mosaix mosaix SLIVERS SLIVERS suggested applications Suggested applications and usage vary depending on products lines See Tech Info at for more information key usage & installation notes See Tech Info at for more information “Greener Ever y Day” We hand craft our tile in the California Wine Country. From the moment we remove the clay from the earth to the time it is installed as beautiful, sustainable tile – our practices respect the planet, our hometown, our employees and our clients. We are committed to eliminating waste from our production process, utilizing clean energy practices and protecting the environment. Our clay is consciously excavated in the USA – we utilize every bit of it. We produce over 150 colors and finishes comprised of natural minerals. Our glazes are 100% lead-free and non-toxic We have over 180 solar panels on the roof of our factory building. We are the largest solar energy manufacturer in our hometown of Windsor, CA We continually invest in state-of-the-art machinery to maximize energy efficiency We utilize a sophisticated dust collection system throughout our factories for healthier air Our shipping boxes are compliant with the Sustainable Forestry Initiative. They are made with a minimum of 70% post and pre-consumer recycled materials and are printed with soy-based inks We recycle all paper, plastic, cardboard, styrofoam boxes and wooden pallets in every department produc t information HANDCRAFTED CHARACTERISTICS Variation in shade, texture, color and size are inherent characteristics of handcrafted tile, and it is what defines the beauty of these tiles. Domaine Metals are a “living metal” and, as such, oxidation will occur over time. All Sonoma Stones have natural variation in color and movement. No two pieces are exactly alike. As such, the tiles finally purchased will vary from both the catalog illustrations and samples. Once properly installed, the beauty of this handcrafted tile is enhanced by such variation. See Tech Info at for more information on application and installation guidelines. INSPECTION AND INSTALLATION Always inspect your tiles before they are installed, as installation of material constitutes acceptance. Any questions as to acceptability must be resolved before installation. We are in no way responsible for the installation of our tiles or thereafter. The responsibility for correct installation rests with the end user. CO V E R P H OTO : F R E E S TO N E B L E N D © 2014 Market Collection. All rights reserved. color palette mosaix Taffeta NOW : Stocked product. Delivery times will vary depending on location. NOW Sandalwood NOW SLIVERS 2 PAT T E R N S available SOLID SHEETS CUSTOM BLENDS in AND S O LO DUO Mohair NOW DUO S O LO Marrone NOW slivers will interlock as full sheets or borders DUO S O LO Seagrass S O LO NOW Kona NOW DUO S O LO NOW NOW DUO S O LO Caviar NOW MARKE T COLLEC TION MARKE T COLLEC TION Scarlet NOW Cayenne DUO S O LO DUO solo sheet size: 11 3/4” x 12 1/4”. solo border strip size: 3” x 12 1/4”.* duo sheet size: 11 1/4” x 12 1/4”. duo border strip size: 3 3/4” x 12 1/4”.* sold by the sheet only. *all sizes nominal finished end pieces available S O LO | 2 SLIVERS Lanai DUO S O LO DUO S O LO P H OTO : M A R T I N I Q U E , S L I V E R S I N S O LO - L A N A I DUO S O LO Var iat io n in size, co lo r, an d sh ad e to b e ex p e c te d. DUO 3| SLIVERS color palette mosaix Taffeta NOW : Stocked product. Delivery times will vary depending on location. NOW Sandalwood NOW SLIVERS 2 PAT T E R N S available SOLID SHEETS CUSTOM BLENDS in AND S O LO DUO Mohair NOW DUO S O LO Marrone NOW slivers will interlock as full sheets or borders DUO S O LO Seagrass S O LO NOW Kona NOW DUO S O LO NOW NOW DUO S O LO Caviar NOW MARKE T COLLEC TION MARKE T COLLEC TION Scarlet NOW Cayenne DUO S O LO DUO solo sheet size: 11 3/4” x 12 1/4”. solo border strip size: 3” x 12 1/4”.* duo sheet size: 11 1/4” x 12 1/4”. duo border strip size: 3 3/4” x 12 1/4”.* sold by the sheet only. *all sizes nominal finished end pieces available S O LO | 2 SLIVERS Lanai DUO S O LO DUO S O LO P H OTO : M A R T I N I Q U E , S L I V E R S I N S O LO - L A N A I DUO S O LO Var iat io n in size, co lo r, an d sh ad e to b e ex p e c te d. DUO 3| SLIVERS mosaix SLIVERS luxe a ll colors ava il a b le in b o t h so lo a n d d u o p at te r n s. Sea Salt | S O LO Saffron | DUO Cohiba | DUO domaine metals MARKE T COLLEC TION Jominy | |4 SLIVERS Alloy | DUO Aloe | S O LO Savoy | DUO Spa | S O LO Lapis | DUO a ll co lo rs ava ila b le i n bo th s o l o a n d d u o patte r n s. Brittania | DUO Mandrel | DUO DUO v a r ia tio n in color, shad e and tone to be expected . s o l o s h eet s ize: 11 3 /4” x 12 1 /4”. solo bord er stri p si z e: 3” x 12 1 /4”.* duo s h eet s ize: 11 1 /4” x 12 1 /4”. d uo bord er stri p si z e: 3 3 /4” x 12 1 /4”.* * all si z es nomi nal P H OTO : S L I V E R S I N S O LO - S E A G R A S S mosaix SLIVERS luxe a ll colors ava il a b le in b o t h so lo a n d d u o p at te r n s. Sea Salt | S O LO Saffron | DUO Cohiba | DUO domaine metals MARKE T COLLEC TION Jominy | |4 SLIVERS Alloy | DUO Aloe | S O LO Savoy | DUO Spa | S O LO Lapis | DUO a ll co lo rs ava ila b le i n bo th s o l o a n d d u o patte r n s. Brittania | DUO Mandrel | DUO DUO v a r ia tio n in color, shad e and tone to be expected . s o l o s h eet s ize: 11 3 /4” x 12 1 /4”. solo bord er stri p si z e: 3” x 12 1 /4”.* duo s h eet s ize: 11 1 /4” x 12 1 /4”. d uo bord er stri p si z e: 3 3 /4” x 12 1 /4”.* * all si z es nomi nal P H OTO : S L I V E R S I N S O LO - S E A G R A S S mosaix SLIVERS sonoma stone al l col ors ava ila ble in bo t h so lo a n d d u o p at ter n s. Cashmere | Piana | S O LO S O LO Mar tinique | Veccio | S O LO S O LO Olive Green | Chaumont | S O LO S O LO Tessuto | Tanzu | Gray Flannel | DUO M ica | DUO DUO Teak wood | DUO Chatham | S O LO B L E N D DUO signature blends Jute | S O LO Cavalli | S O LO Luna | S O LO MARKE T COLLEC TION Montelena | |6 SLIVERS La Casa | S O LO Nubuck | S O LO Alpaca | v a r ia tio n in color, shad e and tone to be expected . s o l o s h eet s ize: 11 3 /4” x 12 1 /4”. solo bord er stri p si z e: 3” x 12 1 /4”.* duo s h eet s ize: 11 1 /4” x 12 1 /4”. d uo bord er stri p si z e: 3 3 /4” x 12 1 /4”.* * all si z es nomi nal S O LO Havana | S O LO B L E N D S O LO B L E N D Freestone | Barlow | S O LO B L E N D DUO BLEND Sanc tuar y | v ar iat io n in c o lo r , sh ad e an d t o n e t o b e e x p e c t e d . so lo sh e e t siz e : 1 1 3 / 4 ” x 1 2 1 / 4 ” . so lo b o r d e r st r ip siz e : 3 ” x 1 2 1 / 4 ” .* d u o sh e e t siz e : 1 1 1 / 4 ” x 1 2 1 / 4 ” . d u o b o r d e r st r ip siz e : 3 3 / 4 ” x 1 2 1 / 4 ” .* * all siz e s n o m in al DUO BLEND mosaix SLIVERS sonoma stone al l col ors ava ila ble in bo t h so lo a n d d u o p at ter n s. Cashmere | Piana | S O LO S O LO Mar tinique | Veccio | S O LO S O LO Olive Green | Chaumont | S O LO S O LO Tessuto | Tanzu | Gray Flannel | DUO M ica | DUO DUO Teak wood | DUO Chatham | S O LO B L E N D DUO signature blends Jute | S O LO Cavalli | S O LO Luna | S O LO MARKE T COLLEC TION Montelena | |6 SLIVERS La Casa | S O LO Nubuck | S O LO Alpaca | v a r ia tio n in color, shad e and tone to be expected . s o l o s h eet s ize: 11 3 /4” x 12 1 /4”. solo bord er stri p si z e: 3” x 12 1 /4”.* duo s h eet s ize: 11 1 /4” x 12 1 /4”. d uo bord er stri p si z e: 3 3 /4” x 12 1 /4”.* * all si z es nomi nal S O LO Havana | S O LO B L E N D S O LO B L E N D Freestone | Barlow | S O LO B L E N D DUO BLEND Sanc tuar y | v ar iat io n in c o lo r , sh ad e an d t o n e t o b e e x p e c t e d . so lo sh e e t siz e : 1 1 3 / 4 ” x 1 2 1 / 4 ” . so lo b o r d e r st r ip siz e : 3 ” x 1 2 1 / 4 ” .* d u o sh e e t siz e : 1 1 1 / 4 ” x 1 2 1 / 4 ” . d u o b o r d e r st r ip siz e : 3 3 / 4 ” x 1 2 1 / 4 ” .* * all siz e s n o m in al DUO BLEND mosaix mosaix SLIVERS SLIVERS suggested applications Suggested applications and usage vary depending on products lines See Tech Info at for more information key usage & installation notes See Tech Info at for more information “Greener Ever y Day” We hand craft our tile in the California Wine Country. From the moment we remove the clay from the earth to the time it is installed as beautiful, sustainable tile – our practices respect the planet, our hometown, our employees and our clients. We are committed to eliminating waste from our production process, utilizing clean energy practices and protecting the environment. Our clay is consciously excavated in the USA – we utilize every bit of it. We produce over 150 colors and finishes comprised of natural minerals. Our glazes are 100% lead-free and non-toxic We have over 180 solar panels on the roof of our factory building. We are the largest solar energy manufacturer in our hometown of Windsor, CA We continually invest in state-of-the-art machinery to maximize energy efficiency We utilize a sophisticated dust collection system throughout our factories for healthier air Our shipping boxes are compliant with the Sustainable Forestry Initiative. They are made with a minimum of 70% post and pre-consumer recycled materials and are printed with soy-based inks We recycle all paper, plastic, cardboard, styrofoam boxes and wooden pallets in every department produc t information HANDCRAFTED CHARACTERISTICS Variation in shade, texture, color and size are inherent characteristics of handcrafted tile, and it is what defines the beauty of these tiles. Domaine Metals are a “living metal” and, as such, oxidation will occur over time. All Sonoma Stones have natural variation in color and movement. No two pieces are exactly alike. As such, the tiles finally purchased will vary from both the catalog illustrations and samples. Once properly installed, the beauty of this handcrafted tile is enhanced by such variation. See Tech Info at for more information on application and installation guidelines. INSPECTION AND INSTALLATION Always inspect your tiles before they are installed, as installation of material constitutes acceptance. Any questions as to acceptability must be resolved before installation. We are in no way responsible for the installation of our tiles or thereafter. The responsibility for correct installation rests with the end user. CO V E R P H OTO : F R E E S TO N E B L E N D © 2014 Market Collection. All rights reserved.
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