Edited and Presented by Henrik Thorsen, IBM Technical Director IBM Denmark DTU 2014 Mainframe History and Introduction a history of robustness © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM Agenda June 13, 2014 What defines a Mainframe – Basic concepts? – Focus on robustness Mainframe 50 year history – A lot of evolution – One revolution (1964) – And since many evolutions – Let’s review the historical most significant events Who uses Mainframes in 2014? – The whole world, including you 2 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM What defines a Mainframe ? HW - well defined architecture (POP) Centralised administration Database HUB (I/O) Transaction Processing RAS (Reliability, Availability and Serviceability) Scalability Hardware Memory Protection Virtualisation Performance Security Operating Systems Solutions Open (but also closed and proprietary if only using legacy) Hybrid architecture Compatibility 3 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM The IBM Mainframe History Well, maybe a little before… IBM started out as a merger of three US companies, which became units of CTR – Computing Scale – Tabulating Machine – Time Recording The Canadian unit became the International Business Machines Co. Ltd. in 1917 The parent became International Business Machines Corporation in 1924 4 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM Worlds first computers most were one of a kind 1944 Harvard IBM Mark I (Mechanical) (idea funded by IBM in 1939) – 60 sets of 24 switches, manual data entry,store 72 numbers, each 23 decimal digits. 3 additions/subtractions a sec. Multiplication in 6 secs, division took 15 secs, and a logarithm/ trigonometric function took over one minute. – Read from 24-channel punched paper tape, executed current instruction and then read next. No conditional branch instruction. Complex programs had to be long. – A loop accomplished joining the end of the paper tape back to the beginning of the tape literally creating loop. Separation of data and instructions known as Harvard architecture. 1946 ENIAC (Electro mechanical): – 17468 vacuum tubes, 7200 crystal diodes, 1500 relays, 70000 resistors, 10000 capacitors, 5 mio hand-soldered joints. 30 tons, 2.4m×0.9m×30m, (167 m2), 150 kW. – Rumor when computer was on, lights in Philadelphia dimmed. – Input from an IBM card reader, and an IBM card punch used for output. These cards could be used to produce printed output offline using an IBM accounting machine, the IBM 405 – Cycle time 200 microsecs, or 5,000 cycles/sec. In one cycle/write number to register, or add/subtract two numbers. A multiplication of a 10-digit numbers took 14 cycles, or rate of 357/sec. Division or square root took up to 143 cycles, or rate of 35/sec. – Reliability: Tubes burned out every day, leaving it nonfunctional about half the time. Most failures occurred during the warm-up/ cool-down. Engineers reduced failures to rate of one tube every two days. Longest continuous period of operation without failure 5 days. 1947 Harvard IBM Mark II, 1950 III (partially electronic), 1952 IV (all electronic) 5 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM IBM 701 – 1952 1st generation "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers" is often attributed to The first IBM Senior large-scale electronic computer manufactured inis from Thomas Watson and Junior at several dates in the 1950s. Misquote quantity 1953 IBM annual stockholders meeting. Describing the market acceptance of the IBM 701.first Before production Watson visited with 20 potential customers. This is IBM's commercially available scientific computer a result ofinour trip, on which wewere expected to in getan orders for what said: “Asmachine Thehefirst IBM which programs stored internal, five machines, we came home with orders for 18” addressable, electronic memory The first of the pioneering line of IBM 700 series computers, including the 702 through 709 – – – – – Vaccum tubes (72-144, each 1024 bytes) 702 introduced magnetic tapes 704 introduced floating point aritmetics 705 introduced core memory 709 had 32,768 words of 36-bit memory and could execute 42,000 add or subtract instructions per second. It could multiply two 36-bit integers at a rate of 5000 per second. 701 6 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM IBM 305 RAMAC – 1956 1st generation Access time 600ms. Weight 1 Ton. Price approximately 1 Million Dkr. The first computer to include a disk ($150K) drive (named the IBM 350 Disk File) Prior to this magnetic computer 1000s were built. storage had consisted of core memory, tape, and drums The 350 Disk File consisted of a stack of fifty 24 inch discs The capacity of the entire disk file was 5 million 7-bit characters, which works out to about 4.4 MB in modern parlance 7 350 Disk © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM And in Denmark we had DASK and for a short while amongst the fastest in the world! 8 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM IBM SW for the 1401 included: IBM 1401 – 1959 nd 2 • 1401generation Symbolic Programming System assembler. • Autocoder on Tape, a more advanced assembler, requiredProcessing at least 4K memory and four tape drives.the The all-transistorized IBM 1401 Data System placed features found in electronic data processing systems at the disposal • Autocoder on Disk, similar to, but not compatible with, Autocoder on Tape, required one or more 1311 disk of smaller businesses, drives. previously limited to the use of 1402 1401 1403 • COBOL required at least 4k memory card and 4 tape drives. conventional punched equipment • FARGO (Fourteen-o-one Automatic Report Generation Operation), a predecessor of RPG, required 4K memory. These features included: high speed card punching and • FORTRAN II required at least 8K memory reading, magnetic tape input and output, high speed • FORTRAN IV required at least 12K memory and either 4 tape drives or 1 IBM 1311 disk drive. printing, stored program, and • RPG (Report Program Generator) Basic RPG required at least 4K memory. arithmetic and logical ability 729 – Over 10,000 units were produced and many were leased or resold in less developed countries after they were replaced with newer technology. 9 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM IBM 1440 – 1962 2nd generation Low-cost system specifically designed to solve the increasing data handling problems of smaller volume businesses The 1440 met the need for a 1443 1441 1311 complete accounting system and offered the benefits of a business information system With a variety of models and special features available for the 1440, a system could be tailored to meet immediate data processing requirements and expanded to absorb increased demands 10 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM IBM 7094 – 1962 2nd generation Built for large-scale scientific computing Compatible with the IBM 7090, the advanced solid-state IBM 7094 offered substantial increases in internal operating speeds and functional capacities 7094 New expanded functions provided with the IBM 7094 were double-precision floating-point operations and seven index registers – In 1960, a typical system sold for $2.9 million (equal to 100 million Dkr. in 2014) – At 100 Kflop/s, the 7090 was six times faster than the 709, and could be rented for half the price. 11 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM IBM 7094 – 1962 2nd generation I 1963-64 udgav en komité bestående af IBM og SHARE beskrivelsen af etcomputing nyt programmeringssprog kaldet NPL Built for large-scale scientific Sproget skulle være en erstatning for de tidligere Compatible with the IBM 7090, the advanced solid-state IBM 7094 programmeringssprog ALGOL, Cobol og Fortran. Sproget lånte offered substantial increases operating speeds and elementer fra allein treinternal sprog. Det nye programmeringssprog functional capacities skulle udvikles til IBMs nye computerarkitektur IBM S/360, der 7094 blev annonceret i 1964. Navnet på sproget blev ændret til PL/I New expanded functions provided pga.were navnesammenfald med det britiske National Physical with the IBM 7094 Laboratory. double-precision floating-point operations and seven index registers – In 1960, a typical system sold for $2.9 million IBM solgte en 7099 til undervisningsministeriet i 1965 forthe1 dkr, og den blev grundlaget for NEUCC At 100 Kflop/s, the 7090 was six times faster than 709, and could be rented for half the price. (Northern Europe Computing Center) på Polyteknisk Læreanstalt I Lundtofte. Det foretrukne programmeringssprog var Fortran, og det gjorde, at mange studerende lærte dette sprog. (equal to 100 million Dkr. in 2014) – 12 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM The family tree – 1952 to 1964 Several mainframe families announced, designed for different applications Every family had a different, incompatible architecture Within families, moving from one generation to the next was a migration – Common compilers made migration easier – COBOL and FORTRAN – Outside IBM the ”BUNCH” competed 13 © 2014 IBM Corporation The April 1964 Revolution 3rd generation © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM 15 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM System/360 – Announced April 7, 1964 IBM decided to implement a wholly new architecture specifically designed both for data processing and to be compatible across a wide range of performance levels IBM invested $5B to develop a family of five increasingly powerful computers that run the same operating systems and can use the same 44 peripheral devices with the same architecture S/360-75 – Architecture published in the S/360 Principles of Operation – 24-bit addressing (32-bit architecture) – Solid logic circuit cards 2401 16 2311 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM System/360 – a child is born Hardware – One main storage, maximum size is 16MB – One or two Central Processing Units (CPUs) – One to seven Channels - Selector or Byte Multiplexor - Block Multiplexor – Control Units (which connect to Channels) – Devices (which connect to Control Units) Family of operating systems from IBM – Operating System/360 (OS/360) – Disk Operating System/360 (DOS/360) – Tape Operating System (TOS) – Basic Programming Support (BPS) – Airlines Control Program (ACP) 17 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM Core Memory 18 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM System/360 Model 20IBM Important System SW: 1966 Special purpose “entry level” S/360 24K of core memory Half the registers of other models Instruction set that was not binarycompatible with the rest of the S/360 family Popular as an RJE workstation 19 •JES2/JES3 1966/1967...2560 Multi-Function Card Machine •IMS 1966 (Apollo)... •CICS 1968.... © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM IBM 9020 System Air Traffic Control system The 9020 was a conglomeration of IBM System 360 computers – Models were made up of IBM System 360 Model 65s hooked together into a highly redundant and reliable single system image and Model 50’s as IO Control Elements Here is a picture of the operator control panel for one computing element of a 9020E system, which looked a great deal like a Model 65 panel, but with additions specific to the air traffic control configuration A complete 9020E was made up of three or four Model 65s, three Model 50s, storage units, and peripheral adapters for things like displays and incoming radar data 20 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM System/370 with Virtual Storage Announced August 2, 1972 Compatible upgrade from S/370 with virtual storage First popular multiprocessor models (158MP, 168MP) Family of operating systems 3850 Mass Storage Subsystem – OS/360 OS/VS 3705 S/370-148 – DOS/360 DOS/VS – CP/67 VM/370 3350 Used at DTU When I studied there 1977-1983 3505 21 3203 3525 3270 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM S/370 – the Architecture Matures IBM Important System SW: Virtual storage •VTAM (SNA, NCP, ...) 1974 •HSM storage) 1974 – 2KB or 4KB pages of(Mass memory •VTAM 1976.... – 64KB or 1MB segment sizes – Translation of virtual addresses to real addresses using Dynamic Address Translation (DAT) logic – Segment tables point to page locations Channel architecture – 256 channels CPU changes – Extended MP support via CPU address 22 3033 3031 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM System/370 with Extended Architecture IBM Important System SW and HW: Evolution of S/370 •SQL/DS 1981... •DB2 1983... 3081 introduced Thermal •QMF,5-31 ... Conduction Modules (1983 MIPs) New peripherals PR/SM (Processor Resource/System Manager) is a type-1 Hypervisor or VM that allows multiple LPARs – 3800 page printer to share physical resources such as CPUs, I/O and DASD. – 3370/3380 disk Introduced in 1985 with the IBM 3090-E processors. – 3480 tape Family of operating systems – OS/VS MVS/SP MVS/XA – DOS/VS VSE/SP – VM/370 VM/SP, VM/SP HPO – VM/370 VM/XA MA VM/XA SF VM/XA SP 23 3083 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM System/390 with Enterprise Systems Architecture IBM Important System SW: Announced September 1990 Evolution of ESA/370 •Sysplex (XCF) 1990 1994 – S/390 Parallel Transaction •Parallel Server Sysplex 1994 •WLM Goal Mode operation 1995... – Family of CMOS processors – 15 MIPs 1W G1, 1200+ MIPs 12W G6) 1998 – System/390 G5 server – more than 1,000 MIPS 1999 – System/390 G6 server – copper chip technology Common set of peripheral devices – RAMAC, Enterprise Storage Subsystem disk – 3590 Magstar tape Family of operating systems – MVS/ESA OS/390 – VSE/ESA – VM/ESA – AIX/ESA – Linux for S/390 (December 1999) 24 9672-G5 ES/9000 (1990) © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM eServer zSeries with z/Architecture Announced October 2000 Evolution of ESA-390 – 24-bit, 31-bit, and 64-bit addressing supported concurrently – z900 – up to 16 processors (200-3200 MIPs) – z800 – up to 4 processors zSeries 900 • Linux-only model in January 2002 • General purpose model in February 2002 - Integrated Facility for Linux on z900/z890 Family of operating systems – OS/390 z/OS – VSE/ESA z/VSE – VM/ESA z/VM – TPF z/TPF – Linux for S/390 Linux for zSeries 25 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM IBM zEnterprise system Announced 2010-07 Unified Unified management management for for aa smarter smarter system: system: zEnterprise zEnterprise Unified Unified Resource Resource Manager Manager The The world’s world’s fastest fastest and and most scalable system: most scalable system: zEnterprise zEnterprise™™ 196 196 (z196) (z196) Ideal for large scale data and transaction serving and mission critical applications Most efficient platform for Largescale Linux® consolidation Leveraging a large portfolio of z/OS® and Linux on System z applications Capable of massive scale up, over 50 Billion Instructions per Second (BIPS) Provides platform, hardware and workload management Unifies management of resources, extending IBM System z® qualities of service across the infrastructure Scale Scale out out to to aa trillion trillion instructions per second: instructions per second: zEnterprise zEnterprise BladeCenter BladeCenter®® Extension Extension (zBX) (zBX) Selected IBM POWER7® blades and IBM x86 Blades1 for tens of thousands of AIX® and Linux applications High performance optimizers and appliances to accelerate time to insight and reduce cost Dedicated high performance private network HMC 1 All statements regarding IBM future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represents goals and objectives only. 26 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM Reports of the death of the mainframe were premature “I predict that the last mainframe will be unplugged on March 15, 1996.” – Stewart Alsop, March 1991 “It’s clear that corporate customers still like to have centrally controlled, very predictable, reliable computing systems – exactly the kind of systems that IBM specializes in.” – Stewart Alsop, February 2002 Source: IBM Annual Report 2001 27 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM IBM System z: Design Comparison for High End Systems System I/O Bandwidth 384 GB/Sec* Balanced System CPU, nWay, Memory, I/O Bandwidth* 288 GB/sec* 172.8 GB/sec* 96 GB/sec 24 GB/sec Memory 3 TB** 1.5 TB** 512 GB 256 64 GB GB 261 413 560 902 1202 PCI for 1-way 1514 16-way 32-way 54-way 64-way zEC12 z196 z10 EC * Servers exploit a subset of its designed I/O capability ** Up to 1 TB per LPAR PCI – Processor Capacity Index (z/OS 1.13) 28 80-way z9 EC z990 101-way Processors z900 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM What are the trends ………….. Java Semiconductor Technology 29 Microprocessor Design Systems Design Virtualization & Operating Systems Compilers & Java Virtual Machine Optimized Middleware © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM Summary From System/360 in 1964 to today’s zEnterprise System, we have seen an evolution that has preserved customer investments in a unique way From OS/360 to MVS to OS/390 to z/OS, we have seen an evolution of the operating system that is core to most corporate IT environments From DOS/360 to VSE/ESA to z/VSE, we have seen this operating system thrive meeting the needs in smaller environments From CP/67 as a research project and VM/370 as a migration tool, VM has evolved to today’s z/VM as the core of IBM’s System z virtualization technology And now with Linux on System z, we have a truly open operating environment “Legacy systems are systems that work!” 30 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM Who use Mainframes in 2014? Banks Financiel Institutions Airlines Supermarkets Telecoms Trafic control Art Galleries SU! Shipping O.M.M.A 31 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM Examples of IBM Mainframe Robustness Features Forward compatibility of programs Resiliency of Memory, Cores, Channels, Power ... – RAIM memory – Spare cores – Channel redundancy (DPR, sparring – Extra power cooling equipment ”Call home” if machine needs extra maintenance Parallel Sysplex Disk sparing, RAID, Mirroring System z resiliency – Concurrent maintenance (books, I/O, memory, CPs ... inflight) – Concurrent Growth (books, I/O, memory, CPs, Capacity Back Up, LPARs, On/off capacity…inflight) – Fault Tolerant design: system continues if there is the loss of single component. • Moreover, it is designed to do this without even impacting transactions. You can change the airplane’s engines, wings, • System z provides fault tolerance for all of its key components: CPs (Transparent CP sparing), memory (Dynamic memory sparing), or I/O (I/O Interconnect), but and also the timing oscillator you card, power supply,grow channelitpaths, OSA fuselage, the cockpit, can also from a cards, Support Elements (SEs), and others. plane a 400 passenger • In addition to IBM’s most robust simple processor four-passenger design with intelligent retries and to a very elaborate and successful design of internal recovery hardware. luxury-liner….in flight! 40 – 50 years MTBF 32 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM Bibliography Melinda Varian, Princeton – “VM and the VM Community: Past, Present, and Future” presented at SHARE 89, 1997 Jeff Gribbin, EDS UK – “Development of 360/370 Architecture – A Plain Man’s View”, 1989 Chuck Boyer – “The 360 Revolution”, 2004 available at ftp://ftp.software.ibm.com/eserver/zseries/misc/bookoffer/download/360revolution_040704.pdf IBM Archives: Valuable resources on IBM's history – http://www.ibm.com/ibm/history/ IBM Systems Journal – “VM/370–a study of multiplicity and usefulness” L H Seawright and R A MacKinnon, Volume 18, Number 1, 1979 – Evolution of a virtual machine subsystem E C Hendricks and T C Hartmann, Volume 18, Number 1, 1979 – “ESA/390 interpretive-execution architecture, foundation for VM/ESA” D L Osisek, K M Jackson, and P H Gum, Volume 30, Number 1, 1991 IBM Journal of Research and Development – “The Origin of the VM/370 Time-Sharing System” R J Creasy, Volume 25, Number 5, 1981 – “System/360 and Beyond” A Padegs, Volume 25, Number 5, 1981 z/Architecture Principles of Operation – http://www-01.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=isg2b9de5f05a9d57819852571c500428f9a 33 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM A little perspective Mainframes process 30 billion business transactions per day 1.3 million CICS Transactions. Every Second. In comparison, there are 59,421 Google searches every second globally. 34 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM It all started with a $5 billion dollar bet. IBM System/360™ Linux PR/SM Virtualization Java CICS, DB2, & IMS Parallel Sysplex Hybrid with zBX Bipolar to CMOS IBM DB2 Analytics Accelerator Capacity on Demand IBM zEnterprise EC12 & zBC12 Analytics Cloud Mobile Security Social Constant evolution driven through co-creation with our clients 35 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM How many times have you used a Mainframe today? IBM Mainframe: Make the Extraordinary Possible http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0tgt4VSrPso 36 © 2014 IBM Corporation IBM Notices © Copyright IBM Corporation 2000, 2010. All rights reserved. This document contains words and/or phrases that are trademarks or registered trademarks of the International Business Machines Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. For information on IBM trademarks go to http://www.ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml. The following are trademarks or registered trademarks of other companies. Java and all Java-related trademarks and logos are trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc., in the United States and other countries. UNIX is a registered trademark of The Open Group in the United States and other countries. Microsoft, Windows and Windows NT are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation. Red Hat, the Red Hat "Shadow Man" logo, and all Red Hat-based trademarks and logos are trademarks or registered trademarks of Red Hat, Inc., in the United States and other countries. Linux is a trademark of Linus Torvalds in the United States, other countries, or both. All other products may be trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Notes: This publication was produced in Canada. IBM may not offer the products, services or features discussed in this document in other countries, and the information may be subject to change without notice. Consult your local IBM business contact for information on the product or services available in your area. All statements regarding IBM's future direction and intent are subject to change or withdrawal without notice, and represent goals and objectives only. Information about non-IBM products is obtained from the manufacturers of those products or their published announcements. IBM has not tested those products and cannot confirm the performance, compatibility, or any other claims related to non-IBM products. Questions on the capabilities of non-IBM products should be addressed to the suppliers of those products. Prices subject to change without notice. Contact your IBM representative or Business Partner for the most current pricing in your geography. 37 © 2014 IBM Corporation
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