for the pilot.
dence in the way their land, and the
the engineering properties of the soil layers
buildings on them, will perform in future
closely matched the majority of soil conditions
Moving on to real-world remediation
that would be encountered in the rebuild
‘The first pilot programme focused on bare
‘It also means the methods will be avail-
where ground improvements would be most
land properties, where the house has been
able throughout New Zealand if homeowners
relevant,’ says Dr Cowan.
demolished and needs to be rebuilt. We’re
or developers want to build on land that has
The effectiveness of the remediation was
using stone columns, driven timber piles, in
similar characteristics to the sandy and silty
tested in two ways − controlled blasting and
situ soil mixing and gravel raft construction
soil areas in Christchurch.’
an earthquake simulator known as T-Rex.
on these sites. There are 28 properties in the
non- liquefiable
non- liquefiable
liquefiable soil
earthquakes,’ says Dr Cowan.
For more
Visit www.eqc.govt.nz/canterbury.
liquefiable soil
Rapid impact compaction
54 — Build 143 — August/September 2014
non- liquefiable crust
liquefiable soil
Stone columns
Horizontal soil mixing