Consultant Directory 2014 0845 850 1451 Contents How to refer your patients. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Ophthalmology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Emergency admissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Oral and maxillofacial surgery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Directory listings Orthopaedic surgery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Accident and emergency. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Paediatric medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Audiology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Pain management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Cardiology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Pathology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Dermatology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Physician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Dietitian. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Plastic surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Ear, nose and throat. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Podiatry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Gastroenterology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Psychiatry. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 General medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Radiology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 General surgery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Rheumatology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Genito-urinary medicine. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Speech and language therapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Gynaecology and obstetrics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Thoracic surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Haematology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Urology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Immunology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Vascular surgery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Nephrology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Alphabetical index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Neurology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Radiology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Neurophysiology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Physiotherapy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Neurosurgery. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Pathology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Oncology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 How to find us. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Main contacts Name GP appointment line 0121 704 5548 One-off private treatment enquiries 0121 704 5530 Head of Clinical Services Joy Masters Out-patient appointments Radiology appointments 2 Telephone X-ray, MRI, CT Fax Email [email protected] 0121 704 5556 0121 709 1536 0121 704 5527/41 0121 711 7483 0121 704 5550/77 0121 704 0104 0121 711 7754 Physiotherapy appointments 0121 704 5546 Emergency admissions 0845 850 1451 0121 704 4271 Hospital switchboard 0845 850 1451 0121 709 1536 [email protected] BACK TO CONTENTS How to refer your patients At Spire Healthcare we are committed to delivering excellent individual care and customer service to all our patients, from the time they first get in touch with us until after their treatment is complete. Our dedicated and highly trained people aim to consistently achieve excellent results. For us it’s more than just treating patients, it’s about looking after people. To see a consultant at Spire Parkway Hospital: Call 0121 704 5527/41 Fax 0121 711 7483 Online A referral letter is usually required before your patient, whether they are insured or self-funding, can be seen by a consultant. Self-funding patients may be able to self-refer for cosmetic surgery, infertility treatment, some minor treatments and physiotherapy. Please contact us for further details. Insured patients Scheme/policy details are required at the time of booking so that we can obtain pre-authorisation for their treatment. Self-funding patients We provide a tailored fixed price* with no hidden extras on a range of diagnostic tests, treatments and surgical procedures. For information call 0121 704 5530 NHS patients Spire Parkway Hospital is accredited to provide elective surgical services to NHS patients across a range of specialties. Our aim is to make the referral process as quick and easy as possible. You can use the NHS Choose and Book system or we can provide you with an easy-to-use referral form available in both electronic and hard copy formats. Alternatively, you can refer by letter, fax or email. Emergency admissions Call 0845 850 1451 and ask for the nurse in charge. We’ll aim to call you back within 20 minutes to update you on the progress of the admission. The hospital does not have an accident and emergency facility. Full profiles for each consultant can be found at *Terms and conditions apply, please ask for details BACK TO CONTENTS Enjoy quicker and easier referrals with GP Connect • GP Connect enables you and your practice staff to send secure, instant online referrals to Spire Parkway Hospital. • R eferring your patients will be simpler and more efficient, and all confidential information will be protected within secure servers. • You can read news on forthcoming GP education events at Spire Parkway Hospital, as well as hospital performance and patient satisfaction information. • Find direct dial telephone numbers for key staff and easy access links to up-to-date consultant details. Visit www.spireparkway .com 4 BACK TO CONTENTS Consultants Name A Sub-specialty NHS Trust base Medico-legal work, pre-hospital medicine Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Swim moulds, noise plugs Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr W K Lee Adult general and interventional cardiology Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS Trust Dr P F Ludman Adult general and interventional cardiology University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr K Mahmood Cardiac CT, advanced echocardiography Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr J Ment Adult general and interventional cardiology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr J Naiker Heart failure, pacemaker implants Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr M Pitt Adult general and interventional cardiology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr B Skaria Pacemakers, heart failure Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr T M Finch Patch testing, allergic contact dermatitis Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust/Solihull Hospital Dr J Gach Skin cancer, aesthetic dermatology, paediatric, genital dermatoses University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust Dr A Heagerty Skin cancer, inflammatory skin disease, inherited skin disease, blistering disorders Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr A Loffeld General dermatology, skin cancer, paediatric dermatology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr A Salim Vulval skin disorders, inflammatory skin disease, skin disorders in pigmented skin Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr I Zaki Skin cancer, moles, micrographic surgery, skin laser treatment, skin surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr A Brown Renal disease, adolescent obesity, weight gain Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mrs S Parkinson Gastrointestinal medicine and surgery, parenteral and enteral nutrition, IBS, IBD, coeliac disease University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Mrs W Todd Obesity Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr I Ahmad Head and neck surgery, head and neck oncology, thyroid disease, voice and swallowing disorders, laser laryngeal surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr S Anari Rhinology and facial plastic surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr E W Fisher Nose and sinus disease, deafness, paediatric surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr H Griffiths 07971 806 319 Head and neck surgery, voice disorders, throat disorders, thyroid surgery general adult and paediatric ENT, laryngeal and laser laryngeal surgery, salivary gland Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust/Walsall Hospitals NHS Trust Mr D G J Howe Otolaryngology, head and neck surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr D W Morgan Paediatrics, rhinology, otology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Good Hope Hospital NHS Trust Accident and emergency Mr A Bleetman A Audiology Mrs A Caton C D C E 0845 850 1451 Cardiology Dermatology Dietitian ENT 5 BACK TO CONTENTS 0845 850 1451 Name Sub-specialty NHS Trust base Mr S Rejali Otolaryngology, head and neck surgery University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire Mr M A Simmons Rhinology, rhinoplasty (cosmetic and functional), prominent ear correction, paediatric surgery Walsall Manor Hospital NHS Trust/ Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Good Hope Hospital NHS Trust Mr M I Trotter General ENT, otology and balance, rhinology, children and adult hearing problems, surgical and medical hearing rehabilitation, sinus, nasal blockage and allergy problems, general and paediatric otolaryngology, paediatric surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr M Cox Gastroenterology, endoscopy Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust Dr A Holt Gastroenterology, liver disease University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr T Ngatchu Hepatology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Prof C Nwokolo Gastroenterology University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire Dr R J Polson Gastroenterology, hepatology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr P G Wilson Gastroenterology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Good Hope Hospital Dr U Khan Stroke medicine Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr A Rahim Diabetes, endocrinology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr S Bach Colorectal, laparoscopic, hernia Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr B Balasubramanian Breast Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr G H Barsoum Colorectal, laparoscopic, hernia Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr D Bowley 07810 308 167 Colorectal, general paediatric surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr P Brookes Breast Walsall Healthcare NHS Trust/ Walsall Manor Hospital Mr M Budhoo Colorectal, laparoscopic, hernia Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr D Clarke Breast South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust Mr M X Gannon 07980 803 884 Vascular surgery, endovascular surgery, endovenous surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr C W Hendrickse 07976 610 053 Coloproctology, paediatric, colorectal, colonoscopy Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr H Ingle Breast Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Good Hope Hospital Mr J Isaac Hepatobiliary and pancreatic surgery, abdominal hernia surgery University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Mr A J Jewkes Breast, endocrine and vascular surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Good Hope Hospital Mr S Karandikar Laparoscopic surgery, colonoscopy, colorectal surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr H Khalil Breast and reconstructive surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust ENT (continued) G E Gastroenterology General medicine General surgery 6 BACK TO CONTENTS 0845 850 1451 Name Sub-specialty NHS Trust base General surgery (continued) E Mr D McArthur General surgery, laparoscopic surgery, coloproctology, colonoscopy, colorectal surgery, hernia repair surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr N Purser Breast cancer, hernia repair surgery, laparoscopic surgery, cosmetic breast surgery Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust Mr M Richardson Upper gastrointestinal, laparoscopic surgery, bariatric surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr M Sintler Breast Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust Mr P A Super 0800 434 6622 Gastrointestinal, laparoscopic, reflux disease, weight-loss surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr R Sutcliffe Heptobiliary and pancreatic surgery University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Mr S Thrush Breast disease, breast reconstruction, cosmetic breast surgery, minimal scarring breast surgery Worcestershire Acute Hospitals NHS Trust Reproductive health, HIV University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Foundation Trust Genito-urinary medicine Dr M Malu E H Gynaecology and obstetrics Mrs S M Blunt Infertility, menopause, menstrual problems, colposcopy Birmingham Women’s Hospital NHS Trust Miss G Downey Menstrual disorders, pelvic pain, prolapse, menopausal symptoms, urinary problems Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust Miss S George Menstrual disorders, post menopausal bleeding, prolapse, paediatric and adolecent gynaecology, pre-pregnancy counselling for women with medical disorders Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mrs K Goswami 07912 539 833 General gynaecology, menstrual disorders (including fibroids and endometriosis), urogynaecology, pelvic floor reconstructive surgery, laparoscopic and hysteroscopic surgery University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire Miss S Irani Endometrial ablation, menstrual disorders, colposcopy, fibroids Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr K Jaffer Psychosexual therapy, contraception, menopause management University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr P Latthe Urogynaecology, paediatric gynaecology Birmingham Women's NHS Foundation Trust Prof D Luesley Lower genital tract dysplasia, gynaecological cancer, vulval disorders, colposcopy Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust Mr G S Matharu 07855 804 987 Urinary incontinence, uterovaginal prolapse, urodynamics, general gynaecology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr S Papaioannou Infertility, assisted conception, hysteroscopic and laparoscopic menstrual disorders, fibroids, polycystic ovaries Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust/Birmingham Women’s Hospital Miss S Patni Gynaecology and obstetrics, preterm labour, cervical length scanning, gynaecological ultrasound Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Miss P Pradhan Menstrual disorders, pelvic pain, prolapse, post-menopausal health Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr R Saha Gynaecological cancer, urogynaecology, prolapse, laparoscopic surgery, hysteroscopy, endometriosis, colposcopy, cosmetic surgery – genitals Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr P Mahendra Haemato-oncology, stem cell transplantation University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Prof D W Milligan Malignancy Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr E Nikolousis Haematological oncology Haematology 7 BACK TO CONTENTS 0845 850 1451 Name Sub-specialty NHS Trust base Dr S Paneesha Haematological oncology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr J T Wilde Haematology University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Trust Allergy Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Internal medicine, hypertension Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr V Iantorno Parkinson’s disease, movement disorders, MS, epilepsy, headache Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr H S Pall Parkinson’s disease, movement disorders, motor neurone disease University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Haematology (continued) I Immunology Dr A P Huissoon N Nephrology Dr M E Thomas E G Neurology Neurophysiology Mr N S Mytheen E O E Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust Neurosurgery Mr R Dardis Spinal neurosurgery University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust Mr S P Harland Spinal and peripheral nerve surgery, sciatica, low back pain, disc replacement, lumbar cervical fusion, minimally invasive surgery University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Mr A Shad Spine, pituitary Walsgrave Hospital NHS Trust Dr M S Anwar Breast, gynaecological and skin oncology Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Birmingham Dr S Baijal Colorectal cancer, lung cancer, hepato-billiary cancer, cancer of unknown Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust primary, cancer rehabilitation Dr A El-Modir Lung cancer, skin cancer University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr I N Fernando Gynaecological, gastrointestinal University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr D R Ford Prostate cancer, kidney cancer, chemotherapy, bladder cancer University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr I Geh Colorectal cancer, upper GI cancer University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr T Latief Breast cancer, lung cancer, gynaecological cancer, breast disease University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr N Walji Breast cancer, gynaecological cancer University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust Dr M Zarkar Urology, haemotological malignancies University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Mr H S Ahluwalia Cosmetic eyelid surgery, oculoplastic, lacrimal, orbital Coventry and Warwick NHS Trust Mr A Bansal Cataract, glaucoma Oncology Ophthalmology 8 BACK TO CONTENTS 0845 850 1451 Name Sub-specialty NHS Trust base Ophthalmology (continued) G E Mr Y Ghosh Oculoplastic, lacrimal, cataract, glaucoma Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust Miss A Kipioti Paediatric, strabismus Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr A T Murray Oculoplastic, lacrimal, cataract Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust Mr A Negi Glaucoma Sandwell Healthcare NHS Trust Mr S Pagliarini Cataract, medical retina age-related macular degeneration University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire Mr A Patel Cataract surgery, corneal and external eye disease, refractive surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr T T Q Reuser Orbital, lacrimal, oculoplastic Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mrs R Robinson Glaucoma, cataract, paediatric University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust Mr A Sharma Cataract, macular degeneration, vitro-retinal, diabetic eye disease Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust Oral and maxillofacial surgery Mr K Webster Orofacial cancer, facial plastic surgery, oral implantology (dental implants) Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr R Williams Paediatric oral and maxillofacial surgical conditions, including distraction, facial deformity and oral implantology (dental implants) University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Mr J Arbuthnot Sports injury, knee surgery, hip surgery, paediatric surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr A S Bryan Upper limb, shoulders, elbows, wrists, hands Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr S Deshpande Trauma and orthopaedics, arthroscopic surgery, joint replacements, sports injury New Cross Hospital, Wolverhampton Mr V Goswami 07803 154 390 Computer navigated knee and hip joint replacement, arthroscopic surgery, knee, shoulder, elbow and ankle reconstruction, articular cartilage transplantation surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr S Jain Hip and knee replacement, customised/personalised knee replacement, arthroscopic surgery, sports injury, day-case hand and feet procedures Mr Trevor Lawrence 07947 245 523 Total hip replacement, total knee replacement, revision surgery, resurfacing, keyhole surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr Tom Lawrence Shoulder surgery, elbow surgery University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust Mr S N F Massoud Shoulder, knee Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust Mr J Mehta Spinal surgery Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust Mr H Rahman 07887 684 901 Hip revision surgery, hip replacement surgery, knee replacement surgery, Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust arthroscopy Mr J L Ramos Foot, ankle, trauma Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr A Salama Knee and upper limb arthroscopic surgery Manor Hospital, Walsall Mr A Sambatakakis Joint replacement, knee Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr A Shepherd Hip surgery including joint replacement and revision surgery, knee surgery including arthroscopy, joint replacement and revision surgery, trauma surgery South Warwickshire General Hospital NHS Trust Mr M D Shrivastava Trauma, orthopaedics, hip and knee arthroplasty, knee/shoulder arthroscopic surgery, hip/shoulder resurfacing arthroplasty Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr G Shyamalan Wrist surgery, hand surgery, elbow surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr R Sloan Wrist surgery, shoulder surgery, hand surgery, elbow surgery South Warwickshire General Hospital Mr M Snow Arthroscopic procedures, shoulder surgery, knee surgery The Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Foundation Trust Orthopaedic surgery 9 BACK TO CONTENTS 0845 850 1451 Name Sub-specialty NHS Trust base Orthopaedic surgery (continued) P G P E Mr P Sonsale Hand surgery, upper limb surgery, knee surgery, trauma Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Good Hope Hospital Mr K Srinivasan Trauma, upper limb, shoulder and hand surgery, carpal tunnel, sports related injuries Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr R Tillman Hip resurfacing and replacement, knee replacement, arthroscopy, routine hand problems Royal Orthopaedic Hospital NHS Trust Mr P J F Wade Trauma, upper limb University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr A Gandhi Paediatric medicine, heart murmurs, faints, palpitations, asthma, wheezing, UTI, constipation Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr K A Nathavitharana Food allergy, gastroenterology Worcestershire Acute General Hospital NHS Trust Dr T Ninan Respiratory medicine Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr S J Rose General paediatrics, allergy, diabetes, endocrinology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr G Sinha Skin problems, lymph nodes, allergy, general growth problems, heart murmur, neonatal problems, neurodevelopmental problems, gastrointestinal, epilepsy, fits and faints, chest problems, eczema, any medical illness up to age 18 Walsall Hospitals NHS Trust Dr R Sunderland Epidemiology of childhood illnesses, engineering analysis of children’s injuries Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Trust Dr A Doger Pain management, ultrasound guided regional anaesthesia Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr I F Duncan Pain management, spinal/neuro anaesthesia University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr D Clarke Histopathology and cytopatholgy South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust Dr P Colloby Histopathology, cytopathology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr S N Karim Histopathology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr G Langman Histopathology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr R Muc Histopathology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr P Naidoo Histopathology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr Z J Rudzki Histopathology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr S Sen Histopathology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr J W Stone Microbiology Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust Dr B S Tanchel Histopathology, cytopathology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr S E Trotter Histopathology, cytopathology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Paediatric medicine Pain management Pathology Physician Dr I Ahmad Alexander Hospital, Redditch Dr D Aldulaimi Oesophageal, colorectal and inflammatory bowel disease Alexander Hospital, Redditch Dr A S Bates Endocrinology, diabetes Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr P Bright Internal, respiratory Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS Trust 10 BACK TO CONTENTS 0845 850 1451 Name E P P P Sub-specialty NHS Trust base Dr S Ghani Internal medicine, respiratory medicine, asthma, COPD, lung cancer Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr D Honeybourne Respiratory medicine , lung disease, asthma, respiratory infections including bronchiectasis (including cystic fibrosis and pneumonia) Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust (Honorary Consultant Physician) Dr S O’Hickey Respiratory medicine, clinical allergy Worcestershire Royal Hospital Dr E Nash Respiratory Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr R G Palmer Rheumatology, osteoporosis Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr D Sandler Management of acute stroke disease Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr M Sandler Hypertension, stroke medicine Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr D E Stableforth Respiratory medicine Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr R Wears General medicine Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Physician (continued) Plastic surgery Miss A Dancey Aesthetic/reconstructive surgery of breast, facial rejuvenation, abdominoplasty, University Hospitals Birmingham NHS liposuction, weight loss surgery, fat transfer, cosmetic facial surgery Foundation Trust Mr R Das-Gupta Facial surgery, breast surgery University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire Mr M G E Ellabban Facial surgery, reconstructive surgery, breast surgery, non-surgical cosmetic treatment, skin cancer Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Good Hope Hospital Mr S L A Jeffery Breast, facial, scar improvement University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Mrs C C Kat Aesthetic/reconstructive surgery of breast, facial rejuvenation, abdominoplasty, liposuction Mr A Lahiri Cosmetic surgery, skin cancer, rhinology, soft tissue injuries, reconstructive surgery, hand surgery Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust Mr D Lewis Cosmetic surgery, skin cancer, breast surgery, reconstructive surgery University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Mr B M Richard Cosmetic breast surgery, facelifts, eyelid reduction, nose reconstruction, ear correction, adult and child facial reconstruction, removal of benign moles, paediatric surgery Birmingham Children’s Hospital NHS Trust Mr J Staiano Plastic surgery, skin cancer, cosmetic breast surgery, dermatological surgery, reconstructive surgery, cosmetic surgery City and Sandwell NHS Trust Mr A Fisher Biomechanics, gait analysis n/a Mr W J Liggins Foot surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr S A Metcalfe Foot surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Podiatry Psychiatry Ms L E Iannetta R Birmingham and Solihull NHS Mental Health Trust Dr G L Milner Severe mental illness and illicit drug use Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Solihull Hospital Mr M Townend 07976 895 298 Cognitive and behavioural psychotherapy, OCD University of Derby Dr A K Banerjee Ultrasound, CT, MRI, breast imaging Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr K B Bhatt Musculo-skeletal imaging Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Radiology 11 BACK TO CONTENTS 0845 850 1451 Name E P S Sub-specialty NHS Trust base Dr S A Cooper Brain/neck/chest/abdomen/pelvis, cross-sectional imaging, CT, ultrasound, MRI Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr A S Bates Endocrinology, diabetes Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr M G Djearaman Cardiothoracic, musculo-skeletal, neuro imaging, thermal ablation (RFA) for lung and renal tumours Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr A Ganeshan Interventional radiology, pain management, ultrasound, CT, MRI Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr M J Henderson Vascular, interventional, head and neck, spinal/ENT imaging, CT, MRI, ultrasound Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr E Hoey Computed tomography (including cardiac CT), cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging, pulmonary vascular imaging, ultrasound Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr S Hussain Cardiothoracic radiology Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr S Lamin Neuroradiology University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr A Mehr Musculo-skeletal imaging Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr H Mehta Neuro radiology University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire Dr B Miller Gastrointestinal, CT, MRI, ultrasound, radiology of bariatric surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr A Pallan Gastrointestinal, CT, MRI, ultrasound, radiology of bariatric surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr R D Patel Abdominal imaging, musculo-skeletal, uroradiology, interventional, brain Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr N S Polunin Breast radiology, gynaecological ultrasound, ultrasound, musculoskeletal radiology CT, MRI Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr J H Reynolds Thoracic, musculo-skeletal, cross-sectional imaging Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr V Sawlani Neuroradiology University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr G D Stewart Obstetric and gynaecological ultrasound Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr A Thomas Neuroradiology University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr D C Tudway Musculo-skeletal imaging Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr P Williams Diagnostic radiology (breast) South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust Dr S J Bowman Connective tissue disorders, arthritis University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Dr S Khan All aspects of general rheumatology, ankylosing spondylitis Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Dr R G Palmer Osteoporosis, osteoarthritis Dr A Sinha Connective tissue disease, inflammatory arthritis, osteoarthritis Radiology (continued) Rheumatology Speech and language therapy Miss P A O’Donnell T Adult and paediatric, professional voice users, stammering, stress-related health problems, paediatric auditory processing problems, relaxation therapy Thoracic surgery Prof B Naidu Mr R Steyn Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Oesophageal cancer, cardiothoracic trauma 12 Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust BACK TO CONTENTS 0845 850 1451 Name U V Sub-specialty NHS Trust base Mr A P Doherty Prostate cancer, PSA, green light laser for BPH University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Mr R S Jaganathan 07939 059 469 Prostate cancer, impotence, stones, vasectomy reversal, BPH, bladder cancer Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr J Parkin Urological laparoscopy and oncology Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust Mr B D Sarmah Uro-oncology, bladder and prostate cancer, green light laser prostatectomy, stones, male infertility, vasectomy reversal Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr S Subramonian Keyhole surgery to remove bladder and kidney stones, keyhole surgery to remove kidney University Hospitals Birmingham NHS Foundation Trust Mr H Syed Prostate cancer, bladder cancer, bladder/kidney stone disease Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust, Good Hope Hospital Mr D J Adam Vascular and endovascular, endovascular AAA repair, sclerotherapy for varicose veins Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Prof A W Bradbury Vascular, varicose veins, sclerotherapy Birmingham Heartlands and Solihull NHS Trust Mr M Claridge Varicose veins, foam sclerotherapy, VNUS closure, claudication and leg pain, leg ulcers, arterial disease, stroke and carotid endarterectomy, bypass surgery, endovascular aneurysm repair, open aneurysm surgery, angioplasty, stenting Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Mr M X Gannon 07980 803 884 Vascular surgery, endovascular surgery, endovenous surgery Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust Urology Vascular surgery 13 BACK TO CONTENTS Alphabetical index A B C D D D F Name Specialty Name Specialty Mr D J Adam Vascular surgery Ms G Downey Gynaecology Mr H S Ahluwalia Ophthalmology Mr I F Duncan Pain management Dr I Ahmad Physician/Dietitian Mr M G E Ellabban Plastic surgery Mr I Ahmad ENT Dr A El-Modir Oncology Dr D Aldulaimi Physician Dr I N Fernando Oncology Mr S Anari ENT Dr T M Finch Dermatology Dr M S Anwar Oncology Mr A Fisher Podiatry Mr J Arbuthnot Orthopaedic surgery Mr E W Fisher ENT Mr S Bach General surgery Dr D H Ford Oncology Dr S Baijal Oncology Dr J Gach Dermatology Mr B Balasubramanian General surgery Dr A Gandhi Paediatric medicine Dr A K Banerjee Radiology Dr A Ganeshan Radiology Mr G H Barsoum General surgery Mr M X Gannon General surgery Dr A S Bates Physician Dr I Geh Oncology Dr K B Bhatt Radiology Miss S George Gynaecology Mr A Bleetman Accident and emergency Dr S Ghani Physician Mrs S M Blunt Gynaecology Mr Y Ghosh Ophthalmology Mr D Bowley General surgery Mrs K Goswami Gynaecology Dr S J Bowman Rheumatology Mr V Goswami Orthopaedic surgery Prof A W Bradbury General surgery Mr H Griffiths ENT Dr P Bright Physicia Mr S P Harland Neurosurgery Mr P Brookes General surgery Dr A Heagerty Dermatology Mr A Brown Dietitian Dr M J Henderson Radiology Mr A S Bryan Orthopaedic surgery Mr C W Hendrickse General surgery Mr M Budhoo General surgery Dr E Hoey Radiology Mrs A Caton Audiology Dr A Holt Gastroenterology Mr M Claridge General surgery Mr D Honeybourne Physician Mr D Clarke General surgery Mr D G J Howe ENT Dr D Clarke Radiology Dr A P Huissoon Immunology Dr P Colloby Pathology Dr S Hussain Radiology Dr S A Cooper Radiology Ms L E Iannetta Psychiatry Dr M Cox General medicine Dr V Iantorno Neurology Dr P M Crowe Radiology Mr H Ingle General surgery Miss A Dancey Plastic surgery Miss S Irani Gynaecology Mr R Dardis Neurosurgery Mr J Isaac General surgery Mr R Das-Gupta Plastic surgery Dr K Jaffer Gynaecology Mr S Deshpande Orthopaedic surgery Mr R S Jaganathan Urology Dr M G Djearaman Radiology Mr S Jain Orthopaedic surgery Dr A Doger Pain management Plastic surgery Mr A P Doherty Urology Mr S L A Jefferey 0800 434 6644 Mr A J Jewkes General surgery 14 E F G H I J BACK TO CONTENTS K L M N Name Specialty Name Specialty Mr S Karandikar General surgery Dr J Naiker Cardiology Dr S N Karim Histopathology Mr M Nair Urology Mrs C C Kat Plastic surgery Dr E Nash General medicine Mr H Khalil General surgery Dr K A Nathavitharana Paediatric medicine Dr S Khan Rheumatology Mr A Negi Ophthalmology Dr U Khan General medicine Dr T Ngatchu Gastroenterology Miss A Kipioti Ophthalmology Dr T Ninan Paediatric medicine Mr A Lahiri Plastic surgery Prof C Nwokolo Physician Dr S Lamin Neuroradiology Miss P A O’Donnell Speech and language therapy Dr G Langman Histopathology Dr S O’Hickey Physician Dr T Latief Oncology Mr S Pagliarini Ophthalmology Dr P Latthe Gynaecology Dr H S Pall Neurology Mr Tom Lawrence Orthopaedic surgery Dr A Pallan Radiology Mr Trevor Lawrence Orthopaedic surgery Dr R G Palmer Physician Dr W K Lee Cardiology Dr S Paneesha Haematology Mr D Lewis Plastic surgery Mr S Papaioannou Gynaecology Mr W J Liggins Podiatry Mr J Parkin Urology Dr A Loffeld Dermatology Mrs S Parkinson Dietitian Dr P F Ludman Cardiology Mr A Patel Ophthalmology Prof. D Luesley Gynaecology Dr R D Patel Radiology Mr A Mahmood General and vascular surgery Miss S Patni Gynaecology and obstetrics Dr K Mahmood Cardiology Dr M Pitt Cardiology Dr M Malu Genitourinary medicine Dr R J Polson Physician Mr S N F Massoud Orthopaedic surgery Dr N S Polunin Radiology Mr G S Matharu Gynaecology Miss P Pradhan Gynaecology Mr D McArthur General surgery Mr N Purser General surgery Dr P Mehendra Haematology Dr A Rahim General medicine Dr A Mehr Radiology Mr H Rahman Orthopaedic surgery Dr H Mehta Radiology Mr J L Ramos Orthopaedic surgery Dr J Ment Cardiology Mr S Rejali ENT Mr S A Metcalfe Podiatry Mr T T Q Reuser Ophthalmology Dr B Miller Radiology Dr J H Reynolds Radiology Dr D W Milligan Haematology Mr B M Richard Plastic surgery Dr G L Milner Psychiatry Mr M Richardson General surgery Mr D W Morgan ENT Mrs R Robinson Ophthalmology Dr R Muc Histopathology Dr S J Rose Paediatric medicine Mr A T Murray Ophthalmology Dr Z J Rudzki Histopathology Mr N S Mytheen Neurophysiology Mr R Saha Gynaecology Dr P Naidoo Histopathology Mr A Salama Orthopaedic surgery Prof B Naidu Thoracic surgery Dr A Salim Dermatology O P R S 15 BACK TO CONTENTS Alphabetical index Name Specialty Name Specialty Mr A Sambatakakis Orthopaedic surgery Mr P A Super General surgery Dr D Sandler Physician Mr R Sutcliffe General surgery Dr M Sandler Physician Mr H Syed Urology Mr B D Sarmah Urology Dr B S Tanchel Pathology Dr V Sawlani Radiology Dr A Thomas Radiology Dr S Sen Pathology Dr M E Thomas Nephrology Mr A Shad Neurosurgery Mr S Thrush General surgery Mr A Sharma Ophthalmology Mr R Tillman Orthopaedic surgery Mr A Shepherd Orthopaedic surgery Mrs W Todd Dietitian Mr M D Shrivastava Orthopaedic surgery Psychiatry Mr G Shyamalan Orhthopaedic surgery Mr M Townend 07976 895 298 Mr M I Trotter ENT Mr M A Simmons ENT Dr S E Trotter Pathology Dr A Sinha Rheumatology Dr D C Tudway Radiology Dr G P Sinha Paediatric medicine Mr P J F Wade Orthopaedic surgery Mr M Sintler General surgery Dr N Walji Oncology Dr B Skaria Cardiology Dr R Wears Physician Mr R Sloan Orthopaedic surgery Mr K Webster Oral and maxillofacial surgery Mr M Snow Orthopaedic surgery Mr N White Plastic surgery Mr K Srinivasan Orthopaedic surgery Dr J T Wilde Pathology Mr J Staiano Plastic surgery Dr P Williams Radiology Dr G D Stewart Radiology Mr R Williams Oral and maxillofacial surgery Mr R Steyn Thoracic surgery Dr P G Wilson General medicine Dr J W Stone Pathology Dr I Zaki Dermatology Mr S Subramonian Urology Dr A Zarkar Oncology Dr R Sunderland Paediatric medicine 16 T W Z BACK TO CONTENTS Radiology Appointments: Monday 9am – 9pm Thursday 9am – 9pm Tuesday 9am – 9pm Friday Wednesday 9am – 9pm 9am – 9pm Saturday 9am – 1pm Appointments usually within 24 hours of a referral Reports usually within 48 hours Abdominal/pelvic imaging General radiography Sialography including prostate Hysterosalpingography Sinography Arthrography Intravenous urography Ultrasound (general) Barium studies Mammography Ultrasound guided biopsy Breast scanning MR cholangiography Ultrasound with Doppler facility for CT scanning MRgFUS (MR guided Focused Ultrasound) vascular work Cystography MRI Urethrography Dental implant scanning Musculo-skeletal ultrasound Urinary flow rates ENT Neurological imaging Vascular studies Facet block painkilling procedures Orthopantomography Venography Fluoroscopy Physiotherapy Appointments: Monday 8am – 8pm Thursday 7.30am – 8.30pm Tuesday 7.30am – 8.30pm Friday 7.30am – 6pm Wednesday 8am – 8pm Saturday 9am – 1pm Acupuncture/electro acupuncture Hydrotherapy Post-operative breast rehabilitation Arthritis Isokinetics training (Cybex) Post-operative problems Back and neck problems Manipulation and mobilisation Occupational therapy Biomechanical assessment Muscle stimulation Orthopaedic rehabilitation classes Electrotherapy Musculo-skeletal function Spinal and peripheral mobilisations Female/male continence Neurological problems Sports/dance injuries Fully equipped gymnasium Personalised exercise programmes Narowband ultraviolet therapy Gym classes Pilates Vertigo and vestibular problems Pathology Appointments: Monday – Friday 8.30am – 8pm Saturday 8.30am – 12 noon 17 BACK TO CONTENTS When is it appropriate to tell your patients about private self-pay treatment? These are the occasions when it may be appropriate to talk to your patients about one-off, self-pay treatment. When a patient wants to be seen and treated quickly. When a patient does not meet the criteria for NHS treatment. When a patient is concerned about cleanliness and clinical outcomes. When you and your patient want to choose the consultant they see. Arranging fast private treatment Comfortable surroundings Your patient is guaranteed fast access to state-of-the-art facilities and diagnostic services – usually within a week of referral. If subsequent treatment is required this can usually be completed within a few weeks. At Spire Parkway Hospital patients have their own private room with en-suite shower. We offer a range of appetising meals, all prepared by our on-site chef, and delivered to their room. Visitors are welcome whenever your patient wishes. No referral criteria thresholds Choose your patient’s consultant Referral into the NHS isn’t always possible. At Spire Healthcare we don’t have referral thresholds – so your patient can quickly access consultant appointments and diagnostic facilities including MRI and CT scans. Demand the best for your patients and choose the consultant you want them to see. Your patient will see the same consultant at every appointment and that consultant will be in full charge of their care with the support of our 24-hour resident doctor and highly experienced nursing team. Low infection risk Spire Healthcare was the first private hospital provider to publish clinical performance and patient reported outcomes together on their website, including information on rates of MRSA bacteraemia and Clostridium Difficile infection. Fixed price treatment After the initial consultation with your chosen consultant, we’ll provide an inclusive, fixed price* for all treatment. We also offer patients access to interest free finance (0% APR representative) and interest bearing loans. * Terms and conditions apply, please ask for details. A positive benefit to the NHS Referring your patient privately to a Spire hospital not only benefits your patient but also saves the NHS valuable money and resources to continue caring for others. MRSA bacteraemia rates Cases of MRSA bacteraemia per 10,000 bed days Spire Parkway Hospital (April 2012-March 2013) NHS (April 2012-March 2013) * 18 0.00 0.27* BACK TO CONTENTS One-off private treatment • Faster access to diagnosis and treatment – when and where your patients want it • Continuous care from highly experienced consultants • Highest standards of hygiene and cleanliness • Wide range of diagnostic tests, procedures and operations • One-off, all-inclusive fixed price* 0121 704 5530 *Terms and conditions apply 8 To A45 B443 ay son P arkw La ne m pt Ha Sol Grand Union Canal Spire Parkway Hospital mp ton e Lan 02 B 41 To Tamworth M6 How to find us For more detailed directions to the hospital, please visit Solihull Telephone 0845 850 1451 Fax 0121 711 7483 Email s as yp ll b 5 ihu 02 A41 B4 To Birmingham International airport To A45 Ha on Solihull station Elmdon Heath Dam Yew Tre e Lane BACK TO CONTENTS [email protected] 2 M4 To M40 5 To Warwick © Ordnance Survey 2013 Spire Parkway Hospital 1 Damson Parkway Solihull West Midlands B91 2PP SPIRE and the SS logo are trademarks of Spire Healthcare (Holdings) Limited PK.CD.A4.0114.T
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