From Obstacle to Opportunity Tracking, Measuring & Improving Outcomes During Your CareRecord Transition Melanie Wilson, PhD Director, Benchmarking & Analytics Paul M. Duck Vice President, Business Development Realities of the Massive Shifts 1. The changes within healthcare reform are profound, permanent and necessary for systemic change! 2. These changes are not going away! 3. If you think you can do what you’ve always done, think about this… Benchmarking Data Analytics CARERECORDTM: A platform providing a framework for EMR, billing, scheduling, and clinical workflows CAREMANAGERTM: Coordinating care to ensure healthcare access, coordination, affordability and outcomes CAREPATHWAYSTM: The use of data to drive optimal outcomes and operational efficiencies PLEXUSTM: On demand services, technology and delivery providing predictable results as needed, when needed CARECONNECTTM: Beyond interoperability, focused on integration, a messaging bus ensuring an open and free flowing network CAREPOINTETM: TMPerson-centric solutions to CAREPOINTE : Person-centric solutions to enable and empower the consumer, enable and empower the consumer, providing a providing a seamless integrated connection seamless integrated connection in the pursuit of in the pursuit of recovery, health and recovery, health and wellness wellness. TM:: Providing CAREPOV VIEWTM Providing specific specific needs to extend capabilities, connect disparate communities and optimize user experiences ® CareRecordTM TM ® TM CarePointe Behavioral Sciences • myEvolv • myAvatar • TIER • • • • Public Health • Insight • • • • • • • myHealthPointe myHealthPointe.kiosk myLifeMatters SurveyandAssessment Private Practice • Helper CarePOV CareViewTM CareConnectTM PrimaryCare RxConnect MobileConnect myLearningPointe NetsmartU GL/AP/HR/Payroll POV (mobility) Methadone • • • • • ® OrderConnect LabConnect HIEConnect ReferralConnect ConsumerConnect ® CareManager ® TM • CareManager Community Improve Outcomes EHR & Meaningful Use Primary Care Integration Information Exchange Clinical Decision Support Population & Community Health Management Medication Management Benchmarking Data Analytics Reduce Cost Business Efficiencies Business Efficiencies Hosting & SaaS Revenue Cycle Management Managed Services Technology Partners Delivering Accountable Care Care Care Coordination Coordina on Clinical Innova on Clinical Innovation TM • Solution Delivery • Foundation • Advanced • Consulting Services • • • Cloud and SaaS Hosted Services and Solutions On Premise Technology • • Revenue Cycle © 2013 NetsmartManagement Technologies Assessment and Readiness Services • • • • • • • • ClaimsConnect Community MSO ClaimsConnect HealthHome MSO ACO HealthHome IDD ACO VRS IDD ProviderConnect VRS ProviderConnect ® CarePathwaysTM • • • • Benchmarking Enlighten Assessments Clinical Tools DATA Endless Cycle How can I find everyone with a diagnosis of schizophrenia? USE ndw3nfdb; SELECT DISTINCT c.SourceClient_ID FROM dbo.Client c INNER JOIN dbo.ClientDiagnosis cd ON c.Client_ID = cd.Client_ID INNER JOIN dbo.DiagnosisType dt ON cd.DIAG_Type_ID = dt.DIAG_Type_ID AND UPPER(dt.DIAG_DESC) LIKE '%SCHIZOPHRENIA%' ORDER BY 1; How can I find everyone with a diagnosis of schizophrenia? USE ndw3nfdb; SELECT DISTINCT c.SourceClient_ID , mt.MED_Type FROM dbo.Client c INNER JOIN dbo.ClientDiagnosis cd ON c.Client_ID = cd.Client_ID AND (cd.EndDate IS NULL OR cd.EndDate <= GETDATE()) INNER JOIN dbo.DiagnosisType dt ON cd.DIAG_Type_ID = dt.DIAG_Type_ID AND UPPER(dt.DIAG_DESC) LIKE '%SCHIZOPHRENIA%' INNER JOIN dbo.Service s ON s.Client_ID = c.Client_ID AND s.ServiceDate >= DATEADD(d, -30, GETDATE()) INNER JOIN dbo.ServiceStatus ss ON ss.ServiceStatus_ID = s.ServiceStatus_ID AND ss.ServiceStatus = 'KEPT' LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ClientMedication cm ON c.Client_ID = cm.Client_ID AND (cm.EndDate IS NULL OR cm.EndDate < GETDATE()) LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.MedicationType mt ON mt.MED_Type_ID = cm.MED_Type_ID ORDER BY 1, 2; How can I find everyone with a diagnosis of schizophrenia? USE ndw3nfdb; SELECT DISTINCT c.SourceClient_ID , mt.MED_Type , (SELECT TOP 1 l.LOC_Name FROM dbo.Service s INNER JOIN dbo.ServiceStatus ss ON s.ServiceStatus_ID = ss.ServiceStatus_ID AND ss.ServiceStatus = 'KEPT' INNER JOIN dbo.Location l ON l.LOC_ID = s.LOC_ID WHERE s.Client_ID = c.Client_ID ORDER BY s.ServiceDate DESC) AS LOC_Name FROM dbo.Client c INNER JOIN dbo.ClientDiagnosis cd ON c.Client_ID = cd.Client_ID AND (cd.EndDate IS NULL OR cd.EndDate <= GETDATE()) INNER JOIN dbo.DiagnosisType dt ON cd.DIAG_Type_ID = dt.DIAG_Type_ID AND UPPER(dt.DIAG_DESC) LIKE '%SCHIZOPHRENIA%' INNER JOIN dbo.Service s ON s.Client_ID = c.Client_ID AND s.ServiceDate >= DATEADD(d, -30, GETDATE()) INNER JOIN dbo.ServiceStatus ss ON ss.ServiceStatus_ID = s.ServiceStatus_ID AND ss.ServiceStatus = 'KEPT' LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.ClientMedication cm ON c.Client_ID = cm.Client_ID AND (cm.EndDate IS NULL OR cm.EndDate < GETDATE()) LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.MedicationType mt ON mt.MED_Type_ID = cm.MED_Type_ID ORDER BY 1, 2; 1. What is benchmarking and data analytics 2. Answer the key question – why is benchmarking and analytics important 3. Discuss the opportunity for transformational change within your organization 4. Provide a brief contextual demonstration of benchmarking and data analytics 5. Challenge you to think differently WHAT IS BENCHMARKING & DATA ANALYTICS? Benchmarking and Data Analytics • Both benchmarking and data analytics will be important in this era of Accountable Care • What is the difference between benchmarking and data analytics? – Benchmarking – Descriptive Data Analytics – Predictive Data Analytics Benchmarking • Involves comparisons among organizations and/or individuals • The focus is on the differences BETWEEN organizations and/or individuals Benchmarking Descriptive Data Analytics • Drilling down into one’s own organizational data • Better understand performance • Discover subtle trends • Conduct “what-if” scenarios • The focus is typically WITHIN an organization Predictive Data Analytics • “Big Data” • Complex algorithms that drive real world evidence to the user at the point of action • Can be clinical, operational or financial predictive information Data Information Knowledge Wisdom How Benchmarking and Analytics Work Together Benchmarking How do we compare regionally & nationally? ID AREAS OF FOCUS AND/OR IMPROVEMENT Data Analytics What is the cause of performance clinically, operationally & financially? DRILL DOWN INTO AREAS OF FOCUS AND/OR IMPROVEMENT ORGANIZATIONALLY Why Benchmarking & Data Analytics are critical to your organization’s success… Where do we go from here? • Envision where you need to go (make a plan) Harness the Power of Data to Drive Performance • User-defined KPI Dashboards – – – – – Organization-wide access Views/KPIs specific to the user Real-time assessment of progress Raise awareness of the need for corrections Empower staff to take action CareGuidance Alerts Creating Knowledge Flow Netsmart Clinical Model Internal Data Source (PBE) External Data Source (EBT) Golden Pre-Intake Intake Thread Service Plan ProgNotes Outcomes Mobile/Telemedicine Consumer Input Portals/PHRs Social Networking Create & Edit Problem List Link Problem Set & Treatment Plan Integrate EBT Content into Treatment Plan State of the Art… Every treatment we know of only answers the question: What works best for most? We want to answer the question What works best for this client? Dashboard •Alerts •Missed Medication Refills •Missed Appointments •Arrests Important points to ensure success • Cross-organizational buy-in is key! – Shared ID of key metrics – Staff understand and desire change/improvement – Staff understand unique ability to contribute to progress • Ensure the quality of the metrics – Value-based for all staff – Valid & reliable measures – Data integrity checks & trainings Important points to ensure success • Benchmark & Analyze – – – – Know how you compare Drill down Apply best practices Meaningful reports • Educate & Integrate – – – – Engage end users Create a data-driven culture Feedback in real-time Integrate data with workflow (e.g., problem list, treatment plan, clinical decision support) Important points to ensure success • Don’t Merely Survive, Thrive & Make a Difference – Illustrate your organization’s value to your community – Improve Clients’ quality of life – Create wisdom: Use your data to define practice-based evidence – Inform payors – Educate policy makers BIG The Question Is your organization ready for the rate of change in healthcare? Does your organization have access to the RIGHT INFORMATION? Are you in the jet? …or on the runway? Paul M. Duck [email protected] (813) 305-3200 Melanie Wilson, PhD [email protected] (913) 696-2140 or
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