Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Introduction to DSC Laboratory Prof. R.G. Longoria Department of Mechanical Engineering The University of Texas at Austin Fall 2014 ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Computing Summary Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Introduction This laboratory course aims to demonstrate and reinforce principles and methods from the area of dynamic systems and controls. Relatively simple yet practical systems are studied in the laboratory. Experiment design and measurement system concepts are introduced as needed. The course provides hands-on experience in building mathematical models, developing simulations, designing experiments, using computer-based measurement hardware and software, and implementing control systems. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary What is Dynamic Systems and Controls? Dynamic systems and controls is concerned with the analysis, design, and control of physical and engineering systems that change over time. This subject area covers a broad range of system types, so there is a need to model mechanical, fluid, electrical, and thermal systems, including physical components that involve interactions between multiple physical (energy) domains, as implied in the diagram below below. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Example dynamic systems A dynamic system can be as simple as a solid projectile moving through the atmosphere, maybe impacting the ground. There may be interest in determining conditions at impact, say, to determine if the projectile penetrates the ground, rebounds, or is destroyed. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Alternatively, a dynamic system may be complex, like a ground vehicle comprised of many subsystems. Study may focus on vehicle motion, or on subsystems such as transmission, suspension, steering, and so on. Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary DSC Course Topics A course in DSC introduces modeling, analysis, and control of these types of systems, thus supporting other activities such as design and manufacturing of the systems themselves. Key areas of study include: 1 Modeling mechanical, electrical, fluid, and thermal systems 2 Deriving mathematical models as 1st order, 2nd order, as state space equations, or as transfer functions 3 Analysis of mathematical models to determine response with and without forcing 4 Basic concepts and methods for feedback control of systems ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary DSC laboratory approach 1 2 3 4 5 6 This laboratory course presents DSC concepts and methods independent of the related lecture course. Laboratory experiments are designed to be challenging but allow completion within a limited lab time, assuming pre-lab exercises are completed. Some basic knowledge in circuits and electronics is assumed, but sensor and instrumentation concepts are introduced in each laboratory. Because experimentation is a key part of engineering, opportunities are given to build skill and confidence in completing laboratory work that supports theory and vice versa. Computer-based methods for instrumentation, simulation, and control are introduced and applied. We teach and apply LabVIEW for measurement, simulation, and control. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Labs: compound pendulum experiment The compound pendulum setup shown below introduces angular sensing, modeling of rotational dynamics, and simulation of system equations. This setup allows us to study nonlinear torques applied on the pendulum due to gravitational force on the CG as well as friction at the pivot. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Labs: one- and two-can experiments One- and two-can system experiments can be used to introduce pressure sensing and use of models for designing experiments. Simulation is used to demonstrate how well the models can predict different levels of filling. This fluid system provides experience in experimental modeling of the relationship between flow exiting the orifice and the associated pressure drop. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Labs: beam sensor experiments A cantilevered beam is instrumented with strain-gauges, forming a force sensor. Strain-gauge instrumentation and usage is learned, and the beam sensor can be used in additional experiments, such as measuring the response due to impact of a clay ball, or studying beam vibration with attached accelerometer. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Labs: 2 DOF system; two-story building model Modeling of systems with multiple degrees of freedom (higher order systems) can be studied using a two-story building model, as shown to the right. We can monitor the motion of each ‘floor’ using accelerometers as forces are applied or as the base is moved. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Summary Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Labs: vision measurement and feedback control experiments Study of feedback control is accomplished using LabVIEW to ‘close the feedback loop’. In the example shown below, a USB webcam is used to monitor the position of the needle on a simple analog meter (an electromechanical system). The vision-based measurement of needle angular position and feedback control algorithms for regulating needle position are all made using LabVIEW code. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Working in the lab requires knowledge about measurement systems Measurement systems are essential knowledge for engineers. Selected topics are introduced as needed due to time constraints. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary We apply experimental methods to systems of interest for a given purpose Some of these typical engineering experiments will be conducted in this course. 1 Determination of material properties and object dimensions 2 Determination of component parameters, variables, and performance indices 3 Determination of system parameters, variables and performance indices 4 Evaluation and improvement of theoretical models 5 Product/process improvement by testing 6 Exploratory experimentation 7 Acceptance testing 8 Use of physical models and analogues 9 Teaching/learning through experimentation Sometimes intuition is sufficient to design experiments, but many times not. In this course, we emphasize how system models should guide experiment design. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Example: instrumenting an experiment The compound pendulum setup is relatively easy to instrument. With a fixed-axis for rotation of the pendulum, an angular sensor is used to measure angle, θ. For other systems, it may not be so obvious where or why to make measurements. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Until it is known what is to be found out, it may be premature to decide on what to measure, what data to collect, and what should be done with data. Example: For the one-can system, what type of experiments and what measurements would be made to study the orifice flow characteristics? Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary There is no experiment without theory–and there is no theory without experiment. Because of the insight it builds, system modeling is essential for guiding engineering experimentation. Depending on the objective of an experiment, you might be able to walk into the lab and run the right tests, collect the right data, and collect the right amount of data. But this is not easy to do. We will examine ways to use models to help guide laboratory experience. A key objective is to develop confidence in specifying and making valid measurements on purpose. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary We will build experience in system modeling System modeling is the process of studying a physical or engineering system and using fundamental physical laws to better understand the system and guide formulation of quantifiable representations, typically in the form of mathematical equations. As engineers, we rely on models to help design and control systems we are building and evaluating. A key objective of laboratory study is to provide practice that builds insight and the ability to recognize how to use physical laws for modeling, how to make simplifying assumptions, and how to judge validity of models. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Example: a simple pendulum model Even a system as simple as a rock on a string requires assumptions and abstraction to help formulate a useful model. For example, in (a) below the mass of the rock is modeled as a point mass, m, located a distance L from the pivot. The ‘simple’ pendulum should be distinguished from a ‘compound’ pendulum to be studied in the lab which has both a concentrated total mass at a center of gravity and distributed mass quantified by the moment of inertia. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Identifying key variables and parameters is an important first step in system modeling The familiar mass-spring-damper system shown below, is commonly used to model many practical physical and engineering systems. It is important to recognize key quantities: inputs, system variables, parameters. In this case, the force is an input, specified by the environment. Quantities such as the mass velocity, Vm , and spring displacement, xk , are system variables. The system parameters are the mass, m, spring stiffness, k, and damping, b. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary System component characterization requires background knowledge A large part of formulating system models is understanding the constitutive relations for system elements or components, which may come from past engineering studies. Constitutive relations relate two or more system variables, and these relationships should be formulated so it is possible to describe practical devices and processes. Example: The purely translational spring in the mass-spring-damper model relates the force on the spring to how much it deflects, x. If this relation, based on Hooke’s law, is linear, Fk = k · x, which identifies the stiffness, k. Determining k requires we know the spring material and geometric properties, as shown below. Alternatively, we might run experiments in the lab to find the constant relating Fk and x. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Mathematical models of systems A mathematical model of a system may take many forms and should allow you to answer relevant questions about design, performance, etc. It is important to remember that all models are formed after making simplifying assumptions, and these should be understood and tested, as will be demonstrated in this course. The form of the mathematical models that can be useful in practice should be familiar. The use of the following will be introduced in this course as well as in a related lecture course: 1 Basic algebraic relations: y = g(x) 2 First and second order differential equations 3 ‘State space’ equations (systems of 1st order ODEs) 4 Transfer functions ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Dynamic systems imply change with respect to one or more independent variables In general, models of engineering systems may take the form of partial differential equations (PDEs): f (x1 , · · · , xn , y, ∂2y ∂2y ∂y ,··· , ,··· , , u1 , · · · , ur ) = 0 ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂x1 ∂xn were the u variables are external inputs to the system, xn are dependent variables, and y and higher order derivatives are the minimum physical system variables of interest required to describe the system, or states. In DSC, system-level models typically are ODEs, with time, t, as a single independent variable of interest, f (t, y, dy d2 y dn y , · · · , 2 , · · · , n , u1 , · · · , ur ) = 0 dt dt dt the y and derivatives of y represent the system states. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary The simplest dynamic system is modeled by 1st order linear ODEs A linear 1st order system model can be expressed in the standard form, τ dx + x = u(t) dt where x is the state, u(t) is the input, and τ is the system time constant. The system modeled by this equation requires only one ‘state’ variable to explain all dynamic behavior. Both systems shown below would be modeled by this type of ODE. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary When is a system not linear? Why do we care? The distinction between linear and nonlinear systems is important in dynamic systems and controls. Linear and nonlinear relationships arise in the constitutive relationships for the system elements. Example: A coil spring’s force, Fk , might be well represented by the linear relation, Fk = kx, where x is the extension/compression, and k is a constant stiffness. However, a bungee cord might only be linear over a small range of x values. As x becomes long, bungee cords generate nonlinear force-displacement curves. This is important because when derived in final form the overall system ODEs will be linear or nonlinear, depending on the basic constitutive relations used. As will be shown in this lab, solving linear equations is much easier than solving nonlinear equations. Also, nonlinear systems may respond differently depending on initial conditions and on magnitude of the input(s). ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Example: deriving compound pendulum model Refer to the compound pendulum that will be studied in lab, and define the angular momentum about the CG, T = −mglC sin θ, h = Jω = J θ˙ if there are no other applied torques. This equation can be written in terms of the angular displacement, θ, and relate this to the value about the axis of rotation (or pivot), O, h˙ = J0 θ¨ = −mglC sin θ 2 J0 = J + mlC . Then, apply Newton’s law about the axis of rotation, dh/dt = h˙ = T, where the net torque, T , is, ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) so the final equation, J0 θ¨ + mglC sin θ = 0. is a 2nd order ODE, which is nonlinear because of the sin θ term. Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Verifying and validating system models The modeling process requires decisions and this lab will be used to test those decisions. If a model you’ve built behaves the way you expect it to, adheres to the laws of physics as you understand them, then you have verified the model. If the model you’ve built provides results that compare to within some acceptable margin to actual physical test results, then you have validated the model. This lab will provide practice in verifying and validating models. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Using computer-based methods for instrumentation, analysis, and control Finally, this lab will make extensive use of computer-based methods for: developing systems that manage data acquisition hardware which is used to measure signals from sensors processing data and displaying results solving systems of differential equations that model our laboratory experiments comparing model and experiment results implementing feedback control systems The ME 144L laboratory course uses the LabVIEW software environment for these purposes. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Summary of course objectives 1 To learn about and apply tools that support modeling, design, and control of engineering systems through hands-on laboratory studies 2 To learn how to design and use physical experiments by using system models and to assess system models 3 To gain familiarity with methods from measurement science and engineering 4 To gain experience modeling, experimentation, and simulation, especially to understand how to make good decisions when using these methods in engineering practice ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria) Introduction Labs Meas Systems Experimentation Modeling Computing Summary Summary 1 This laboratory course is independent but related to a DSC lecture course, however, all subject matter needed will be introduced. 2 We will focus on relatively simple laboratory experiments that allow us to apply DSC concepts. 3 We will introduce sensing and instrumentation concepts that support experimentation. 4 We will emphasize using modeling to guide our laboratory experience. 5 We will use LabVIEW to model and analyze systems, but also to control collection of signals and to implement feedback controls systems. 6 The first few weeks of lab will build familiarization with LabVIEW usage. ME 144L Dynamic Systems and Controls Lab (Longoria)
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