M Mexiican n Dru ug Ca artell Inve estig gatio ons March 26-27, 20 015 Trainin ng Locatiion New England HID DTA 13 Branch Street Su uite #9 844 Methuen, MA 018 TOPICS COVEREED Strructure of Me exican Drug Cartels C Me exican Drug Cartels’ C Connection to Am merican Stree et Gangs & Lo ocal Drug De ealers Un nderstanding the “Drug Tra afficking Pyyramid” Ide entification Lo ocal Smugglin ng Routes Co oncealment Methods M Co ounter-surveillance Te echniques Cu ultivating High h-level Informants Te echniques to Infiltrate the Cartels C Pra actical Wireta ap Investigatio ons to Dissmantle Carte el Distribution n Cells Ag ggressive Tac ctics to Comba at the Vio olence Ca ase studies off classic “Carttel Hits” in Am merica “Sa anctioned Hitts” on Patrol Officers O Courrse Oveerview w Mexican n Drug Traffficking Organ nizations are e impacting communities in nearly every e city in the United States. This problem can n no longer be viewed as a “Borde er Issue.” The majority o of the drugs distributed and a consume ed in the U U.S. originate e in Mexico. The Cartel leaders ha ave strategic cally formed rrelationships with America an Street gan ngs to flood the t streets with w illicit drug gs. The smu uggling route es utilized by the Cartels do not stop once the dru ugs make it across the U U.S./Mexican Border. Thatt is simply the first step. Itt is importan nt for local llaw enforcem ment officers to understa and the precise smugglin ng routes of drugs entering their citie es; however, it is paramount that offic cers learn to identify the m methods used by the carttels to distribu ute drugs in their commu nities. In an efffort to aggressively target drug traffickking organiza ations, local law enforcem ment officerss need to ga ain a better understandiing of the trrue structure e and operati onal compon nents of the C Cartels and ho ow the Mexic can Drug Wa ar impacts loccal cities in th he U.S. on a d daily basis. The viollence perpetrrated by the Cartels has reached an unprecedentted level in the United States. Kidna appings, hom me invasions, murders, and a attacks on local la aw enforcement officers are occurring on a da aily basis. Aggressive A tacctics will be p presented to h help to comba at this violenc ce. This cou urse does no ot focus on sttatistical data a or other infformation eas sily obtained d through on nline searche es regarding Mexican Dru ug Cartels. The T informattion presente ed is based o on the instru uctor’s unique e experience in conductiing long-term m undercove er operations, wiretap intercepts, and a debriefin ngs of suspeccts directly lin ked to various Mexican Drrug Cartels. This tra aining course e will teach local law en nforcement o officers how to identify, target, inffiltrate, and prosecute Mexican Drug Trafficking Organiza ations operatting in their cities. All police officerss, regardless of assignm ment, will bene efit from this training. Gaining a true u understanding g of the “Dru ug Trafficking g Pyramid” wiill lead to mo ore arrests ass well as larg ger seizures s of drugs, currrency, and a assets. Tuitio on $189 pe er Officer $165 Discount D app plies if 5 or m more registe er at once For registration infformation viisit our website at: ww ww.plettrainin ng.com m
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