Compensation Plan Overview All income figures listed are hypothetical and are not based on actual results or averages. Inadequate historical data exists in order to give average income or expected income levels. Many factors influence income, some of these factors are outside the control of the IBO. Company makes no guarantees or promises of any income. When sufficient operating data is generated, the Company will provide income disclosure statements as needed.” Flex-Marketing System Incorporates the positives of traditional marketing models and eliminates the negatives Franchise Electronic Commerce Small Business Network Marketing Direct Sales Corporate America 1. Proven System 2. Web based 3. Tax Advantages 4. Leverage Earnings 5. Immediate Income 6. Advancement/ based on your efforts and results! Avenues of Income Retail – 10% - 25% Dual Team Bonuses 8 Generations Uni-Level: 10% (Sales Volume) Infinity Bonus: 10% + 10% (Sales Volume) Business Builder Bonus: $500-$1000-$3000 Travel Points: 25-50-100-200-400 Retail Examples Cutting Edge Health & Wellness Retail Website Combo Pack Liquid Vitamins, Greens & Reds Retail Price = $119 IBO Retail Commission = $20 Personal Sales Volume = $50 Qualify $100 PSV Flex Marketing Advantage Hybrid Compensation System You YOU 1 2 3 5 4 1 Duel Team Center Duel Team Bonus Go deep! 2 3 4 5 Sales Volume Uni-level Go Wide! Earn up to 8 Generations 5 Flex Marketing Advantage Hybrid Compensation System LT You RT You RT 2 LT 1 10% 1 2 3 4 5 RT 2 Team Management Duel Team Bonus Go deep! 10% 6 Sales Volume Uni-level Go Unlimited Wide! Earn 10% up to 8 Generations Dual Team Management Bonuses (DTV) (Step) LEFT - MV RIGHT - MV TOTAL PAYS Cycle = generate 3,000 DTV left and 3,000 DTV right 1 200 DTV + 200 DTV = 400 DTV $50 2 200 DTV + 200 DTV = 800 DTV $50 3 200 DTV + 200 DTV = 1200 DTV $50 4 200 DTV + 200 DTV = 1600 DTV $50 5 300 DTV + 300 DTV = 2200 DTV $50 6 300 DTV + 300 DTV = 2800 DTV $50 (Jan 5th volume expires March 6th) 7 400 DTV + 400 DTV = 3600 DTV $100 (Jan 6th volume expires March 7th ) 8 400 DTV + 400 DTV = 4400 DTV $100 9 400 DTV + 400 DTV = 5200 DTV $200 10 400 DTV + 400 DTV = 6000 DTV $300 Total 3000 DTV + 3000 DTV = 6000 DTV $1,000 80% Maximum Payout Cap Generated DTV from your entire team to infinity! Accumulative steps *1st day volume expires after 60days Sales Volume Bonuses “It’s About Duplicating Sales” Below example is based on sales team generating each 100 personal sales volume from selling industry sector products and services. No financial consideration for IBO fees! You Generation 1: 5 x 100 SV = 500 SV x 10% = $50 Generation 2: 25 X 100 SV = 2500 SV x 10% = $250 Generation 3: 125 x 100 SV =12,500 SV x 10% = $1,250 1 2 Generation 1 3 4 5 Generation 4 : 155 x 100 SV 15,550 SV x 10% = $1,550 Generation 5: 3 4 Generation 2 5 Generation 6: Generation 7” Example: Team of 155 with average of 100PSV would generate Sponsor upline 10% of $15,550 team group sales volume = $1,550 Generation 8: Paid only on qualified team generations (Non qualified compress monthly) 100 Personal Sales Volume per month with 50% from Retail (non IBO) purchase * Regional Director and International Director require 200PSV 8 Sales Volume Infinity Bonus *Added to original 10% - 8 generations until blocked by same rank! You Generation 1 1 2 3 3 Generation 2 4 4 Infinity Bonus 10% on all SV to next National Director Additional 10% on all SV to next International Director Monthly Performance Bonuses Business Builder Dollars = $500 or $1,000 or $3,000 Travel Points Each Month = 25 or 50 or 100 or 200 or 400 5 5 Getting Promoted and Advancing in Rank Rank or Position Independent Bus Owner Retail Earnings Personal Sales Volume (PSV) to Earn Sales Volume & Dual Team Bonuses Qualification For Sales Volume Bonuses (8) Generations + 10 % personal Qualification Requirement And Dual Team Cycle Cap Only Earns Retail Commissions Until Creating 100 Personal Sales Volume (PSV) to advance $70 + $25 *Once 100PSV IBO can earn 8 generations with one sponsored IBO Associate (Assoc.) Senior Associate (SA) Director (Dir) Regional Director (RD) National Director (ND) International Director (ID) Based on Products Sold Based on Products Sold Based on Products Sold Based on Products Sold Based on Products Sold Based on Products Sold $100 PSV in any one calendar month 50% from Retail consumer (Sale or autoship) $100 PSV in any one calendar month $100 PSV in any one calendar month $100 PSV in any one calendar month $200 PSV in any one calendar month $200 PSV in any one calendar month 50% from Retail consumer (Sale or autoship) 50% from Retail consumer (Sale or autoship) 50% from Retail consumer (Sale or autoship) 50% from Retail consumer (Sale or autoship) 50% from Retail consumer (Sale or autoship) $100 PSV in any one calendar month $100 PSV in any one calendar month $100 PSV in any one calendar month $100 PSV in any one calendar month $200 PSV in any one calendar month $200 PSV in any one calendar month 50% from Retail consumer (Sale or autoship) 50% from Retail consumer (Sale or autoship) 50% from Retail consumer (Sale or autoship) 50% from Retail consumer (Sale or autoship) 50% from Retail consumer (Sale or autoship) 50% from Retail consumer (Sale or autoship) As Associate 5000 PSV Or 100PSV + 50,000 GSV 25K per line max Any calendar Month * Max 2 Cycles Per Month As SR. Associate 10,000PSV Or 100PSV + 100k GSV 50K per line max Any calendar Month * Max 4 Cycles Per Month As Director 50,000 PSV Or 100PSV + 250k GSV 100K per line max Any (2) consecutive Months * Max 15 Cycles Per Month As Regional 100,000 PSV Or 200PSV + 500K GSV 200k per line max Any (2) consecutive Months * Max 30 Cycles Per month As National 500,000 PSV Or 200PSV + 1,000,000 GSV 300K per line max Any (2) consecutive Months *Max 60 Cycles Per month As IBO 500 PSV or + Sponsor 2 QIBO If Qualified in same Month start DTV *Max 1 Cycle Per Month All Regional All Senior All Regional Plus All Director Bonuses, Plus Plus $3000 BBD Plus Benefits and Consideration as $1000 BBD 400 travel points $500 BBD Compensation Field Trainer 200 travel points Per month 100 travel points ISP = 50 travel points Per month 10% + 10% Infinity Per month Incentive month the production requirements in order 10% Gen (based onare SV)considered your 1.Commencing with Regional Director (RD) position, each position requires two consecutive monthsPer of meeting to infinity advance1 in rank. These two months Shopping Points on SV) -(2)qualified Event Tickets qualifying months and the third month becomes your “effective” month. If IBO does not qualify for a position’s bonus in a given month, IBO will be (based paid at the level for which they but will retain the position’s title. *SVB requires 100PSV up to RD and at MD requires 200PSV with 50% must be from end consumer (not IBO personal purchase) -ID Diamond Ring Activates Dual Team center for DTB Earn 8 generations of Q –SV All Associate Plus 25 travel points Per month
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